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All Purpose College EnglishUnit 2 Health MattersScripts and KeysUnit Goals Make an appointment to see a doctor Discuss types of medical treatments Get to know some diseases and medications Write about health mattersLesson 1Lead-inSitcom: Are You OK?A. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words. 1. see a doctor 2. work 3. Dr. Anderson 4. nonconventional 5. this morningB. What is wrong with Paul? Write the ailments and symptoms he talks about in the video episode.1. cold 2. sneezing 3. back 4. hip 5. neck Video Script Scene 1 Are You OK?Paul is not feeling well, and Cheryl, Marie, and Bob try to give him suggestions.Cheryl: Lets get Ms. Novaks tickets ready. She may be stopping by this afternoon.Marie: Paul, are you OK?Paul: No. I feel awful.Cheryl: Whats wrong?Paul: Ive got this horrible cold. Im sneezing, and my back is killing me. Ive got this pain in my hip. My neck has been bothering me all day. And I have a stomachache. Marie: You may have to go to see a doctor.Paul: No! I hate doctors.Cheryl: I wonder what could be wrong?Bob: Maybe hes allergic to work.Paul: Im not kidding here. Im in pain.Bob: I used to want to be a doctor, you know. Say Ahhh.Paul: Ahhh-choo! Bob: Now I remember why I didnt become a doctor. Cheryl: Paul, you really must get some medical help. Bob: A little acupuncture might help you feel better.Paul: Stay away from me. Cheryl: Dr. Anderson is meeting Mr. Evans downstairs in the cafe. Should we ask her to come up? She may be able to help. Marie: Great idea. Ill go get her. Bob: You might prefer an herbal remedy. Paul: Stop it. Cheryl: How long have you been feeling this way? Paul: I got the cold last night, and the pain in my back started this morning. Bob: Want to try a little spiritual healing? Paul: Youre making me laugh. Bob: Laughter is the best medicine, you know. Paul: But it hurts!ListeningPart I Making an Appointment (Sound Bites. Students Book, P15) Read along silently as you listen to the conversation, and fill in the blanks.1. I think its an emergency. 2. overseas 3.Thanks for fitting me in 4. appreciateScriptGuest: I need to see a dentist as soon as possible. I think its an emergency. I was wondering if you might be able to recommend someone who speaks English.Clerk: Actually, theres one not far from here. Would you like me to make an appointment for you?Dentist: So I hear youre from overseas.Patient: Yes. From Venezuela. Thanks for fitting me in. This tooth is killing me.Dentist: Luckily, I had a cancellation. Glad to be of help.Patient: I really appreciate it. Thought Id better see someone right away.Dentist: Well, lets have a look.Teaching SuggestionsStep 1Before listening to the conversation, ask students to look at the pictures. Ask: Where are the men? Who do you think they are? (Possible answers: at the front desk in a hotel; a hotel guest and a hotel check; the guest is asking for something/maybe he has a problem) Who is the woman on the right and where are they? (Possible answers: a doctor or dentist; in a doctors office, in a hospital)Step 2Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. Step 3Listen again to reconfirm the answers. Corpus Notes:Could you recommendis much more common than I was wondering if you might be able to recommend However, the latter is considered much more polite in register.Part II Describe Symptoms at a Doctors OfficeListen to the conversations. Check the symptoms each patient describes. If the patient has any pain, where is it?dizzinessnauseaweaknessvomitingcoughingsneezingwheezingpainIf pain, where?1shoulder2back of neck3back456hipScriptsConversation 1M: What seems to be the problem today, Mrs. Gilles?F: Well, Ive been feeling pretty dizzy for the last few days. I have to lie down all the time. I feel really weak and I have so little energy I cant even make myself lunch or dinner.M: Im sorry to hear that.F: And I can hardly walk up stairs. Im so short of breath whenever I try.M: Any pain?F: Funny you should ask. I have pain in my shoulder, too.Conversation 2 F = ChineseF: Is there anything bothering you today, Mr. Baker?M: Well, when I woke up this morning I felt terrible. I had this pain in the back of my neck, and I thought Id better get in to see the doctor right away.F: Have you been coughing?M: A lot, actually. Ive had a bad cold for over a week now.F: That might explain the pain youve been feeling in your neck. Im going to give you something for that cold.Conversation 3 M = AustralianM: The doctor will be right with you, Ms. Rice. Have you not been feeling well?F: Not great, actually. And Ive been sneezing like crazy.M: Oh, thats too bad.F: Anyway, today my back