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第 三 周备课资料封面 校名 :现代外国语学校 班级 四年级 任课教师 武俊杰 科目 英语 单元名称 Module3 项目名称项目内容备注教学时间2014年9 月15日至 9 月 19日课时教案应有5 个课时教案,实备 5个单元教学计划共 2 页单元复习教案共 1 页单元测试材料共 1 页单元讲评教案共 1 页课 时 教 案课题Module 3 Unit 1教案序号11授课时间 2014 年 9 月 15 日课型New (教学目标)教学目的要求1、 目标语句:This is my friend. Shes writing a letter.2、 单词:write letter picture friend3、 短语:take pictures talk to play with4、 能听懂 This is my friend lingling, shes writing a letter 同时能口头运用教学重点难点Important: Understand the text fluently.Difficult: Grasp the words and sentences.教具等准备word cards, tapes, 板书设计Module 3Unit 1 She s writing a letter. Shes writing a letter. He s taking pictures. take pictures. 教 学 设 计第 2 课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图WarmUp(5)Preview(5)Presentation20T: Good morning, boys and girls. Im your new friend, Miss Ye, Y-E-YE. So you can call me Miss Ye. Ok, who can say Hello ! to me ?1, review the words, sentences.2. play the tape.Now , look at this picture , who is the boy ? T : what is he doing ? T : yes , hes taking pictures. S1: Hello, Miss Ye.T: Hello. Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.Recite, checkListen, readS : Hes Daming. S : he s taking pictures. S : shes Amy activatetheatmospherelead to the new sentencesreview the wordspractice the skill of listening 教 学 设 计第 2 课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Presentation(20)Practice(10)T :Now , look at the third picture , who is the girl ? T : what is she doing ? T : Yes, shes talking to her friend . T : (出示挂图)look at this picture ,.who s that boy ? . T : what is he doing ? T : Yes, Hes playing with a toy train. 3.听录音,跟读课文。Recite the textS : shes talking to her friend . S:Samslittlebrother-Tom S : Hes playing with a toy train. Read togetherRead in groups.Read each otheRecite themWrite carefullyReadTheTextRemember the words and sentences 作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知 识 巩 固 题拓 展、 延 伸 题Make up a new and short dialogue.Try to recite.Recite the new wordsMake surveys using the new words and sentences.教 后 反 思本课的成功之处整体感知课文大意,熟悉故事内容和情节。 在此过程中划出新的不懂的词,再看看这篇课文讲的是什么。在于知识的巩固较好,学生对所学的单词和句型较为熟练的掌握,并可在教师引导下做替换练习,可自编新对话。不足之处:缺乏趣味性,课堂气氛不够活跃。课 时 教 案课题Module 3 Unit 2 教案序号12授课时间 2014年 9 月 16 日课型New (教学目标)教学目的要求 1、Four skills:watching TV、reading a book、listening to music、talking to a friend。2、Can speak and understand:What are you doing ? Im.教学重点难点Important: watching TV、 listening to music、reading a bookDifficult: hat are you doing ? Im doing 教具等准备Word cards, recorder, pictures 板书设计Module 3Unit 2 What are you doing ? I am listening to music . I am reading a book. 教 学 设 计第 3 课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图WarmUp(5)Preview(5)Presentation20I say Hello, boys and girls.”“Good morning, everyone.”Review the words and sentences.Ask two groups to practice the important sentences with each other.“Hello, teacher.”“Good morning.”Recite, checkPractice with each groupActivetheatmosphereleadto thesentencesreview the sentences and lead to the text. 教 学 设 计第 3 课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Presentation(20)Practice(10)Ask students to translate I speaked.1. I speak Chinese, you speak English.2. I speak English, you speak Chinese.3. ask students to read text.Read the text Write the words and sentences.Speak EnglishSay whats the meaning of I said.Read them.Write carefullyReview the sentences in the text.Remember the words and sentences 作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知 识 巩 固 题拓 展、 延 伸 题Recite the words and sentences and make up a new dialogueMake up a new dialogue and practice with your partner.教 后 反 思四年级的孩子活泼可爱,求新求异的愿望非常强烈。由于授课对象是自己不熟悉的学生,因此要很好地完成本课的教学目标有很大的难度。因此在课堂教学中我不仅通过设计丰富多彩的课堂教学活动(如:游戏,竞赛,表演,小记者采访报道等),激发他们学习英语的兴趣,还注重帮助学生突破学习困难,化解教学难点,从而使学生获得学习知识的快乐。课 时 教 案课题Module 3 Unit 2 教案序号13 授课时间 2014 年 9 月17 日课型New (教学目标)教学目的要求1、Four skills:watching TV、reading a book、listening to music、talking to a friend。2、Can speak and understand:What are you doing ? Im.