外研版八年级英语上册练习 Module 11 Unit 2 In England you usually drink tea with milk.(无答案)

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外研版八年级英语上册练习 Module 11 Unit 2 In England you usually drink tea with milk.(无答案)_第1页
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外研版八年级英语上册练习 Module 11 Unit 2 In England you usually drink tea with milk.(无答案)_第2页
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外研版八年级英语上册练习 Module 11 Unit 2 In England you usually drink tea with milk.(无答案)_第3页
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Unit 2In England,you usually drink tea with milk.第一课时01基础过关.根据句意及汉语或图片提示填写单词。1He hurt his right shoulderyesterday morning.2The girls were hungry and they wanted some sandwiches.3Listen!Someone(有人) is singing an English song in the room.4This summer holiday I plan to make a long stay(逗留) in my home town.5Mr Zhang told us his experiences(经历) in England and America two years ago.用方框中所给的介词或副词填空。in,for,during,on,with6During the Spring Festival,people in China usually eat jiaozi.7I dont like to drink tea with milk.8Please stand in a line to welcome our new classmate Danny.9Who is Jenny waiting for at the school gate?Her brother.10Be careful when you get on the bus.单项选择。(B)11.There were _ people in the street at midnight.So he drove fast.Aa fewBfew Ca littleDlittle(B)12.His father told him _ with matches.It can be dangerous.Anot play Bnot to playCdont play Ddont to play(D)13.Look at that girl!Is it Susan?No,it _ be her.She has gone back to her home town.Amustnt BwouldntCneednt Dcant(D)14.We heard him _ in the next room just now.Asang Bto singCwas singing Dsing(C)15.This is not just a greeting _ a polite invitation.Aand BorCbut Dso.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16多和他交谈,你就会慢慢了解他的。Talk to him more often and youll get to know about him.17例如,他学习非常努力。For example,he studies very hard.18我是第一次见到彼得。I met Peter for the first time19你可以在这里吃,也可以拿走。You can eat it here or take it away20对不起,我碰到你的肩膀了。Im sorry to touch you on the shoulder02能力提升.短文填词。阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。Wang Lin,a Chinese student in America,was invited to a dinner party.He was a little _21_(worry) because he knew little about American customs.So he wrote a letter to his friend Rose,_22_(ask) for help.Rose wrote back to Wang Lin and told him what _23_(do)Here is the letter.Dear Wang Lin,It is a good idea _24_(bring) a small present when you go to a dinner party.Flowers are always nice,but you may _25_(bring) a bottle of wine if you know that your friend drinks it.You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late.Do not get there early.If you are more than fifteen minutes late,you should tell them _26_(one)Try to be free at the dinner table.If you _27_(not know) how to use the fork and knife,just _28_(watch) the other people and follow them.If you still have no idea what to do,just ask the person beside you.If you like the food,of course,you should _29_(thank) them for the meal and their _30_(kind)It is also a good idea to send a thankyou card the next day.Best wishes.Rose21worried22.to_ask23.to_do24.to_bring25bring26.first27.dont_know28.watch29thank30.kindness名校讲坛notice的用法notice作动词,意为“注意,留意”,既可接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,也可接动词ing形式作宾语补足语。常用于notice sb.do/doing sth.结构,与see,watch,hear等单词用法类似。如:I noticed her standing behind me.我注意到她正站在我后面。Did you notice me leave the house?你看到我离开房子了吗?


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