Unit 1 Advertising语言点知识梳理

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Unit 1 Advertising 语言点(二) 知识梳理Unit 1 Advertising 语言点二目标认知重点词汇once, recommend, amazed, unique, choice, purchase, designer, satisfied, update, practical, bargain, bored, various, target, determine, react, concerned, approach, discourage, convince, urge, shock,重点短语in order to, up to, figure out, in advance, appeal to, get sth. across, depend on, due to, result in, die from重点句型It作形式主语知识讲解重点词汇once原句回放】Once the product goes on the market,its sales figuresthe amount whichhas been soldshould be reported every day,so the company can check the progress of their product 一旦产品投放市场,就应当每天报告它的销量已售出的数量以便公司检查产品的销售进度。【点拨】once conj. 旦就,通常引导时间状语从句。Once you get into a bad habit, youll find it hard to get out of it. 一旦染上坏习惯,你会发现想改 掉就难了。温馨提示once作为副词时,意为“曾经。I once met him我曾经见过他。once作为名词时,意为“一次。Shes only done it the once, so dont be too angry.她只做过这一次,因此不要太生气。 归纳拓展at once立刻,马上once more再一次,又一次 just for once 仅此一次 all at once 一下子,即刻 once upon a time 从前recommend【原句回放】Yesterday I came across an interesting new book, which I would like to recommend here.昨天我偶然看到一本有趣的新书,想在这儿推荐一下。【点拨】recommend vt.劝告;推荐,介绍vi. 推荐;建议 常用结构recommend sb. to do sth建议某人做某事recommend that.(从句中谓语动词用 should+动 词原形,其中should可以省略)It is recommended that.(从句中谓语动词用 should+动词原形,其中should可以省略)The doctor recommended forming a good habit of diet.医生建议养成良好的饮食习惯。He recommended me to change my way of life.他劝我改变生活方式。I recommended that you should resign as soon as possible.我建议你尽快辞职。归纳拓展英语中,表示建议,要求,命令等意义的动词后 所接的名词性从句中,谓语动词都用虚拟语气 (should+动词原形,其中should可以省略)。如: advise, suggest, require, request, order,command 等。amazed原句回放】The publisher also said that readers would be amazed by the writers unique way of thinking and skilful writing出版商还说 读者将会对作者独特的思维方式和熟练的写作 技能大为惊奇。【点拨】amazed adj.大为惊奇的I was amazed to find her there 发现她在那,我 感到很吃惊。I was amazed at the news of his escape 听到他 逃之天天的消息,我感到惊讶。归纳拓展amaze vt.使吃惊amazing adj.令人惊讶的 amazement n.惊奇,惊异 be amazed at / by对感到惊讶感到惊讶be amazed that.对感到惊讶to ones amazement使某人惊讶的是 易混辨析amazed 与 amazingamazed“感到惊奇的,感到惊讶的;amazing“令人惊讶的。The car rushed at the bridge at amazing speed. 汽车以惊人的速度向桥冲过去。There were an amazing number of people coming to the report 来听报告的人数多得惊 人。unique原句回放】The publisher also said that readers would be amazed by the writers unique way of thinking and skilful writing出版商还说 读者将会对作者独特的思维方式和熟练的写作 技能大为惊奇。【点拨】unique adj.独特的,独一无二的 The koala is unique to Australia 树袋熊是澳大 利亚独有的。Everyones fingerprints are unique 每个人的指 纹都是独一无二的。归纳拓展uniquely adv.唯一地;独特地 uniqueness n.独 特性be unique to独具的,特有的a unique opportunity 一次难得的时机温馨提示unique 不可与 more, most, very, rather 等词 连用。choice【原句回放】I believe voyage to an AmazingKingdom would be a good choice for senior high students 我相信?令人惊讶的王国之旅?这本书 对高中生来说是首选。【点拨】choice n选择,挑选 choose(chose, chosen) v.选择,挑选,选举,决定 归纳拓展make a choice做出选择have no choice but to do除之外,别无选择at ones own choice任意地,随意地by choice出于选择 choose.from 从中选择I have no choice but to do it again.我只有再做, 别无选择。I choose a big apple from three apples.我从三个 苹果中挑了个大的。purchase原句回放】I recommend that we purchase 10 copies for the library.