教学重点难点Important:what are you doing? I am listening/watching TV.Difficult: what are you doing? I am listening/watching TV.教具等准备板书设计 Module 3 unit 2 Important: What are they doing? Theyre rowing a dragon boat.Difficult: What are they doing? Theyre rowing a dragon boat教 学 设 计第 4 课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图WarmUp(5)Preview(5)Presentation20T : Do you remember the chant: left foot, right foot , left foot , right T :Ok, lets chant. Open your book and turn to page 9,stand up please.Review the words :write- writingwatch-watchinglisten-listeningT : look at your book ,and turn to page 11.look at the first picture , whats panpan doing?Do and say.WriteGuessRead the wordsRead by themselvesActivate the atmosphere.Learn the new words教 学 设 计第 4 课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Presenation(20)Practice(10)S : panpan is taking pictures.(以下共分四小组回答,全班重复回答者的话。) T : look at the forth picture , what is she doing ? T : and what about Tom? (板书)T : look at your book ,and turn to page 12.look at the first picture , whats she doing? S : She is taking pictures.(以下共分四小组回答,全班重复回答者的话。S : yuanyuan is talking to her friend . S : weiwei is playing with his toy . S : Im taking pictures. (边说边做) We are taking pictures. He s reading a book.通过感知新单词和一些新句子来学习课文提高同学们听力 作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知 识 巩 固 题拓 展、 延 伸 题写出学生用书活动3中四幅图片对应的四句话。 Sing the song “What are you doing?” to your parents.教 后 反 思本课为 现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答,相对于本节课,本课课堂气氛较活跃,尤其是英文歌曲“what are you dong?” 的学习,既复习了过去式的几个重要句型,又引起了同学们的学习热情。不足之处:对于字母组合和元音字母“a“,“e”的语音规则,讲解较单调。课 时 教 案课题 Unit 1 Unit 1 What are they doing?教案序号14授课时间 2014年 9 月18 日课型New (教学目标)教学目的要求1能在图片提示下整体识别,认读people, park, lake, row, get on, look at,lots of 等。2能会用What are they doing? Theyre rowing a dragon boat.这类句子询问并回答所看到的情景。教学重点难点Important: What are they doing? Theyre rowing a dragon boat.Difficult: What are they doing? Theyre rowing a dragon boat教具等准备tapes, pictures 板书设计 Module 4 In the park Unit 1 What are they doing? Theyre rowing a boat. Theyreplaying chess. Theyre drinking soybean milk.教 学 设 计第 1 课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Revision(10)Presentation201.Greetings2. Ask students to sing the song together. 3. Ask one student to do an action, and the other to describe. Listen,point and say1.Ask students to point to the pictures.2.Play the tape and students follw the tape.3.Teach the text for several times.T does some actions and ask students to describe. go to school play basketball play football1.Point to the pictures and describe the pictures in Chinese.2.Read the text.复习巩固重点知识通过各种形式呈现新单词,通过不同方式的读让学生初步认识和掌握单词的读法和含义。教 学 设 计第 1 课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Presentation(20)Practice(10)1.Do the actions and teach the new words-(lets, get on, row, do taijiquan, drink, look at)2.Teach the new words by the pictures.(park,lake,men chess,boat)2情景教学lots, interesting, thing, chessBoat, people ,hungry.e.g.:Therere lots of books on the desk.1.Ask students to read the conversation in roles.2.Do the exercise on exercise book.do and saylisten and readlisten repeatsing after tapesing after teacherDo as teacher asks做练习巩固所学Make studentsconcentrate on the lessonsquickly. 作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知 识 巩 固 题拓 展、 延 伸 题Lead students to say what we have learnt today.1.Listen to the tape, for at least three times.2.Copy the words in unit 1.教 后 反 思本课的教学设计,避免了让学生一进入本模块就开始新授知识的学习,而是以轻松有趣的游戏引导学生一而再三的复习巩固,然后在学生不知不觉的玩耍中了解新知识,特别是对后进生来说,这不仅消除了他们对学习英语新知识的抵触情绪,也加固了他们对已学知识的掌握 课题单元复习检测教案序号15授课时间201年09 月 19日课型复习教 学 目 标掌握并且运用现在进行时点 难 点教 学 重Important: What are they doing? Theyre rowing a dragon boat.Difficult: What are they doing? Theyre rowing a dragon boat准备教学多媒体,板 书 设 计复习. What are you doing ? I am listening to music . I am reading a book.教 学 过 程教学环节配套练习册M3当堂检测教后反思这一模块继续学习进行时,同学们学起来并不是那么陌生,但是还是出现很多错误,需要多创造语言环境来练习。


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