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Unit 1Part 1 Listening(听力部分)(30分)I.听录音,选出你听到的内容:(5 分)()1.()2.()3.()4.()5.II.听录音,选出正确的应答句:(5 分)()1.A.How do you do?B.Fi ne,tha nk you.C.Tha nks.()2.A.Yes,I am.B.Yes,I ca n.C.I can sing.()3.A.Yes,he can.B.Yes,she has.C.Yes,he is.()4.A.I can write in the classroom.B.Yes,I can.C.I like writ ing.()5.A.See you.B.Good morni ng.C.OK.III.听录音,根据读音规则,填入单词所缺的字母:(5 分)1._de_ teen tet_IV.听录音,填入短文中所缺的单词,每空一词:(5 分)We have a new.name is Jill.She s ten years old.Sheour school.She to school every day.She likes dancing and readi ng.And she can play welltoo.V.听录音,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用“T表示,不一致的用(5 分)()1.Jim is short and fat.()2.Jim and Tim are classmates.()3.They are not play ing in the school.()4.Jim can ride a bicycle.()5.Tim a super boy.VI.听录音,根据短文内容选出正确的答案:(5 分)()1.Sally likes to eat._()2.Sally and Sue are both years old.()3.Miss Fang teaches them._()4.Their En glish teacher is,and their Chinese teacher isFang.Mr Li Li.Miss Fang C.Mr Fang.Miss Li()5.-What are they doing?-They are now._A.havi ng an En glish less onB.havi ng a Chin ese less onnearF”表示:C.hav ing a.less onPart 2 Grammar and Vocabulary(语法与词汇)I.正确抄写下列句子,注意书写规范:(6 分)can alice paint yes she canII.写出划线部分单词的同类词:(8 分)1.Danny is a super boy,he can ride a bicycle,and _ _2.I like oranges,a _.I often eat them with my parents.3.Some fruits are sweet;some are and._4.Ten is between and._III.用所给单词的适当形式填空:(8分)1.This is Eddie.(he)eyes are big.2.-Is this your melon?-No,my melon(be)small._3.-What(do)your mother do?-She is a teacher.4.You have got a friend.He(have)got a balloon.5.Look at my nice plant.(it)leaves are green and yellow.6.-Whose kite is that?-It s(they)kite.7.My little sister is very happy.Because today is(she)birthday.8.Jill(walk)to school every day.IV.选择正确的答案,将答案的序号填入括号内:(12 分)()1.-Is this your book,Mark?-No,book is n ew.()2.I m hungry.Give me,please.juicecake()3.Jim can swim,he c _ t dive.()4.Mike like fish.t t t()5.How old Kitty?()6.-is she?-She is a good teacher.A.WhoB.WhatC.Where()7.Can Peter jump?A.Yes,he can.B.Yes,he can t.D.Yes,she can.()8.-Is that your pen?-No,it is pen.A.Peter s()9.Look this kite.It s red and blue.()10.What Peter and Danny got?()11.-How old is your sister?-She()12.Good morning,Sally.Nice to see you.A.I m fine,thank you.B.See you.C.Nice to see you,too.V.按要求改变句子,每空一词:(10 分)(50分)1.That is my bicycle.(改为一般疑问句)that bicycle?2.We like red balloons.(改为否定句)Wered ballo ons.3.Marry can sing.Mary can dance too.(两句合并为一句)Mary cansing dan ce.4.Danny has got a blue skateboard.(改为一般疑问句)Danny a blue skateboard?5.Ride your bicycle in the playground,please.(改为否定句)_ ride your bicycle in the playgro und.VI.根据图片内容,完成对话,每空一词:(6 分)1.A:Is this your?_B:Yes,_ _2.A:How are you?B:I m.It s my today.Part 3 Reading and Writing(阅读与写作)(20分)I.阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用T”表示,不一致的用F”表示:(5 分)Hello,I m Sam.I m a boy dog.I m three years old.Kitty and Ben are my good frien ds.We playtogether.Look!I have two small ears and two big eyes.I have a long tail,too.I m white and black.I like toeat bones.But I don t like cats.I can run.I can jump.I can swim,too.But I can t fly.Do you like me?