is killing me. So I thought, thats it, Id better come in. M: Come. Ill take you in to see the doctor.Conversation 4F: Youre here to see Dr. Fox?M: Yes, I am. Ive been really sick.F: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Have you been nauseous?M: Oh yeah.F: Any vomiting?M: Yes. Im afraid Ive been throwing up everything I eat.F: Any dizziness?M: Not really. Just nauseousness.F: Well, Dr. Fox will be with you in a moment.Conversation 5M: Youre Ms. Pearlman?F: Yes, I am.M: The doctor will be with you soon. Can I ask you a few questions?F: OK.M: What brings you in today?F: Well, Ive been wheezing a lot since yesterday. I dont know whats wrong. Its really annoying.M: Are you allergic to anything?F: Not that I can think of.M: Any other symptoms?F: Not really.Conversation 6F: Mr. Rashid?M: Thats me.F: Hello, Mr. Rashid. The doctor will see you in just a moment. Are you in a lot of pain?M: Well, my hip has been bothering me a lot for the past two days. It hurts all the time.F: Hmm. Did you fall or have an accident?M: Not that I can remember. F: Any pain anywhere else? In your knees? Your elbows?M: No.Teaching SuggestionsStep 1Before listening, have students study the chart.Step 2Point out that the first three column heads in the chart use the noun forms of the symptoms. Say the noun forms and ask students to give you the adjective forms.Step 3 You may pause after each conversation to allow students time to check the columns and write about the pain. Step 4Have students compare answers with a partner. Then have them listen again to confirm their answers. Step 5Review the answers. Part III Talk about MedicationsListen to each patient talk with a doctor. Use the vocabulary to fill out the chart for each patient. NAME: Valerie RamazanNOYESIs the patient currently taking any medication?If so, which type? painkillersAre there any possible side effects?If so, what are they? nausea, vomitingDid the doctor give the patient a prescription?NAME: Lucy FerandezNOYESIs the patient currently taking any medication?If so, which type? antacid, painkillerAre there any possible side effects?If so, what are they? tirednessDid the doctor give the patient a prescription?NAME: Mark GohNOYESIs the patient currently taking any medication?If so, which type? eye dropsAre there any possible side effects?If so, what are they? _Did the doctor give the patient a prescription?ScriptConversation 1 M = Korean, F = TurkishM: Ms. Ramazan? Im Dr. Kim. I understand youre a long way from home.F: Thats right. Im here on business. From Turkey.M: But youre not feeling well?F: Its my back. Its really been killing me for several days now.M: Are you taking anything?F: Just some painkillers. But theyre really not helping. M: Let me give you a prescription for Percotrol. Its a very effective painkiller. I think you might find it very helpful.F: Does it have any side effects? M: Very rarely. In some people it causes nausea or vomiting. But I really dont think youll have to worry. Call me if you feel at all nauseous, OK? F: Thanks. M: The dosage is one tablet in the morning, one in the evening, during meals. Youll see a full set of instructions when you pick up your prescription downstairs. F: Thank you, Dr. Kim.Conversation 2 M = Japanese, F= MexicanM: Lucy Fernandez? Im Dr. Hirano.F: Thanks so much for fitting me in.M: My pleasure. Where are you from?F: Mexico. Im here on business.M: Youre a long way from home! What can I do for you today?F: Well, Ive got a splitting headache, and Ive been kind of nauseous since Monday. M: You must feel terrible. Are you currently taking any medication?F: Ive been taking an antacid and a painkiller.M: Are you allergic to any medications?F: I think I might be allergic to penicillin. But Im not sure.M: Well, thats OK. Keep taking the painkiller for that headache. But you can stop taking the antacid. Im going to give you a prescription for your nausea. Take it twice a day.F: Will there be any side effects?M: It might make you a little tired during the day. But chances are youll be fine. Call me if you dont feel better. Conversation 3 M = ChineseM: Dr. Benson? Hi, Im Mark Goh.F: Hello, Mr. Goh. I hear youre not from around here.M: Right. Im visiting from Hong Kong for a few weeks.F: Youve come a long way to see a doctor! Well, what can I do for you today?M: My eyes have been really red for about a week now. F: Have you been using any medication? M: Well I got some eye drops at the drugstore, but they arent helping. F: For your condition, I think you might want something stronger. Im going to give you a prescription for an eye ointment. Use it twice a day, and wash your eyes several times a day. M: OK. F: Its a strong