人教版教材高一英语模块一 unit 2 The Road To Modern English 阅读课教案

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人教版教材高一英语模块一 unit 2 The Road To Modern English 阅读课教案_第1页
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人教版新教材高一英语模块一Unit 2 The Road To Modern English阅读课教案Teaching goals1. Language skills(1).To be able to get the main idea from the text.(2).To be able to use the different learning strategies for different reading purposes.2. Emotion attitudeTo have the correct emotion and purpose of learning English.3. Learning strategies(1). To be able to solve the promble by analysing .(2). To communicate learning experience with teacher and classmates.4. culture awarenessTo know the world culture by learning English.Teaching important points(1).To be able to get the main idea from the text.(2)To be able to solve the promble by analysing .Teaching difficult pointTo be able to use the different learning strategies for different reading purposes.Teaching methods: analysis, discussionTeaching aids: tape-recorder, computer and some slidesTeaching material: Reading (1)Teaching ProceduresStep 1 GreetingGreet the students as usual.Step 2 Revision and lead-in(show the pictures od a football, an eraser, a flat and a lift on the screen.)T: Whats this? ( Point to the football.)S: Its a football.T: Yes. An Englishman usually calls it a football. But what do Americans usually call it?S: a soccer.T: What about this one? ( Point to the eraser.)T: Well, as we know, there is more than one kind of English in the word. They are different from one another in some ways. Why has English changed over time? What will world English be in the future? Do you kown? Well, today, the passage “The Road To Modern English” wil tell us. Now please open your books and turn to page 9.Step 3 Fast reading and comprehending( show the following tips on the screen.)(1) 略读或跳读(找重点词。关键句理解文章大致内容。)(2) 做题:(双向式做题法) 题目关键词文章对应处 答案 前后即测试点 T: Now before we read the pasage and do the exercises in COMPRHENDING, lets learn some tips. Please look at the screen. For the first time you must scan the text quickly for three minutes. Be sure not to read the text sentence by sentence .Read the key words and key sentences to gain a brief idea about the topic of the text. Then read the questions and find the key words. Go back to the text and find the words or their synonyms. You can find the answers aroud the key words. ( After a while.)T: Have you finished yet? (S: yes.) OK. Now lets check the answers. Who will give the first answer?S1: A. “ English has the most speakers now.”T: where in the text did you find the key words or its synonyms?S1: In the first paragraph the last sentence. “ China may have the largest number of English Speakers.” The sentence ahead shows us that the time is today or now.T: Very good. And what about the next question? ( It doesnt matter whether the students make mistakes. The most important of all is to lead them to find the key words or sentences and get the right answers.)Step 4 Analysis of the structure of the textT: Now read the passage again. Try to find the topic sentnces in five minutes. (After a while.)Paragraph 1T: Can you find a topic sentence in Paragraph 1.Ss: No.T: Can you find the words indicating the times? Read them out.Ss: “ At the end of , in the next century, today.”T: Very good. We can see that as the time went by, the number of people speaking English increased. Now use one sentence to sum up the paragraph. Who would like to try? Well, Lin Hong, Have a try.S2: More and more people start to speak English.T: Right. ( Write the sentence down.) Lets go on to the next paragraph. Paragraph 2T: which is the key sentence?S3: The first sentence. “ Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.”T: Can you see the example in the paragraph?Ss: Yes.T: Is it used to support the first sentence?Ss: No.T: Actually it is used to support the sentence- However, they may not be able to understand everything. Generally speaking, the sentence beginning with such words- however, but -after a statement is what the writer intends to give emphasis on. Thus ,it is often the key sentences. So why cant they understand each other?Ss: World English are different from each other in some ways.T: Exactly. Thats what the writer intends to illustrate. ( Write it down on the blackboard.) What about the third paragraph?( conclusion) From the four topic sentences we can see they mainly focus on one thing. Whats it?Ss: English.T: Yes, they are about four aspects of the history of English. So we can say that its a brief history of English. ( Write it down.)Now lets see the structure of the passage. ( show on the screen.) The Road To Modern EnglishP1 More and more people at the end of start to speak English. in the next century todayP2 World English are different However From each other in some ways. For example A Brief History Of English P3 English has changed over time because AD 450-1150 all languages change when cultures 1150-1500 communicate with each other. 600s P4 English is also spoken in many other countries.T: why did the writer decide to end the passage with a question? According to the passage, languages change when culturescommunicate with one another. So the writer intended to predict a possible road to modern English, that is, when Chinese culture communicate with Eglish culture, English may chang, too. So as time goes by, Chinese English may become one of the world English. That is what the writer intended to tell us about in this passage. So the writer gave it the title- The Road To Modern English. When we want to write something, we should follow the following way:1. First, decide what to write on the topic. ( the brief history of English)2. Then, develop four ideas from the topic.3. Next, give some figures or examples to develop and support the ideas.4. A good article needs a good start, a good closing and a proper title.(1). Start the pasage in a way directly related to the topic. ( 开门见山)(2). End the passage with a question and a saying. ( Only time will tell)(3). A proper title. (The Road To Modern English)When we read a pasage we can grasp the main idea and the writers intention in a similar way, too.Step 5: DiscussionT: Now lets discuss the questions in Comprehending Section 2. ( Let the students discuss in pairs. Then share their opinions in class.The answers may vary. But it doesnt matter what their answers may be. Most important of all, encourage them to express what they really think.)Step 6 summing up and homeworkT: Today, we have learned a text about the brief history of English. We have also learn some useful reading skills and writing skills. ( Show on the screen.)1. 略读或跳读(找重点词。关键句理解文章大致内容。)2. 做题:(双向式做题法) 题目关键词文章对应处 答案 前后即测试点 3. 如何找主题句或关键句(1)顺承式段落多在第一句;(2)转折式段落常是第二句带有however,but的句子。First, decide the topic. Then, develop four ideas from th etopic.Next, give some figures or examples to develop and support the ideas.A good article needs a good start, a good closing and a proper title. You may:(1). Start the pasage in a way directly related to the topic.( 开门见山)(2). End the passage with a question and a saying. (3). A proper title. T: Rview them and practice more after class. And finfish the exercise in the part of Learning About Languange. Thats all for today.


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