()1.The boy s name is Sam.()2.His eyes are small.()3.Sam can run and jump.()4.The dog can t swim and fly.()5.The dog is white and black.II.阅读短文,选择正确的答案:(5分)I m Alice.I ve got two friends.Rose is thirteen years old.She is tall.She can draw very well.She likesto drink orange juice.Emmas thirteen,too.She is very pretty.She can swim fast.She likes to eat sweets.Weare in the same class.We are very happy.()1.My n ame is._A.RoseB.AliceC.Emma()2.are thirtee n.A.Emma and Alice B.Rose and Alice C.Emma and Rose()3.Rose can very well.()4.Emma likes to eat._()5.Emma swim very well.tIII.阅读短文,填入正确的单词(首字母已给):(5分)Sam is a super dog.He is very b and strong.He h two big eyes,longears and a long tail.Look at his four short l.Theyre so stro ng.He can usethem to swim.Sam lswimmin g.I friend is Tim.Tim is a cute boy.IV.写作。以 My new classmate 为题写一篇短文,不少于三个句型,不少于 5 句话:(5 分)Questi on 1:How is your new classmate?Questi on 2:What can your new classmate do?Question 3:What does he/she like to do?Unit 2Part 1 Listening(听力部分)(30分)I.听录音,选出你听到的内容:(5 分)()1.()2.()3.sold()4.()5.II.听录音,选出正确的应答句:(5 分)()1.A.He s eleven.B.No,he s ten.C.I m five.()2.A.Yes,they are my frien ds.B.No,they are my classmates.C.Yes,they can jump.()3.A.Apples.B.It s an apple.C.They are apples.()4.A.Yes,I have.B.No,I have nt.C.No,I cant()5.,Mum.B.Not at all.C.Goodbye.III.听录音,根据读音规则,填入单词所缺的字母:(5 分)2.drnt d st ntIV.听录音,填入短文中所缺的单词,每空一词:(5 分)Hello,my n ame is Danny.1m a boy(of.I can swim,I cant dive.This is myAnn.Kitty iscat.It can runandWelike it very muchV.听录音,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一 致的用“T”表示,不致的用F 表示:(5 分)()1.Mary is my classmate.()2.Mary can sing very well but she can t dance.()3.Mary has a toy rabbit.()4.Jill is short and thin.()5.Mary and Jill like to drink juice.VI.听录音,根据短文内容选出正确的答案:(5 分)()1.is twelve years old.A.SusanB.HelenC.Alice()2.Hele n swim very well.t()3.Hele n can pictures.()4.Susan is Helen s.()5.Hele n and Susa n always go to the park every()6.A dog jump.t()7.-Danny,can your sister run fast?-Yes,can.A.I B.he()8.I can t fly.But I swim.t()9.-you have a cous in?-Yes,I do.()10.My hair black and l ong.My eyes big and roun _.are.are.is()11.Let s a birthday party tonight.have()12.That tall boysan dwiches very much.A.FridayB.SaturdayC.SundayPart 2 Grammar and Vocabulary(语法与词汇)(50分)I.正确抄写下列句子,注意书写规范:(6 分)can your sister paint a picture no she cantII.写出划线部分单词的同类词:(8 分)5.On the farm,I can see some sheep and some.But I can6.Don t in the library.You can can write in it._7.Peter is a super boy.He can run fast,_ high andwell.8.I have got two kites,one and three in my bag._III.用所给单词的适当形式填空:(8分)9.Gin ger is(Peter)cat.(he)cat is so clever.10.I a red T-shirt.And my sister a T-shirt too.(has)11.Alice can well.She likes very much.(dance)12.My sister can run very fast.She is a good(run)._13.I(have)got two big(box)of chocolates.14.-Can you(sing)the songLittle Star?-No,I15.This is a wolf.(it)eyes are green.(they)are big_16.(I)deskmate is Lin da.(she)hair is long.t see a(can).IV.选择正确的答案,将答案的序号填入括号内:(12 分)()1.That thin girl is frie nd._()2.It s doll.name is Barbie.My.Her.MyA.Good morning.you.you.()4.-isshe?-She is()5.Tracydraw a beautiful doll.A.doesn t like t likes t likeV.