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1Task-based ReadingTask-based Reading2英语课程标准英语课程标准“高中英语课程要特别着重培养学生用英语高中英语课程要特别着重培养学生用英语获取信息获取信息、处理信息和传达信息处理信息和传达信息的能力、分析问题和解决问题的能的能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力。力以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力。”P.23P.233“高考应在考查基础知识和基本技能的同时,侧高考应在考查基础知识和基本技能的同时,侧重考查学生的重考查学生的综合语言运用能力综合语言运用能力,特别是运用,特别是运用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。题的能力。”“任务型读写是发展学生任务型读写是发展学生综合运用语言能力综合运用语言能力的重的重要途径。要途径。”考试说明考试说明 20092009年安徽高考英语新增任务型读写年安徽高考英语新增任务型读写,要要求考生求考生在认真阅读所给短文(在认真阅读所给短文(300300词左右)的基词左右)的基础上,对短文中的有效信息进行筛选、整合和础上,对短文中的有效信息进行筛选、整合和综合概括,并根据表格设计要求,在每个空格综合概括,并根据表格设计要求,在每个空格里填写一个恰当的单词里填写一个恰当的单词。考纲说明考纲说明5 51.Getting direct information2.Reorganizing information3.Summarizing informationTask-basedreading6安安徽徽Getting direct informationReorganizing informationSummarizing informationIn all123521011451101044210Pay attention to:1.Collocation词的搭配词的搭配2.Synonym or antonym同义词反义词同义词反义词3.Part of speech词性词性4.Sentence structure句型结构句型结构5.Logical relation of the sentences句子的逻辑关系句子的逻辑关系71.Kate was born in China.Kates _ is China.2.He didnt pass the final examination.He _ the final examination.3.The lady was not happy.The lady was _.4.As we all know,if someone wants to pass this exam,he ought to prepare for it well.Good _ is key to passing this exam.Warming upbirthplacefailedunhappypreparation81.Be responsible for your own learning(2008江苏,76)Take _ for ones own learning.2.The fourth step is to summarize what youve heard.(2010安徽 Give a _ of what the person has said.3.Without vitamin B,we could be weak and would not grow fast.The problems caused by lack of vitamin B are _ and slow growth.responsibiliysummary Practice 1:词性词性/词形转换词形转换(part of speech/formation)weakness(n.)(n.)9Practice 2:同义词和反义词转换同义词和反义词转换(antonyms and synonyms)1.(2010安徽,84)Understanding is usually achieved and a difficult person becomes less difficult and more cooperative.A difficult person will be _ to cooperate with if understanding is achieved.2.A growing number of parents are travelling abroad with kids.There is an _number of families travelling abroad with kids.3.Children act more like adults than they used to.Children today _as if they were adults.easierincreasing behave101.Floating garbage,old tires,pieces of paper,pop cans and bottles are not pleasant to look at.It can be _ to look at but easy to clean and prevent.2.(09安徽)With all the information available,its not surprising that people can feel confused.There is a lot of job information on-line,but too much of it may sometimes be _.3.There will be less unfair treatment in areas like mathematics and science.In areas like mathematics and science,students will be treated _.unpleasant confusing Practice 3:前缀和后缀转换前缀和后缀转换(prefix and suffix)fairly11Practice 4:Sentence structure1.He proved that he was an excellent student.He _ himself _ _ an excellent student.2.If you compare this bag with others,youll find its of high quality._ this bag _ others,youll find its of high quality.3.They claimed that they had discovered a cure for the disease.They claimed to_ _ a cure for the disease.proved to be Comparing withhave discovered124.You do this by nodding your head in agreement,making certain sounds of understanding._ in agreement and make some sounds of unerstanding while a difficult person is speaking.5.In most countries,an exchange of business cards is necessary for all introductions.Exchaning business cards when _ yourself.Nod高考链接高考链接introducing1313 COMPETITION!141.In Germany,students do nothing but study._ _ have to study all the time.2.He does proper exercise in the morning everyday and it is a good habit of keeping fit.His habit is _ _ _.German studentsdoing morning exercise155.The article is worth reading carefully.The article is worthy to _ _carefully.6.The little boy enjoys drawing better than singing.The little boy prefers_ _ _.drawing to singingbe read163.Popper was the name of a lovely dog and it impressed me deeply.The dogs name gave me_ _ _.4.On the average,our income is 2,000 yuan a month.The _ _ is 2,000 yuan.a deep impression.average income177.I want to ask Jane to type the paper for me because Im not good at typing.I want to have _ _ _because Im not good at typing.8.They inform me of the fresh development.They keep me_ of the fresh development.informedthe paper typed189.Mother blamed Tom for breaking the glass.Tom _ _ _for the broken glass.10.The car run out of control and run into a shop nearby.The driver _ _of the car and it run into a shop nearby.was to blame lost control19Task 4:Now,lets try