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11月北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试试题及答案(A) Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 人类学家一词来自希腊语,历史学家用材料,人类学家用实物。通过历史的变迁,实物往往受到多种因素的影响而受到损坏。但人们却发现两千年前的人类尸体残骸至今保存完好,由于在有水的环境中,能与细菌隔离,由于细菌生存需要氧气,并且酸性环境能协助保存。人类学家研究表白,此人是为神献身而死的。Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Archaeology, like many academic words, comes from Greek and means, more or less, “the study of old things”. So, it is really a part of the study of history. However, most historians use paper evidence, such as letters, paintings and photographs,but archaeologists (考古学家) learn from the objects left behind by the humans of long ago. Normally, these are the hard materials that dont break down or disappear very quicklythings like human bones and objects made from stone and metal. It is very unusual to find anything more than the hard evidence of history-normally, the bacteria (细菌) in the air eat away at soft materials, like bodies, clothes and things made of wood. Occasionally, things are different. In 1984, two men made an amazing discovery while working in a bog called Lindow Moss, in the north of England. A bog is a very wet area of earth, with a lot of plants growing in it. It can be like a very big and very thick vegetable soupwalk in the wrong place and you can sink and disappear forever. The men were working when one of them saw something sticking outa human foot! Naturally, the men called the police,who then found the rest of the body. Was it a case of murder? Possibly-but it was a death nearly two thousand years old. The two men had found a body from the time of the Roman invasion of Britain. Despite being so old, this body had skin, muscles, hair and internal organsthe scientists who examined him were able to look inside the mans stomach and find the food that he had eaten for his last meal! Why was this man so well preserved? (76) It was because he was in a very watery environment, safe from the bacteria that need oxygen to live. Also, the water in the bog was very acidic. The acid preserved the mans skin in the way that animal skin is preserved for leather coats and shoes. How did he die? Understandably, archaeologists and other scientists wanted to know more about the person that they called,“Lindow Man”. (77) His hands and fingernails suggested that he hadnt done heavy manual work in his lifehe could have been a rich man. They found that he hadnt died by accident. The archaeologists believe that he was sacrificed to three different gods. 1. Which language does the word “archaeology”come from? A. French. B. Greek. C. Roman. D. German.【答案】B。细节题。问题是考古学一词的来源,文章第一段提到comes from Greek,意思是来自希腊语,因此选择B。2. The word “these” in the first paragraph refers to_. A. letters B. photographs C. paintings D. objects【答案】D。推断题。根据英语的行文特点,背面浮现的代词一定指代前面近来提到的事物,上一句提到objects,所后来面these指的就是objects。3. Which of the following helped to preserve“Lindow Man”? A. Ice and Iow temperature. B. Bacteria and oxygen. C. Soil and energy. D. Acid and water.【答案】D。理解分析题。文章倒数第二段说It was because he was in a very watery environment, safe from the bacteria that need oxygen to live由于在有水的环境中,能与细菌隔离,由于细菌生存需要氧气,the water in the bog was very acidic并且酸性环境能协助保存。4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. “Lindow Man”was named after the person who first found him. B. Historians usually use paper evidence, while archaeologists use hard evidence. C. “Lindow Man” was found by two archaeologists in the south of England. D. “Lindow Man”was good at manual work.【答案】B。分析判断题。文章第一段说most historians use paper evidence,but archaeologists learn from the objects阐明历史学家用材料,人类学家用实物,因此选择B。