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总机英语培训资料(一)专用词汇电信局 Telecommunication Bureau 电话总机 telephone exchange/general switch board自动交换机 automatic switchboard 中继线 trunk line 电话分机 extension 电话号码薄 telephone directory/yellow pages发话人 calling party(caller) 受话人 called party长途电话 long distance call 市内电话 urban telephone / local call郊区电话 suburban call 叫号电话 station-to-station call叫人电话 person-to-station call 急用电话 emergency call普通电话 ordinary call 受付电话 collect call 自付电话 pay call 加急电话 urgent call直拨长途电话 direct distance dialing call 通话计时器 telephone meter通话占用分钟数 call minutes 通话总消耗时间 total elapsed time 查号台 directory enquiry 地区代码 area code销号费 cancellation fee 国家代码 country code国际长途台 international call service station 来话人 caller内线 house call 外线 outside call留言灯 message light 占线 line engaged打错了 wrong number 没人接 no answer请稍等 hold the line 挂断电话 hung up /cut off分机号码 extension number 叫醒服务 wake-up call时差 time difference 标准时间 the standard time 缩位拨号abbreviated dialing 遇忙记存呼叫 registered call热线服务 hot line service 呼出限制 outgoing call barrying免打扰服务 do not disturb 追察恶意呼叫 malicious call tracing闹钟服务 alarm-call service 转移呼叫 call transfer遇忙回叫 call back 三方通话 three party services 会议电话 conference services 请挂机 hang up 拿电话等 hold on 回呼你 ring you back 留言服务 message services 占线 line is busy/engaged 占用房 occupancy 空房 vacancy毗连房 adjoining room 联通房 connecting room 值班经理 manager on duty 洽谈室 negotiation 维修中心 out of order 确认 confirmation取消 cancellation 贵宾 very important person接机服务 pick up service 地址 address入住 check in 退房 check out无烟楼层 no-smoking floor 折扣 discount国籍 nationality 邮政编码 zip code信用卡 credit card 内部用房 house use房费 room charge 升级 upgrade单人间 single room 双人间 double room三人间 triple room 免费 free of charge保险箱 safe-(deposit) box 淡季 low season旺季 peak season 小册子 brochure留言 message 传真 fax打字 typewrite 复印 photocopy打印/打印机 printing/printer 会议室 conference room紧急出口 emergency exit 记事/交班本 log book请勿打扰 do not disturb 投拆 complain送餐服务 room service 加床 roll in电脑 computer 主机 mainframe 键盘 keyboard 鼠标 mouse 显示器 monitor 宽带网 broadband internet 单人间 single room 标准间 standard room 大床间 standard king size room 豪华间 deluxe room 标准套房 standard suites 豪华套房 deluxe suites 行政套房 executive suites 总统套房 presidential suites 插座 socket 电水壶 auto kettle 开水瓶 thermos 台灯 desk lamp 床头灯 reading/bedside lamp 摇控器 remote controller 电吹风 hair drier 马桶 water closet 送餐服务 room service 服务指南 service directory卫生袋 sanitary bag 地毯 carpet床单 bed sheet 床垫 mattress床罩 bedspread 毯子 blanket拖鞋 slippers 睡衣 pajamas壁橱 wardrobe 针线包 sewing kit沐浴液 shower gel 枕头 pillow开关 switch 牙膏 tooth paste 牙刷 tooth brush 冰箱 refrigerator毛巾 towel 遥控器 remote controller香皂 soap 香波 shampoo镜子 mirror 开水瓶 thermos枕套 pillow case 插座 socket电动剃须刀 electric shaver 梳子 comb接线板 adaptor/extension board 插头 plug便签夹 note pad 棉签 cotton stick 接通了、请讲话 you are in connection,please go ahead.时间到了,要不要延长 time is up,are you extending? (二)常用句型 1、 请稍等。Just a moment, please. / Wait for a moment, please. Hold on, please. / Hold the line, please. 2、新年快乐!圣诞快乐!Happy New Year! / Merry Christmas! 3、您能告诉我房间号码吗?Could you tell me the room number, please? May I have your room number, please? 4、请问您能告诉我客人的姓名吗?请问您贵姓? Could you tell me the surname of the guest?May I have your surname, please?5、请问您找哪一位? Who would you like to speak to? Who are you calling?6、 请问他的姓名怎么拼? How do you spell the name?7、 他是住店的客人吗? Is he a hotel guest?8、 我帮您接通前台,他们会详细帮您查询。Ill connect you with the front desk, and they will check it for you.9、 请稍等,我帮您查查看,让您久等了,先生。*先生住*号房,我帮您接通。Just a moment, please. Ill check for you.Thank you for waiting, sir. Mr.* is living in room *. Ill put you through.(Ill connect for you)10、再说一次好吗? Could you repeat that, please? I beg your pardon.请您说慢一点好吗? Could you speak more slowly, please?请说大声一点好吗? Could you speak a little louder, please?11、我们没有那个号码的房间,我们所有的房间都是四位数字。We have not room with that number. All our rooms have four digit numbers. 