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盐城市2013届高三年级摸底考试英语试题第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When does the man have breakfast? A. At 6:30. B. At 6:45. C. At 7:00. 2. How many people did they expect to stay in the Ice Hotel? A. 500. B. 1500. C. 4500. 3. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A novel. B. A film. C. A writer. 4. Where is the book the woman is looking for? A. On the sofa. B. On the chair. C. On the table5. Why didnt the woman go home on Christmas? A. She was very busy. B. She went to London. C. She was badly ill第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What is the main purpose of the womans having exercise? A. To lose weight. B. To practise skills. C. To build up strength. 7. How old are the speakers possibly? A. In their thirties. B. In their forties. C. In their fifties. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What did Michael do in Thailand? A. He edited a magazine. B. He worked as a journalist. C. He did some voluntary work. 9. When did Michael graduate from college? A. 2 years ago. B. 4 years ago. C. 6 years ago. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is the man? A. A player. B. A reporter. C. A tourist. 11. What is the woman doing? A. Queuing up for a tennis match. B. Watching a tennis match. C. Waiting for a tennis star. 12. Where does the woman come from? A. London. B. Berlin. C. Wimbledon.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. M1at does the woman think of the expedition? A. Tiring. B. Relaxing. C. Exciting.14. What does John look like? A. Tall with blond hair. B. Young with a beard. C. Thin with blue eyes.15. When did the speakers climb mountains? A. In May. B. In June. C. In July.16. What happened to the speakers? A. They got seriously hurt B. They were trapped in the ice. C. They were buried under the Snow.听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。17. Which floor was destroyed by the fire? A. The first floor B. The second floor. C. The third floor18. When was the building built? A. In 1718. B. In 1782. C. In 1930.19. What Was the building used as at the time of the fire? A. A hotel for the elderly. B. A building for the elderly. C. A history museum. 20. Who is Andrew Bond? A. A newspaper reporter. B. The owner of the building. C. The head of the fire department. 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Lots of campaigns have occurred in China to defend the Diaoyu Islands recently. Whats your _ of the situation?A. intention B. assessment C. attitude D. answer22. I dont like _ when my younger brother follows me around wherever I go. A. that B. it C. this D. him23. Through educating himself and strengthening his own will power, every individual should be able to _ the temptation of cigarettes. A. remove B. register C. resist D. reserve24. I cant understand why some graduates wouldnt go to the western part of our country where large numbers of jobs are _. A. present B. available C. suitable D. convenient25. -Do you know why Michael resigned from the board?-He held out for higher wages, but was _ in the end. A. put down B. broken down C. cut down D. turned down26._ tablet computers like Apples iPad just before bed, a researcher says recently, can lead to a poor nights sleep. A. Using B. Used C. To use D. Use27. If Liu Xiang _ injured, we might have seen his wonderful performance at the London Olympics. A. didnt get B. hasnt got C. wouldnt get D. hadnt got28. -What happened? I called you several times yesterday evening, but I couldnt get through. -Sorry, my sister and I _ on the phone all the time.A. talked B. have talked C. were talking D. have been talking29. When you arrive in Nanjing, tell me the address of the company _ youll work and Ill drop you a line. A. that B. which C. what D. where30. The majority of British students _ university in the coming months do not expect to get satisfying jobs for the weak employment market. A. 1eave B. 1eaves C. leaving D. to have left31. I Was shocked by the poor results of the exam, which made me realize _ terrible problems 1 would face. A. how B. what C. that D. Why32. Not until he got to the classroom _ he had left his books in the dormitory. A. Martin realized B. realized Martin C. did Martin realize D. had Martin realized33. _ you Can affect the life of your child in all active way, you have been a Success. A. Even though B. Unless C. As long as D. As though34. No judgment _ about whether the man is guilty until the whole case has been investigated. A. will make B. will be made C. has made D. has been made35. -Please dont call me between 8:00 and 10:00 when we will be having an important meeting. -_! A. Make it B. Got it C. Take it D. Remember it第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分) 请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Who do you think came up with the idea for the Paralympics(残奥会)? The man who organized the sporting events which became the Paralympics Games 36._ was a doctor, Ludwig Guttmann. In his teens, Ludwig was always interested in medicine and worked as a 37. _ in a hospital. Then he 38. _ from medical school and became a doctor when he was 25 years old. Guttmann 39. _ a successful career for the next few years. 40. _, because Guttmann and his family were Jews, life in Germany was becoming very 41. _ for them. In 1938 Guttmann 42. _ to the UK with his family where he continued his research 43. _ the best way to treat patients. The Second World War was going on and there were a lot of soldiers 44. _ in the fighting. Often they 45. _ the use of their legs and needed 46. _ and help. The disabled soldiers were often 47. _ and angry for they couldnt really live a normal, useful life. Guttmann used his new 48. _ to look after their injuries but he also tried to give them emotional strength. Guttmann 49. _ taking part in sport could help a persons body as well as their mind and began to use 50. _ as a treatment to help his patients. He wanted to give them back their self-respect and dignity and 5l. _ them to take part in sports. In 1948 the hospital held a sporting event called The International Wheelchair Games. By 1952 the event began to 52. _ bigger with disabled athletes from other countries attending. By 1960 the games were called the International Stoke Mandeville Games and they were held in Rome alongside the 53. _ Summer Olympics. By 1968 there were 750 athletes from 29 different countries. Guttmann himself died in 1980, even 54. _ the games were called Paralympics, but there is no 55. _ mat he is the founder and father of the Paralympics Games. Its thanks to his hard work that we are all able to enjoy the Paralympics. 