旅游交通 环保自然

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旅游与交通book guide sightseeing accident airport direction【来源:21世纪教育网】 flight station litter delay passenger safetytransport secure voyage短语扫描:go on a journey/trip去旅行go abroad for further study 出国深造at home and abroad 在国内外fill in/out an application (form)填写申请(表)arrange (for sb./sth.) to do sth.安排()做某事pack up把打包;收拾(行李)admission/entrance fee入场费;入会费broaden ones mind 开阔胸襟check in登记;报到跟踪训练在空格处填入合适的词(1个单词)或所给词的对的形式21cnjycom1Since her (arrive) at the company,she has reorganized several departments.2His only experience of gardening so far proved extremely (satisfy)m】3On the websites we can learn about news both home and abroad.4Lets pack and spend a week in the w-旅游与交通高阶destinationattractiveluggage tourist suitcase spotcrash platform subwaypasserby departure visa scenery insurance terminal短语扫描:enjoy oneself 过得快乐have fun 作乐;玩乐set off出发;引起;放(烟火)leave for 动身去某地see off 送行a place of interest 名胜be struck by.被迷住return to normal恢复正常take a picture 拍照hold up阻塞跟踪练习:在空格处填入合适的词(1个单词)或所给词的对的形式1The deal seems so (attract) that it would be ridiculous to say no.2In warm weather,you should wear clothing that is cool and (comfortably)3A lot of (passerby) described what they saw after the car bomb had exploded.4I didnt go to school this morning because I went to the station to see my friend .5I am leaving USA tomorrow,which is very exciting.www-2-1-cnjy-com9The storm held our flight for 40 minutes.21教育名师原创作品二 自然环保单词识记:energyprotectwasteatmosphere balance citizendesert ocean population rangepure rubbish survival consequence decline短语扫描:protect sb./sth.from.保护某人/物不受waste sth.on sb./sth.把某物挥霍在某人/物上under the protection of 在的保护下a wide range of各式各样的as a consequence/in consequence of由于;由于的缘故ageing population人口老龄化bring/get.under control 使受控制 跟踪训练在空格处填入合适的词(1个单词)或所给词的对的形式1Had I kept a (balance) diet for the past few years,I would not have stomach trouble now.21世纪教育网版权所有2If cancers are spotted early theres a high chance of (survive)3If Bob was attracted here by the prospects of therapy,John came down (pure) and simply to make money.21cnjycom【来源:21世纪教育网】4Our teacher told us not to waste our time and energy small things.5He escaped from the prison the protection of his friends.www-2-1-cnjy-com6She was found guilty,and lost her job a consequence of it.shortageurban advocate preserve province challenge prevent conservation damagedecorate disappearance【来源:21世纪教育网】destroy purpose recycle environment短语扫描:prevent sb./sth.(from) doing sth.制止某人/物做某事in turn 依次;反过来;转而lead to 导致;致使low carbon 低碳的global warming 全球变暖greenhouse effect 温室效应take action/measures/steps采用行动/措施attach great importance to.十分注重be linked with 与有联系be faced with 面临跟踪训练在空格处填入合适的词(1个单词)或所给词的对的形式1The (short) of cotton kept the prices up.21教育名师原创作品2Its said that foods can (damage) if they are kept too cold.3A shortage of funds is preventing the UN monitoring relief.4The manager asked the girls to call out their names turn.21世纪*教育网5Even rich men may be faced financial problems.


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