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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。初一英语期中试卷教科版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:期中试卷【模拟试题】I. 听力(一)听句子,选出与所听句子内容相匹配的图画 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (二)听对话,根据问题选择最佳答语 6. A. A blue T-shirtB. Blue jeansC. A black sweater 7. A. GreenB. BlueC. Yellow 8. A. RunningB. Playing tennisC. Playing football 9. A. Riding a bikeB. Reading a bookC. Drawing a picture 10. A. Going fishingB. Go swimmingC. Go hiking(三)听对话,根据问题选择正确答案 11. Mike is going to the _.A. classroomB. gymC. park 12. Lindas hobby is _.A. playing sportsB. drawing picturesC. growing flowers 13. The most popular hobby in Mikes class is _.A. playing sportsB. reading booksC. playing computer games 14. _ students like riding bikes in Lindas class.A. Most B. AllC. A few 15. Tom and Peter often _ in their free time.A. go hikingB. catch bugsC. watch movies(四)听短文,填入所缺单词Susan is twelve years old. She is a middle school student. Today she is wearing a _16_ dress and a pair of dress shoes. Her shoes are _17_. Thats Susans favorite color. She is on her way to a shop. She wants to buy _18_ because they are very comfortable. She wants to buy _19_ ones. She also wants to buy a _20_ for her mother. 16,_ 17_ 18_ 19_ 20_II. 单项选择 1. What is Wang Dandan doing now?She is _ a book.A. lookingB. watchC. reading 2. Whats your mothers hobby?Her hobby is _ flowers in the garden.A. growsB. growingC. grow 3. Look! Jim. A pair of shorts _ on your bed. Is it yours?A. is B. areC. have 4. Which is _ popular in America, basketball or soccer?I think soccer.A. the mostB. moreC. most 5. There _ a number of students over there. The number of the students _ six hundred.A. are, isB. are, areC. is, are 6. Only _ of us has the story book, so _ of us know nothing about it.A. one, fewB. one, mostC. few, a few 7. Look! Her father is waiting _ her _ the bus station.A. for, atB. at, forC. on, in 8. Have some apples, please.No, thanks. I dont like _.A. theirB. itC. them 9. Dont _ with balls in class.A. playB. playingC. plays 10. _ dont eat often.A. AntsB. SnakesC. Dogs 11. Can you go to the movie with me tomorrow?Sorry, I _. I will be busy.A. cantB. dontC. am not 12. What _ is today?Its Saturday.A. dateB. dayC. time 13. When does the speech contest _?_ Sunday, May 1st A. take place, OnB. takes place, AtC. hold, In 14. What time is the music show?Its _.A. at 6:00 p. m.B. 6:00 p. m.C. in 6:30 a. m. 15. Which stress is different?A. classmateB. hobbyC. excitingIII. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Which is _ (easy), English or math?English. 2. I want to go _ (hike) in the mountains next summer. 3. How many _ (activity) do you have in the Science Club? 4. Blue is my favorite color. What about_ (you)? 5. My mother likes _ (grow) flowers. 6. Amy is wearing the dress shoes for her _ (uncle) party. 7. Her younger sister _ (catch) butterflies in the park daily. 8. We all enjoy _ (listen) to music in our leisure time. 9. There _ (be) several apples on the tree. 10. Liu Chang thinks basketball is _ (popular) sport in his school.IV. 用所给的词和词组填空,使句子完整。comfortable, special, Germany, scared, other, boring, sign up, between, the worst, stories 1. I write many _ about my friends. 2. I have two apples. One is red and the _ is green. 3. These shoes are not _. They hurt my feet. 4. Today is her _ day. Its her birthday. 5. April is _ March and May. 6. Spiders are scary. Im _ of them. 7. None of us likes computer games. Theyre _. 8. _ is a country near the UK. 9. I think snakes are _ pets. I dont like them. 10. There is a speech contest in the club. Lets _ for it.V. 句型转换,每空一词 1. Li Jun is talking on the phone.(划线部分提问)_ is Li Jun _? 2. Why dont you sing an English song?(变同义句)Why _ _ an English song? 3. My mother gets up at 5:30 in the morning daily. (划线部分提问)_ _ does your mother get up in the morning daily? 4. The English speech contest takes place in No. 4 Hall. (划线部分提问) _ does the English speech contest _ place? 5. Amy is the most beautiful girl in her class. (变同义句)Amy is _ beautiful _ any other girl in her class.VI. 用所给的词填空,使课文完整。