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中山大学新理5.0英语自主学习大厅第四册第七单元B套答案B4U7-B Part I Listening Comprehension ( 14 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false. 1. A) T B) F Script: The twin towers of the World Trade Center were once one of the mightiest symbols in New York. 正确答案: A 2. A) T B) F Script: Due to another terror attack, there was once a major damage to the World Trade Center in 1993. 正确答案: B 3. A) T B) F Script: On Day Two morning, some anxious relatives waited for the papers to look for all the possible information about the disappeared. 正确答案: B 4. A) T B) F Script: The 9/11 attacks had immediate and overwhelming effects upon American people. 正确答案: A 5. A) T B) F Script: For President Bush, the 9/11 attacks were more than an act of terror. 正确答案: A 6. A) T B) F Script: As time goes by, people will totally forget the miseries and pains that the 9/11 attacks brought. 正确答案: B 7. A) T B) F Script: September 11 was one of the most serious attacks on American territories in history. 正确答案: A 8. A) T B) F Script: In fact, Saddham Hussein was a religious extremist. 正确答案: B 9. A) T B) F Script: Dr. Kings words warn us that we should focus on self-development as well as war abroad. 正确答案: B 10. A) T B) F Script: There are still some serious tensions hard to be settled in Iraq. 正确答案: A Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. For almost thirty years, the World Trade Center stood more than 410 meters above New York Citys financial center. The two towers of the Center were the tallest buildings in the city. They had more than 100 (11)_ . Then on the morning of September 11, two hijacked airplanes (12)_ the buildings. Many people died immediately in (13)_ and fires. Others ran down countless steps in an effort to escape the buildings. Others waited for help in their offices. Then, one after another, both buildings fell. The collapse of the towers killed thousands of people. It also (14)_ or damaged surrounding buildings. Engineers from the state of Illinois soon will (15)_ the collapse of the buildings for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Their early study, however, shows that the buildings (16)_ up well. One tower (17)_ standing for about 47 minutes after the plane hit it. The other tower stayed up for about one hour and forty minutes after it was struck. The fact that the towers stayed up as long as they did (18)_ to escape. Several experts have said no building could have resisted the attacks. The terrorists (19)_ the largest explosions and the hottest fires possible. So they loaded the planes heavily with fuel. The heat from the burning fuel weakened the steel structure of the towers. These fires burned far hotter than fires used to (20)_ . They also burned longer. The intense heat caused the upper levels of the buildings to fall. Then the lower levels also fell. Script: For almost thirty years, the World Trade Center stood more than 410 meters above New York Citys financial center. The two towers of the Center were the tallest buildings in the city. They had more than 100 levels. Then on the morning of September 11, two hijacked airplanes struck the buildings. Many people died immediately in explosions and fires. Others ran down countless steps in an effort to escape the buildings. Others waited for help in their offices. Then, one after another, both buildings fell. The collapse of the towers killed thousands of people. It also wrecked or damaged surrounding buildings. Engineers from the state of Illinois soon will investigate the collapse of the buildings for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Their early study, however, shows that the buildings held up well. One tower remained standing for about 47 minutes after the plane hit it. The other tower stayed up for about one hour and forty minutes after it was struck. The fact that the towers stayed up as long as they did permitted many people to escape. Several experts have said no building could have resisted the attacks. The terrorists meant to cause the largest explosions and the hottest fires possible. So they loaded the planes heavily with fuel. The heat from the burning fuel weakened the steel structure of the towers. These fires burned far hotter than fires used to test building materials. They also burned longer. The intense heat caused the upper levels of the buildings to fall. Then the lower levels also fell. 正确答案: levels 正确答案: struck 正确答案: explosions 正确答案: wrecked 正确答案: investigate 正确答案: held 正确答案: remained 正确答案: permitted many people 正确答案: meant to cause 正确答案: test building materials Part II Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with several blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. A) rainingB) screamsC) smolderingD) coincidence E) denouncedF) just for onceG) digestH) invincibility I) untrustworthyJ) entombedK) blotted outL) collective M) finger-pointingN) flourishedO) vulnerable 21._ 正确答案: C 22._ 正确答案: H 23._ 正确答案: B 24._ 正确答案: K 25._ 正确答案: J 26._ 正确答案: G 27._ 正确答案: O 28._ 正确答案: M 29._ 正确答案: E 30._ 正确答案: A Section B Directions: There are several passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. Passage One Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. Islamic terrorism