按要求改变句子,每空一词:(10 分)1.My sister has got some bread.(Has sistergot bread?2.Ben likes cats.(改为否定句)Ben _cats._3.There is a bottle of water on the desk.(对划线部分提问)How _ of water are there on the desk?4.They are Tom s books.(对划线部分提问)_are they?5.This is a large sandwich.(改为复数句)are large._VI.根据图片内容,完成对话,每空一词:(6 分)A:that ma n?B:Mr Li,my.teacher.A:What can he?B:He can.A:is he now?B:He s in the _Part 3 Reading and Writing(阅读与写作)(20分)I.阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用T”表示,不一致的用F”表示:(5 分)Hello,my n ame is Lin da.Look!This is a photograph of my family.My father is talland strong.He is a policeman.He can run.This is my mother.She s good.She s a nurse.She can cook.And this is my brother.He s a doctor.He can swim.But he can t dive.This is me.I m a pupil.I like singing.()1.This is a photograph of Linda s family.()2.Linda s father is a postman.()3.Her mother is a den tist.()4.Her mother can swim and dive.()5.Linda can sing s song.II.阅读短文,选择正确的答案:(5 分)Danny is Mike s little brother.He is five years old.He likes to play toys.Hisfavourite toy is Teddy Bear.He has got a new toy car.He can sing some songs.He can trun fast.He likes to draw mon keys.Mike is eleve n years old.Mike is in Grade Five.He is a good pupil.He likes En glish very much.He can play basketball very well.They have only one bedroom.They are happy.()1.is five years old.A.Da nnyB.MikeC.Tom()2.Da nny likes best._carsBear()3.Mike is._()4.Mike likes._A.En glish改为一般疑问()5.They have._bedroomsbedroombedroom()3.Hele n can pictures.III.阅读短文,填入正确的单词(首字母已给):(5 分)My cat is l.It is w.Its tail is l.Feel it,please.It iss.It likes to run.Where is it now?It is climb ing the tree.It is s on the branch(树枝).IV.写作。以 Supergirl 为题写一篇短文,不少于三个句型,不少于Questi on 1:How is Supergirl?Question 2:What can she do and what can t she do?Questi on 3:How about her friend?Unit 3I.听录音,选出你听到的内容:(5分)()1.()2.()3.sold()4.()5.II.听录音,选出正确的应答句:(5分)()1.A.He s eleven.B.No,hes ten.C.Im five.()2.A.Yes,they are my frien ds.B.No,they are my classmates.C.Yes,they can jump.()3.A.Apples.B.It s an apple.C.They are apples.()4.A.Yes,I have.B.No,I have nt.C.No,I cant()5.,Mum.B.Not at all.C.Goodbye.III.听录音,根据读音规则,填入单词所缺的字母:(5 分)3.drnt d st ntIV.听录音,填入短文中所缺的单词,每空一词:(5 分)Hello,my n ame is Danny.1m a boy(of.I can swim,I cant dive.This is myAnn.Kitty iscat.It can runandWelike it very muchV.听录音,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一 致的用“T 表示,不致的用F 表示:(5 分)()1.Mary is my classmate.()2.Mary can sing very well but she can t dance.()3.Mary has a toy rabbit.()4.Jill is short and thin.()5.Mary and Jill like to drink juice.VI.听录音,根据短文内容选出正确的答案:(5 分)()1.is twelve years old.A.SusanB.HelenC.Alice()2.Hele n swim very well.t5 句话:(5 分)Part 1 Listening(听力部分)(30分)()11.Let s a birthday party tonight.are.are.ishave()4.Susan is Helen()5.Hele n and Susa n always go to the park everyA.Friday B.SaturdayC.Sun dayPart 2 Grammar and Vocabulary(语法与词汇)(50分)I.正确抄写下列句子,注意书写规范:(6 分)can your sister paint a picture no she cantII.写出划线部分单词的同类词:(8 分)9.On the farm,I can see some sheep and some.But I can10.Don t in the library.You can can write in it.11.Peter is a super boy.He can run fast,high and well.12.I have got two kites,oneand three in my bag._III.