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矛盾复杂的性格彰显悲剧命运 哈姆雷特人物形象分析 诞生于文艺复兴时期的文坛巨作哈姆雷特,以其生动丰富的情节,个性鲜明的人物形象,广阔的社会背景,集多种成分为一体的艺术特点,征服了当时乃至现代的无数读者,Birth of literary masterpiece takes Renaissance Hamlet, with its lively and vivid plot, distinctive character image, the broader social background, collect a variety of ingredients for the integration of artistic characteristics and conquered was even modern countless readers特别是主人公哈姆雷特矛盾复杂的性格,加之深刻的社会背景,更让人深思,不仅彰显了人物的个人悲剧,更是那个时代悲剧命运的真实写照。Especially hero complex characters, Hamlet contradiction and profound social background, more let a person think, not only reveals the characters personal tragedy, but also tragic fate that era of portraiture.开篇简介哈姆雷特是具有新型世界观的文武全才,是朵举世瞩目的娇花,如果登上王位,自然是开明君主的典范。在她身上,寄托着国家与民族复兴的但愿,体现出资产阶级对统一国家的抱负。 哈姆雷特性格特性。 哈姆雷特是一种处在现实和抱负矛盾中的人文主义者,曾经对天地万物、人与社会都布满了美好的希冀。但是现实的严酷与丑恶打破了她的美好抱负,她的人文主义的信念破灭了。作为一种人文主义者,哈姆雷特在复仇道路上的踌躇,显示了她所代表的人文主义与封建势力的悬殊。借此体现了作者对文艺复兴运动的反思与对人的命运与将来社会的忧虑。本篇文章就是根据这种社会背景来分析哈姆雷特的性格特性。 一. 完美抱负主义者坠入残酷黑暗现实Perfect dark idealists falling cruel reality哈姆雷特是一种出身高贵的王子,从小过着豪华奢侈的物质生活,受千人尊敬万人爱戴,后来又到德国威登堡大学学习,接受良好的精神教育,加之父母的宠爱,不得不说,她之前是过着一种衣食无忧,无忧无虑的生活,由于很少接触世界黑暗的一面,因此形成的一种趋于抱负主义、完美主义的性格,相信世间所有的真善美,向往着美好的亲情、爱情、友谊,和一种和平安乐的社会。Hamlet is a highborn prince and from childhood led a luxury material life,respect and support by millions of people。Later to German study at the Vuitton university, accept the best education. Because of his parents favor, He was lived a well-fed glut, carefree life. Due to the dark side of the little contact with the world, and therefore form a tend to idealism, perfectionism character, Believe that the world all the goodness, yearning for a better affection, love, friendship, and a peaceful society.可所有的幻想都随着爸爸的忽然惨死,叔叔的诡计篡位,妈妈不顾廉耻的改嫁而迅速化为泡影。一种个好友为了一己私利而甘愿做罪恶着的眼线,连自己深爱着的奥菲利亚Ophelia也对自己无端猜想和刺探,接二连三的打击,抱负与现实的反差,使她的精神几乎崩溃,一种完美的抱负主义者瞬间坠入了残酷黑暗的现实深渊。All the fantasies are suddenly killed as his fathers dead, uncles plot, mothers regardless and quickly remarried. Friends to selfish interests and willing to do evil with eyeliner one by one. Even thouth he also speculated and unprovokly spied by his lover Ophelia. The barrage of attack, the contrast between the ideal and the reality, that his spirit almost collapse, A perfect idealist instantly fell cruel reality of dark abyss.此刻出目前她面前的只有两条路,要么忍辱屈从,要么对抗,内心强烈的愤怒与责任感,加之爸爸魂魄的驱使,使她选择了后一条路,但人物自身具有的软弱性使她的对抗具有了一定限度的不彻底性,也折射出了最后的悲剧命运。Now appeared in front of him only two way, or forbearance, either to revolt, inner intense anger and sense of responsibility, together with father souls, that he chose driven after a way, but character itself has the weak sex brought his resistance with a certain degree of lack of thoroughness, also reflected the ultimate tragedy destiny.1.1 Malancholy 忧郁1.1.1 Melancholy source disillusionment一系列伤天害理的事变忽然发生,打破了她有关人生、世界、爱情、友谊、前程等一系列人文主义的幻想。 人类,并不美好,下贱的克牢狄斯一旦爬上王位,诸多人对她阿谀逢迎,如今诚实的人,一万个人中也没有一种! 