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课题:听力理解推断题能力提升-攻克前五题导学案科目:英语授课人:课时:第一课时时间:授课班级:Step One: Lead-inEnjoy a song and an swer the questi on.What is the probable relati on ship betwee n“ you ” and“ me” in the MV?Step Two: Liste ning skills trainingExploratio n1:推断身份关系、职业错题回顾:1. What is the probable relationship between speakers?(听力风暴七 第 2 题)A. Teacher and stude nt.B. Coach and player.C. Parent and child.2. Who might the woman be?(听力风暴 七 第7题)A. A vet.B. A den tist.C. An eye specialist.小结1:1. 要注意说话人的语调,如果双方是陌生人关系, 语调一般较 ;朋友关系, 语调一般较 ;家人关系,语调一般较 ;师生或上司与员工关系,语调一般较 2. 把说话人的语调和其结合起来判断人物关系及身份。课堂练习:? (2018年全国卷IIIC. Teacher and stude nt.C. A director.1. What is the probable relati on ship betwee n the speakersA. Colleagues.2. What is the man?A. An actor.B. Brother and sister.(听力风暴七 第16题)B. A reporter.Exploratio n2:推断行为动作错题回顾:1. What is the woman doing now? (2020 年南宁市摸底考第2题)A. Making a list.B. Baking cookies. C. Shopp ing for groceries.2. What will the woman probably do?(听力风暴六 第 10 题)A. Go to the man s place.B. Call the Hillsbore Hotel.C. Reserve an exhibiti on hall.小结2:1. 整体理解材料,抓住关键细节,重视第 个人的谈话内容,其内容往往是解题关键。2. 注重暗示词句,听出“弦外之音”关注对话中信号词:等词后的内容。转折后的内容往往是解题关键。课堂练习:1. What will Lucy do at 11:30 tomorrow? (2016 年全国卷 II,第 1 题)A. Go out for lun ch.B. See her den tist.C. Visit a friend.2. What will the woman do this afternoon? (2017 年全国卷 III,第 1 题)A. Do some exercise.B. Go shopp ing.C. Wash her clothes.Exploration3:推断对话场合/地点错题回顾:1. Where are the speakers? (12.10 周测 第 5 题)A. I n a restaura nt.B. I n a post office.C. I n a statio n.2. Where are the speakers? (12 月月考,第 2 题)A. I n a bookstore.B. I n a library.C. I n a classroom.小结3:1. 根据谈话中所提供的特定情景和谈话内容,捕捉材料中关于 或 (即语言环境)的关键词。2. 根据说话者的 或 推断对话中没有提到的地点,方位和场合。常用地点类用语和关键词:At the school : campus, lecture, paper, exam, playground, teacher, student, subject, homework,grades/scores/ In a restaura nt: At the airport/statio n: In a shop: At a post office: In a hospital/cli nic: At home: 课堂练习:1. Where does the conversation probably take place ? (2018 年全国卷 III,第 3 题)A. In a ban k.B. At a ticket office.C. On a train.2. Where does the conversation probably take place? (2016 年全国卷 I,第 4 题)A. In a wine shop.B. In a supermarket.C. In a restaura nt.Exploration 4:数字推测s gett ing up and going to work?C. 7 hours错题回顾: 1. How long is the in terval betwee n the man(2020年南宁市摸底考第14题)B. 5 hoursA. 2 hours2. How many people will be present at the party?(贵港市 12 月联考 第 1 题)A. Six.B. Eight.C. Ten.小结4:1. 听前务必 、,并弄清楚每个选项的含义及它们之间的关系。2. 正确答案往往需要 才能得出。所以听时需记录数字,听后需经过“加减乘除”等运算方能得出答案。时间加减运算常见关键词:1、时间表达 half, to, past, a quarter, fortni ght, decade2、超前 earlier, ahead of time, in advanee 3、准时 be on time, be on schedule 4、推迟 beh ind schedule, late, delay, put off, postp one数量及打折常见关键词:double, doze n, score, thirty perce nt, twice, three times , besides ,disco unton sale, 50% off 数字转换微技能训练12:05 1:589:158:4520 % off at 15% discount 课堂练习:1. When does the train leave? (2018 年全国卷 I 第 3 题)A. At 6:30.B. At 8:30.C. At 10:30.2. How much more does David need for the car? (2017 年全国卷 HI 第 3 题)A. $ 5,000.B. $20,000.C. $25,000.Step Three : 巩固练习Listen to the following five dialogues and choose the best answers.(2019 年全国卷 III)1. Where does the con versatio n probably take place?C. In a classroom.C. Tired.C. $100.A. I n a library.B. I n a bookstore.2. How does the woma n feel now?A. Relaxed.B. Excited.3. How much will the man pay?A. $20.B. $80.4. What does the man tell Ja ne to do?A. Postp one his appo in tme nt.B. Meet Mr. Douglas.C. Return at 3 o clock.5. Why would David quit his job?A. To go back to school.B. To start his own firm.C. To work for his frie nd.Step Four: SummaryHow?Summarize what we have lear ned today.What?1.推断身份 关系,职业注意说话者的并结合他们的判断人物关系。2.推断行为 动作听力推断题解 题技巧3.推断对话地占八、根据说话者的和当时推断地点或场合 口。重视第个人的谈话;同时注意听等词后的内容。记数字,辨关系。听后通过 才能得到答案。I 4.数字推测Step Five: HomeworkPlease find more tips/ways to improve your listening ability on the Internet or in the library and share them with other classmates.Step Six: Self-assessme nt:我的收获:我的疑问:


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