5. Which is the best title for the passage? A. What Is Archaeology? B. Archaeology and History C. An Amazing Archaeological Discovery D. The Death of“Lindow Man”【答案】C。主旨大意题。给英语文章选择题目一定要看文章的主题和细节环绕什么话题来写,而不是看文章大概提到了什么内容,本文环绕人类学家发现的古代尸体以及保存环境,因此选择C。Passage 2本文重要描写都市生活如何对人类的大脑产生损害。大自然在人类大脑的工作中产生有益的协助,在医院医生也用大自然中的事物例如数目来治疗疾病。这是历史上初次人类大多数住在都市,都市环境对人类的健康和大脑的工作均有损害。人们要找出某些措施来减少都市对大脑的损害。Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage: The city has always been an engine of intellectual life, from the 18th-century cafes of London, where citizens gathered to discuss chemistry and politics, to the Left Bank bars of modern Paris, where Picasso talked about modem art. Without the metropolis, we might not have had the great art of Shakespeare. And yet, city life isnt easy. Now scientists have begun to examine how the city affects the brain, and the results are depressing. Just being in an urban environment, they have found, impairs (损害) our basic mental processes. (78) After spending a few minutes on a crowded city street, the brain is less able to hold things in memory, and suffers from reduced self-control. While its long been recognized that city life is exhausting, this new research suggests that cities actually dull our thinking, sometimes dramatically so. One of the main forces at work is a complete lack of nature, which is surprisingly beneficial for the brain. Studies have demonstrated, for instance, that hospital patients recover more quickly when they can see trees from their windows, and that women living in public housing are better able to focus when their apartments overlook a lawn. Even these glimpses of nature improve brain performance, it seems, because they provide a mental break from the urban life. This research arrives just as humans cross an important milestone (里程碑). For the first time in history, the majority of people live in cities. Instead of inhabiting wide-open spaces, were crowded into concrete jungles, surrounded by traffic and millions of Strangers. In recent years, its become clear that such unnatural surroundings have important implications for our mental and physical health, and can powerfully alter how we think. This research is also leading some scientists to dabble (涉足) in urban design, as they look for ways to make the city less damaging to the brain. (79) The good news is that even slight alterations, such as planting more trees in the inner city or creating urban parks with a greater variety of plants, can significantly reduce the negative side effects of city life. The mind needs nature, and even a little bit can be a big help.6. Which of the following is the main idea of this passage? A. The city inspires talented people. B. The city hurts your brain. C. The city has many pleasures and benefits. D. The city seriously affects the natural balance.【答案】B。主旨大意题。根据文章每一段的主题句可以概括出本文重要描写都市生活如何对人类的大脑产生损害,因此选择B。7. The word “metropolis” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to_. A. citizen B. nature C. city D. stress【答案】C。推断题。文章第一段说都市与人类智力活动的关系,提到city都市一词,随后又列举两个事例,London和Paris,因此由此推断背面说没有大都市就没有艺术,因此选择C。 8. People have just come to realize that_. A. human attention is a scarce resource B. city life can make people very tired C. the city is an engine of intellectual life D. an urban environment is damaging to the brain【答案】D。综合理解题。文章提到city affects the brain都市影响人脑,以及impairs our basic mental processes损害人类大脑的基本智力活动的过程,此外尚有make the city less damaging to the brain要研究如何减少都市对大脑的损害,因此选择D。9. What is the factor mentioned in the third paragraph that helps the hospital patients recover more quickly? A. Nature. B. Better treatment. C. Experienced doctors. D. Good medicine.【答案】A。细节题。