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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date申申老师2017年中考英语翻译句子练习100题申申老师2017年中考英语翻译句子练习100题申申老师2017年中考英语翻译句子练习100题 首富镇楼前言中考英语翻译句子练习110题,有答案-请打印出来给孩子使用。不断努力,总有一天你的梦想会成为现实。Keep working hard, and then your dream will_ one day.2.我认为青少年应该远离网吧。I think teenagers should _ internet bars.3.刘子歌打破了世界纪录,我们为她感到骄傲。Liu Zige broke the world record. We _her.4.令我们惊讶的是,他最后成功了。_, he made it in the end.5.吃变质的食物对健康有害。Eating food that has gone bad _.6.他已经花光了所有的钱。_.7.对于你来说,做一个决定难吗?_?8.他喜欢能随着跳舞的音乐。_.9.让人们知道如何保护城市环境是非常重要的。Its very important to _ how to protect the environment of the city.10.你认为当前最流行的歌曲是什么?What do you think _ at the moment?11.他的朋友个他都没决定什么时间去。_ has decided when to go.12.那是第一次把打篮球作为奥林匹克运动项目。It was the first time that basketball _as an Olympic event.13允许学生在课堂上带MP3吗?_ to have MP3 in class?14.这么热的天,人们每天都要淋浴。_.15.我希望有一天我也能飞向月球。_.16.天黑了她才回来。_.17.实验很难但他从未放弃研究。The experiment was very difficult but he _.18.我们不仅要努力学习,还要保持身体健康。We should not only work hard _.19.你能告诉我你们语文老师的年龄吗?Could you please tell me _?20.这就是那个能讲几种语言的机器人。This is the robot _.21.在这个国家人们见面是该先握手。In this country you _ when people first meet.22.这个假期妈妈要离开多久?How long _on this vacation?23.你为什么花这么多的钱买这步电脑?_?24这是一座多么美丽的城市啊!_!25.不是每个人都想成为一名科学家。Not everyone _.26.你能告诉我们最近的书店在哪里吗?Could you please tell us _?27.一班的班主任对学生非常亲切,以至于学生们把她当作自己的母亲。The head teacher in Class One was so kind to her students that they _their mother.28.不管他跟我开什么玩笑,我都不生气。No matter how he jokes with me, I _.29.我进教室时,老师在上课呢。When I came into the classroom , the teacher _.30.人们不该害怕求助。People _ asking for help.31.这个瓶是用来做什么的?_?32.她总是能和同学相处得很好。_.33.会议两小时后才结束。The meeting _two hours later.34.你对体育不感兴趣,为何不改学音乐?You _ sports. Why not learn music instead?35.你能肯定她不会介意吗?_she doesnt mind?36.请稍等一会儿,我去把那辆自行车挪走。Wait a moment. Ill go and _.37.如果明天下雨,他们就不在露天聚会。If _, they wont have the party in the open air.38.到目前为止你去过多少个城市?How many cities _so far?39.你的大部分闲暇时间都用来做什么?_?40.这些球类你最想参与哪一项?_?41.每天早晨散步一小时你觉得对健康有好处吗?Do you feel it good to health to _ every morning?42.这对孪生姊妹彼此不一样。The twins dont look_.43.中国在世界上是第三大国家。China_ in the world.44.天气这么好,他们决定去野餐。It was _ they decided to go out for a picnic.45.他的年龄可以照看自己了。He is _ to look after himself.46.爸爸在听轻柔的音乐吗?_ soft music?47.我想这个钥匙肯定是Amy的。_.48.他们两个都不擅长演讲。_.49.方芳有很多朋友,因为她知道如何与人相处。Fang Fang has many friends because she knows_.50.他告诉妈妈他长大了,请别总把他看成是小孩。He told his mother he had grown up and asked her not to always_.51.男孩相信他们国家会赢得下一届世界杯。The boy believed that _the next World Cup.52.据说会议两小时后才开始。It is said the meeting _two hours later.53.我们班同学都对保护城市环境做志愿工作感兴趣。_ volunteering at protecting the city environment.54.请问,去世界公园的路怎么走?_?55.您是我见过的最聪明的人。_.56.这场比赛要进行大约多长时间?_?57.坚持你的梦想,努力去实现它。_ your dream and try to achieve it.58.不要玩火。那很危险。Dont _ fire. Its dangerous.59.这些孩子既聪明又勤奋。These children are _ hard-working.60.当我第一次看到她时,她正在做志愿工作。When I saw her _, she was volunteering.61.如果可能的话我会采纳你的建议。I _ if it is possible.62.我可以把它借给别人吗?_?63.无论你做什么,都应该把它做好。_.64.这台机器是用来做什么的?_?65.一定要遵照主人的建议。_ to follow your hosts suggestions.66.比尔对我们大家来说是个鼓舞人心的人。Bill is _ to us all.67.是什么导致你这样想的?What _ think so ?68.我必须给我的孩子提供衣食。I have to _ food and clothes.69.这座房子真的不适合这样一个大家庭。The house is not really _such a big family.70.他的新书是何时出版的?_?71.昨天他给我打电话的时候,我正在弹钢琴。_.72.我们永远不会放弃希望。_.73.在学校最受欢迎的课程是体育。The _ subject at school is P.E.74.他们把他们的老师当做良师益友。They _ their teacher _ their good teacher and good friend.75.虽然我不认识他,但我听说过他。Though I dont know him. I have _ him.76.每天早晨,人们可以看见一群群老年人在公园进行晨练。Every morning, groups of old people can _ doing morning exercises in the park.77.老实说,你穿的这件衣服很适合你。To be _, the coat _ you are wearing suits you well.78.学好英语的秘诀之一是多练习。_.79.我们坚信我们一定会成功。_.80.我们应该为慈善机构筹集资金。_.81.老师更喜欢学生们用不同的方法回答这些问题。The teacher prefers his students to answer the questions_.82.他以前经常去的那家电影院去年拆除了。The cinema he _ visit was pulled down last year.83.在过去的几年里我的生活变化很大。_ in the last few years.84.学生不应该扎耳眼。Students shouldnt _.85.你应该和你性格一样的人交朋友。Youre _ with those who are like you.86.她擅长烹饪。_.87.老实说我根本不喜欢那张CD。_.88.孩子们应该学会怎样保护自己。_.89.随时关灯很容易,但对节约能源很重要。Turning off the light at any moment is easy , but it is very _ energy.90.我相信我有机会得高分。I believe Ill have _ getting good marks.91.我并不反对这个演员,但是他演的这个人物太坏了。I have _the actor, but the character he acts is too bad.92.那天在会上发言的人是我们的班主任。The man _ that day is our head teacher.93.不要过于担心,那会阻碍你成功的。Dont be too worried , because it can get _of your success.94.应该经常浇花。_.95.