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9A Unit5 重要词组句子Comic Strip1. Why dont you stop daydreaming? 你为什么不停止做白日梦? 2. You should be more realistic. 你应该更现实些。3. Im too good for TV. 对于电视来说我太好了。4. I should be in Hollywood instead. 我应该是在好莱坞的。5. a film festival 一个电影节 6. Stand by! 做好准备7. Take two! 再来一次!8. Good take! 好镜头!9. Id rather be a director. 我更愿意成为一名导演。Reading1. Hepburn is one of Hollywoods all-time greatest actresses.赫本一向是好莱坞最伟大的女演员之一。2. She is famous not only in the USA, but also in other parts of the world.她不仅在美国而且在世界上其他地方都享有盛名。3. The world mourned the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian.整个世界都为失去这样一位美人、一位出色的演员和一位伟大的人道主义者而哀悼。4. at a very young age 在很小的时候5. Her dream was to become a successful ballet dancer. 她的梦想是成为一名成功的芭蕾舞者。6. She had put most of her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry.在她进入电影业之前,她把她的大部分精力投入到芭蕾舞训练之中。7. Hepburns beauty and charm attracted the writers attention.赫本的美貌和魅力吸引了作家的注意。8. Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl to play the lead role in the play.柯莱特坚持认为赫本是那部戏里女主角的完美人选。9. mark the beginning of Hepburns successful career. 标志着赫本成功事业的开始10. be chosen to play the lead role of a young princess 被选去担任女主角,扮演一位年轻的公主11. win an Oscar for Best Actress for her role in this film 因为这部电影获得奥斯卡最佳女主角一奖12. win a Tony Award for it 因为这部电影获得托尼戏剧奖13. During her lifetime, Hepburn earned four more Oscar nominations.在她的一生当中,赫本另外获得了四次奥斯卡提名。14. Some of the well-known films 一些著名的电影15. Hepburn made her final appearance in her last film Always. 赫本最后一次在电影直到永远里露面。16. Throughout her acting years 在她的整个演艺生涯中17. By showing us the beauty of nature, Hepburn wanted to remind us that we should protect the environment. 赫本想要通过向我们展现大自然的美,来提醒我们应该保护自然环境。18. Hepburns achievements went beyond the film industry.赫本的成就超越了电影业。19. People remember her not just as a great actress, but also as a great humanitarian.人们不仅把她当做一位伟大的女演员,而且作为一位伟大的人道主义者来铭记。20. She devoted much of her time to charity.她把她大部分的时间奉献给了慈善业。21. She spent the last few years of her life working closely with UNICEF to help poor children in different parts of the world. 她把生命的最后几年时间都花在了与联合国儿童基金会的密切工作中,来帮助世界不同地方的贫困孩子们。22. She was honoured with a number of awards because of her efforts in this area.她在这一领域的努力让她获得了许多荣誉。23. pass away peacefully in her sleep 在睡梦中安详地去世了Vocabulary-Grammar1. action film 动作电影2. romantic film 爱情电影3. science fiction 科幻电影4. out of breath 气喘吁吁5. She had acted in many other action films before this Hollywood film.在这部好莱坞电影之前她已经演过了很多其他的动作电影。6. You had better buy some popcorn or soft drinks before the film begins.在电影开始之前你最好买一些爆米花或者软饮料。7. You have to keep quiet while watching the film. 看电影的时候你不得不保持安静。Integrated Skills1. be suitable for 对适合2. be suitable for all ages 老少皆宜3. bring dinosaurs alive on screen 把恐龙栩栩如生地展现在屏幕上4. A baby dinosaur is chosen to be the future king of the dinosaur family.一只恐龙宝宝被选为恐龙家族未来的国王。5. be shown 上映中6. fall in love with sb. 和某人坠入爱河(瞬间动作)7. be in love with sb. 和某人相爱(持续性的)8. a special offer 特价9. What do you think about fights in action films? 你认为在动作片中的打斗场景怎么样?10. have a bad effect on teenagers 对青少年有坏的影响11. Anyway, the story itself is interesting. 无论如何,故事本身是有趣的。12. an experienced teacher 一位经验丰富的老师13. play the role of strong women 扮演坚强的妇女的角色14. win several international awards 得了一些国际性的奖项15. win an award for Best Supporting Actress 得了最佳女配角奖16. She is considered as a talented actress. 她被认为是个有天赋的演员。17. I believe her acting skills will become even better in the future. 我认为她的演技在将来甚至会变得更好。18. He was excited about watching the one-and-a half-hour film.他对于要看这部一个半小时的电影很激动。19. I was about to go when I realized that I had left the money on the desk.我正准备要去的时候意识到我把钱忘在桌子上了。20. He puts all his effort into practicing. 他把他的精力都投入到练习中去了。21. He is honoured with the Award for Best Actor. 他被授予了最佳男演员的荣誉。


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