我建议我们为图书馆购置十册书。【点拨】purchase vt.购置n.购置(指行为)He purchased the land for two hundred thousand dollars.他以20万美元买了那片土地。Thats a really good purcha那件 东西买的真廉价。 归纳拓展purchase sth.(with sth.)购置某物 make a purchase 釆购 purchaser n.买主:购置者 designer原句回放】What will the designer do if I am not satisfied with the software?如果我对软件 不满意,设计者会怎么做?【点拨】designer n.设计者,设计师He is a teacher, and his wife is a designer他是 一位老师,而他的妻子是一位设计师。Her wedding apparel is made by a very famous fashion designer.她的结婚礼服是由一位非常著名的时装设计师 制作的。归纳拓展design vt. & n.设计be designed for.为而设计They designed US a beautiful building .他们为 我们设计了一幢漂亮的大楼。The building seats 2021 people, but is of poor design.这座建筑物可容纳2021人,但设计很 差。satisfied原句回放】What will the designer do if I am not satisfied with the software?如果我对软件 不满意,设计者会怎么做?【点拨】satisfied adj满意的常用结构be satisfied with.对感到满意Im quite satisfied with the result.我对此结果很 满意。归纳拓展satisfy v.使满意,使快乐satisfying adj.令人 满意的satisfied adj.感到满意的satisfaction n.满意,快乐sth. satisfies sb.某物使某人感到满意express ones satisfaction with.对表示满意to ones satisfaction使某人感到满意的是 in / with satisfaction 满意地易混辨析satisfied 与 satisfying前者表示“感到满意的,强调主语精神上满足 的感受。后者表示“令人满意的,即人所需要的某事物 使人产生了精神上的满足。Im quite satisfied to see your progress .看到你 的进步,我很满意。Visiting that park is really a satisfying experience.游玩那个公园真的是一次令人满意 的经历。update原句回放】We must update our packaging in order to attract more young customers 我们必 须更新产品包装以便吸引更多的年轻顾客。【点拨】update vt. & n.更新;提供最新的信 息;使现代化The feedback from the computer enables us to update the program.计算机的反响能使我们更新程序。The data should be updated once a week 这些 数据应该每星期更新一次。Maps need regular updates.地图需要经常修订。 practical【原句回放】What a wonderful camera! Its cute and highly functional.Li Dan“多好的照 相机啊!既小巧可爱。功能又多。李丹说。【点拨】practical adj.实际的,实用的,可行的 It is not practical to spend all your money 把你 的钱全花掉是不切合实际的。归纳拓展(1)practise v.实践;练习;从事practise后常接名词或动名词作宾语,不接不定式。You need to practise every d町你需要每天练 习。He practises playing the piano every Sunday morning.每个星期天上午他都练习弹钢琴。(2)practice n.实践;练习,惯例 practically adv.实际上 put sth. into practice 把付诸实施in / out practice勤于/疏于练习 Practice makes perfect熟能生巧。(谚语) bargain【原句回放】Our sandwiches are a bargain at only 5 each.我们的三明治现在廉价,每个只 有5美元。【点拨】bargain n.廉价货;协议v.与就讨价,定约归纳拓展bargaining n.讨价还价;商谈,商讨 a good / bad bargain 廉价货/昂贵货bargain with.about / over. / for 与就讨价,定约bargain sth. away 贱卖 bargain for sth意料到,料想到They were unable to strike a bargain because of the high price.他们不能定约因为价格太高。He bargained with the shopkeeper over the price.他与商店的管理员讨价还价。bored原句回放】Are you bored with wearing the same blue jeans every day?你厌倦每天都穿同III【点拨】bored adj.感到厌倦的常用结构be bored with.对感到厌倦There was a bored expression on her face 她脸 上有一种厌倦的表情。The boy quickly got bored with staying indoors.那男孩很快就在屋里待不住了。归纳拓展对感到厌倦be fed up withbe tired of be sick ofvarious【原句回放】Unlike a single advertisement, an ad campaign is an organized programme of advertisements using various kinds of ads to reach a particular audience 与一那么具体的广 告不同的是,广告宣传活动是指运用各种形式的 广告将商品推向一特定群体的一组协调好的广 告活动。【点拨】various adj.各种各样的 Wheat is grown in various parts of the country.这个国家许多地方都种小麦。There are various ways of getting to the station from here.从这儿去车站有各种不同的方法。 