12、恐怕电话没挂好,请您稍后再拔。Im afraid the phone has not been hung. Please call again later.13、对不起,电话占线。/恐怕电话没有人接听。 Sorry, the line is busy. Im afraid theres no answer.14、您可以在语音信箱中留言。请根据语音提示进行操作,并按“#”键结束。You could leave a message in the voice mail. Please according to the voice notice to make it, and dial the crossing sign to confirm.15、请别挂断电话好吗? Hold on (Hold the line), please. Could you hold the line please?16、您如果拨打客房电话,请在10楼以下的房号前加8,10楼以上可直接拨房间号码。If you want to make a call to the room, under 10th floor please add “8” before the room number, 10th floor above just directly dial the room number. 17、外线电话先拨“9”。Please dial “9” first for outside call, and then dial the number.18、请问您要打去哪里? May I know where youre going to call?19、请先挂断电话,我开通线路后给您回电话,好吗? Could you hang up please? Ill open the line, and then call you back.20、电话已开通,您现在可以拨打国际长途了,请先拨“9”;再拨国家代码,区号和电话号码。 Your line has been opened. Now you could dial the international call, please dial “9”first, and then dial the country code, the area code and the telephone number.21、请问您要接这通电话吗? Would you like to accept the phone, please? Would you mind answering the phone, please?22、我说的对吗? Is that correct? / Am I right?23、他恐怕已经退房了。 Im afraid that he has already checked out.24、不客气。 My pleasure. / Youre welcome.25、请问您刚才收到叫醒电话了吗? Have you received the wake-up call/morning call just now?26、对不起,电话没人接,请问您要找其他人接听吗? Im sorry, theres no answer. Would you like to contact the others?27、对不起,电话占线,您还有其它分机可转吗? Im sorry, the line is busy. Would you like to transfer the others?28、您愿意稍等一会儿吗? Would you like to wait a moment, please?29、对不起,您打错了。 Im afraid, you have dialed the wrong number. 30、*先生/女士,对不起,这里是总机,外面有*先生/小姐打来的长途/紧急电话找您,请问您现在要接吗? Excuse me, sir /madam, this is operator. You have a long distance call /an urgent call by * *. Would you like to accept the call now?31、早上好(下午好/晚上好),*先生/小姐,这是您的叫醒服务,现在是*(时间),今天天气是*,气温*摄氏度,(最高温度*摄氏度,最低温度*摄氏度)。祝您今天过得愉快!Good morning(afternoon, evening), Mr.*/Ms*. This is your wake-up call. Now its * oclock. Its cloudy / sunny /rainy today. The temperature is at *degrees centigrade. (The maximum temperature is at* degrees centigrade. The minimum temperature is at * degrees centigrade) Have a nice day!32、对不起,请您挂上电话,我马上转过来。Could you hang up please? Ill connect you right away.33、恐怕客人现在很忙,您愿意留言吗? Im afraid Mr.* is busy now. Would you like to leave a message?34、对不起,请您稍等一会儿,我们立即找人给您维修。 Sorry, sir /madam. Would you please wait a moment. Ill ask someone/engineer to repair it.35、等他回来以后,我会叫他给您回电话。 Ill tell him to call you back when he returns. 36、不必客气,如果您需要帮助请与我们联系。 Youre welcome. If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.37、对不起,先生/女士,您需要交押金(您恐怕要先到前台交一下押金,我才能给您开线)。 Sorry, sir /madam. According to(Be accordance with)our hotel policy that the guest has to pay deposit first.38、对不起,先生/女士,这是内线电话,不能打外线。 Im sorry, sir / madam. It is an in house phone, you could not call outside here.39、你们商务中心营业时间是几点到几点?我们商务中心的营业时间是7:00至23:30。Whats your operation hour in Business Center?Our Business Centers operation hour is from 7: 00 to 23:30.40、您打的电话持续了*分钟,费用是*。 Your phone lasted *minutes, and costs * yuan.41、您出去的时候,*先生给您留了个言。 Mr.* left a message for you when you were out.42、抱歉给您带来不便。 Im terribly/very sorry for the inconvenience.43、祝您下塌愉快! We hope you will enjoy your stay here!44、天气预报说明天有雨。 The weatherman says its going to rain tomorrow.45、天气预报说明天最高温度10OC,最低温度-5 OC。 The weatherman says the highest temperature will be 10degrees centigrade, the lowest temperature will be 5 degrees be low zero centigrade for tomorrow.46、电话已经不占线。 The line is free. (The line is available.)47、我帮您转过去。 Ill switch you over. / Ill connect you.48、有电话找您。 Youre wanted on the phone. /There is a telephone call for you.49、您可以打7614找到他。 You can get him at 7614.50、内线免费。 The house call is free. / There is no charge for house call.51、电话接通了。 