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Unit 6 Children of our world 教案一、 学生分析本课教学的对象是刚上六年级的学生。经过五年的学习积累,已经有一定的词汇量,有一定的听、说、读、写能力,能阅读一些相关的短文,能听懂一些外国朋友的简单的英语介绍。二、 内容分析Children of our world是Join in Book 4 Unit 2的教学内容,本课是介绍来自世界各地的孩子的学习、生活状况为题材展开的。虽然我们在前几册Join in课文中已接触了较多如何用英语进行自我介绍、描述身边的朋友、朋友的方法,但本课也渗透了较多的新知识,较好地培养学生灵活地运用所学的英语进行的交流的目标。因此如何用英语展开讨论、介绍自己、认识朋友便成为本节课的主要任务。教学重点:从各方面比较具体地描述自己的一些基本情况。教学难点:用正确的语言语法表述句子。 三、 教学目标根据本课的教学内容及学生现有的知识水平,本课时教学目标为:1.能阅读有关介绍世界各国小朋友学习、生活状况的英语短文,能运用新学的知识用较丰富的语言,用英语写一段话作自我介绍。2.通过课堂活动,完成听、说、读、写、唱的技能训练,使学生通过感知、实践、合作完成任务,感受成功,提高语言实践运用能力。3.通过本节课让学生更好地了解我们的世界各地的小朋友,从我做起,热爱和平,共同为实现One world, one dream而努力。四、 教学策略 这节课主要通过任务型教学法和情景教学法,为学生的学习营造真实的语言环境,让学生通过游戏、交流等方式,轻松地掌握教学内容。五、 教学过程Step 1. Warm up.1. Greetings. (通过相互问好,拉近与学生的距离。)2. Sing the song “were the children of our world” together.(歌曲让学生复习之前学过的内容的同时,还有利于让学生尽快进入上课的状态。)3. The teacher gives some information of the children in Part 1 and Part 4. The pupils guess who the teacher is talking about.Ex. T: He lives on a farm. He cannot go to school everyday. Whos that?Ps: Mark. T: She loves learning. She thinks school is very important for her. Ps: Samshaad. T: He is twelve years old. He dreams of playing in the American national team one day. Ps: Jimmy. T: She gets up at five oclock and has to sell fruits in the streets. Ps: Lena. (通过这个环节,可以让学生对前几个课时的知识进行总结,同时还可以加深学生对自我介绍的理解及认识,为他们之后的写作作积累,提供语言输入。)Step 2. Presentation.1. The teacher introduces a friend to the pupils.T: Yesterday when I visit a website, I met a boy from France. He wants to make friends with Chinese children. Would you like to know about the boy and France? Lets visit and listen to it together. (Show the PPT )(创设较真实的语言环境,为学生提供适当的语言条件,激发学生的求知欲望及学习兴趣。)Hello! I am Margaret. I am a French pupil. Im twelve years old.I am studying at a famous primary school. Our school starts at 8:30 in the morning. I go home at 5:00 in the afternoon. From 11:30 to 2:00 I have lunch and have a break at school. I like sports. After school, I often play basketball with my classmates.Can you guess how many family members there are in my family? Five! My father, my mother, my brother, my pet dog, and I. I like my pet dog very much and treat him as one of my family members. I have a good friend. His name is Roy. He is eleven years old. We often play basketball together. Have you ever tasted French food? Its delicious! I like it very much. On weekdays, both my father and mother go to work, but on weekends, no matter how busy they are, we often have dinner together. My father likes French wine and champagne.The pupils read the introduction of the boy. Then fill in the blank in groups.(学生小组活动)。NameMargaretAgeDaySchoolLunchGo homeAfter schoolFamilyMemberPetFriend NameAgeHobbyWeekdaysWeekends(阴影部分为学生填写内容)(通过阅读短文,为学生提供模仿的例子,利用表格让学生提取相关的信息,同时也提示了学生写作的纲要。让学生更有条理地整理好自己的思维,为以下的写作作好准备。)2. Check the answers with the whole class. (通过对答案,可以跟学生进行一些交流,如问到年龄一栏时,可以顺势过渡到问学生的真实年龄,how old are you? 并把问题逐一贴在黑板上,以便成为学生在写作时的提示。)Step 3. Practice.1. Talk with partners. The pupils ask and answer in pairs according to the questions on the blackboard.( 给每组学生一套问题纸条,轮流抽签,用自己抽到的问题提问对方。通过生生之间的问答,让他们用口头描述自己的一些基本情况。利用游戏的方式,使枯燥的问答活动变得有趣味性。)2. Ask the pupils to write down the information about themselves in the form. Then talk about themselves in groups. (通过口头练习,让学生相互交流学习,为之后的写作作准备。)