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中考英语句子复习1. 从此后来,我们要更加努力学习英语。_2. 她的梦想就是长大当一名教师。_3. 你应当学会如何与她人相处_4. 植树可以避免土壤沙化。_5. 她在照顾她妹妹。_6. 学生们正在谈论那场足球赛。_7. 不管她多忙,她都不放弃学习英语。_8. 她们打算参与下一届校运会吗?_9. 在英语学习中懂得如何查词典很重要。_10. 我们常常在放学后踢足球。_11. 我们中十个人将去游泳,其他的将在沙滩上打排球。 _12. 你猜我买那手表用了多少钱?_13. 吉姆的父母想懂得她的学习状况。_14. 水烧开才干喝。_15. 她吃了药后才感到好些。 _16. 多亏了你的协助,我们准时完毕了作业。_17. 千里之行,始于足下._18. 人们都懂得汉语和英语有很大差别。_19. 福州因美丽的西湖而闻名全国。_20. 台湾人口数两千两百万。 _21. 我们都坚信台湾迟早会回归祖国。_22. 除非你尽量多说英语,否则你很难提高。_23. 别放弃,不久我们就会赶上其他同窗。_24. 这些书不能带出阅览室。_25. 你能告诉我你每天什么时候到校?_26. 刘翔是世界上最优秀的运动员之一。_27. 福州人民正为开办优秀旅游都市做准备。_28. 她们把那条白猫当作她们的家庭成员。_29. 这些花必须每天浇水。_30. 山顶上常年覆盖着雪。_31. 讥笑处在困境中的人是不礼貌的。_32. 感谢你照顾我的狗。_33. 经理正忙于工作。_34. 邮票是用来寄信的。_35. 你觉得那部电影怎么样?_36. Miss Liu教我们的语文。_37. 直到她回来我才离开。_38. 你不介意把收音机的音量调小一点吗?_39. 她们上星期谈话长达五个小时。 _40. 我们必须为新学期做准备。 _41. 她从学校毕业后,开始自学英语。 _42. 我上星期天花20元买这本词典。 _43.瓶子里装满了水。 _44.这些玩具娃娃是木头做的。_45.据说这些粉末是用来水果和蔬菜保鲜的。 _46.我们但愿你戒烟,这对你的健康有利。 _47.这是她本星期收到的第三封信。 _48.桂林是她们参观过的最美丽的地方之一。 _49.你怕狗吗?_50.我父母昨天不批准我的意见。_51.她主线不会游泳。_52.我们上周六同步达到广州。_53.请把她的东西收拾好。_54.你应当立即送她去医院。_55.Tim 和Jim都是医生。_56.黄叔叔在忙于制造机器。_57.她们常常互相协助。_58.昨天我把所有橘子吃光了._59.她上次语文考试考得较好._60.你们在广州玩得开心吗?_61.我们要如何解决这些棘手的事情呢? _62.她的袋子里装满了苹果._63.我在昨天的考试中犯了许多错误._64.她喜欢和别人交朋友._65.明天早上请叫醒我。_66.上周那个老板打电话给她。_67.她家门前有一条小河。_68.你可以考虑她的意见。_69.她一到那儿就会打电话给我。_70.她的哥哥始终协助我。_71.她至少有3个姐姐。 _72.我可以试穿这双鞋吗? _73.书店里有多种各样的书。_74.请把自行车归还给我。_75.我在等语文教师。 _76.她语文学得好。_77.那位老人太老了不能走路。_78.那个小女孩一天吃四餐。_79.我们一般在下午5:30 吃晚餐。 _80.如果你吃些药你就会好些。_81.这个瓶子能装2公斤水。_82.我姐姐喜欢去打猎。_83.李雷昨天收到她爸爸的来信。_84.我没有回答她的问题,相反,我问了她一种问题。_85.她们对数学感爱好。 _86.别讥笑我。 _87.对不起我昨天迟到了。_88.上星期天我从李明那儿借了一本字典。_89.她不在努力工作了。_90.她在回家的路上遇到了她的朋友。_91. 每个人均有长处,我们应当互相学习。_92.她的父母对她规定非常严格。_93. 她昨天花了两个小时做作业。_94. 约翰家有许多家规,彼得家也是这样。_95. 九年级的学生应当被容许熬夜(读书)。_96. 她们不是做作业而是闲聊。_97. 我努力想让妈妈更多地注意到我。_98. 你总能提出(想出)协助她人解决难处的好措施。_99. 在教师的协助下,她数学考试及格了。_100. 如果你落在别人背面,你必须赶上她们。_中考英语分类总复习:完毕句子参照答案1. We must study English harder from now on.2. Her dream is to be a teacher when she grows up.3. You should learn how to get along with others.4. Planting trees can stop/ prevent the soil from changing into sand.5.He is looking after his sister。6. The students are talking about the football match.7. No matter how busy she is, she wont give up learning English.8. Are they going to take part in the next school sports meet? 9. It is very important to know how to look up in the dictionary in English study.10. We often play football after school.11. The ten of us will go swimming, the others will play volleyball on the sands.12. Can you guess how much I paid for / spent on this watch?13. Jims parents wanted to know how he was getting on with his study.14. The water cant be drunk until you have boiled it.15. He didnt feel better until he had the medicine 16. Thanks to your help, we can finish doing our homework on time.17. A journey always begins with the first step.18. Everybody knows that Chinese is quite different from English.19. Fuzhou is famous for its beautiful Xihu Lake in our country.20. Taiwanhasthe populationof22million21. WeareallsurethatTaiwanwillreturntothemotherland sooner orlater.22. It is hard to improve English unless you speak it as much as possible.23. Dont give up, we can catch up with other students very soon.24. These books cant be taken out of the reading room.25. Can you tell me what time you reach school every day?26. Liu Xiang is one of the most excellent athletes in the world.27. The people of Fuzhou are busy getting ready for setting up the super city of tourist.28. They regard the white cat as the members of their families.29. These flowers must be watered every day.30. The mountain top is covered with snow all year round.31. It is impolite to laugh at the people who are in trouble.32. Thanks for taking care of my dog.33. The manager is busy with his work.34. Stamps are used for posting letters.35. What do you think of that film?36. Miss Liu taught us Chinese. 