归纳拓展variety n.多样性a variety of. = varieties of.=all kinds of.各种 各样的易混辨析different 与 variousdifferent普通用语,指“事物间的区别或本质上 的不同,侧重“相异的。various强调“种类 或性质的不同与多样,而不强调“其本质的差异target【原句回放】The people you want to reach are your target audience 你想接触的人群就是你的 目标受众。【点拨】target n.目标,对象;靶子vt.瞄准; 以为目标This time our target is the ravine base.这次我们 的目标是这个峡谷基地。Our target is to finish the task by Friday 我们 的目标是星期五之前完成任务。Our company has targeted career women as our primary customers.我们公司将职业女性作为主 要客源。determine原句回放】In order to determine your audience, you will need to do a little research and analysis in advance.为了确定你的目标受 众,你有必要事先做些小的调查和分析。【点拨】determine vt.确定,决定,使决定 常用结构determine to do.决心/决意做determine that / wh-clause. 决心be determined to do sth.=make up oneWe determined to start early 我们决定早些动 身。She determined that she would never see him again 她决心再也不要见到他。What determined you to marry him?是什么使 你下决心要嫁给他的?Im determined to find out who is responsible for this.我决心要弄清楚谁该对此事负责。易混辨析determine to do sth.与 be determined to do sth. 两者意思相同,不同的是前者指决定时的动作, 后者着重于有决心的状态。determine是短暂性 动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用;bedetermined是延续状态,可以与表示一段时间的 状语连用。react【原句回放】It is important to always try to appeal to the audience in order to get them to react in a certain way.为了使他们对产品以某种方式回应,要始终努力去吸引目标受众,这很重 要。【点拨】react vi.做出反响,回应I wasnt sure how you would react 我不确定你 会做出什么反响。People may react badly to certain food addictives .人们对某些食品添加剂可能会严重 过敏。归纳拓展reaction n反响react to产生反响;做出反响 concerned原句回放】What aspects of this problem would they care about or be concerned with? 他 们在乎或者关注这个问题的哪些方面?【点拨】concerned adj.关注的,感兴趣的常用结构be concerned about 对关心be concerned with 与有关We are rather concerned about fathers health.我们相当关心父亲的健康。The book is primarily concerned withSoviet-American relations during the cold war.这本书主要讲的是冷战时期的苏美关系。 归纳拓展concern n. 涉及; 关心concerning prep.关于as / so far as sb. be concerned 就某人而言 show a great concern for 对很担忧have no concern with.与无关approach原句回放】You must decide what approach you want to use .你必须决定你想要采用什么方 法。We need a new approach to learn English .我们 需要一种新的方法去学英语。温馨提示【点拨】approach还可以作动词,有“靠近,接 近的意思。Christmas was approaching.圣诞节快到了。归纳拓展make an approach to 对进行探讨approach sb. on sth与某人商量、交涉某事易混辨析way, means, method 与 approachway 后接 to do 或 of doing sth. ; ; means 单复数 同形,后接of(doing) sth.,常用搭配为by means of,意为“靠方法;method后常接of;approach正式用语,其后接名词时,要用介词 to。discourage原句回放】 Our main aim is to discourage young people from smoking 我们主要的目标就 是阻止年轻人抽烟。【点拨】discourage vt.使泄气,使气馁Dont let one failure discourage you.不要因为一 次失败就泄气。She was discouraged by setbacks.她因挫折而灰 心了。We discouraged him from giving up the job 我 们劝他不要放弃那份工作。归纳拓展discouragement n. 挫折,气馁 discouraged adj. 泄气的discouraging adj.令人泄气的 encourage vt. 鼓励courage n.勇气discourage sb. from doing sth.阻止 / 阻碍 / 不convince原句回放】If we can convince young people not to start, they might then urge their parents and other people to give up smoking, too如果 我们能够说服年轻人不要抽烟,或许他们就会劝 说他们的父母和其他人也放弃抽烟。【点拨】convince vt.使相信常用结构convince sb. of sth. / that从句使某人信服,使某 人明白be convinced of sth. / that 确信,坚信Id convinced myself(that)1 was fight 我确信自 己是正确的。