为了篡权,弟弟居然暗杀自己的哥哥 - 人,但是是泥土捏成的生命! A series of dishonorable incident, broke his happen suddenly about life, world, love, friendship, and prospects the illusion of a series of humanism.Humans, not beautiful, low grams disco once climbed fastened on his throne, many people cringe, segregation now honest man, 10,000 people also have no a! to usurp power, the younger brother incredibly assassination her brother - person, but is clay into life!society is covered with a vicious ill weed deserts,The world, is a big prison, and Denmark, is one of the most bad one。Love, also not unchangeable, father die within two months, mothers filial piety shoes havent worn, incredibly hurried remarried, into incest king rape is coverlet than this sad beast also longer?Friendship, and unreliable, a good friend, to own gain, Kennedy do kings spies to rape peeping whereabouts; Even vow solemnly lover, also become the tools of usurp。Disillusionment, that he cant stand the overload pressure, into the spiritual crisis, produced a melancholy。1.2 Hesitation 踌躇哈姆雷特的性格特性的最突出体现无疑是她的优柔寡断面对着爸爸被毒杀,妈妈被占有,王权被窃取,国家被觊觎的家仇国恨,哈姆雷特有强烈的复仇愿望:”我的运命在呐喊,使我全身每一根微细的血管都变得像怒狮的筋骨同样坚硬。”安息吧,安息吧,受难的灵魂!好,朋友们,我以满怀的热情,信赖着你们两位;要是在哈姆莱特的单薄的能力以内,可以有可以向你们表达她的友谊之处,上帝在上,我一定不会有负你们。让我们一同进去;请你们记着无论在什么时候都要守口如瓶。这是一种颠倒混乱的时代,唉,倒楣的我却要负起重整乾坤的责任!来,我们一块儿去吧”宣誓,哈姆雷特用这种毅然绝然的方式体现着自己复仇的坚定信念但另一方面,哈姆雷特对杀死仇人这一看似简朴的举动却体现出了常人难以理解的疑虑情结,她本来有好几次杀死仇人的绝佳机会,但在这种情结的作祟下,复仇筹划一次次功亏一篑当她偶遇到仇人在为自己的罪孽祈祷时,复仇的想法只是一闪而过,接着她就转入了时机价值的思*:”目前我正好动手,她正在祷告。我目前就干,她就一命归天,我也就报仇了。这需要算一算。一种恶汉杀死了我的爸爸,我这个独生子把这个恶汉却送上天堂”于是,哈姆雷特复仇一方面变成了一场思想斗争 Hamlets character is undoubtedly the most outstanding performance of his indecision.Facing the father were killed, mother be possessed, royalty was eavesdropped, the country was coveted, revenge of the desire of Hamlet: My fate is crying out, making my whole body each root subtle vessels become like lions bones and muscles as hard. Rest in peace, rest in peace, the suffering soul! Well, friends, I be full of enthusiasm, trust with the two of you; If the weak ability in Hamlet within, can have to you can be said his friendship place, god, I wouldnt have negative you. Let us Together in. Please you remember whenever all to yourself. Hamlet in this resolutely way to express his heart.i revenge faith. But on the other hand, to kill enemy this Hamlets seemingly simple action, showed a normal is difficult to understand the doubts of complex, He had several times the perfect opportunity to kill enemy in this complex, but the blink again next, revenge plan fell short. When he encounters for his iniquity enemies in prayer, the idea is just a flash of revenge, then he will turn to the opportunity value of thinking.However these proving a Hamlet character hesitate side.二. 思想上的巨人,行动上的矮子 Ideological giant, action runt当哈姆雷特听了爸爸鬼魂的话,就陷入了深深的思考,“虽然一种国王给人家用万恶的手段掠夺了她的权位,杀害了她最珍贵的生命,我却始终哼不出一句话来,我是一种懦夫吗?” “我亲爱的爸爸被人谋杀了,鬼神都在鞭策我复仇,我这做儿子的却像一种下流女人似的,只会用空言发发牢骚,学起泼妇骂街的样子来,在我已经是了不得的了!呸!呸!活动起来吧,我的脑筋!”最后她用自己的聪颖智慧想到了上演戏来证明叔叔的罪恶行径。