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中考英语语法复习之代词BY COBRA1代词的分类一、人称代词一、人称代词二、物主二、物主代词代词三、反身代词三、反身代词四、不定代词四、不定代词五、疑问代词五、疑问代词六、连接代词六、连接代词七、关系代词七、关系代词八、指示代词八、指示代词九、相互代词九、相互代词2人称代词人称人称代词代词单数单数复数复数第一第二第三第一第二第三主格I youshe/he/itweyouthey宾格meyouher/him/it usyouthem3物主代词物主物主代词代词我的我的你的你的他他(她,它她,它)的的我们的我们的你们的你们的他们的他们的形容词性物主代词myyourhis/her/itsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mine yourshis/hers/itsoursyourstheirs4反身代词5释义释义反身代词反身代词释义释义反身代词反身代词我自己myself我们自己ourselves你自己yourself你们自己yourselves他自己himself他们自己themselves 她自己herself它自己itself 不定代词somebody anybody everybody nobodysomeone anyone everyone no onesomething anything everything nothing6由body,one,thing构成的合成代词all another any both eachfew either little many muchnone neither other some every兼作代词和限定词的词疑问代词疑问代词疑问代词释义释义Who“谁”(作主语)Whom“谁”(做宾语)Whose“谁的”What“什么”Which“哪一个”7连接代词8连接代词连接代词释义释义Who“谁”(作主语)Whom“谁”(做宾语)Whose“谁的”What“什么”Which“哪一个”连接代词和疑问代词同形,引导各种从句关系代词关系代词有如下这些:关系代词有如下这些:9Who whom whose that which关系代词都用来引导定语从句1、代表前面的名词2、把从句和它所修饰的词连接起来3、在从句中担任一个成分指示代词10指示指示代词有如下四个:代词有如下四个:this that these those1.The weather in Beijing is colder than _ in Chengdu.2.The flowers in the park are nicer than _ in the house.A.this B.that C.these D.thoseBD相互代词11指示指示代词有如下两个:代词有如下两个:each other one another人称的用法1.My uncle is a worker._ works hard.A.He B.She C.Him D.Her2.Dont worry.We can help _A.he B.him C.his3.If these shoes are yours,you must _.A.put it away B.put away it C.put them away12人称代词的主格作主语,人称代词的宾格作宾语ABC物主代词的用法That book is not Jims._ is on that table.A.He B.His C.Him D.HersJim likes his pen and Lily likes _.A.she B.her C.hers D.shesThat is not my dictionary.This is _.A.me B.I C.mine D.myJim and I are in the same school.We love _ school.A.my B.our C.ours D.us 13形容词性物主代词在句中作定语;名词性物主代词在句中作主语、宾语或表语。BCCB反身代词的用法Dont worry.I can finish all the work by _.A.me B.mine C.my D.myself E.I The twins went to the park and they enjoyed _.A.them B.themselves C.themself Help _ to some fish,children.I cooked it.A.youself B.yourselves C.you D.yourselfLily didnt go to school.She taught _ at home.A.herself B.her C.himself D.hersThat little boy could dress _ at the age of three.A.his B.him C.himself D.he14反身代词常考固定搭配,注意单复数。DBBAC不定代词1Is there _ milk in the glass?Im very thirsty.Could I have _ water?A.some B.any C.manyThe twins are _ teachers.They teach in the same school.A:Would you like tea or coffee?B:_.Water is fine._ the students in Class 1 went to the park except Jim.A.Both B.All C.Neither D.None15some肯,any否,希望得到肯定回答也用some。both/neither(二者),all/none(三者或以上)both/all(表肯定),neither/none(表否定)BAACB不定代词2Theres _ milk in the fridge.Go and buy some.Theres _ water left,is there?Theres _ time left,isnt there?A.little B.few C.a little D.a fewThanks a lot for giving me so _ help.A.much B.many C.any D.some16little/a little/much+不可数名词few/a few/many+可数名词复数lots of=a lot of(二者皆可)some/any(二者皆可)little/few(否定)a little/a few(肯定)AACA不定代词3One of the two pens is yours.You can choose _ of them.I bought two T-shirts yesterday,but _ of them suit me.A.both B.either C.neither Either Jim or I _ going shopping tomorrow.A.is B.was C.am_ Lily nor his father likes watching TV.A.Neither B.Either17either(二选一)eitheror(或者,或者)neither(二者都不)neithernor(既不,也不)注意就近原则BCCA不定代词4There are lots of trees on _ sides of the road.There are many trees on _ bank of the river.There are lots of buildings _ sides of Wenmiao Square.A.both B.all C.either18both指两个,either指两者中任何一个,all指三个或以上ACB不定代词5 I have had two cakes.Could I have _ one?I have two good friends.One is English,_ is American.I have many friends.One is a boy,_ are girls.A.other B.the other C.the others D.another19一、有the的表特指,其前有范围限制;二、others为other的复数形式;三、常考“another+单数名词”和“one,the other”(一个,另一个)DBC不定代词6Everything _ ready.Someone _ asking to see you.A.is B.areDid you have _ for your breakfast?A.something B.anything C.everythingIs there _ in todays newspaper?A.something interesting B.interesting somethingC.anything interesting D.interesting anything20AABC一、所有复合不定代词均视为单数;二、形容词修饰复合不定代词后置。关系代词I like people _ are hard-working.I like music _ I can sing along with.This is the girl _ I loved for three years.This is the boy _ father is a great pilot.A.who B.whom C.whose D.that E.which21ADDEBDCwho(先行词为人,作主语)whom(先行词为人,作宾语)whose(先行词为人,作定语)which(先行词为物,作宾语或主语)that(先行词为人或物,作宾语或主语)


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