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Project Title:Improving Students Reading Ability by Training MajorReading Skills in While-Reading ActivitiesInvestigator: Yang PengzhenSubmitted on April ,2nd, 2009In fulfillment of the coursePractical Project DesignAcknowledgementsI am mostly grateful to Professor Guide and Miss Wang, without whose support and patience this projiect would not be implemented.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper. Last but not the least, big thanks to my colleagues and classmates for their time spent on brainstorm as well as their support and help.AbstractThis study presents a detailed report of the project implemented to solve the problem that my students cant make great progress in their reading ability.It is hypothesized that if a more effective method is used in reading teaching,the students will be sure to make great progress in reading.Among the methods of scientific investigation used are the analytic method,Socratic dialogue,cause anlysis and questionnaire.Main Headings of the project Report1.Introduction2.Problem3.Problem analysis4.Project objective5.Project hypothesis6.Project nationale7.Project design8.Control and target group9.Project implementation10.Data analysis11.Project evaluation12.ConclusionReferences:Appendix:A.The timetable of the projectB.The methods of problemC.Teaching planD.Students name list1. IntroductionAs is known to all the language learners, reading is important and it is one of the most important in-put way.But many students cant do well in reading.it is a common problem. In my class ,20% of them say they have no interest in English reading and 50% of them say they dont know how to read. Whats worse, a few say they dont know the main idea of the reading materials. Therefore,it is necessary to do some research to help students to improve their reading. So I will apply the theory and the knowledge that I have learned in Help Yourself to Adanced English into practice . I also hope I can solve the problem that have troubled me .2. ProblemThe problem I have in my teaching is that some students lack the effective reading methods. Although they spent plenty of time on reading,they cant make any progress in their English reading yet . As a result, they cant get a high score in the examination.3.Problem anlysisI used several methods of problem anlysis to analyze the problem. They are the analytic method,Socratic dialogue,cause anlysis and questionnaire.Through the problem anlysis,I came to know that it is my ineffective mehods in teaching reading that limits my students to make progress.I have made up my mind to solve the problem.( to see Appendix B )4.Project objective:To improve the students readind ability.5.Project hypothesis:It is hypothesized that if a more effective method is used in writing teaching, the students reading ability will be sure to improve.6. Project rationale:1) What is reading?Reading is an active process and is meaning-focused. Among the four language skills( listening, reading ,speaking and writing ),reading migt be the most familiar to our Chinese learners of English。In a way,we learn English mainly through reading。Reading is not just the ability to recognise words, but the reader also needs to make sense of what he sense. Also reading is anactive process, during which the reader tries to understand the meaning of a given text.2) Main reading strategies:They are skimming, scanning,inferring and recognising rhetorical structures. The interactive way of reading has come to be accepted by more and more people. It makes use of background knowledge, context, and expectations. At the same time, it also incoporates recognising letters and words rapidly and picking out important words and phrases , picking out details which give the key to the general meaning . it is a comprehensive approach and reflects the real nature of the reading process.3) The three stages of teaching reading:Pre-reading stages ,While-reading stages and Post- reading stages. How can we improve our way of reading ? one way is to teach reading in three stages: pre- reading stage, while- reading stage, and post- reading stage. Each stage has a different goal and deals with different reading strategies. The overall aim is to train yhe students to be efficient readers in yhe foreign language.7. Project designI designed various activities to test the hypothesis. I expect to improve students reading ability through my project and that they can read effectively and broaden their knowledge. Thus I designed four activities to realise my goal. Firstly,different materails use different reading methods; Secondly, I taught students the main reading skills; Thirdly, teach them how to deal with the three reading stages. Last, I hold a reading test in the target and control class and give some prize to the fast students.The three activities will be carried out in four weeks.Week 1:Activity 1 Time: April 4 Period three Lesson 1 This activity is based as in senior English for China, Book 1B unit 15, reading . “Why do we need to read?”Discussion: Let students talk about why do we need to read in our daily life, to different reading materials, how to deal with them.Purpose : To make students form right thoughts about readingInstructions : Teacher gives students some different reading materials and ask the following questions:1. What do we ofen read in our life,list at least five kinds of reading materials,what are the materials about?2. Why do we need to read in our daily life?3. How do you usually read these materials? Do you think they are reasonable?Teaching method:discuss in groupsProcedure:Give students some newspaper ,books magazines and postcard to read. After they finished,ask them what they read just now? What are their purposes of reading? How can they achieve their aims?. Then guide the students to discuss。