“生存还是消灭,这是一种值得考虑的问题:默然忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身对抗人世的无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵?” 她不仅考虑到了自己的命运,更考虑到了人类的生存与消灭,不愧是思想上的巨人。When Hamlet listened to the father is a ghost, sank into a deep thinking, Although a king with the evil means to someone he raped, murdered his positions of the most precious life, but I always hum a word, Am i a coward? My dear father was murdered, the ghost in revenge, pushes me but the son as a dirty woman like, will only use empty words vents, learn to rise the appearance, abusive shrew already is not in me! Bah! Bah! Activities arise, my brain! Eventually he used his own intelligent thought of act on to prove uncle crime. To be or not to be, that is a question: was the fate of the tyranny of arrow bear, or to rise up against living through struggle boundless suffering, cleared them, these two kinds of behavior, which kind of more noble? He not only considered their own destiny, more consideration to human survival and destruction, and not the kui is thought giant.“目前我明明有理由、有决心、有力量、有措施,可以动手干我所要干的事,可是我还是在大言不惭地说:这件事需要做。可是始终不曾在行动上体现出来:我不懂得这是由于像鹿逐个般的健忘呢,还是还是由于三分怯懦一分智慧的过于审慎的顾虑”她的过多的顾虑让她踌躇不决,迟迟没有行动,甚至在杀父仇人祈祷的时候还在考虑杀一种正在祈祷的人,那个人死后会上天堂的事情而措施了良机,最后造就了自己与敌人同归于尽的悲惨命运。Now I clearly have reason, have the determination and strength, methodical, can start to do what I have to do, but I still in touted said: It needs to do. But never in action expression comes out: I dont know whether it was because the forgetful as the deer? One or three points, because a portion of cowardice too prudent concerns wisdom. His excessive worries let he hesitated, hesitated action, even in enemies prayer time killed father is considering who killed a are praying, that person died heaven things and measures the opportunities, finally made himself the tragic fate of perishes together with the enemy.一面是杀父之仇的切齿之痛,爸爸亡灵的声声追讨,另一面是对生命价值严肃思考,与生俱来的忧郁秉性哈姆雷特在这两者之间苦苦的徘徊”要不是怕一死就去了没有人回来的那个从未发现的国土,怕那边还不知会如何,因此意志动摇了,因此便宁愿忍受目前的灾殃,而不肯投奔另某些未知的苦难?这样子,顾虑使我们都成了懦夫,也就这样子,决断决行的本色上了惨白的一层思虑的病容;本可以轰轰烈烈的大作大为,由于这一点想不通,就出了别扭,失去了行动的名分。” One is the death of his father the pain of enemies, father undead teeth, the other side is visiting the sound of the value of life serious thinking, born melancholy temperament. Hamlet in the bitter wandering between them. If it werent afraid of death went no one that never found back the homeland, afraid there still dont know whats going to happen, so will falter, therefore I would rather stand currently plagues, rather than to some other unknown suffering? This appearance, concerns that we all became a coward, also like this, decisions on the runoff done ecru a layer of pale green premeditate; Could the astounding advertises greatly, because of this think impassability, gave an awkward birthright, lost action.一种复仇筹划就这样演绎成了一次痛苦的思想突围在这个突围的过程中,哈姆雷特不断的看到社会的黑暗,力图让自己融入这种灰暗的世界中去,用敌人同样的手段来对付敌人;但是人道与正义的信奉却做着本能的抵御在这种针锋相对的思想冲突中,哈姆雷特进行着艰难的蜕变和抉择”人是多么了不起的一件作品!理性是多么高贵!力量是多么无穷!仪表和举止是多么端整,多么杰出!论行动,多么像天使!论理解,多么像天神!