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单词拼写专题南通市期中全真模拟考试第二节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子所给汉语意思,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(将单词写在答案页本题的横线上)71._ (授予) the first prize in the competition, he felt happy and satisfied.72.New Year _(庆祝) in Scotland go on for three days.73. The most _(有活力的) and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.74. It was _ (明显的) that we will win the battle at last.75. _(好奇) drove WangPeng inside.76. We each should have a _(均衡的) diet.77. Reading aloud in the morning is of great _(利益、好处).78. Working women have to _(结合) their work and family together better.79. Children wandered around even at this time of night,in and out of the many shops,playing and _ (scream)80. You cant enter the room without a _(许可证).71. Awarded 72. celebrations 73. energetic 74. obvious 75. Curiosity 76. balanced77. benefit 78. combine 79. screaming 80. permit启东市2019-2020学年高二下学期阶段调研测试第四部分 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分)66.The president is_(敏锐)conscious of the need for more doctors and nurses to save the infected people.67.Rubbish pictures may sound_(恶心)to some,but it is really quite clean and great fun.68.Everybody told me the food served in the new restaurant was delicious.Actually it was a big _(失望)。69.Many of the decorations are made from a_(芳香的)type of wood native to China.70.After leaving school,people do not often read classical novels,_(联想)them with hard work rather than pleasure.71.Those who cant answer all three riddles will be c_to death.72.There is a growing t_among people to drink too much coffee at work,which makesthem very nervous.73.We made no r_on the kinds of films we show-as long as a films quality meets our standards.74.Toronto,the largest city in Canada,r_among the most multicultural cities in the world.75.They e_themselves with a pair of sharp axes and set off for the forest.四、单词拼写66. acutely 67. disgusting 68. disappointment 69. fragrant 70. associating71. condemned 72. tendency/trend 73. restrictions 74. ranks 75. equipped 东海县期中考试第四部分:选词填空(共10题;每题1分,满分10分)选择适当的词或短语并用其正确形式填。wind up undertake acknowledge drop off subscribe to arise from provecorrespond to split up put through 56.This year I plan to_more magazines and novels for reading. 57.Youd better drive your car in such a windy day with the windows_58.Her point that they should take the first step_to be right finally.59.The deaths abroad_the COVID-19 have increased in the past two months.60.Many firefighters_responsibility to put out the fire in Xichang,nineteen of whom lost their lives.61.He is looking for a part-time job to_school.62.The price of oil_last month,contributing to more people buying new cars.63.It has been universally_that the whole world is a stage,and all the people are players.64.I dont think what he says_what he does.65.We walked together for a while and then_to go home.第四部分:选词填空(每题1分,满分10分)56. subscribe to 57. wound up 58. proved 59. arising from 60. undertook61. put through 62. dropped off 63. acknowledged 64. corresponds to 65. split up 淮阴中学4月阶段考试根据句子的意思及首字母或中文提示,写出相应的英语单词。86.Its u_that such a small girl should have so much knowledge about computer. 87.Well have to p_the meeting until next week. 88.We were s_up into several groups to hold discussions. 89.Emotional and mental problems a_from a physical cause deserve our attention. 90.Questions of this kind v_my privacy and I am not willing to answer them.91.We cannot_(声称)to have made success in fighting against the virus before it disappears in all countries. 92.Through 1-day search,rescuers a_all hope of finding any more survivors.93.Smokers are likely to become a_to nicotine,and they may find it difficult to give up smoking.94.Customers prefer buying superior quality products at a r_price.95.That a child could read at the age of one would indeed be a strange _(现象)。 96.Most people s_to the view that Chinese medicine plays a vital part in combating against COVID-19. 97.You have the_(潜力)to become a champion. 98.I only found out his information v_(通过)his brother. 99.She always keeps a dictionary at hand for easy r_.100. When giving a description,you should be s_ and give a lot of details,so that your meaning will be clear.锡山高级中学第二学期阶段测试第六部分:单词拼写(满分20分)1. We strongly o_ your going to America at this time of epidemic. It is not a wise decision.2. It is a truth universally a_ that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.3. We cannot guarantee the _(准时的) arrival of trains in foggy weather.4. Moon Jae-in was elected President of South Korea but I am _(怀疑的) about his ability to change the chaotic situation.5. As is known to us all, rain and snow are _(现象) of the weather.6. His company has received hundreds of _(申请) letters for the job.7. The medicine is very e_ and you will soon recover from your illness if you take it as the doctor instructs.8. Traffic rules apply to drivers, cyclists and _(行人) equally.9. In fact, Charles Darwins theory of e_ says that monkeys and humans share a common ancestor.10. Her parents made _(牺牲) so that she could have a good education.11. The weather is a_ these days, sometimes extremely hot and sometimes very cold.12. Sunshine, fresh air, and rest often _(加快) a persons recovery from sickness.13. In America, the voters fall into three _(类别,种类) : Republics, Democrats and “Dont knows”.14. The products I bought from your company are poor in quality. I want a s_ answer to whether I can return my purchase.15. Colorful flags were placed along the road at i_ of about 100m.16. The s_ show that one fifths of the population like to travel abroad in their spare time.17. The written record of this conversation does not c_ to what was actually said.18. You need to call the restaurant and make a r_ in advance because their cuisines are very popular and there are always people waiting.19. In societies with strong family b_, people are likely to live happily.20. The remote desert area is _(可到达) only by helicopter.21. 单词拼写:oppose acknowledged punctual sceptical phenomena application effective pedestrians evolution sacrifices abnormal accelerate categories specific intervals satisfies correspond reservation bonds accessible常熟中学4月质量检测第一部分:单词拼写(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)66.They have some difficulty in explaining all these social (现象).67.Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional c .68. The professor (反对)carrying out the project made a comment on the project.69.Even with enough space and good equipment, a school is not ensured to be a good one unless there areexperienced headmasters and qteachers.70.The Oxford English Dictionary has included words like LOL(laugh out loud) and OMG((oh my God)) as its entries, which is a proof that the English language is alive, vibrant and constantly (进化,演变).71.Remember we were talking about beat, which is the regular pulse, the pulse of life, the pulse of music, that comes at regular i .72.World Poetry Day is held by the United Nations on March 21 each year. One of the main goals of the day, according to the UN, is to support linguistic (语言的) (多样性)through poetic expression.73.When bumping into close male friends in the street, people often use bro, Dude, Mate or man to greet them. However, when referring to women, it is best to use their names, or if you dont know their names, athey as miss” or maam”.74.After reading this book Pride and Prejudice, I know the reason why the sister of Mr. Bingley is strongly against his plan of marrying Jane is that the Bennet family doesnt have many (财产)and their social positions are much lower than theirs.75.The revolution of language has become so great because of the Internet which is ato nearlyeveryone now.76.Before leaving, he wanted to know information about arrivals and (离开)of the flights.77.Under no cshould we do anything that will benefit ourselves, but at the same time harm the interests of others.78. She accused the press photographers of (侵犯) her privacy.79.Swimming helps to get the blood cthrough the muscles.80.The process of the festival is so (复杂)that it is almost impossible to remember.填写单词:66. phenomena 67. competence68. opposing69. Qualified 70.evolving 71. intervals 72. diversity 73.address 74. possessions 75. accessible/available76. departures77.circumstances 78. violating79. circulating80. complex/complicated常熟中学5月质量检测第一部分:单词拼写(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)66.This years Spring Festival Gala was a fine performance that_(博得)attention from first to last.67.Alcohol and tobacco are both highly_(上瘾)substances.68._(分发)to the students at home,the textbooks enabled them to study more efficiently.69.Chinas efforts to give timely treatment to those infected with the virus are being_(赞许)by the rest of the world.70.Regular exercise along with proper diets b_our health in the long term.71.Bats live in caves,where they can p_spread the virus far and wide.72.Fever,coughing,sore throat.most of us at one time or another have had these s73.Virus_from pieces of DNA or RNA that escaped from larger organisms.74.Back home,the Blacks emailed Mr.Zhang to a_his warm reception during their stay in Hong Kong.75.Life is like a_(弯曲的)path surrounded by flowers,butterflies and delicious fruits.76.Could you be mores_about your instructions on how to operate the machine?77.The importance of being_(守时)in our daily lives is obvious.78.Rumors were already beginning to_(传播)that the project might have to be abandoned due to financial problems.79.We warmly celebrate the 70th a_of the founding of the Communist Party of China.80.In p_,there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do six day.南菁高中周测一第五部分单词拼写(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)71. He was so d_ for a job that he could have done anything at the bosss disposal. 72. You shouldnt have been so rude. Try to be c_ to him; he meant no harm.73. This film is an a_ from one of Dickens well-known novels.74. Compared to his greedy mother, his _(慷慨) has won him many friends.75. Sunny, hot days are the c_ weather of the summer months.76. It is generally believed that Shakespeare and Milton are masters of English p_.77. _(捆扎) the ends of the cord together with thread.78. Imagine thejoyful scene when they were _(团聚) with their lost daughter.79. Miss Green often said “God helps those who help themselves”, _(打算) to impress on us the significance of being independent.80. Not only have we overcome them all, Buffet pointed out, but our standard of living has increased d_- nearly sevenfold in the last century.81. 第五部分单词拼写(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)82. 71. desperate 72. civil 73. adaptation 74. generosity 75. characteristic83. 76. poetry 77. Bind 78. reunited 79. intending 80. dramatically南菁高中周测二第五部分单词拼写(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)84. The book On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin explains the e_ of plant and animal life on earth.85. One obvious _(症状) of the disease is progressive loss of memory.86. She still c_ with American friends she met nine years ago.87. One of the side effects may be to change the geographical _(分布) of parasitic diseases such as malaria.88. The USA is a country with people from d_ backgrounds.89. There are obvious d_ between the two wine-making areas.90. Many people like red colour _(传递) a sense of energy and strength.91. These crops are safe; theyre r_ to drought and disease, and they hold the promise of producing more food for people.92. Cancer is a deadly disease and it brings a sense of fear, anxiety and _(绝望).93. We c_ the bomb attack against civilians in the southeast of Iran and express condolences to the bereaved families.第五部分 单词拼写(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)71. evolution 72. symptom 73. corresponds 74. distribution 75. diverse 76. distinctions 77. conveying 78. resistant 79. desperation 80. condemn苏州市陆慕高级中学4月质量检测第二节:单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)71.Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional c .72. Even with enough space and good equipment, a school is not ensured to be a good one unless there are experienced headmasters and q_ teachers.73. Remember we were talking about beat, which is the regular pulse, the pulse of life, the pulse of music, that comes at regular i .74. The revolution of language has become so great because of the Internet which is a_to nearly everyone now.75. Under no cshould we do anything that will benefit ourselves, but at the same time harm the interests of others.76. The professor _(反对)carrying out the project made a comment on the project.77. World Poetry Day is held by the United Nations on March 21 each year. One of the main goals of the day, according to the UN, is to support linguistic (语言的)_ (多样性)through poetic expression.78. Before leaving, he wanted to know information about arrivals and _ (离开)of the flights.79. She accused the press photographers of _ (侵犯) her privacy.80. The process of the festival is so _ (复杂)that it is almost impossible to remember.第二节:单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)7. competence 72. qualified 73. intervals 74. accessible/available 75. circumstances 76. opposing 77. diversity 78. departures 79. violating 80. complex/complicated


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