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A Valentine StoryCharacter: 男主John Blanchard 女主Hollis Maynell 妇人A Woman 妈妈 MomScene one 第一幕Mr. Blanchard男主(stand up from the bench, straighten his Army uniform, and study the crowd of people making their way through Grand Central Station)Narrator旁白:Blanchard is looking for the girl whose heart he know, but whose face he dont, the girl with rose.Narrator旁白:Hello, everyone. My name is Tom, john Blanchard is my best friend. His love story is romantic. Let me tell you it in detail. Several months ago, in the Florida library .He taking a book off the shelf he soon found himself absorbed, not by the words of the book, but by the notes penciled in the margin.Second Scene第二幕 Narrator旁白:Vivid memories come flooding back of twelve months before in a florid library.Narrator旁白:Mr. Blanchard is completely attracted by the notes penciled in the margin of the book .Besides, he finds the previous owners name is Miss Hollis Maynell. Mr Blanchard男主(think aloud): Wow, the soft handwriting is pretty good. I can see a thoughtful soul and insightful mind.(翻书,看到名字)here is the owners name Miss Hollis Maynell. Oh, she lives in New York City.Narrator旁白:He wrote her a letter introducing himself and inviting her to correspond.(演出写信)Mr Blanchard男主(the smile on his face is so bright and he make up his mind to write to her):Miss Maynell ,you may wonder if it is so impolite of me to write you this letter ,but you can never imagine how deep your mind attracts me .I sincerely invite you to correspond with me. I hope to hear from you soon.Miss Maynell女主:(Moved by his sincere words): Im glad to know that you appreciate my thought .And I am also looking forward to corresponding with you.Narrator旁白:The two person havent realized that they are making the first step towards the happiness.Third scene 第三幕Narrator旁白: The next day he was shipped overseas for service in World War II .During the next year, they kept correspondence with each other Mr Blanchard男主(Feeling lonely and anxious, Blanchard are sitting on the ground and writing to Miss Maynell in a cold night) :Miss Maynell, War clouds are gathering on the horizon .The war is so cruel that has destroyed human nature. The town lay in ruins after bombing .The war causes thousands of deaths. Inadequate food, medicine and even bullets have destroyed our confidence. With the horror of war, I cant fall asleep every night.Miss Maynell女主:Mr. Blanchard. Dont lose heart. There is no royal road to defeat aggressor. You are fighting for justice and peace. My hero, pick up your confidence and the success is not far. Dont forget that the love of your families and your friends are companying with you for all time. Narrator旁白:As this letter, Miss Maynell company and uphold Mr. Blanchard all the time. Each letter is a seed falling on a fertile heart. A romance is budding.Forth scene 第四幕One day Blanchard requested a photograph. Mr Blanchard男主Miss Maynell Can you give me your photograph?Miss Maynell女主: (seeing this letter, Miss Maynell sat and deep in thought.Then,she put pen to paper and replied to that letter from My Blanchard) :Mr Blanchard,if youre feeling for me has any reality, any honest basis, what I look like wont matter. Suppose Im beautiful. Id always be haunted by the feeling that you had been taking a chance on just that, and that kind of love would disgust me. Suppose Im plain. Then Id always fear that you were going on writing to me only because you were lonely and had no one else. No, dont ask for my picture. When you come to New York, you shall see me and then you shall make your decision.Fifth scene 第五幕Narrator旁白: When the day finally come for Blanchard to return from Europe, he looks forward to schedule their first meeting.Mr Blanchard男主:Miss Maynell I just return from Europe and I am eager to see you, shall we schedule our first meeting?Miss Maynell女主:7:00am at Grand Central Station, New York! And then you will recognize me by the red rose I will be wearing on my lapel.Sixth Scene 第六幕(女主,妈妈上场)Mom妈妈:Dear,you look very beautiful today!Miss Maynell女主:Thanks, mom. I have an important appointment in the