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UNIT4Done with this task.Your score: 96% 窗体顶端Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box. 1. Many people about the influx of immigrants to our city, but I think its actually a good thing for the economy. Your answer Correct answer grumble grumble 2. Some issues, such as immigration and trade, have implications. Your answer Correct answer transnational transnational 3. One of the problems with reading e-books is that you cant take notes in the . Your answer Correct answer margin margin 4. The town council passed that made it easier for people to open small businesses. Your answer Correct answer legislation legislation 5. There are some mysteries that have scientists for centuries. Your answer Correct answer baffled baffled 6. Im in shockhave you seen the stock market numbers this morning? Your answer Correct answer staggering staggering 7. We are all living in an increasingly society as more and more people move to different countries. Your answer Correct answer multicultural multicultural 8. The computers influence on our daily lives is immeasurable; it has had the most effect on how humans live. Your answer Correct answer massive massive 9. There will always be people who of new technology simply because it is different. Your answer Correct answer disapprove disapprove 10. After several years of travel, Jake moved to London to find a job, a house, and the he needed in his life. Your answer Correct answer stability stability Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Some people have an unhealthy _ with technology and need to have every new gadget available. A. session B. obsession C. recession D. cessation 12. After much _, Heather was finally able to convince her boss to award her employees with a holiday bonus. A. desistence B. consistence C. insistence D. resistance 13. Its hard to _ what the future might look like, but science fiction writers have been doing it for over a hundred years. A. visualize B. confer C. mechanize D. ascertain 14. I know almost everyone loves her new book, but Im not even _ interested in reading it. A. massively B. supposedly C. entirely D. remotely 15. Even though Mr Lewis didnt say it out loud, the _ in his speech was that his staff didnt work hard enough. A. personification B. implication C. justification D. explanation 16. Many people complain that the cost of education is prohibitively expensive, but I think the cost of _ is much higher. A. ignore B. ignorant C. ignorance D. ignoring 17. After he lost the competition, Lawrence felt completely and utterly _. A. dispirited B. inquisitive C. observant D. unchanged 18. We need to come up with a _ explanation for why we missed class yesterday. A. plausible B. sentient C. staggering D. corporate 19. Paul has become very _ and conceited since he first tasted fame. A. arrogance B. elegant C. elegance D. arrogant 20. Dinosaurs have been _ for approximately 65 million years! A. succinct B. extinct C. instinct D. blinked Section C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. Im as ignorant of your countrys laws you are of mine. Your answer Correct answer as as 22. Its a pretty safe bet almost all college graduates are more technically savvy than their parents. Your answer Correct answer that that 23. What do you make the generation of MP3 players? Your answer Correct answer of of 24. The New York team qualified for the championship round a narrow margin. Your answer Correct answer by by 25. all the excitement surrounding the new computer program, not much is different. Your answer Correct answer For For 26. My mother still hasnt come to grips the convenience of e-mail. Your answer Correct answer with with 27. How can we ask George to help such a way that he will think its his idea? Your answer Correct answer in in 28. When you think about it, it is not surprising most people now own a cell phone. Your answer Correct answer that that 29. I think its time to buy new pants when the knees begin to wear . Your answer Correct answer out out 30. In the wake the earthquake, many people displayed an incredible amount of generosity. Your answer Correct answer of of Part II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.When my grandfather thinks about how the world is changing, he inevitably tells the story of Dr Reynolds. Dr Reynolds was a(n) (31) doctor from the big city. It seemed as if he was in the newspaper every day. My grandfather lived in a small (32) outside the city. This was at a time when such neighbourhoods were still relatively new. People just couldnt understand why anyone would want to live so far from the city centre. However, the neighbourhood my grandfather lived in was growing every day. Many people couldnt afford to live in the city, and others were tired of the crowds. Cost and congestion comprised a real (33) of the cities, a problem that has only gotten worse with time. Large sections of the urban (34) were moving out of the city to the smaller towns. Along with these people and their families, companies also started to relocate outside major cities. A great example of this was Dr Reynolds. It is impossible to overstate the (35) of the significance that Dr Reynolds move had on my grandfathers town. Because he was so famous, there