Youre through now.52、您要我帮您接通电话吗? Would you like me to place the call for you?53、对不起,这是我搞错了。 Im sorry, it was my mistake (fault).54、我可以知道您从什么时间开始要求免打扰,并且什么时候需要取消吗? May I know at what time you would need the “Do not disturb” service, and what time you need cancel it ?55、当有国际长途或紧急电话时,我应该怎么做? What shall I do if there is an International call or an urgent call for you?56、请问您需要几点钟叫醒? May I know at what time you would like to be woken up?57、线路出了故障。 The line is bad.58、他现在正在通话。 He is on another line now.59、(您拨号后)大约需要等候30秒左右才能接通。(比如打108) It will take about 30 seconds before you hear either a ringing or a busy tone.60、对不起,电话占线,您愿意留言还是拿电话等或者是稍后再打过来。 Sorry, the line is busy. Would you please leave a message or hold the line or call back later? 61、请不要忘了在您留言结束后按“#”键确认。 Dont forget to press the crossing sign for confirming after you finished. 62、对不起,电话还在占线,请稍后再拨过来。 Im sorry, the line is still engaged. Will you please call back later? 63、感谢您的来话,请您稍后再试一下。 Thank you for your call, please try again after a while. 64、对不起,电话没有挂好,请您15分钟后再打过来。 Sorry, the extension is not in regular condition, would you please call back 15 minutes later? 65、早上/下午/晚上好!*先生,有*先生打来的电话,您愿意接吗? Good morning/ afternoon/ evening, Mr.*, youre wanted on the phone by Mr.*, would you like to accept the call? 66、对不起,您打错了。Im sorry, you have a wrong number. 67、早上/下午/晚上好!*先生,您的分机已开IDD级别,请先拨9。 Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Mr.*, your extension has been opened as IDD, please dial 9 first. 68、通话结束后请确保您的电话已挂好,祝您晚安。 Make sure that your extension is in regular condition after you used it. Good night.69、对不起打扰了,这里是总机,有一长途电话是*先生/小姐,给*先生/小姐。请问 他/她在吗? Excuse me, this is operator, there is an urgent call/ long distance call form Mr./Ms.* to Mr./Ms.*, is Mr./Ms.* in? 70、早上/下午/晚上好,*先生/小姐,这里是总机。在您的语音信箱里有一条留言, 请您拨7799提取留言。 Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Mr./Ms.*, this is operator. You have a message in your voice mail, would you please dial 7799 to take it?71、恐怕您的电话还没有开通,我先查一下,然后再通知您好吗?Im afraid your telephone isnt open at this moment. Ill check it first, then call you back, would that be all right? 72、您需要几点钟的叫醒?What time would you like to be woken up?73、打往英国的长途电话是每6秒钟0.8元,加收15%服务费。A call to Britain is 80fen per 6 seconds, with 15 percent service charge.74、从酒店到机场乘出租汽车得花50分钟的时间。It will take you 50 minutes from hotel to the airport by taxi. 75、请问他是酒店的客人还是员工? Is he a hotel guest or a staff? 76、我恐怕没有叫这个名字的客人,我把电话转到前台,他们会给您提供详细的查询。 Im afraid theres no guest with that name, Ill connect you to the front desk. Theyll give you detailed information. 77、请稍等,我帮您查一下。让您久等了,先生,*先生住在*房间,我帮您转过去。 Just a moment, please. Ill check it for you. Thank you for waiting, sir. Mr.* is living in room* Ill connect you。 78、(对不起,我没听清。)请重复一遍好吗? Could you repeat that, please? / I beg your pardon? 79、对不起,电话无人接,您还要找其他的客人吗? Im sorry, theres no answer, would you like to connect the others? 80、请不要挂电话好吗? Could you hold the line, please? 81、恐怕他已经退房了。 Im afraid he has already checked out. 82、请问您收到叫醒电话了吗? Have you received the wake up call just now?83、等他回来后我请他给您回电话。 Ill tell him to call you back when he returns. 84、对于不便我们感到非常的抱歉。 Were very sorry for the inconvenience. 85、对不起,先生/女士,请您稍等一会儿,我立即通知有关人员给您送去/维修。 Sorry, sir/ madam, would you please wait for a moment. Ill ask someone to send it / repaired it for you. 86、对不起,先生,这里是内线电话不能打出去,如果您要打外线,请到商务中心去打。 Sorry, sir. This is an in-house extension, you could not call out here, if you need to make an outside call,please go to the business center. 87、因为您是团队客人,得先付一笔押金然后才能开线。(打国际长途) As you are a group guest, you should pay a deposit before making international calls. 88、 对不起,线路不是很好(如108业务),请多拨几遍。 Sorry, because this line is hot line, please keep trying for several times.(Sorry we have problem with the line ,please keep trying


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