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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 多功能护理床MULTIFUNCTIONAL NURSING BED说明书INSTRUCTIONS多功能护理床是深圳市寿百瑞机械科技有限公司推出的一款新型医疗护理设备,具有自主知识产权的专利产品。它丰富了护理床的功能,使护理人员的工作变得简单、轻松,在不需要与被护理人员身体接触情况下,完成起身、室外康复、各科室之间病床的转换以及清洁、方便等日常护理工作,大大减轻了护理人员的劳动强度,提高工作效率。同时,减轻了被护理人员的心理负担,增加他们的舒适性。 MULTIFUCTIONAL NURSING BED , a kind of nursing machine that has self-owned intellectual property rights, is designed and manufactured by SHENZHEN SHOUBAIRUI MACHANICAL TECHNOLOGY CO Ltd. The use of the equipment makes the nursing work easy and simple, enriches the function of the nursing bed, reduces the labor intensity and increases nursing work efficiency. Without physical touch with the patients, it becomes convenient for the nursing staff to do the job of turning over, body-washing and other daily nursing work. The equipment also has the feature of automation, and it reduces the psychological burden of the patient. The automatic function of the equipment increases the nursing work efficiency and reduces the labor intensity of the work.一、多功能护理床的结构、功能与特点.FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES1、多功能护理床适用对象:具备除普通病床的功能外,还能对有特殊需要的病人,如骨折、瘫痪、残疾等生活不能全部自理的人群;1. Applicable object of multifunctional nursing bed: Except being used as common patient bed, multifunctional nursing bed is suitable for patient who suffers disease such as paralysis, fracture or disability, and cant take care of himself.2、结构:多功能护理床是轮椅与床的模块化设计,并集成了普通病床,轮椅,座便等各种专用设施功能于一体的多功能产品,其中可以轻松的实现床和轮椅的自由转换,室外的距离不再遥远,轮椅椅背角度在0-70自由调节,看电视、看书、吃饭等动作。既方便了室内护理,又可以方便室外康复治疗,提高护理质量,排解了被护理人员的心理负担。2. Distinctively modularized with bed and wheelchair, and integrated with wheelchair, patient bed, hammock, toilet, turning over function in one bed, this multifunctional nursing bed can do conversion between bed and wheelchair. To the patient who uses this equipment, outdoor distance is not far away. As the back of the wheelchair can be adjusted at the angle from 0 to 70 degree, watching TV, reading book, and eating become easier .Its convenient for patient who are being taken care of indoor or being taken medical treatment outdoor. At the same time ,patients psychological burden can be released during the treatment.3、便盆联动机构,可以很方便取出或放入,直接放在被护理人员臀下,方便卫生,而且便盆孔可以自动升起或放入,不影响床或轮椅本身舒适性。被护理人员,要求到卫生间方便时,便盆可以放在床体的适当位置,可以直接在卫生间方便,改变了病人在病房内方便的习惯,使病房内空气更清新。3. The link gear of the toilet is convenient and sanitary. It is directly put under the hips of the patient, and can be placed and taken out easily.4、本产品床身是使用高弹海绵和透气性良好的3D布,使床铺更舒适透气。4.The bed is made of high elastic sponge and 3D textile with good permeability, so it is ventilated and comfortable.二、产品说明使用:.DIRECTION FOR USE 1、 轮椅:配有便盆机构,椅背的角度可以在0-70间调节,置脚位可以在0-40调节,能完成轮椅与床之间的转换。1. Wheelchair:With the link gear toilet, the back of the wheelchair can be adjusted at the angle from 0 to 70 degrees, the foot position can be adjusted at the angle from 0 to 40 degrees. and the wheelchair and the bed can be conversed with each other.2、 护理床护栏:可以自由升降,保护被护理人员在床上的安全。2. Guardrail of the nursing bed: can move up and down freely, and protect the safety of the patient in the bed .3、5点式安全带:用于被护理人员在使用期间身体姿势的固定和安全防护。3. Safety belt with 5 points: to be used to make the patients position fixed and personal security during use.5点安全带Safety belt with 5 points三、注意事项. Attention1、对高危病人外出坐起时,必须使用安全带;1. Safety belt is needed when the patient is in high risk status.2、推出轮椅请锁紧防滑手柄;推出轮椅后,需要调节轮椅椅背高度时,请注意松开防滑手柄;推进床体后,调节椅背角度时,请注意松开防滑手柄;2. Please lock the non-slip handle when you push the wheelchair. When you need adjust the height of the back,please unlock the non-slip handle.3、手工调节椅背角度时,右手操作手柄,左手要扶住椅背,以防突然下落;3. When you adjust the height of the back manually, in order to prevent sliding, you should operate with right hand and touch the back with left hand.4、使用脚台架,调节脚放置角度时,应先把双脚抬起,然后才能用把手调节角度,最后才能把双脚放在脚台架上;4. When the patient needs to use the foot position platform, you should adjust the angle first, then place the foot of the patient on the platform.5、使用转动部件时,不要用力过大;5.Dont use excessive force when you use the rotatable parts.6、其他人或重物不能放在脚台架或床头位置;6.The heavy things or person cant be on the head of the bed or on the foot position.7、在使用本产品时,如要清洁,可用湿布擦拭床面,但不宜用水冲洗;7.When you want to wash the bed ,you should use wet cloth rather than water.8、轮椅在室外使用时,停止状态要注意刹车,不要在斜坡上停靠。8.When you use the bed outdoor, you should brake the bed when you stop and not put the bed on the slope.五、常见问题处理.Common problems 1轮椅不能顺利推出:在拉手柄时要拉到位;1.The Wheelchair cant move smoothly: the handle should be pulled in suitable position.2脚台架不能放平:提示把手往上拉到位,然后放下。2.The foot position platform cant be placed in level: handle should be pulled in suitable position.六、保养说明.Maintenance instruction1 长期使用时要保持此产品清洁,室内不宜过湿;1. Keep the place clean and dry for long-term use1 长期存储时,要放置在室内通风的地方2. Keep the place ventilated for long-term storage七、配件.Accessory项目数量使用说明书一本保修卡一本 itemsamountInstruction book 1Guarantee card1 【生产备案号】:粤深药监械登字2011016 号PRODUCTION RECORD NUMBER: NO.2011016, registered in Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices,SHEN ZHEN ,GUANGDONG PROVINCE,CHINA.【注册证书编号】:Certificate of registration code:【产品标准编号】:Product standard number:【生产企业名称】:深圳市寿百瑞机械科技有限公司COMPANY NAME:SHENZHEN SHOUBAIRUI MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY CO Ltd.【注册地址】:深圳市福田区民田路发展新苑海棠阁ADDRESS:HAI TANG GE,FA ZHAN XIN YUAN,MIN TIAN ROAD,FU TIAN DISTRICT,SHENZHEN,CHINA.【售后服务单位】:深圳市寿百瑞机械科技有限公司SERVICE:SHENZHEN SHOUBAIRUI MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY CO Ltd.【联系电话】:Contact number: 86-755-615610686 / 6


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