was obviously a considerable amount of (36) associated with his arrival. However, he quickly showed that he had the skills to back up his reputation. Dr Reynolds was not only a big, (37) man who played football in his youth, but he also graduated at the top of his class in medical school. Id be willing to (38) that this was one of the most exciting things happened in my grandfathers town. It must have been since he told the story so many times! Dr Reynolds arrival (39) changed the dynamics of the town. It was no longer far away from the city; it suddenly became just outside the city limits. Today, the world is changing much faster than can be measured by the arrival of a big-city doctor in a small town. Who knows, maybe (40) Ill have my own story to tell my own grandchildren! Your answer Correct answer (31) eminent eminent (32) suburb suburb (33) curse curse (34) workforce workforce (35) magnitude magnitude (36) hype hype (37) brawny brawny (38) bet bet (39) fundamentally fundamentally (40) someday someday 窗体底端Part III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Sometimes it seems we hear about the wonders of modern technology on a daily basis. I will admit that its hard to argue with the facts. Computers, automobiles, the Internet, and increasingly smaller handheld devices certainly do make our lives more convenient. Everything, it seems, is getting faster, lighter, cheaper, and smaller. Pretty soon, computers will be the size of iPods and iPods will be the size of fingernails. Technology is making our lives more convenient, to be sure. But is it making our lives better? How dependent on these conveniences should we become? How dependent have we already become? Instant communication, video telephones, robots, thousands of songs in the palm of your handall of these things are now available at your local shopping centre. Indeed, what was once considered science fiction now seems downright plausible. I can realistically envision a world where literally everything we do depends on a computer or a machine and, frankly, it scares me. Consider the following scenario. Michael begins his day by waking up to an electric alarm clock. He gets dressed and pours himself a cup of coffee from a machine that is set to brew automatically every morning. He walks to the corner and boards a subway train for his commute to work. The train is controlled by a computer that knows how fast to go and when to slow down and stop. Michael enters his office building through doors that see he is coming and open for him. At work, Michael sits in front of a computer all day to do his job. He writes e-mails, updates a Website, attends a video conference online, and makes telephone calls. At night, he relaxes in front of the television (which has recorded all of his favourite shows), or he reads an e-book on his smart phone. How much of Michaels day is not dependent on computers or machines? How much of this scenario is unbelievable? The answer: none of it. It is a daily reality for many people. Look around you. Do you use a computer to send e-mails, write reports, do homework, or search the Internet? What happens when that computer gets a virus or breaks down? Most people just sit there, baffled. They simply dont know what to do because they dont know how the computer works. We depend on computers to make our lives easier, and we depend on computer technicians to keep our computers operational. The same can be said for nearly any technology. Thats why engineers, computer professionals, and technology consultants make such remarkable salaries. The more we rely on technology, the more we rely on specialists. The more we rely on specialists, the less responsible we feel to actually know how to do something. This is a slippery slope that will eventually lead most people to complete ignorance of how things work. It is ironic, then, that the very technologies that are currently touted as the greatest advancements in human knowledge could ultimately have the exact opposite effect. 41. The writer of this passage would probably agree with which of the following statements? A. Technology is beginning to control our lives. B. Computers play a marginal role in our society. C. We rely on computer specialists because they are convenient. D. Technology is slowly becoming more expensive. 42. The writers scenario with Michael is presented in order to _. A. describe an innovation B. substantiate his argument C. illustrate an example from a bygone time. D. brag about personal accomplishments 43. Which paragraph draws a personal analogy to the reader? A. Paragraph 2. B. Paragraph 3. C. Paragraph 4. D. Paragraph 5. 44. Which of the following is the best one-sentence summary of this passage? A. Technology makes our lives more convenient. B. Science fiction is becoming a daily reality. C. Everybody uses computers and other technologies. D. The more we rely on technology, the more helpless we become. 45. Which of the following events does not support the writers main idea? A. Marcus plays the latest video game after school. B. Lisa reads a book before going to bed each night. C. Carol uses a GPS system to find her way in a new city. D. Tony blogs and sends e-mails from his mobile phone. 窗体底端


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