Materials: to see the Appendix.Week 2 Activity 2Time: April 11 Period three Lesson 1 This activity is based as in senior English for China, Book 1B unit 18, reading . “Do you know how to read?”Purpose : let students master the main reading strategies,such as scanning, skimming, infeering and recognising Rhetorical structures .Instructions : Give students some given questions to ask students to finsh by using the main reading strategies.eaching method:brainstorm Procedure:The teacher ask students the following questions:1. What are the topic sentences of each paragraph?2. What is the capital city of Autralia ?3. What is the location of Australia?4. How about the climate of the Auatralia?For students : It is unnecesssary to read the context one afer one paragraph .using the main reading skills to finish the tasks only needs a little time.Materials:to see the Appendix.Activity 3Time: April 15 Period three Lesson 1 This activity is based as in senior English for China, Book 1B unit 18, reading . “think during reading”Purpose: To improve the students reading ability by teaching them the three stages of reading. During reading ,a wise reader is good at thinking.Instructions:In pre-reading part students should make some guess about the reading materials; In while-reading part students should pay their attention on the main idea and some detailed information; In post-reading part students should understand whay information is useful to them and cosider how to apply the knowledge into the reality.Materials:to see the Appendix.Time: April 15Activity 4Time: April 25 Period three Lesson 4 This activity is based as in senior English for China, Book 1B unit20, reading . “laughing matters”Purpose: To improve the students reading ability by holding a reading test in the target and control class and give some prize to the fast students.Instructions: Give students two minutes to kook through the passage and ask the the question “ How many amusing arts are mentioned in the passage and what are they?” Ask them to read the passage again and find out what techniques were used to make people laugh. Check and share the idea with all the students. Ask them tead the passage the third time and do the “ true and false ” questions. Make a summary of the reading.Materials:to see the Appendix.Time: April 258. Control and target group : In order to gurantee that most of the students would be highly involved into the reading . I decided to make up groups. Through the investigations, I found there were two main problems for them to do reading tasks by themselves, especially at home,becuase some ones english is too poor to finish the exercise. So I dive the groups as follow: Class 7 is the cotrol groups and Class 8 is the target group.In my class three were 63 students, so I divided them into 9 groups. When I did the work, I followed three principles:1. Members of each group lived in the same area.2. Each group was composed of the students of different English leveles so that good students could help those who had lagged behind.3. Each group was made up of the students of different personnalities in order to exert the specialties of every student and make up for each others deficiencies.The implementation of the project takes three weeks.In each week both group are required to do some reading work.However for the target group,the above suggested techniques will be employed,while everything remains the same with the control group . After that,both groups are asked to do the reading tasks again and I then compare the students performance.The results obtainded from the comprasion should show whether the students in the target group do better than the control group.This will show whether the students reading ability can be improved after my program.9. Project implementationIt took three weeks for me to implement my project.For each week I am scheduled to do these:Teaching notes:to see Appendix Students handouts:to see AppendixDiary-keeping:Students responses and my own obsevation. to see AppendixI want to know if the hypothesis has been proved by the there week use of the reading methods with the target group.That is,if my studentsreading ability improved or not.I have three sources of data that help me to find it out.All the details of my project implementation were carefully maintained.They are data collection submitted as part of my project report pack.1)The previous interview I did with my students for the my students for anlysis of my initial problem.From the interview I know inspite the students spend a lot of time on reading ,they still can make any progress with reading.From the post-trial interview ,the students say they are satisfied with what I have done for them.2)Classroom observation I took in my diary.My students became more wise in reading than before.They feel reading is just a kind of entertainment.They even feel the reading task is very interesting.It helped them improve their reading ability effectively, meanwhile, it helped them aboarden their eye-sight.3)The comparison of the final reading work between the control and the target group.Look over the students reading ability between the control and the target group.The target group is much better than the control group.They can quickly and correctly complete the reading tasks. They made fewer mistakes than before. The comparsion between the first model test paper and the second model test paper. The fiest score rate is 57%.the second score rate 71%.the last comparsion may be made after the final exam. I think it will be more forceful. Let us wait for the results.10. Date analysisclassspeedmistakesscorepre postprepostPrepostTarget group36 minutes30 minutes1062028Control group37 minutes35 minutes1082024After four weeks action research, I found out that generally speaking, there has been significant improvement after the implementation. Students reading speed is faster than before, especially the target group. The mistakes become less and less while the score rise.for example the speed increased by 20% in the target class, while in the control class is only 5.4%; As for the mistakes the date decreased by 40% in target class, twice in control class; As for the score that they got is the same with the mistakes. As a result , the improvement of the target class if obvious higher than the other one.11.Project evaluationl The problemIs the problem a researchable one? Yes. If give me the resources, the time and the expertise I have, I can lauch a project to solve the problem.l The methods used in the problem analysisAre the methods used to analyze the problem acceptable,suitable to it and properly applied? Yes . I used the analytic method,Socratic dialogue,cause anlysis and questionnaire. These are all acceptable methods suitable to my problem. I also used them properly.l The project objectiveIs the project realitic? Yes .scine it is researchable. It is realitic. It can be achieved. My project objective-to impove students reading ability is realistic.l The project hypothesisIs the project hypothesis provable? Yes. My hypothesis- learnersis provable. I have found my students reading ability has been improved afer this project.l The project rationaleDoes the project have a solid bsaia? Yes .my project was based on the theoretical assumptions which are valid and sound.l The project designI have defined my project objective and hypothesis.I have stated my project rationale.I have worked out the details for project implementing.I have also planned the Stages and time table for the project implementation.l The stages and details of project implementationThe stages are necessary and complete. The implementation details are properly maintained. In my case, I am assessed on the following items.Week 1 Teaching notesStudents handoutDiary-keepingWeek 2Teaching notesStudents handoutDiary-keepingWeek 3Teaching notesStudents handoutDiary-keepingl The methods used in the project implementationIn what way has the project been implemented? In my case , I first set up control and target groups and used the classroom teaching.l The methods used to obtain the results.In what way has the investigator obtained the project results ? Is it acceptable,suitable and properly used? I used observations,diary-keeping,and interviews to obtain the project results. They are all acceptable, suitableto the task and properly used.Table 1. Summarizes the methods I have used in my project.Stages of the projectThe methods usedProblem analysisAnalytic method Cause analysis interviewProject designBrainstorm Control and target groupsProject implemmentationObservation Diary-keeping Audio-recordingl The results obtained from the implementationMy hypothesis has been proved to be correct.12Conclusion:From the project practice Ive learned that learners reading ability can be improved. Now I can be very happy to state that my problem has been successfully solved. I also find my weak points. In some points my project is ineffective. This action research helps me cultivate of the dynamic mechanism in my English teaching. It enables me to acquire unceasing professional development. At the same time I feel that I should have done better, if I implement the project eralier and was given plenty of time. In the future I will do such project as early as possible. I will implement this kind of project to improve my teaching.References :Gu Yueguo 1999 English Teaching methodologyAppendix:A.The timetable of the projectB.The methods of problemC.Teaching planD.Studens name listAppendix A: The timetable of the projectstageweekCalendar datesTasks 1Mar4-8Identify a problem2-3Mar10-22Analyse the problem sing scientific methods of investgationl Analyzing the teaching situationl Analyzing the teach-ing objectivesl Analyzing the possible cause of the identified problem.4-5Mar24-Apr 4Design a problem-solving projectl Formulating the project objectives and hypothesisl Making a lesson planl Preparing materials and resources neededl Proposing data collection method6-8Apr6-20Implement the projectl Report of the vlassroom implementation of the lesson planl Report of the data collection9-10Apr 22-May 6Evaluate the projectl Critical comment on my own teaching by checking my subjective comments against the collected datal Suggestions for future teaching11-12May 7-14Write the project reportAppendix B: The methods of problem analysisThe analytic methodSome of my students are weak in english reading . They only get a low mark in reading part. They made me think of these:Is it related with my teaching methods?Why do some students do well in the reading ,while others dont?Who are the some that dont and who are the others that do ? Moreower , “My students” is tncontrast with “ my colleagues students”, this prompted me to make a chain of reflections. Pherhaps my lesson plan is poorly designed. Through the above analysis I realised that my problem is probably caused by my teaching techniques.Socratic dialogueMy students do bad in English reading1 .Do your students like reading? (of course)2.Do you often give some reading assignments to your students? (quite few)3.Can they finish them on time ? (yes )4.Do they behave actively in your class? ( very much ) 5. Do you usually change the reading stuffs and your teaching methods? (no ) 6. Do you often give them some helps and advice when they meet some difficulty in the reading? ( no )Obvious , the teacher is the main cause of the problem.cause anlysisThe teachers side that is myself.Is it because the teaching step is poorly designed?Maybe the teacher is not enthusiastic myself.The students sideAt first,the students is lack of the reading knowledge.Then ,some students have got into the bad reading habits.So when they come to reading,they found tis a little bit difficult.day after day, they finally lost their conffidence.Of all the course, I believe that the teacher is the mainly responsible for the failureAppendix C:Teaching planWeek 1 :Date : Tuesday ,April.4 Teaching planTeaching material: Harry potter,Reading part of Unit 12 Lesson style: New LessonTeaching aims:1.Linguistry aims语言知识目标:Important words and phrases:power magic trick series scar forehead miserable treat unhappy habit a series of in trouble come across believe in 2.language skills Objective语言知识目标:(1) Let students master some reading skills to get the main idea and some detailed information of the text.(2) Teach students to analyse and appreciate the text.3.Emotional and moral Objective情感态度目标:Inspire students to face the problems bravely and help them to build up self-confidence and encourage them to get over c these problems.4.Study strategy Objective学习策略目标:1.Encourage students to cooperate,communicate,explore and share in the class.2.help them to become a long-life learner.5.Cultural consciousness aims文化意识目标:Learn some basic knowledge about the English films.Expected problems:1.Maybe some students are shy to act in our class.2.It is difficult to control the class.3.Students lack the relative knowledge.Solutions: 1.Give them more encourage.2.finish the task with them together.Teaching important and difficult points:1.Master the usage of the words and phrases.2.Retell the text using


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