宇宙之华!万物之灵!可是,对于我,这点泥土里提炼出来的玩意儿算得了什么呢?”这里“哈姆雷特是以一种讥讽的口气讲的这段话,”这是哈姆雷特对人的地位的怀疑,也是哈姆雷特的一种时代秩序观念的反映。她用怀疑的眼光去审视周边的一切:人性的虚伪,世态的炎凉,天道的不公,最后,终于达到了这种怀疑状态的顶点:”生存还是消灭?”而她的当务之急是复仇,有重振国家这种对于生命意义的超负荷的思考,无疑对哈姆雷特优柔寡断的性格起到了推波助澜的作用。A revenge plan so deduce became a painful of break through. This breakthrough in the process of continuous see society, Hamlet of darkness, trying to make myself into this gloomy world, with the enemy likewise means to deal with the enemy; But humanitarian and justice beliefs but doing instinctive resistance. In this tit-for-tat thought of conflict, Hamlet on difficult metamorphosis and choices. Man is phenomenal piece! Rationality is so noble! Power is so endless! Appearance is so outstanding! How about action, like angels! How about understanding, as god! But, for me, this soil abstracted come out stuff the ability calculate what? Here Hamlet is a kind of sarcasm the tone of this passage speak, This is Hamlet to the position of person of doubt, is also a time order, Hamlet concept of reflection. With suspicion to examine everything around him: Human hypocrisy, Things apathy, Social injustice, Finally, finally reached the culmination of the doubt state: To be or not to be? And his top priority is revenge, is revive countries. This for the meaning of life, without doubt, the thinking of overload played the character of Hamlet indecisive promoting role.哈姆雷特的这种性格不单单是个人的特性,也是那个时代人文主义者的普遍特性,究其因素,也深受当时社会的影响,社会动乱,官场狡诈,民怨沸腾,人文主义者在强大的黑暗势力面前,显得是那样的孤立与无助,这也是时代的悲剧。Hamlets this character is not just a man, but also the era characteristics of a common characteristic of the humanists, investigate its reason, also favored by the then social influence, social unrest, officialdom, cunning, squeals humanists in powerful forces of the dark, appear before is so isolated and helpless, this also is the tragedy of The Times.三. 善良与邪恶,伟大与渺小的化身 Good and evil, great and small incarnation哈姆雷特的性格中,存在着极其善良的一面。在最初,她看待父母,有一颗孝心,看待朋友,有一颗诚心,看待爱情,又是那样的忠贞与执着。Hamlets character, there are extremely good side. At first, he treats his parents, a planet, filial piety, treat friend a planet, and sincere, treat love as loyalty and dedication.她的伟大表目前,它不仅仅想到了要为父报仇的个人恩怨,更想到了要拯救千千万万的劳苦大众,她从个人的不幸,家庭的不幸,想到了整个社会的不幸,结识到了自己肩负着“重整乾坤的责任”,这是“大我”的体现。His great is that it not only thought of the performance for the father of personal vengeance, the more thought of to save millions of working people, He from personal misfortune, family misfortune, think of the whole societys unfortunate, to realize their shoulder reforming course responsibility, this is the embodiment of the I.但是她也曾为了复仇而不择手段,她把罗森格兰茨和吉尔登斯吞送上了死路,她误杀了波洛涅斯后,却体现得异常冷漠,甚至对自己深爱过的奥菲利亚也十分绝情,这也是她恶的一面的真实写照。But he also had to revenge by fair means or foul, he put Rosencrantz and Guildensternl to dead, He manslaughter Polonius, but performance unusually cold, they behave anomalies, even for their indifference AoFeiLiYa beloved is also unique feeling, this was his evil side true portraiture, Even for his beloved Ophelia is also unfeeling, This was his evil side true portraiture.