文章第三段提到nature自然是工作中最基本要素,在医院医生也用大自然来治疗疾病,因此选择A。10. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Different aspects (方面) of an urban environment, such as the crowded streets, can lead to an increase in self-control. B. Small changes in urban design, cannot reduce the negative side effects of city life. C. For the first time in history, the earths population is more urban than rural. D. A walk down a busy city street will improve brain performance.【答案】C。分析判断题。文章第四段说For the first time in history, the majority of people live in cities这是历史上初次人类大多数住在都市,由此判断选项C为对的答案。Passage 3文章开始说母乳饲养与妈妈后来患糖尿病的因素, Eleanor Schwarz的研究使得母乳饲养和糖尿病的关系这一研究更加易懂,她分析数据使得研究更可靠。接着又用大量数据加以对比来阐明没有母乳饲养的妈妈比母乳饲养的后来患糖尿病的机率更大,母乳饲养能减少患病机率,妈妈最佳母乳饲养一种月,越长越好。文章最后一段给怀孕的女性某些建议。Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage: Breastfeeding (母乳饲养) for a month or longer appears to reduce a womans risk of getting diabetes (糖病) later in life, according to a new study. The breastfeeding and diabetes link has been reported in other studies, according to researcher Eleanor Schwarz. Yet, her study makes the link easier to believe. Her study is published in a journal of medicine in America. Schwarz and her colleagues looked at data about breastfeeding practices. They evaluated data on 2,233 women from Califomia. Of those, 405 were not mothers, 1,125 were mothers who breastfed for at least a month, and 703 were mothers who had never breastfed. They were 40 to 78 years old. According to Schwarzs study, the risk of getting a diagnosis (诊断) of Type 2 diabetes for women who breastfed all their children for a month or longer was similar to that of women who had not given birth. But mothers who had never breastfed were nearly twice as likely to develop diabetes as women who had never given birth. Mothers who never breastfed were about 1.4 times as likely to develop diabetes as women who breastfed for one to three months, Schwarz found. While one month of breastfeeding appears to make a difference, Schwarz says, even longer is better. (80) “Previous studies have shown the longer the mom breastfeeds, the more benefit for her body.” Many experts recommend breastfeeding for six months and continuing for a year, she says. The diabetes-breastfeeding link is probably explained by belly fat. Mothers, who dont breastfeed, as they get older, may have more belly fat, as breastfeeding helps new mothers take off weight. “Belly fat increases the risk of diabetes as you get older,” she says. The finding isnt surprising at all, says Kimberly Gregory. She often gives advice to women who get diabetes (occurring during pregnancy (怀孕) that they are at risk for later getting Type 2 diabetes and suggests they breastfeed. The new findings will probably inspire Gregory to add to the-advice she gives moms-to-be about the benefits of breastfeeding. She often focuses on the benefits to the baby.11. According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. About two thousand and two hundred old women took part in the study. B. Eleanor Schwarzs research program was about men and women who suffered from diabetes. C. Over one fifths of the women never got married. D. Eleanor Schwarzs results seem more reliable.【答案】D。分析判断题。文章第一段说her study makes the link easier to believe阐明她的研究使得母乳饲养和糖尿病的关系这一研究更加易懂,她分析数据使得研究更可靠,因此选择D。12. According to Schwarzs findings, who are more likely to get diabetes later in life? A. Those mothers who had never breastfed. B. Those mothers who never gave birth. C. Those mothers who breastfed for a month. D. Those mothers who breastfed for six months.【答案】A。综合理解题。文章第二段用大量数据加以对比来阐明没有母乳饲养的妈妈比母乳饲养的后来患糖尿病的机率更大,因此选择A。