afternoon.Mom妈妈:Let me guess, it must be Thomas, he has invited you to have dinner time after time.Miss Maynell女主:No, mom, its john, he is a good man, and I know him by writing letters.Mom妈妈:You mean youre going to meet a man that you have never seen. Its an unwise decision. Dont you know its so dangerous for a girl to meet a stranger man alone?Miss Maynell女主:But, mom, I know him very well.Mom妈妈:Its difficult to know his real character only by writing letters.Miss Maynell女主:Hmm(无话可说)Mom妈妈:ok,if you insist on meeting him, you need to test him ,and ensure that what he loves is not your appearance but your heart.Miss Maynell女主:What should I do?Mom妈妈:You can find a people to instead of you.Miss Maynell女主:Ok, I get it. Mom, take it easy. ByeMom妈妈:(万分担忧状)byeSeventh Scene 第七幕(胖妇人上场)A Woman妇人:(卖玫瑰花)hi girl ,do you want some rose?Miss Maynell女主:No, thanks. (发愁)A Woman妇人:Do you have you any troubles?Miss Maynell女主:Yes. (豁然开朗状,想到了措施)madam,could you do me a favor?A Woman妇人:Yes, of course! Miss Maynell女主:You need pretend to be me to meet a man standing over there,and(窃窃私语)A Woman妇人:Ok, I see.Eighth Scene 第八幕Narrator旁白:Suddenly, a young woman catches his attentionMiss Maynell女主: (She is so beautiful with long and slim figure. Her golden hair lies back in curl from her delicate ears, her eyes are blue as flowers. Her lips and chin have a gentle firmness, and in her pale green suit she is like spring time come alive.)Mr Blanchard男主(walking toward her) : What a beautiful angel she is!Narrator旁白:Mr. Blanchard entirely forgets to notice that she is not wearing a rose.Miss Maynell女主: (Murmurs with a small, provocative smile curving her lips.) Going my way, sailor?Narrator旁白: Mr. Blanchard almost uncontrollably makes one step closer to her. At the moment, he sees an old woman with the red rose.A Woman妇人:(She has graying hair pinned up under a worn hat standing almost directly behind the girl. The old woman well pasts 40. She is more than a little overweight, her thick ankled feet thrust into low heeled shoes.)Mr Blanchard男主Oh, my God, are you kidding me?Narrator: While Mr. Blanchard is saying, he feels in two, so keen is his desire to follow her, and yet so deep is his longing for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned and upheld him. There is a strong ideological struggle.Mr Blanchard男主(squares his shoulders and salute and hold out the book to the woman.) I am Lieutenant John Blanchard, and you must be Miss Maynell, I am so glad you could meet me. May I take you to dinner? A Woman妇人:(Her face broadened into a smile): I dont know what this is about, son .But the young lady in the green suit who just went by, she begged me to wear this rose on my coat .And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner, I should go tell you that she is waiting for you in the big restaurant across the street. She said it was some kind of test!Mr Blanchard男主Really?A Woman妇人:(Says surely): Really!Mr Blanchard男主(says with a big smile and run toward the big restaurant at once!): Thank you very much!Ninth Scene 第九幕(餐厅)Mr Blanchard男主Nice to meet you.Miss Maynell女主:Nice to meet you.Mr Blanchard男主You are the right person who Ive been looking forward to all the time I think today is the best day because of you.男女主相视一笑。大家一起:Its not difficult to understand and admire Miss Maynells wisdom. The true nature of a heart is seen in its response to the unattractive. “Tell me whom you love,” Houssaye wrote, “and I will tell you who you are.”THE ENDDear Miss Maynell : My name is John Blanchard. Yesterday I went to the library. When I was reading a book, I was attracted by the notes penciled in the margin. And I found out that the soft handwriting is exactly yours. I think you must be a thoughtful lady and I really want to know more about you. If you are willing to make a friend with me, please drop me a line.Sincerely, John BlunchardDear John Blanchard: I am very glad to hear from you. You are really a careful man who noticed my notes. I think it will be interesting if we communicate through the mail. I am looking forward hearing from you. Yours, Hollis


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