36. A. gradually B. eventually C. temporarily D. compulsorily37. A. doctor B. steward C. volunteer D. director38. A. exited. B. benefited C. suffered D. graduated39. A. enjoyed B. accepted C. designed D. explored40. A. But B. However C. Therefore D. Otherwise41. A. ambiguous B. difficult C. apparent D. diverse42. A. moved B. poured C. submitted D. flooded43. A. of B. over C. about D. into44. A. dying B. sacrificing C. wounded D. destroyed45. A. made B. lost C. reduced D. lacked46. A. treatment B. movement C. development D. achievement47. A. exhausted B. challenged C. depressed D. astonished48. A. materials B. experiments C. models D. methods49. A. knew B. denied C. allowed D. approved50. A. music B. medicine C. sport D. magic51. A. forced B. encouraged C. allowed D. drove52. A. seem B. go C. run D. get53. A. yearly B. local C. independent D. official54. A. before B. after C. until D. since55. A. evidence B. wonder C. doubt D. problem第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分) 请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AListening to a favorite song might promote the brains ability to respond to other stimuli(刺激) in people with chaos of consciousness. Music has been shown to have a beneficial influence on cognitive(认知)process in healthy people and those who have brain damage. For example, daily music therapy can help to increase cognitive recovery. Fabien Perrin at the University of Lyon, France, and colleagues recorded brain activity in four patients while they were reading a list of peoples names, including their own names. Before the list, they listened to either their favorite musicchosen by family and friends-or “musical noise”. The team then repeated the experiment with ten healthy volunteers. In all four patients. playing the music rather than musical noise promoted the quality of the brains response to their own names。bringing it closer to the brain response of the ten healthy volunteers to hearing their own names. The work was presented at the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness meeting in Brighton, UK, last month. Perrin has two theories about whats going on. “Listening to preferred music excites our memory of ourselves-so it could make it easier for the response to the information such as our own names. ” he says. Another theory is that music promotes awareness, so maybe it temporarily increases consciousness and the recognition of ones own name becomes easier. “The familiar music might be causing an emotional arousal effect. and once the patient with brain damage is aroused, there is a small window that opens for increased communication and the brain responds to the name, ”suggests Carsten Finke, an expert at Charte Medical School in Berlin, Germany, who was not involved in the study. So is Perrins music waking some form of consciousness in the people with brain damage? “I havent come across any responses like this to music before and its too early to conclude that it has any therapeutic effects in these patients.” says Adrian 0wen at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. 56. What did Fabien Perrin find about the four patients in the experiment? A. Their cognitive recovery was increased after listening to music noise. B. They responded to music noise more quickly than to their favorite music. C. Their consciousness and the recognition of music noise became easier. D. They could react to their own names better after 1istening to their favorite music. 57. From Adrian Owens words, we can infer that _. A. music can increase consciousness B. preferred music can excite ones memory of his own C. music has no therapeutic effects on people with brain damage D. more research should be done to confirm the influence of music58. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage? A. People with brain damage like listening to music B. Familiar music could help people with brain damage C. People with brain damage can recognize their own names D. Everyone can increase cognitive recovery through musicB Since we started offering China private tour packages on North. America market in 2006, CTSI has enjoyed great reputation. Whether you design your own tour route or choose one of our pre-designed packages, we will be able to provide a private tour for you. You will be served by professional bilingual(双语的) personal guide. experienced bus driver and private air. conditioned van. Features Group Organizer travels free. even the Chinese Visa is free. If you organize a group of 15 people or more with the same route, we will offer you, the organizer, a flee trip, regardless of whether you design your own route or choose one of our tour packages. This is our way of showing gratitude to you as a tour organizer. We even give you a free Chinese Visa, is that amazing? As an organizer, your main job is to find tour members. Once the tour route and travel arrangements are confirmed, your task as an organizer is completed and you get ready to enjoy the flee trip. Pick your favorite Airlines Airfares are a big determining factor of the tour price. CTSI. with strong ties with almost all the airlines that fly between North America and Asia, offers the best price on flight tickets to China and meets various needs of customers. If you are seeking low-priced tickets to China, you can choose a flight with a layover(停留), such as Korean Air, Air Canada, and Cathay Pacific. Chinese Airlines usually offer huge discount on China domestic flights if you purchase both the international and China domestic parts together. If you wish to save on flying time, we would recommend direct flight provided by America Airlines and United Airlines. Flexibility Sightseeing Spots: you can change or cancel, even add some sightseeing spots when you are on the tour.Timing: you set up the departure and return time of the day, as well as the sightseeing time in specific sightseeing spots. Trip Cancellation: some member may cancel the trip in last minute, and huge fines may occur. Do not worry, if you can find someone to replace him/her, we can save you more than 80%of the fines. 