37. I did not leave until he came back.38. Would you mind turning down the radio?39. Their talk last week lasted as long as five hours. 40. We must get ready for the new term. 41. After he left school, he began to teach himself English.42. I spent 20 yuan on this dictionary last Sunday. 43. The bottle is filled with / full of water.44. These toys are made of wood. 45. Its said that the powder was used for keeping fruits and vegetables fresh.46. We hope you can give up smoking, which/as will be good for your health.47. This is the third letter that he has received this week. 48. Guilin is one of the most beautiful places that they have ever visited. 49. Are you afraid of dogs?50. My parents didnt agree with me yesterday.51. He cant swim at all.52. We arrived in Guangzhou at the same time last Saturday.53. Please put his things away. 54. You should send him to the hospital at once.55. Both Tim and Jim are doctors.56. Uncle Wang are busy making machines.57. They often help each other.58. We ate up all the oranges yesterday.59. He did wellin the Chinese exam last time.60. Did youenjoy yourselves in Guangzhou?61. How do we do with our problems?62. Her bag is full of / filled with apples.63. I made lots of mistakes in the exam yesterday.64. He likes making friends with others.65. Please wake me up tomorrow morning.66. The boss rang him up last week.67. There is a river in front of his house.68. You can think about his idea.69. He will give me a call as soon as he gets/arrives there.70. His brother helps me all the time.71. He has at least three sister.72. May I try on this pair of shoes?73. There are all kinds of books in the book shop.74. Please return the bike to me. 75. I am waiting for the Chinese teacher.76. She is good at learning Chinese.77. The old man is too old to walk. /The old man is so old that he cant walk.78. The little girl has four meals a day.79. We usually have supper at 5:30P.M. 80. You will be all right if you take the medicine.81. This bottle can hold two kilos of water. 82. My sister likes go hunting.83. Li Lei heard from his father yesterday. /Li Lei received a letter from his father yesterday.84. I didnt answer his question, instead, I asked him a question.85. They are interested math.86. Dont laugh at me.87. I was sorry for being late for school yesterday.88. I borrowed a dictionary fromLi Ming last Sunday./ Li Ming lent a dictionary to me last Sunday.89. He no longer works hard. /He doesnt work hard any longer/more.90. He met his friends onhis way home91. Everybody has strong points. We should learn from each other.92. His parents are very strict with him.93. It took him two hours to do the homework yesterday.94. John has a lot of family rules.So does Peter.95. Students in Grade Nine are allowed to stay up until late at night.96. They talk instead of doing homework. 97. Ive tried to make my mother pay attention to me.98. You can always come up with good solutions to peoples problems.99. With the teachers help, she passed her math exam.100. You musttry to catch up with the others, if you fall behind them.


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