Ive been trying to convince him to see a doctor 我一直劝他去看医生。How can I convince you of her honesty?我怎样才能使你相信她很老实呢?What he said convinced me that I was mistaken 他的一番话使我意识到我错了。urge原句回放】If we can convince young people not to start,they might then urge their parents and other people to give up smoking,too如果我们能够说服年轻人不要抽烟,或许他们就会劝 说他们的父母和其他人也放弃抽烟。【点拨】urge vt敦促,力劝;竭力主张n强 烈的欲望,冲动 常用结构He urged her to rest 他催促她休息。He urged on us the necessity of patience.他对我 们力言忍耐是必要的。温馨提示当urge后接that从句时,从句中谓语动词用 “(should)动词原形,即 urge that sb(should)do sth强烈要求某人做某事。She urged that I(should) apologize to him 她主 张我应该向他抱歉。shock原句回放】We want to shock people into realizing that many smokers die ail too soon from illnesses and diseases related to smoking 我们希望警醒人们,让他们认识到许 多吸烟者过早地死于与吸烟有关的疾病。【点拨】shock vt使震惊,使惊愕n震惊, 惊骇 常用结构shock sb.使某人感到震惊/惊愕 be shocked at / by令人震惊be shocked to do / that从句因感到震惊It shocks you when something like that happens.发生那样的事,令人感到震惊。I was shocked at this sudden change in their attitude.他们态度突然改变,使我感到震惊。I was shocked to hear that he was resigned.听到 他辞职的消息,我深感意外。The news of his death came as a shock to usall.他的死讯传来,我们大家都感到震惊。 重点短语in order to原句回放】We must update our packaging in order to attract more young customers 我们必 须更新产品包装以便吸引更多的年轻顾客。【点拨】in order to为了,以便We started early in order to arrive before dark 为了在天黑前到达,我们早早地动了身。温馨提示in order to后接动词原形,作目的状语,相当于 so as to,但是so as to不能位于句首。它们的否认式均为在to前加not。He got up at 5:00 in order to(so as to) get to the school earlier.为了能早点到学校,他5:00就起 床了。Go in quietly in order not to wake up the baby.悄悄进去,别把宝宝吵醒。归纳拓展当后面接从句表示目的时,用in order that =so that,后接状语从句且从句常与may,might,can,could等情态动词连用。Ill give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself.我把所有事实都告诉你,使你能自 己作出判断。They sent the book by air mail in order that it might reach us in time.他们通过空运寄这本书, 以使它能及时送到我们手中。up to原句回放】It allows you to take photographs continuously for up to 6 hours,可以用它持续拍 照达6个小时。【点拨】up to(数量,程度等)到达It isnt up to your usual standard这没有到达你 平时的水平。The temperature went up to 40c.气温到达了 40归纳拓展up to还有以下意思: 直到She continued to care for her grandfather up to the time of his death 她一直照顾她的祖父直到 他去世。 能胜任,有资格做He is not up to the part of Othello 他不能胜任 奥赛罗的角色。 干(坏事);偷偷地干What have you been up to?你一直在搞什么名 堂? Its up to sb.某人说了算,由某人决定 Where shall we go to spend the weekend?一们在哪儿度过这个周末呢?Its up to you.由你决定。figure out原句回放】It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do 重要的是,你得确 切弄清楚想要告诉受众什么,想让他们做什么。【点拨】figure out弄清楚,搞明白;计算出We must figure out how to solve the problem.我 们必须想出如何解决这个问题的方法。Father is trying to figure out his tax.父亲在设法 计算出他的税额。in advance原句回放】In order to determine your audience, you will need to do a little research and analysis in advance.为了确定你的目标受 众,你有必要事先做些小的调查和分析。【点拨】in advance预先,提前They fulfilled the task in advance.他们提前完成 了任务。You can check in two hours in advance 你可以 提前两个小时检查登记。归纳拓展advance v. & n.促进,前进;提高 advanced adj.先进的,高级的 advanced mathematics 高等数学 advanced technology 先进的技术 The professor is engaged in advanced studies.该 教授正进行高深的学术研究。England is an advanced industrial country.英国 是一个兴旺的工业国家。The general advanced his troops to the new position .将军挥师前进到新阵地。