59. What should one do if he wants to enjoy a free trip? A. He should design his own tour route. B. He should book the tickets in advance. C. He should accompany the tourists on their travels. D. He should organize at least 1 5 tourists with the same route. 60. Which of the following cant you be served during your trip, if you choose a tour of CTSIs tour packages? A. Free visa. B. Comfortable van. C. Bilingual personal guide. D. Flexible time and sightseeing spots. 61. You will spend less time on the flight if you choose _. A. Cathay Pacific B. Chinese Airlines C. United Airlines D. Korean Air62. What will happen when someone cancels his trip in the last minute? A. He must choose another tour. B. He will afford over 80% of the fines. C. He will have no chances to travel again. D. He will be fined only a little if he can find a replacement. C The largest campaign of killing rats in history is set to poison millions of rats on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. Scientists say the campaign planned for 2013 and 2014 will restore beautiful South Georgia to the position it once held as the worlds most important nesting site for seabirds. It was sailors in the 1ate 18th century who unintentionally introduced rats to what had been a flesh environment. “If we can destroy the rats. at least 100 million birds will return to their home on South Georgia,” says Tony Martin, a biology professor at the University of Dundee who was invited to lead the project. South Georgia is by far the largest island to get rid of animals that destroy native wildlife after being introduced deliberately or accidentally by people. Though rats and mice have done the most damage, cats, foxes, pigs, goats, deer, rabbits and other species have been targeted in the campaigns around the world. South Georgia is seven times the size of New Zealands Campbell Island, currently the largest area ever killing rats. The successful war against Campbell Island rats was carded out in 2001 with 132 tons of poison dropped from five helicopters. “New Zealand pioneered the techniques for ridding islands of rats and in fact our operation on South Georgia is based on New Zealands technology.” says Martin. “Some New Zealanders will be helping our campaign, including our chief pilot, Peter Garden, who was also chief pilot for the projects at Campbell Island and Rat Island, in the Aleutian chain of the north Pacific. ” The second and third stages in 2013 and 2014 will involve dropping as much as 300 tons of poison from the air onto every part of the island where rats might live. It is a huge operation, carried out during the stormy southern autumn when the rats are hungry and the risks of poisoning native wildlife are less than in the spring and summer months. “Ideally wed do it in winter but the weather makes that too risky,” Martin says. The ecological payback will be priceless. But Martin says. “The full benefits will take decades to arrive. because some of these birds are very slow to hatch. ”63. According to the passage. how did the rats appear on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia? A. They were attracted there by wildlife. B. They escaped there from Campbell Island. C. They were introduced there by sailors accidently. D. They were brought in by people deliberately. 64. Which of the following is TRUE about Peter Garden? A. He is in charge of the campaign on the sub-Antarctic island. B. He will be the only pilot for the project on the sub-Antarctic island. C. He will benefit a lot from the campaign on the sub-Antarctic island. D. He made great contributions to the projects at Campbell Island and Rat Island. 65. The operation of ridding South Georgia of rats is to be carried out in autumn because _. A. the war against Campbell Island rates failed in a11 seasons except autumn B. only then do the New Zealanders to help the operation have spare time C. rats then need more food and the operation does less harm to native wildlife D. the poison kills the rats more effectively than it does in any other season66. What can we infer from the passage? A. The campaign of killing rats will benefit the native wildlife in a short time. B. Rats arent the only species to be blamed for the disappearance of wildlife. C. The first stage of killing rats on the sub. Antarctic island didnt make great achievements. D. The campaign in South Georgia will fully follow in the footsteps of that on Campbell Island. D Every school has an ugly girl. In my primary school, it was me. From first grade through fourth, I had to wear heavy orthopedic(整形外科的)shoes because of my weak ankles. I sounded like an overweight elephant wearing bricks whenever I took a singlestep. Hey, Bigfoot!” “Geez, youre going to start an earthquake!” Then in sixth grade I had to start wearing glasses. Mom asked for the least expensive ones and that made me look like a fool. Four eyes 17 Couldnt you cover up more of your face? Why stop at the eyes?” In Seventh, I started competing on the city swim team, thinking that if I got a killer body nobody would notice my face. Wrong again. I loved being fast and winning ribbons now and then, but now I had red, wet eyes from the chlorine(氯)in the pool. I also did not develop a killer body. I changed my strategy at Eighth grade, the last year of middle school. I offered my help to anyone who needs. 1 worked for other girls. so they could hang out with their friends. My new program began to work. People who would never have acknowledged my existence before were suddenly seeking me out. Id been feeling pretty good until one day I went to Christines house to help her fill envelopes. Going into each envelope


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