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陕北民歌的语言及其风格摘要:众所周知,劳动人民创造了民歌,它源于生活,是劳动人民发自肺腑的心声。通过切身 感受、观察、触景生情,即兴编唱,用质朴、生动形象、准确传神、绘声绘形,简洁凝炼的 语言表达他们丰富的思想感情,赞美养育自己的黄土高原和大自然景观。用歌声来揭露黑暗, 反抗剥削,憧憬光明,在艰苦、贫困,落后的历史条件下,抒发心中的酸甜苦辣,表达男女 对自由、纯洁和神圣爱情的坚贞不渝和至死不移的追求。同时也展示了多姿多彩的陕北风情 和风俗、衣食和住行。具有豪迈雄浑的气势、率直明朗的笔法、抒情悠扬的曲调和鲜明的高 原风情的风格。Language And Style of The North of ShaanxiAbstract:As is known to us, the folk song created by the working people comes from life, and it is the voice from their heart. Through personal experience ,observations, recalling and improvisation ,they express their rich feelings, praise their Loess Plateau the land raised their up and the natural landscape by using pure ,vivid ,accurate and brief language. They use songs to expose darkness, against exploitation 、 look forward the bright,express the heart of ups and downs under the hard ,poor and backward historical circumstance and convey spirit of pursuing the freedom of steadfast love between men and women . Meanwhile, the folk song also displays the local customs, food, clothing and housing. It has the forceful momentum, straightforward and clear strokes and melodious tunes and distinctive Loess Plateau style.Key word: folk song; pursuit; customsRoy 8:49:07 06:1103163632:6:351abceaa41744eb3d79dda758f1f899&ali_trackid=1_351ab ceaa41744eb3d79dda758f1f899&spm=640.1000556.0.928夏日里的春天 8:57:47在不Roy 9:00:43zai夏日里的春天 9:00:54 你穿多大的Roy 9:01:132尺4夏日里的春天 9:01:13尺码: 28 码( 2.1 尺) 30 天退换 29 码( 2.2 尺) 30 天退换 30 码( 2.3 尺)30天退换 31码(2.4尺)30天退换 32 码(2.5尺)30天退换 33码(2.6 尺)30天退换 34码(2.7尺)30天退换 36 码(2.8尺)30天退换 38码(2.9 尺)30 天退换Roy 9:05:08 2275&cm_cat=50040965Roy 9:05:20灰颜色的Roy 9:06:20T恤夏日里的春天 9:06:25 裤子和挂子两件是不Roy 9:06:37是的夏日里的春天 9:06:42 多大的夏日里的春天 9:08:26穿多大的么,170还是175曲9:08:28您发送了一个窗口抖动。Roy 9:08:35170Roy 9:10:19 656&cm_cat=50016863Roy 9:10:4840夏日里的春天 9:12:11什么颜色Roy 9:12:37 014&cm_cat=50016863Roy 9:12:46要这个夏日里的春天 9:13:04不上档次Roy 9:13:23那拉个好夏日里的春天 9:13:56 都不怎么样,前面那个太幼稚了


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