人们应该与自然友好地相处。_.96.如果他回来,请给我打电话。_.97.玛丽以这对唱歌很感兴趣。Mary is always very _.98.我认为Gina比Mark性格更外向。I think Gina is _ than Mark.99.当他进教室时,他的同学们在上英语课。When he came into the classroom, his classmates _.100.吉姆已决定做一名上海世博会的志愿者。Jim _ a volunteer for Expo in Shanghai.101.长城是我见过的最雄伟的建筑。The Great Wall is the greatest building _.102.请保持安静。_.103.你知道他住那里吗?_?104.如果你不放弃,就会成功。_.105.昨天下午他们踢足球了,没有做作业。Yesterday afternoon they played football _doing their homework.106.因为我们想要成功,所以大家都努力工作。We all work hard _.107.我宁可做大量的阅读练习,也不愿背那些无聊的单词。I would _ lots of reading practice than remember those boring words.108.如果你告诉他实情,他会很生你的气,但至少你证明了自己是诚实的。If you tell him the truth, hell be angry with you, but _youll prove how honest you are.109.他穿大衣御寒。He wore a heavy coat _.110.我们应该建立食品分发站来帮助饥饿的人们。_.111.他唱了一首由他自己谱写的歌曲。_.112.你解出这道数学题了吗?_?答案:e true2.stay away from3.took pride in4.To our surprise5.is bad for health6.He has used up all his money7.Is it difficult for you to make a decision8.He likes music that he can dance to9.make/let people know10.is the most popular song11.Neither he nor his friend12.was played13.Are students allowed14.Its so hot that/very hot so people take a shower every day15.I hope I can also fly to the moon one day16.She didnt come back/return until it was dark17.never gave up the research/stopped researching18.but also keep healthy19.how old your Chinese teacher is20.that can speak a few languages21.are supposed to shake hands22.will mother be away23.Why did you spend/pay so much (money) on/for the computer24.What a beautiful city it/this is25wants to be a scientist26.where the nearest bookstore is27.regard her as28.never get angry/am not angry29.was teaching/was having a lesson30.should not be afraid of31.Whats the bottle used for32.She can always get along well with her classmates33.wasnt over until34.have no interest in/are not interested in35.Are you sure that36.move that bike away37.it rains tomorrow38.have you been to39.What do you spend most of your free time on/What do you usually do in most of your free time40 Which of these balls do you want to play most41.take a walk for an hour42.the same as each other43.is the third largest country44.such fine weather that45.old enough46.Is father listening to47.I think the key must be Amys48.Neither of them is good at speaking49.how to get on with others50.regard him as a child51.his country would win52.Wont begin until53.The students in our class are all interested in54.Excuse me. How can I get to/Which is the way to the World Park55.Youre the most clever/cleverest person I have ever seen56.How long will the game/match last/be on about57.Hold on to58.play with59.(both) clever and60.for the first time61.will accept/take your advice/suggestions62.Can/May I lend it to others?63.You should do it well whatever/no matter what you do Whatever/No matter what you do,do it well.64.Whats this (the ) machine used for/used to do65.Be sure66.an inspiration67.made you68.provide my kid/child with69.suitable for70.When did his new book come out71.I was playing the piano when he called me yesterday72.We will never give up hope73.most popular74.regard/have, as75.heard of76.be seen77.honest,that/which78.One of the secrets of learning English well is to practice/practicing more79.We believe strongly that well succeed/be successful80.We should/are supposed to raise money for charity81.in different ways82.used to83.My life has changed a lot84.get their ears pireced85.supposed to make/have friends86.Shes good at cooking87.To be honest, I dont like that CD at all/in the slightest88.Students/Kids should/are supposed to learn how to protect themselves89.important for saving90.a chance of91.nothing against92.who spoke at the meeting93.in the way94.The flowers should be watered often95.People should get on well with nature96.If he comes back/returns,please call me97.interested in singing98more outgoing99.were having an English class100.has decided to be101.I have ever seen102.Please keep quiet103.Do you know where he lives104.Youll succeed/be successful if you dont give up105.instead of106.because we want to succeed107.rather do108.at least109.to keep out the cold110.We should/are supposed to set up/start/establish a food bank to help hungry people/people in hunger111.He sang a song that he wrote by himself112.Have you worked out this math problem-


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