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Unit 7Will People have robots?Self check 点此播放教学视频点此播放教学视频job people robot planet car city building treepollution fresh water paper clean air free time moneybelikecanCan caneveryonehavecanI _(clean)my room yesterday.I_my room every day.I _my room tomorrow.cleanedcleanwill cleanFinish off 3a-4Look!The _ (build)_those _now,they _(build)more buildings next year,but they _nothing last year.(build)buildersare buildingbuildingswill buildbuilt1.I dont know when she _(return),but when she _(return)I_(let)you know.2.If it rains tonight,we _(stay)at home.3.The sky turns black,it _ (rain)soon.4.John _(study)very hard,He-(speak)good Chinese.5.Next time I go there,I _(visit)them.will returnreturnswill letwill stayis going to rainstudiesspeakswill visit点此播放讲解视频点此播放讲解视频根据句意首字母填空根据句意首字母填空1.“F_ means“move through the air”2.A_ is a person.He travels in a spaceship.3.A_ is a set of rooms for someone to live in on one level of a building or house.4.S_ is the area outside the earth.5.The m_ is the round object that shines in the sky at night and moves around the Earth.6.A r_ can send us to the moon.7.Ill be an astronaut and live on a space s_.8.Its cold outside.There are f_ people in the park today.9.He is busy and he has l_ free time.lystronautpartmentpaceoonockettationeweress1.He is going to teach in Beijing next year.(同义句)(同义句)He _ _ in Beijing next year.2.The students will have more time to read English this term.The students _ have more time to read English this term._ the students have more time to read English this term?Yes,_ _.No,_ _.3.Is your sister going to bring you lunch?Yes,_ _.No,_ _.4.He _ _(be)back in two days._ _ will he be back?will bewontWillthey willthey wontshe isshe isntwill beHow soon5.Well have a school party tomorrow afternoon._ _ you have a school party?6.Look at the clouds.It _ (rain)soon.7.There are many new jobs for the workers._ _ _ many new jobs for workers next year.8.I went to Shanghai last year and visited lots of places.I _ _ to Shanghai next year and _ lots of places next year.9.What did teenagers do for fun 20 years ago?What _ teenagers _ for fun in 20 years?10.Do you think therell be lots of delicious food for supper?Yes,_ _.No,_ _.When willis going to rainThere will bewill govisitwilldothere willthere wontFill in the blanks:Wear work look fly keep1.I want to _ for myself when Im older.2.My friends _ a pet pig in their house.3.I need to _smart for my job interview.4.We have to _ a uniform to school.5.One day people will _ to the moon for vacation.workkeeplookwearfly点此播放教学视频点此播放教学视频3.Find these words from this unit.1.A place to live in space:_2.Something kids will use to study at home:_3.These will be in every home:_4.Yangliwei is a famous Chinese:_Space stationcomputerrobotsastronaut点此播放教学视频点此播放教学视频Tom has friends though he is new here.Sally feels sad because she has _ friends in the new school.a fewfewReview few/a few little/a little 1.There is _ water in the bottle.Please get some.2.Hurry up,there is_ time left.3.Dont worry.We still have _ time.littlelittlea little 用用will 或或 wont 完成对话。完成对话。A:How are you going?B:Well,Im looking for a job in a hospital.A:What kind of hospital job _ you get?B:Well,I know I _ be a secretary.I dont know how to type.Maybe I _ be a nurse.I like helping people.A:_ you have the same job in five years?B:No,I _.A:What _ you do?B:I _ change jobs.I _ get a job in a hospital.用用will 或或 wont 完成对话。完成对话。A:How are you going?B:Well,Im looking for a job in a hospital.A:What kind of hospital job _will_ you get?B:Well,I know I _wont_ be a secretary.I dont know how to type.Maybe I _will_ be a nurse.I like helping people.A:_Will_ you have the same job in five years?B:No,I _wont_.A:What _will_ you do?B:I _will_ change jobs.I _wont_ get a job in a hospital.Keep 用法小结用法小结keep v.(kept,kept)v.保持,保留,使。处于某种状态保持,保留,使。处于某种状态 She kept the book for over twenty years.keep+(sb./sth)+adj 使使处于某种状态处于某种状态 keep quiet/healthy/cheerful/happy.Keep your eyes closed.keep(on)doing sth 继续做某事,重复做某事继续做某事,重复做某事keep eating/laughing/walking 一直在一直在How can I trust you if you keep lying to me?Keep 饲养(动物饲养(动物)Keep bees/goats/hens 饲养蜂,羊,鸡饲养蜂,羊,鸡keep a pet 养宠养宠keep a pet parrot养一只宠物鹦鹉养一只宠物鹦鹉might may 的过去式的过去式 在该句中不含过去意思在该句中不含过去意思,口气比口气比may更委婉更委婉He might tell his wife.She might still be waiting there.even 用来加强语气,常置于它要强调的词语前面用来加强语气,常置于它要强调的词语前面Today is even colder than yesterday.He didnt answer even my letter.probably adv.或许,大概或许,大概 maybe,perhaps可以放于句首,或句中系助情态后行可以放于句首,或句中系助情态后行为动词前。为动词前。Probably you lost your keys.It may probably snow.be able to+v.能够做某事,用于各种时态能够做某事,用于各种时态can只有过去式只有过去式couldable adj.有实力的有实力的 His father is an able man.He is able to/can swim.At last he was able to/could do his work.Soon she will be able to swim half a mile.He was able to/could sing only an English song last year,but now he is able to/can sing many.You will be able to pass the exam if you work hard.注意注意can 和和be able to 不能重复使用不能重复使用casually adv.非正式的,随意的非正式的,随意的 casual casuallycasual clothes 便服便服 dress casually 穿着随意穿着随意词语辨析词语辨析.Wear,put on,dress,be inWear 穿着,表示穿着的状态,常用现在进行时或一般现在时穿着,表示穿着的状态,常用现在进行时或一般现在时My sister is wearing a white uniform.Put on 穿上,强调穿上,强调“穿穿”这一动作这一动作Dont forget to put your coat on when you go out.dress 强调强调“穿穿”的动作,其宾语是人,意为的动作,其宾语是人,意为“给某人穿衣服给某人穿衣服”或或“打打 扮某人扮某人”若要表示若要表示“某人穿着某人穿着”则要用则要用“be dressed in+衣服衣服”。The boy is too young that he cant dress himself.The woman was dressed in red clothes that day.be in+颜色颜色 穿着穿着 颜色的衣服颜色的衣服Our English teacher is in white today.The woman in white is our English teacher.


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