may be a distant threat for Shearer Lumber Products, a timber company based in Idaho. But eco-terrorism is a very real one. In November, the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an underground organization, gave warning that it had “spiked” trees in the Nez Perce national forest to protest against logging. Spiking involves hiding metal bars in tree trunks, thereby potentially crippling chain saws and hurting people. More such attacks are expected. The nations forests have seen a sharp increase in violent incidents equipment vandalized, people intimidated over the past ten years. Shearer now carefully inspects every tree before cutting and has been using metal detectors to check every trunk being processed. Yet Ihor Mereszczak, of the Nez Perce Forest Service, says it has been hard to get the FBIs attention, and investigations have got nowhere. The ELF is only one thread in a web of underground radical environmentalists. Its aim is to inflict as much financial pain as possible on organizations or people who, by its lights, are exploiting the environment. The ELF, though made up of anonymous cells, nonetheless operates a website offering tips on how to cause fires with electric timers. Until recently, it also had a public spokesman. Together with the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), which operates along the same lines, the ELF is estimated to be responsible for over $45m-worth of damage in North America over the past few years. In 1998, it caused fires that did $12m-worth of damage in Vail, Colorado, to make the point that the ski resorts expansion was threatening places where lynxes live. Since September 11th, the ALF and ELF have claimed responsibility for starting a fire at a primate research center in New Mexico, releasing mink from an Iowa fur farm, and firebombing a federal corral for wild horses in California. Are they terrorists? The two groups reject the label, claiming to take all precautions against harming “animals, whether humans or not”. But earlier this year Louis Freeh, the FBIs boss, listed both organizations among the most active domestic terrorist groups. The House subcommittee on forests, which Mr. McInnis heads, will hold a hearing on eco-terrorism in February. But he has annoyed some mainstream green groups by asking them to denounce the ELFs and ALFs methods. Greenpeace, for instance, says that its disapproval is self-evident, and resents being asked to express it. Mr. McInnis still wants their answer by December 1st, but the war on eco-terrorism is off to a rocky start. 31. What did the ELF do to Shearer Lumber Products? A) Hurt its employees. B) Crippled its equipments. C) Hid metals in its trees. D) Protested against its spiking. 正确答案: C 32. We can infer from the passage that _. A) Shearer has experienced many violent incidents B) new tools have been used to investigate terrorists C) FBI has been active in the war on eco-terrorism D) ELF openly declares its beliefs and ends 正确答案: D 33. According to ELF, all of the following are environmentally harmful except _. A) causing fire in the houses B) expanding ski resort C) doing research on animals D) invading into animal habitats 正确答案: A 34. It is true of radical environmentalists that they_. A) aim at causing damage to companies B) resort to violence to achieve their purpose C) will do no harm to real people D) are divided on opinions about terrorism 正确答案: B 35. The best title for the passage may be_. A) The Green Threat B) Protecting Forests C) Earths Liberation D) Terrorism Defeated 正确答案: A Passage Two Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. Chinese Americans today have higher incomes than Americans in general and higher occupational status. The Chinese have risen to this position despite some of the harshest discrimination and violence faced by any immigrants to the United States in the history of this country. Long confined to a narrow range of occupations they succeeded in those occupations and then spread out into other areas in later years, when opportunities finally opened up for them. Today much of the Chinese prosperity is due to the simple fact that they work more and have more (usually better) education than others. Almost one out of five Chinese families has three or more income earners compared to one out of thirteen for Puerto Ricans (波多黎各人), one out of ten among American Indians, and one out of eight among Whites. When the Chinese advantages in working and educational are held constant, they have no advantage over other Americans. That is in a Chinese Family with a given number of people working and with a given amount of education by the head of the family, the income is not only about average for such families, and offer a little less than average. While Chinese Americans as a group are prosperous and well-educated Chinatowns are pockets of poverty, and illiteracy is much higher among the Chinese than among Americans in general. Those paradoxes are due to sharp internal differences. Descendants of the Chinese Americans who emigrated long ago from Toishan Province have maintained Chinese values and have added acculturation (文化适应) to American society with remarkable success. More recent Hong Kong Chinese are from more diverse cultural origins, and acquired western values and styles in Hong Kong, without having acquired the skills to proper and support those aspirations in the American economy. Foreign-born Chinese men in the United States are one-fourth lower incomes than native-born Chinese even though the foreign-born have been in the United States an average of seventeen years. While the older Hong Kong Chinese work tenaciously (顽强地) to sustain and advance themselves, the Hong Kong Chinese youths often react with resentment and antisocial behavior, including terrorism and murder. The need to maintain tourism in Chinatown causes the Chinese leaders to mute or downplay these problems as much as possible. 