appeal to【原句回放】It is important to always try to appeal to the audience in order to get them to react in a certain way.为了使他们对产品以某种 方式回应,要始终努力去吸引目标受众,这很重 要。【点拨】appeal to迎合,吸引The magazine changed its content to appeal to more readers.这本杂志改变了它的内容以吸引更多的读者。 appeal to还有“向呼吁;恳求;求助于的 意思。We appealed to him for help我们向他求援。 She appealed to us to go with her.她恳求我们和 她同行。get sth. across【原句回放】There are lots of different ways to get your message across when you are putting together an ad campaign 当你在筹划广告宣传 活动时,你会发现有许多不同的方式让你将信息 传达给目标受众。【点拨】get sth. across传达;使某事/物被理解 Hes not good at getting his ideas across他不太 善于表达自己的意思。He taught me how to get my ideas across 他教 我如何表达自己的意思。归纳拓展get along / on with sb与某人相处 get around处走,消息传开;完成;通过考get back回来 get in收获 get off下车 get on上车 get up 起床 get through 接通 试get over克服;从中恢复过来depend on原句回放】The decision should depend mainly on your target audience and which kinds of ads reach that group best 这种决定的主要依据是目 标受众,以及何种广告最能被这一群体所接受。【点拨】depend on依赖;相信;取决于 常用结构depend on sb. to do sth依靠 / 相信 / 需要提供(资金/帮助等)Im depending on you to keep your promise 我 就依靠你来遵守诺言了。Children must depend on their parents 孩子们必须依赖他们的父母。归纳拓展It all / That depends 要看情况而定。You may depend upon it肯定无疑,放心好了。 due to原句回放】Every year millions of people around the world die due to smoking 每年全世 界的数百万人都死于抽烟。【点拨】due to由于;应支付的;预期的Her illness was due to bad food 她的病是坏了 的食物造成的。A great deal of money is due to you.应该付给你 很多钱。He is due to leave for Australia next week 他预 计下周去澳大利亚。归纳拓展due to 一般不用于句首,而是常常放在系动词之 后。易混辨析due to, because of, thanks to 与 owing todue to用于较庄重的书面语中,侧重 起因于, 在句中多作表语,有时作状语;owing to可以和due to换用,但在句中多作状语, 也可作表语;because of着重某种原因的理由,在句中通常作 状语;thanks to突出一种感谢之情,含 多亏意味。My success is due to your help.我的成功是由于 你的帮助。Owing to a traffic hold-up, I missed my flight. =I missed my flight because of a traffic hold-up.由于交通堵塞,我担误了航班。Thanks to your help, I succeeded多亏了你的 帮助,我成功了。result in【原句回放】Every packet of cigarettes contains poisonous chemicals that can result in lung每包香烟里都含有会cancer and heart disease .导致肺癌和心脏病的有毒化学物质。 【点拨】result in导致The unsatisfaction of the workmen resulted in a strike.工人的不满引起了一场罢工。Bad living habits will result in disease.不良的生 活习惯会导致疾病。归纳拓展result from 由造成 as a result 结果as a result of 由于的结果 without result 毫无结果die from【原句回放】We want to shock people into realizing that many smokers die soon from illnesses and diseases related to smoking.我们希望警醒人们,让他们认识到许多吸烟者过早地死 于与吸烟有关的疾病。【点拨】die from死于This is because each year millions of smokers die from smoking.这是因为每年都有成千上万的人归纳拓展die out完全消失,灭绝 die from因而死亡die of因而死亡 die for为某种事业或目的而死die away逐渐减弱、消失be dying for极想得到 易混辨析die from 与 die of前者主要指死于(枪)伤、虚弱、过度劳累、饮食 过度等外部原因;后者多指死于疾病、年老、饥 饿、寒冷等内因;还可以表示死于某种情感因素, 如悲哀、失望等。In this area,many people died of liver cancer.这 个地区很多人死于肝癌。His father died from a car accident.他父亲死于 车祸。重点句型It作形式主语原句回放】It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do. 重 要的是:你得确 切弄清楚想要告诉受众什么,想让他们做什么。【点拨】本句中it是形式主语,不定式短语to figure out.是真正的主语;两个what引导名词 性从句,充当figure out的宾语。It is hard to master a foreign language 掌握一 门外语是很难的。It is important to know how to use a computer 懂得如何使用电脑是很重要的。


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