用所给单词的适当形式填空:(8 分)17.Gin ger is(Peter)cat.(he)cat is so clever.18.I a red T-shirt.And my sister a T-shirt too.(has)19.Alice can well.She likes very much.(dance)20.My sister can run very fast.She is a good(run)._21.I(have)got two big(box)of chocolates.22.-Can you(sing)the songLittle Star?-No,I23.This is a wolf.(it)eyes are green.(they)are big_24.(I)deskmate is Lin da.(she)hair is long.IV.选择正确的答案,将答案的序号填入括号内:(12 分)()1.That thin girl is frie nd._()2.It s doll.name is Barbie.My.Her.My()3.Goodbye.()4.-is she?-She is our guest.A.WhoB.How oldC.How()5.Tracy draw a beautiful doll.()6.A dog jump.t()7.-Danny,can your sister run fast?-Yes,can.A.I B.he()8.I can t fly.But I swim.t()9.-you have a cous in?-Yes,I do.black and l ong.My eyes big and roun _A.Good morni ng.you.you.t see a(can).()10.My hair()4.Mike likes()12.That tall boysan dwichesvery much.Has sister got bread?_2.Ben likes cats.(改为否定句)Bencats.3.There is a bottle of water on the desk.(Howof water are there on the desk?4.They are Tom s books.(对划线部分提问)_are they?5.This is a large sandwich.(改为复数句)are large._VI.根据图片内容,完成对话,每空一词:(6 分)A:that man?B:Mr Li,my.teacher.A:What can he?B:He can.A:is he now?B:He s in the _Part 3 Reading and Writing(阅读与写作)(20分)I.阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用T”表示,不一致的用F”表示:(5 分)Hello,my n ame is Lin da.Look!This is a photograph of my family.My father is talland strong.He is a policeman.He can run.This is my mother.She s good.She s a nurse.She can cook.And this is my brother.He s a doctor.He can swim.But he can t dive.This is me.I m a pupil.I like singing.()1.This is a photograph of Linda s family.()2.Linda s father is a postman.()3.Her mother is a den tist.()4.Her mother can swim and dive.()5.Linda can sing s song.II.阅读短文,选择正确的答案:(5 分)Danny is Mike s little brother.He is five years old.He likes to play toys.Hisfavourite toy is Teddy Bear.He has got a new toy car.He can sing some songs.He can trun fast.He likes to draw mon keys.Mike is eleve n years old.Mike is in Grade Five.He is a good pupil.He likes En glish very much.He can play basketball very well.They have only one bedroom.They are happy.()1.is five years old.A.Da nnyB.MikeC.Tom()2.Da nny likes best._carsBearA.doesn t liket likest likeV.按要求改变句子,每空一词1.My sister has got some bread.:(10 分)(改为一般疑问句)对划线部分提问()3.Mike is._C.Now touch it.How does it feel?)2.A.-What do you have?-I have strawberries.B.-What do you have?-I have berries.C.-What do they have?-They have berries.)3.A.Those grapes are sour.B.These grapes are sweet.C.These apples are sweet.)4.A.Do you like the red skirt or the green one?B.Do you like the red shirt or the gree n one?C.Do you like the red shoes or the gree n on es?)5.A.-What is it?-It s watermelon juice.B.-What s this?-It s watermelon juice.s strawberry juice.听录音,选择最恰当的应答句:re apples.ls a cherry.B.Its big.B.Its apple juice.B.C.-What is it?-It III.Liste n and choose.()1.A.They)2.,it)3.A.It)4.A.Itlike apples.C.Its a cherry.C.No,its smooth.C.ItI like orange juice.C.s an apple.s a cherry.s sour.Yes,I like apple juice.A.En glish()5.They havebedroomsbedroombedroomIII.阅读短文,填入正确的单词(首字母已给):(5 分)My cat is l.It is w.Its tail is l.Feel it,please.It is _s.It likes to run.Where is it now?It is climb ing the tree.It is s on the branch(树枝).IV.