13. Which of the following statements would Schwarz agree with? A. Breastfeeding is not advisable because it is not good for a mom to keep a good shape. B. Breastfeeding can greatly reduce a mothers chances of getting all kinds of serious disease. C. Breastfeeding for a month is highly recommended: the longer, the better. D. Breastfeeding for a month or longer makes babies smarter.【答案】C。细节题。 文章第三段说breastfeeding appears to make a difference, even longer is better阐明妈妈最佳母乳饲养一种月,越长越好,因此选择C。14. What does the author mean by “moms-to-be” in the last paragraph? A. Women who are pregnant, especially for the first time. B. Women who dream of having babiesfor the first time. C. Women who already have children. D. Women who have just got babies for the first time.【答案】A。推断题。文章最后一段给怀孕的女性某些建议,因此mom-to-be指的就是准妈妈,因此选择A。15. Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage? A. Breasffeeding May Enhance Babies Chances of Survival B. Breasffeeding May Lower Moms Diabetes Risk C. Breasffeeding May Become Very Fashioaable in Near Future D. Breasffeeding May Help Women Lose Weight【答案】B。主旨大意题。文章开始说母乳饲养与妈妈后来患糖尿病的因素,接着又说母乳饲养能减少患病机率,因此选择BPart Vocabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.16. You should carefully think over_ the manager said at the meeting.A. that B. which C. what D. whose【答案】C本题考察名词性从句,think over意思是仔细考虑,背面需要加宾语从句,宾语从句引导词可以是特殊疑问词也可以是that,特殊疑问词引导从句故意义、作成分、不能省略,that作引导词没故意义、不作成分、不能省略,此处从句中缺少宾语,指代说话内容用what。17. Last week I wrote to the hotel to book a room, but they _ yet. A. didnt answer B. wasnt answeringC. hadnt answered D. havent answered【答案】A本题考察时态的一致问题,根据转折连词but可以看出本句为并列句,前后时态一致,题干中的时间状语last week 和前半句的时态可以判断,空格处需要使用一般过去时,因此选择A。18. Diana felt very much upset at _ to the party as she had longed to go for a long time. A. having not been invited B. not having been invitedC. not to be invited D. to be not invited【答案】B本题考察非谓语动词的用法,题目中介词at背面要加名词性成分,选项都是非谓语动词形式,选项A和B是目前分词,选项C和D是动词不定式,且所有选项都是用了被动语态,目前分词一般作介词的宾语,且否认形式把not 放在助动词having前面。19. On no account _ held responsible for the car accident, so he should not be put into prison. A. the driver can be B. can the driver beC. the driver be D. be the driver【答案】B本题考察倒装构造,如果句首状语为否认词或带有否认意义的词语或短语,就应采用部分倒装语序。本句中的否认短语on no account位于句首,因此从句需要倒装,倒装时要把助动词提到主语前面,因此选择B。 20. All the kids are crying now. What_makes them so unhappy?A. it is B. is it C. it is that D. is it that【答案】D本题考察强调句,第二句句子构造完整不缺成分,因此考虑强调句it is.that.构造,把要强调的部分放在is和that之间,此处强调what,由于本句是特殊疑问句what提前,背面要用疑问句语序。21. Unfortunately, the package I was expecting was _ to the wrong address.A. written B. given C. packed D. delivered【答案】D本题考察词义辨析。本句的意思是:不幸的是,我盼望收到的包裹被邮递错了,因此包裹因该是被邮递的,选项D deliver 的意思是邮递,投递,因此选择D。 22. _by a large audience, he felt very nervous and didnt know what to say.A. Watching B. Watch C. Watched D. Having watched【答案】C本题考察非谓语动词的用法,本句的意思是;被许多观众注视着,她感到非常紧张,并懂得说什么了。本句的主语是he,与动词“watch”构成被动关系,因此要用过去分词表达被动。23. Im very grateful for your help and hope to do something for you_in the future.A. in exchange B. instead C. in return D. in particular【答案】C本题考察介词短语意思的辨析。本句意思是:我非常感谢你的协助,但愿在后来为你做些事情作为回报。in exchange 意思是互换;instead 意思是取而代之;in return意思是作为报答;in particular意思是特别地,因此选择C。24. I can _you that the animals are well cared for in our zoo, so you neednt worry about them.A. suppose B. assume C. assure D. grant【答案】C本题考察词义的辨析。本句的意思是:我可以向你保证在我们动物园动物可以得到细心的照顾,因此你不必紧张它们。suppose意思是推想、假设;assume意思是假定、设想;assure意思是保证、担保;Grant 意思是批准、批准。25. The drowning boy made a _ attempt to catch the rope thrown to him. A. dangerous B. graceful C. gentle D. desperate【答案】D本题考察词义的辨析。本句的意思是:溺水的孩子拼命地努力抓住那根抛给她的绳子。Dangerous意思是危险的;graceful意思是优美的;gentle意思是温和的;Desperate意思是拼命的、不顾一切的。26. If we_early tomorrow morning, we will reach the coast before dark. A. take off B. set off C. set up D. take up【答案】B本题考察动词短语意思的辨析。