medication, but there arent any side effects you need to worry about. If you keep your eyes clean, the ointment should do the trick. M: Thanks. F: Will you still be here next week? Id like you to come back to see me.M: Yes, Ill still be here.F: Good. You can make an appointment at the front desk on your way out. M: Thanks, Doctor.Teaching SuggestionsStep 1Before listening, have students look at the charts to check which information they should listen for.Step 2Pause after each conversation so that students can write.Step 3 Have students compare answers with a partner and review as a class.Part IV Disease and Treatment Passage 1 Parkinsons DiseaseListen and circle the right answer to each question.1. D 2. B ScriptParkinsons disease is a progressively disabling disease marked by trembling and increasing stiffness of the muscles. The onset of this disease is gradual, which makes it difficult to diagnose in its early stage. Trembling usually begins in one or both hands; eventually the thumb and forefinger may show a rapid repetitive movement. In addition to muscular rigidity, other symptoms include slow body movement, poor coordination, and unbalance. A shortening of muscles along the front of the neck tends to bend the head and spine forward, while the lack of animation in the face creates a mask like expression. As these symptoms worsen, chronic fatigue, mental confusion, and speech impairment may develop and the person with Parkinsons may find it impossible to walk unassistedly.Passage 2 Laughter Is the Best MedicineFill in the blanks with the information you hear.1. heart attacks 2. disease 3. average 4. oxygen 5. estimated6. Laughter can even help improve your memory.7. Just read something humorous or watch a funny video.ScriptTheres a saying in English: “Laughter is the best medicine.” Now studies suggest that this saying might really be true.Everyone knows that stress is bad for your health. It can give you headaches. It can cause heart attacks and other serious medical problems. When we laugh, our stress is reduced. Then the body is able to fight disease better.People who laugh a lot have lower blood pressure than the average person. When a person laughs, his or her blood pressure goes down. When this happens, breathing becomes deeper, sending more oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Also, laughter pushes out more air from the lungs than it takes in, which helps to clean out the lungs.Laughter is good exercise, too! Some doctors have estimated that a person can burn as many calories by laughing as by riding an exercise bike for several minutes. Laughter can even help improve your memory. When you laugh, your muscles relax and psychological stress is reduced. This keeps the brain alert and allows you to remember more information. Some doctors are beginning to prescribe laughter along with certain medications and a healthy diet. Its easy to include laughter in your daily schedule. Just read something humorous or watch a funny video. And who knows it might save your life! Passage 3 Race and DiseaseListen to the passage. Then check the following statements True or False. 1. False 2. False 3. False 4. True ScriptResearchers have found more evidence that suggests a relationship between race and rates of lung cancer among smokers. A new study shows that black people and native Hawaiians are more likely to develop lung cancer from smoking. It compared their risk to whites, Japanese-Americans and Latinos.The study, however, found almost no racial or ethnic differences among the heaviest smokers. These were people who smoked more than thirty cigarettes each day. Other comparisons have shown that black people are more likely than whites to get lung cancer from smoking. But the scientists say few studies have compared the risks among native Hawaiians, Asians and Latinos.Researchers at the University of Southern California and the University of Hawaii did the new study. The New England Journal of Medicine published the findings.The eight-year study involved more than one hundred and eighty thousand people. They provided details about their tobacco use and their diet as well as other information. They included current and former smokers and people who never smoked. Almost two thousand people in the study developed lung cancer.Researchers say genetics might help explain the racial and ethnic differences. There could be differences in how peoples bodies react to smoke. But environmental influences, including the way people smoke, could also make a difference.Last June, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved a drug designed to treat heart failure in black patients. The name is BiDil. The agency called it a step toward the promise of personalized medicine.Speaking Teaching suggestionsConversation modelStep 1 Read and Listen. Step 2Check comprehension by asking What kind of problem does the woman have?