36. According to the passage, today, Chinese Americans owe their prosperity to_. A) their diligence and better education than others B) their support of American government C) their fight against discriminations D) advantages in working only 正确答案: A 37. The passage is mainly concerned with _. A) Chinese Americans today B) social status of Chinese Americans today C) incomes and occupational status of Chinese Americans today D) problems of Chinese Americans today 正确答案: C 38. Chinatowns are pockets of poverty, as is probably associated with _. A) most descendants of Chinese Americans are rebelling B) most descendants of Chinese Americans are illiterate C) sharp internal difference between Chinese coming from different cultural backgrounds D) only a few Chinese Americans are rich 正确答案: C 39. Which of the following statements is not true according to this article? A) As part of the minority, Chinese Americans are still experiencing discrimination in American today. B) Nowadays, Chinese Americans are working in wider fields. C) Foreign-born Chinese earn lower income than native-born Chinese Americans with the similar advantages in the U.S. D) None of the above. 正确答案: C 40. According to the author, which of the following can best describe the older Hong Kong Chinese and the younger? A) Tenacious; rebellious. B) Conservative; open-minded. C) Out-of-date; fashionable. D) Obedient; disobedient. 正确答案: A Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 11 minutes ) Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 41. The meeting ended in _ when demonstrators threw tomatoes at the speaker. A) detail B) secret C) shape D) chaos 正确答案: D 42. Everyone has _ dreams, but not everyone can turn them into reality. A) fantastic B) fancy C) fantasy D) fanatic 正确答案: A 43. Id rather you _ make any comment on the issue for the time being. A) dont B) wouldnt C) didnt D) shouldnt 正确答案: C 44. I consulted the lawyer _ my claim. A) in view of B) with reference to C) with a view to D) with an eye to 正确答案: B 45. He is _. A) something of a poet B) anything of a poet C) something of the poet D) anything of the poet 正确答案: A 46. All _ is needed is a supply of oil. A) the thing B) that C) what D) which 正确答案: B 47. An immediate search over 1,000 square miles of sea failed to _ a single piece of wreckage. A) turn up B) turn out C) turn over D) turn round 正确答案: A 48. The customer claimed to the manufacture that the gadget could not _ apart for cleaning as it was introduced. A) come B) be taken C) fall D) keep 正确答案: B 49. People came _ to see the space shuttle made by ourselves. A) in herds B) in a crowd C) in flocks D) on parade 正确答案: C 50. Grocers have agreed to _ the cost of several basic commodities. A) bring down B) bring out C) bring about D) bring up 正确答案: A 51. The ship _ on the rocks and sank to the bottom of the river before every passenger was rescued. A) brought to a halt B) put a stop C) went to pieces D) went broke 正确答案: C 52. According to the news report, the present Parliament will be _ on the 15th of July, before the General Election. A) dissolved B) dispersed C) deformed D) decomposed 正确答案: A 53. Everybody liked the stranger, but _ he was a criminal. A) of a truth B) in a matter of fact C) in reality D) in the fact 正确答案: C 54. The teacher _ books and made sure that each student would have his own. A) attributed B) circulated C) distributed D) classified 正确答案: C 55. The human problems associated with living in the ocean will need to be studied _. A) in detail B) in turn C) in itself D) in part 正确答案: A 56. The weatherman said we are likely to have a _ winter this year. A) peaceful B) smooth C) mild D) neutral 正确答案: C 57. The headlights of the approaching truck were so _ that the cyclist had to stop riding. A) dazzling B) gleaming C) visible D) obscure 正确答案: A 58. Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university _. A) has been accepted B) have been accepted C) was accepted D) were accepted 正确答案: C 59. I hope her emotional wound will _ with the passing of time. A) hinge B) heal C) haunt D) haul 正确答案: B 60. Hundreds of sheep _ that year because of drought. A) perished B) pledged C) paraded D) previewed 正确答案: A Part IV Translation ( 10 minutes ) Directions: Translate the following sentences into English (with the given words or phrases). 61. 多年来,丈夫可能会回到她身边的幻觉一直折磨着她。 _ 正确答案: For years she suffered from the illusion that her husband might come back to her. 62. 他一枪就打下了那只鸟。 _ 正确答案: With one shot he brought down the bird.


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