本句的意思是:如果我们明天早上早点动身的话,我们就会在天黑之前达到海边。take off意思是拿掉, 取消, 脱衣; set off意思是出发, 动身;set up 意思是设立, 架起;take up意思是拿起, 开始从事。27. A lot of people mistake John for Bill because they _ each other in appearance too much! A. weave B. utilize C. reveal D. resemble【答案】D本题考察词义的辨析。本句的意思是:许多人误把约翰当成比尔,由于她们两个人在长相上太像了。Weave意思是编制,组合;utilize意思是运用;reveal 意思是呈现,揭示; Resemble意思是像,类似。28. When there are cordial relations between the two countries, we mean there exists a_ relationship between them. A. friendly B. hostile C. fertile D. complicated【答案】A本题考察词义的辨析。本句的意思是:当两个国家有亲切和谐的关系时,就是是说她们之间关系和谐。Friendly意思是和谐的;hostile意思是有敌意的;fertile意思是肥沃的,富饶的;complicated意思是复杂的。29. The patients recovery was very encouraging as he could_get out of bed without help. A. only B. almost C. merely D. hardly【答案】B本题考察词义的辨析。本句的意思是:病人的恢复非常令人振奋,由于她可以几乎不用任何协助就能起床了。only意思是仅仅,只有;almost意思是几乎,差不多;merely意思是仅仅地;hardly意思是几乎不。30. At the job interview, Mr. Brown gave a good _ of himself and finally got a job as a salesman. A. opinion B. idea C. cry D. account【答案】D本题考察词义的辨析。本句的意思是:在面试时,布朗先生较好地简介了自己,最后获得了这份推销员的工作。opinion意思是想法,主意;idea意识是想法,念头;cry意思是哭喊,哭泣;account意思是描述,阐明。31. As is well known, eating too much fat can_heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. add to B. attend to C. contribute to D. apply to【答案】C本题考察词义的辨析。本句中as引导定语从句指代背面整个一句话,意思是:众所周知,吃得太多会导致心脏病和血压高。add to意思是加上; attend to意思是用心, 注意;contribute to意思是导致,引起; apply to意思是将.应用于。32. A club is a place to make frequent_with friends. A. accounts B. attempts C. contents D. contacts【答案】D本题考察词义的辨析。本句的意思是:俱乐部是一种与朋友可以常常联系的地方。accounts 意思是帐户,描述 ;attempts意思是尝试;contents意思是内容;contacts意思是联系。33. _the obvious differences in size and population, the states of America have many things_ common. A. Although; on B. Though; inC. Despite; in D. Because of; on【答案】C本题考察状语从句及介词短语的搭配。本句的意思是:尽管在面积和人口上有明显的差别,但是美国各州之间有许多共同点。本句的主句与从句之间是让步的关系,因此引导让步状语从句的引导词although,背面有提到在某方面有共同点要用固定搭配have . in common, 因此只能选择C。34. Scientists say it may be five or six years _this medicine is tested on human beings.A. since B. before C. after D. when【答案】B本题考察时间状语从句,本句的意思是科学家说这种药在人体上实验还需要五六年的时间,也就是说在做人体实验之前的这段时间为五六年,因此选择B。35. With larger numbers of graduates than ever before, just having a degree will no longer be enough to make you _in the crowd.A. stand up B. stand by C. stand for D. stand out【答案】D本题考察动副词搭配的辨析。本句主语是动词的目前分词,stand up意思是站立; stand by意思是支持,stand for意思是代表,stand out意思是突出,句子要体现随着毕业生的增长,拥有学位不会让你鹤立鸡群了。36. The doctor tried to do an experiment to find out the_of the medicine on the mice.A. cause B. result C. reason D. effect【答案】D本题考察名词词义的辨析,find out背面需要一种名词作宾语, cause意思是因素,result意思是成果,reason意思是理由,effect意思是成果,本句意思是医生试图作实验来发现这种药物在老鼠身上的效果,因此选择D。37. This is only one of the laundries in the district modem equipment.A. that have B. which have C. that has D. what has【答案】C本题考察定语从句,主句是主系表构造,表语是one of the laundries,其中先行词为one,其定语从句的引导词必须用that,背面的动词用单数第三人称,因此选C。38. Skating can be good for you _ correctly.A. though doing B. though done C. if done D. if doing【答案】C本题考察非谓语动词,主句的主语是skating,背面条件状语从句的主语与主句一致,选择动词时要看该动词与主句主语的关系,积极进行用目前分词,被动完毕用过去分词,此处选择过去分词,溜冰被对的操作,省略it is,though引导让步状语从句,根据句意选择if引导条件状语从句。39. By the end of last week 611 people from 49 countries to attend the meeting, with nearly half coming from the United States, Germany and Britain. A. had registered B. have registeredC. registered D. were registered【答案】A考察动词时态,by 是完毕时的标志,the end of last week上周末是过去时的标志,因此本句用过去完毕时,因此选则A。40. It was suggested that_big event like the Year of Russia in China should certainly benefit_relationship between the two countries. A. a; the B. the; a C. a; / D. the; /【答案】A本题考察冠词的用法,前面用不定冠词泛指一件大事件,背面特指两个国家的关系用定冠词。41. Although he knew little about the lar


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