(She has a toothache. Shes in pain.) How is the assistant able to help her?(He gives her an appointment for three oclock today.)Step 3Practice the conversation model in pairs.STRESS PATERN A: Hello. I wonder if I might be able to see the dentist today. Im here on business, and I have a toothache. B: Oh, that must hurt. Are you in a lot of pain? A: Yes, actually, I am. B: Well, let me check. Could you be here by three oclock? A: Yes. That would be fine. I really appreciate it.Conversation Pair work Step 1To get ready for the activity, have students read and listen to the conversation again.Step 2To review the necessary vocabulary, ask students to say different dental emergencies and write them on the board.Step 3Review questions a dentists assistant might ask.Examples: Whats the problem? Are you in a lot of pain? Have you been here before? Could you be here by 3:00?Step 4Role-play a conversation. Make sure students change roles at least one time.ReadingTopic Preview (图片及内容见work book, P13, 第一题)1. dental care 2. medication 3. a vaccination 4. eyewearText ABackground Information Reflexology:Reflexology is a therapeutic method of relieving pain by stimulating predefined pressure points on the feet and hands. Reflexology promotes healing by stimulating the nerves in the body and encouraging the flow of blood. Thus, this controlled pressure alleviates the source of the discomfort. In the absence of any particular malady or abnormality, reflexology may be as effective for promoting good health and for preventing illness as it may be for relieving symptoms of stress, injury, and illness.Key Words and Expressionsrelieve v.1.减轻I need drugs that can relieve my headaches.The doctor gave the patient some medicine before the operation in order to relieve his pains.2.减少;减轻Programs aimed at relieving unemployment.Adults often swear in order to relieve their feelings.symptom n.症状, 征兆There was no symptom before his death.Yellow skin is the symptom of jaundice.diagnose v.诊断The doctor has diagnosed it as heart disease. They were diagnosing the fault in an engine.chronic adj.慢性的We need to take steps to counter the chronic decline in our export market.He was a chronic alcoholic and unable to hold down a job. ailment n.疾病(尤指微恙);小病Hes always complaining of some ailment or other.The medicine was supposed t cure all kinds of ailments, ranging from colds to back pains.tension n.紧张(状态), 不安Dont make such a great tension.The doctor said I was suffering from nervous tension.dedicated adj.专用于的This is a kind of dedicated word-processor.The classroom is dedicated for self-study.focus on集中In the way that you use a camera, you can focus your mind either on positive or negative factors. The book focused on abstract analysis.dedicate to将时间、地点等用于He felt that socialism was the most important cause to which he could dedicate himself.The doctor dedicated his time to curing the sick.Teaching Suggestions Step 1Ask students to scan the comprehension check questions as clues for information searching.Step 2Read the text and underline the information related to the comprehension check questions. Step 3Finish the comprehension questions. Ask students to check the answers with their partners. Step 4Review the answers together.Reference Translation反射疗法反射疗法是一种自然疗法,其历史可以始终追溯到古代。反射疗法的基本思想是,人的手足某些部位是与身体的其她部分和系统互相联系的。反射疗法的医师通过在病人的足部和手部的某些部位施加压力,来缓和身体其她部位的疼痛症状。反射疗法不能用来治愈或诊断特别的健康问题,且不必应用药物。然而,诸多病人都发现它可以成功地缓和压力和疾病症状。反射疗法对于慢性病、头疼和睡眠问题尤为有效。通过足部和手部施压,可以减轻紧张状态,改善血液循环,放松肌肉,提高整个身体的自然与健康机能,保持身心健康。这种疗法一般配合其她疗法共同进行,涉及老式的药物疗法。反射疗法疗效温和,安全简朴。医师唯一的工具就是她(她)的双手。虽然双手用力,但却感觉舒服。病人在治疗过程中常常会睡着。常规的治疗过程会持续一种小时,大部分时间用于足部按压;最后的十分钟用于手部按压。在治愈具体的疾病后,诸多病人还会继续接受这种治疗以保持身体健康。Comprehension CheckCircle the correct answers.1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. DText BBackground Information1.HomeopathyHomeopathy, also called homeopathics or homeopathic medicine, is a holistic system of treatment that originated in the late eighteenth century. The system is believed to stimulate the bodys own healing processes and based on the idea that substances that produce symptoms of sickness in healthy people will have a curative effect when given in very dilute quantities to sick people who exhibit those same symptoms. It is based on three principles: like cures like, minimal dose, the single remedy. 2.Herbal TherapyHerbal therapy refers to the use of natural plant substances (botanicals) to treat and prevent illness. The practice ha


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