to do it in passages!Positive attitudes*Learn lessons from failures and you will be(80)sooner or later.All successful people have failed many,many times.But they know that there are still a lot of great new people and opportunities out there.So they try again.And sooner or later they have success once again.successful In conclusion,modern people appear to be more self-centered than those in the past due to strong outside pressure.However,we should encourage people to know the importance of being caring and generous and build a mutually beneficial relationship with others.Fierce competition and great pressure on modern people may _ to the changes.leadcontributeSecond,they feel a subject is boring,which makes it difficult for them to(75)on an assignment.concentratefocusAnother reason why students put off doing things is that they feel a subject is boring and have difficulty concentrating on an assignment.Fourth,manage your time wisely.Create a schedule that allows adequate time for accomplishing a goal;for example,your schedule should give you enough time to study for and pass a test,as well as time to relax.Finally,when you accomplish a goal,do something good for yourself as a reward.Avoiding procrastination Finally,(79)_ yourself for accomplishing a goal.rewardFourth,manage your time wisely.Create a schedule that allows adequate time for accomplishing a goal;for example,your schedule should give you enough time to study for and pass a test,as well as time to relax.Avoiding procrastination Fourth,manage your time in a(78)_ way.wise25(2011 安徽安徽)(1)Politeness is a mark of civilization.The sooner children learn this,the better.In any case,a lot can be accomplished by a smile and good manners.(2)Like it or not,our adult lives will be consumed by the struggle for money,but we dont make an effort to teach children how to manage it.So our schools have a duty to teach them this ability from the beginning.(3)Were likely to accept something we are told,but thats not what educated people do.Educated people are reasonable and they look at facts.If our schools teach nothing else,they should at least teach critical(批判性的)thinking.(4)Children should learn to take care of their health.They should know that if they eat junk food(垃圾食品),they will become fat and unhealthy.They should be very clear about what happens to their bodies when they drink or smoke.(5)All of us are part of society.We have rights and responsibilities.We ought to understand what they are.We have to know a little bit of history and geography,because we need to have an environment in which to relate to the people around us.26Teachingcontent/subject/topics How to behave(80)_The basic skill of(81)_ moneyHow to(82)_ in a critical wayHow to keep(83)_The rights and responsibilities one has in(84)_27 (2011 安徽安徽).(1)Politeness is a mark of civilization.The sooner children learn this,the better.In any case,a lot can be accomplished by a smile and good manners.(2)Like it or not,our adult lives will be consumed by the struggle for money,but we dont make an effort to teach children how to manage it.So our schools have a duty to teach them this ability from the beginning.(3)Were likely to accept something we are told,but thats not what educated people do.Educated people are reasonable and they look at facts.If our schools teach nothing else,they should at least teach critical(批判性的)thinking.How to behave(81)_politely/properlyThe basic skill of(82)_ money.managingHow to(83)_ in a critical way.think28 (4)Children should learn to take care of their health.They should know that if they eat junk food(垃圾食品),they will become fat and unhealthy.They should be very clear about what happens to their bodies when they drink or smoke.(5)All of us are part of society.We have rights and responsibilities.We ought to understand what they are.We have to know a little bit of history and geography,because we need to have an environment in which to relate to the people around us.How to keep(84)_.healthy/fitThe rights and responsiblities one has in(85)_society.30Reorganizing Information词性转换词性转换词汇转换词汇转换句型转换句型转换1.n.-v.adj.-adv间的转化间的转化2.前缀前缀/后缀后缀1.同义词同义词 反义词反义词2.解释解释,定义定义3.固定词组固定词组1.语法匹配语法匹配(to,-ing,-ed,主被动主被动)2.连词介词的运用连词介词的运用3.固定句型固定句型31Six stpes of doing task-based reading:1.Have an overall understanding of the passage.2.Find out the key information.3.Identify and underline the possible words or phrases.4.Infer from these words and phrases.5.Make a choice of the words.6.Make sure to use the correct forms.32给别人以惊喜,给自己新天地


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