她的性格中,也有其狭隘渺小的一面。曾经是个抱负主义者的哈姆雷特,在遭遇了巨大的变故之后,虽然认清了某些事情的本质,但却决然的否认了一切生活中的美好,变得狭隘而偏激了。“生活在汗臭垢腻的棉床上,让淫邪熏没了心窍,在污秽的猪圈里调情弄爱”“美丽可以使贞洁变成淫荡,贞洁却为比能使美丽受它自己的感化”“你当时就不应当相信我,由于美德不能熏陶我们罪恶的本性;我没有爱过你”她对于妈妈是如此嘲弄,对于奥菲利亚是如此践踏,虽然妈妈有着她罪恶的一面,但她对于哈姆雷特的亲情却是真的,而奥菲利亚,也但是是恶势力斗争中的一种工具,一枚棋子而已,也有着自己的苦涩与无奈,这一点,哈姆雷特却看不到,这也是她思想中渺小狭隘的一面。His character, also has its narrow small side. Once a Hamlet of idealists, suffered a huge change in essence, although after the essence of certain things, but it is unquestionably a negation of all of life, become narrow and extreme. Tired of living in scale from bed, let corrupt cotton no blinds our eyes, in smoke in the pigsty uncleanness flirt make loveBeautiful can make chastity into lusty, chaste than can make beautiful but for by its own influenceYou did you shouldnt believe me, because virtue cant edification sinful nature; we have I didnt love you. His mother is so repelled, for Ophelia is so to trample them. Although she has her evil side, but her family is really about Hamlet. And Ophelia, which is one of the tools to fight evil forces, a pawn just, has its own bitter and helpless. This point Hamlet cant see, this is his mind small narrow side.也正是她的这种善良与邪恶,伟大与渺小并存的矛盾性格,导致了她行动上的踌躇与冲动,揭示了最后的悲惨结局。It is also his this kind of good and evil, great and small, and the contradiction character coexist led to his actions with impulse, reveals the hesitation of miserable ending final.总之,哈姆雷特是文艺复兴时期典型时代的典型代表,复杂矛盾的性格特点不仅是个人的特性,更是时代的产物,因此,哈姆雷特的悲惨命运,与时代的命运紧密相连,不管是她的善与恶,伟大与渺小,对抗与软弱,都从某个侧面反映了时代的特性,她的悲剧收场,也正彰显了那个时代的悲剧命运。 Anyhow, Hamlet is Renaissance typical representative of the typical era, complex contradictory character is not only a mans characteristic, but also the product of the era, therefore, the tragic fate of Hamlet, with The Times fate are closely linked, whether hes good and evil, great and small, rebellion and weak from a flank, reflects the characteristics of The Times, he is tragedy, reveals the tragic fate of that era.总结性格决定命运这是真理哈姆雷特的悲剧性格为她的悲剧命运埋下了伏笔在这种性格之下,她被复仇的意念苦苦煎熬复仇成了她的所有而这一切,导致她对懦弱的妈妈冷语相向,对心爱女子的视而不见,导致她亲手杀死爱人的爸爸,导致她最后落入仇人的布下的圈套最后,复仇的愿望终于实现了,可是一切美好的东西也都破碎了:哈姆雷特的雄心壮志,爱人如花的生命,妈妈脆弱的生存 这就是悲剧,其本源就在与哈姆雷特优柔寡断的性格,这就是性格的悲剧 Character is destiny,This is the truth. Hamlets tragedy character for his tragic fate buried the foreshadowing. In this character, he was under bitter suffering with thoughts of revenge. Revenge became his all. And all this caused him to the cowardly, to love each other, mother cruel word, leading to the blind woman killed his own lovers father, causing him to eventually fall into the trap of adversary. Finally, revenge dream comes true finally, but all good things were broken: Hamlets ambition, lover of flower of life, mother fragile existence. This is a tragedy, its roots with Hamlet in the character, this is indecisive character tragedy.


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