写作。以 Supergirl 为题写一篇短文,不少于三个句型,不少于 5 句话:(5 分)Questi on 1:How is Supergirl?Question 2:What can she do and what can t she do?Questi on 3:How about her friend?下册Unit 1班级I.Liste n and choose.(听录音,姓名 _Part I Liste ning(30选出听到的单词)成绩() n and choose.)1.A.Now taste it.How does it taste?B.Now smell it.How does it smell?(听录音,选出听到的句子)()2.There is some in the fridge.()3.One for you and one for()4.Do you want the big apple the small one?()5.What she have?()6.-your bag?-It about()7.Do you have a?water of watert like biscuits.C.We have()5.A.They have some books.B.They don apples.IV.Listen and fill in the bla nks.(听录音,填入所缺的单词)5 分1.I have some.They are big and sweet.2.Do you like or apples?3.How about having some_?_4.Please have a.5.Is there a or a cherry on the table?V.Liste n and choose.(根据听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)5 分()1.A.Yes,it is.)2.A.It s a cherry.)3.A.Yes,he does.)4.A.The red apple.)5.A.No,she does nB.No,it is nB.ItB.No,he does nB.The gree n apple.s sweet.s a banana.VI.Liste n and judge(t.B.Yes,she does.听短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,t.C.Its a strawberry.C.Itt.C.Yes,I do.C.Both of the two apples.C.She likes purple grapes.T”或“F”表示)5用“()1.Miss Fang has some fruit.()2.The plums taste crun chy and sweet.()3.The grapes are soft and sweet.()4.The watermel ons taste nice and sweet.()5.Mrs FangI.Read and choose()1.()2.()3.()4.()5.II.Read and write(1.melon(同类词)_3.soft(反义词)_5.those(单数形式)III.Read and choose.(s favourite fruit is strawberry.Part II Readi ng and writi ng(70分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词)5 分按要求写单词)6 分(选择最恰当的答案)复数形式)所有格)现在分词)10 分()1.-Whats that?-ItC./s apple juice.s nice too.m.Can I have some orange juice?t eat the grapes a tall vine.()10.-How does it?-It_IV.Fill in the bla nks(用所给单词的适当形式填空)5 分1.The strawberries are nice.I like(they)._2.Those(sweet)are for my grandmother.3.How(do)the big grape taste?4.Tom,please(have)some chocolates.5.The red apples(be)big and sweet.V.Rewrite the sentences(按要求改写句子)10 分1.Close your eyes.(改为否定句)2.The plums taste sweet.(改为一般疑问句)3.I have a cup of coffee.(用 she 替换 I)4.The watermelons taste sweet.(划线部分提问)5.Are these plums?Are these grapes?(用 or 连成一句)VI.Read and match(给问句配答句)5 分()1.Is it a pen or a pen cil?A.Its sour.()2.How does the lem on taste?B.Yes,I do.()3.How do the pin eapples feel?C.Its a pen.()4.Is it apple juice?re rough and hard()5.Do you like grape juice?E.Yes,it is.VII.Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,用“T”或“F”表示)10 分It is Friday after noon.The Wan gsare at home.They are all very busy.They are gett ingthings ready for tomorrow s picnic.Mr Wang wants some Cokes.He likes eating Cokes.Mrs Wang wants some apple juice and some bread.Eddie doesn t like Cokes or juice.Theyare too sweet for him.He likes milk and crisps.He has a nice kite.He likes flyingthe kite in the park.Wendy likes sandwiches.They are soft and nice.Grandma and grandpa don t likesandwiches.They want some soft bananas.()1.The Wangs are at home on Friday after noon.()()()()()8.I()9.The fox cans rough.


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