Favorite, running, does, walking, Thanks, special, clothes, wear, a, greenThe Right ClothesWhat green clothes _1_ Liu Chang have? Susan and Liu Chang are _2_ together. “Your dress is very pretty, Susan.” “_3_, Liu Chang” Says Susan, “its new.” “Is pink your favorite color? You often wear pink shirts and pink sweaters.” “ Yes, pink is my _4_ color. I also have pink running shoes.” “Why arent you wearing your pink _5_ shoes today?” “Im wearing my dress shoes for my uncles birthday party. They arent very comfortable. But today is a _6_ day.” “ I see.” says Liu Chang.“Is blue your favorite color, Liu Chang? You often _7_ blue jeans.” “Blue jeans are comfortable but blue is not my favorite color for _8_. My favorite color is green.” “Do you have many green clothes?” “Of course. I have _9_ green sweater and some green shirts. And I even have a pair of _10_ gloves for winter.” 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _ 6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _VII. 交际运用A. Hey, Mike, The English club is showing a western movie.B. _1_A. Its on Saturday, in the afternoon.B. _2_. I have soccer practice. Are there any shows on Sunday?A. _3_. But there is a show on Saturday evening.B. Is it very interesting?A. _4_.B. Lets go then.A. _5_.A. Thats right!B. Oh? I cant go.C. No, there arent.D. Yes, there is.E. Yes, its very interesting.F. OK!G. Really? When? I love western movies. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _VIII. 完形填空There are _1_ new students in our school. They are _2_ America, Canada and Australia. They _3_ a little Chinese. They often teach _4_ English and we teach them Chinese. We often talk to each other in _5_ or in Chinese. We learn a lot from each other.They like sports very much. They often play football or basketball on Sunday. Sometimes they _6_ fishing or fly kites. They play games with _7_ students. Look! One of the Australian girls _8_ dancing now. All the _9_ boys and girls are singing with their Chinese classmates.They like China and Chinese food very much. They are very _10_ and theyre good friends of the Chinese people. 1. A. anyB. muchC. some 2. A. inB. toC. from 3. A. sayB. speakC. tell 4. A. usB. ourC. we 5. A. EnglishB. EnglandC. the UK 6. A. goB. goesC. going 7. A. ChinaB. ChineseC. English 8. A. isB. areC. be 9. A. otherB. othersC. both 10. A. friendB. friendsC. friendlyIX. 阅读理解Its fine Sunday afternoon. There are many children on the mountain. They are students of No. 2 Middle School. They are in Class Five, Grade One. There are four teachers with them. They are not playing now. They are working. They are planting trees and flowers. Some of the boys are carrying water for the new trees and flowers. The teachers and girls are helping them. They are all working hard. They come here to plant trees and flowers every spring. 1. How is the weather on Sunday afternoon? Its_.A. fineB. snowC. rain2. Where are the students working? They are working _.A. near the riverB. on the mountainC. on the farm 3. What are the students doing on Sunday? They are _.A. playing soccerB. planting trees and flowers with their teachersC. catching butterflies 4. Who are carrying water for the new trees and flowers? _.A. Some boysB. Some girlsC. Some teachers. 5. How often do the students plant trees?A. every monthB. every springC. every weekX. 书面表达介绍你最喜爱的宠物,要求50字左右。题目已经给出。My Favorite Pet【试题答案】I. 听力(一)听句子,选出与所听句子相匹配的图画 15 CCCAB(二)听对话,根据问题选择最佳答语 610 AACBB(三)听对话,根据问题选择正确答案 1115 BCCAB(四)听短文,填入所缺单词 16. red17. black18. jeans19. blue20. sweater II. 15 CBABA610 CABAB1115 ABAACIII. 1. easier2. hiking3. activities4. your5. growing 6. uncles7. catches8. listening9. are 10. the most popularIV. 1. stories2. other3. comfortable4. special5. between 6. scared7. boring8. Germany9. the worst 10. sign upV. 1. Whatdoing 2. notsing 3. What time 4. Where take 5. morethanVI. 1. does2. walking 3. Thanks4. favorite5. running 6. special7. wear8. clothes9. a greenVII. 15 GBCEFVIII. 15 CCBAA610 ABAACIX. 15 ABBABX.My Favorite PetDo you feed any small animals in your house? They are called pets. There are many kinds of pets. What pets do you like best? I think birds are the best pets. They are more interesting than any other pets. They live in small cages and can sing beautifully, too. I love the sound. Birds are favorite pets.


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