Step 4. Write an introduction of oneself.T: Lets make friends with Russhell. Write about yourself and put it on the internet. Maybe we can make many friends all over the world. (此任务的布置能激发学生的写作兴趣,让他们更投入地对自己进行描述。)Step 5. Assessment.展示一到两篇学生作品,及时给予批改,通过检查,教师能初步得到学生对本课的学习情况反馈。Step 6. Homework.1. Complete the introduction of yourself.2. Introduce yourself to your parents.Unit 4 Accidents 教案Teaching Aims and Goals:1. Let students know the new words2. Recite some important sentences.3. Understand the grammar of this unit.Teaching important points:1. Go over words and phrases and passive voice:2. New sentences:1). want to be the victim.2).The victim is the person who is hurt. 3).Why dont you pretend to be Jennys friend?4).I dont have to pretend.5).Why didnt you listen to my warning? 6).Now youve had an accident! 7).Dont be mad .Be a nice friend. 8).Take care of Jenny.=Look after Jenny. 9).Are you badly hurt, Jenny? 10).It will keep you warm. 11).Dont be scared. 12).Did you see how this accident happened?Teaching difficult points:1. Let students know how accidents happened?2. To know the usage of Grammar of this unit.Teaching tools:(教具) Recorder, Audiotape, and Power Points Teaching Steps:(教学过程)Step 1:Lead-inShow some pictures about accident on the book, lead in the new lessonStep 2: Revision1). Review words and phrases in Unit 5.2). Review the passive voice of unit 5In this part, let students finish exercises on PPT.Step 3: Learn new words Accident, acting, victim, pretend, warning, refuse, reporterStep 4: Come to “Think about it”, and answer the questions on PPTStep 5: Listening. Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while Answer the questions, the questions are on PPT. Step 6: Reading Find out three students, and ask students to read the dialogue. Step 7:Exercise(练习) Finish off exercises on PPT .Step 8: Come to “Project.”With a small group of classmates, you will pretend that someone has had an accident. Each person in your group will pretend to be someone different. the victim someone who saw the accident a doctor a reporterDont forget to show your classmates: how the accident happened what happens next If there have no enough time, let this part make students homework.Step10: Homework1. Learn the words and phrases in this lesson by heart.2. Finish the following exercises.Unit 2 Big cities 教案一、教学设计1、学生分析本节课的授课对象为六年级三班的学生。该年龄段的孩子注意力较集中,较了解自己的记忆过程,较强的元记忆能力使他们能选择更适合的策略来完成任务。虽然此阶段的学生思维的基本过程日趋完善,但不同的学生认知能力方面仍存在不同的差异。本班学习气氛较浓厚,但两极分化较严重,后进生常要在优生的带领下才能较好地完成任务。对于此次教学内容,课前,学生已经通过百度搜索收集了北京各个景点的资料,学习过世界其它国家一些大城市的情况,也了解了我国上海的概况。本节课,他们将仿照例文写一篇介绍北京的文章。2、内容分析本单元教学内容主要围绕城市展开,重点学习如何简单地介绍一个地方有什么景点(There are/There is),人们可以干什么(You can/We can)。通过本单元的学习,可以进一步加强学生对There be 句型的运用,也把一些表示动作的词语运用到实际生活中去,提高了学生语言的综合表达能力。 课前,学生通过几个课时的学习,已基本把握与之相关的词汇,并能较为熟练地运用There are/There is的句型。这节课是本单元的最后一个环节,要求学生仿照例文写一篇文章介绍北京,其中“人们可以在这个城市做什么”是写作的难点。根据本班学生两极分化较严重的情况,本次教学主要采取的是小组互助学习的形式,让学生采用思维导图mind map的形式突破难点。 例文的学习主要是让学生通过观察、发现和归纳等方式,把握语言的规律,形成有效的学习策略。3、教学目标知识目标:1.能理解例文大意,找出文中的重点词和重点句。2.能运用 There are/There is 以及You can/We can的句型描述北京。能力目标:1.能用符号画出文中的重点词和重点句。2.能与小组的成员交流获得的信息,并合作完成思维导图。情感目标:1.培养学生的合作意识,让学生体验合作的愉快。2.培养学生热爱家乡的美好情感。二、教学重难点1.能理解例文大意,找出文中的重点词和重点句。2.能运用 There are/There is 以及You can/We can的句型描述北京。教学难点:能运用 There are/There is 以及You can/We can的句型描述北京。三、教学过程课前一两分钟,边做动作边说有关动作的词语来调动学生的积极性,活跃课堂气氛,也为难点的攻破做好铺设。(可以做的动作有fly a kite, ride a bike, read a book, do some shopping , have an ice cream 等。)1.导入。T: Today is a nice day, the weather is very good. Its good for us to travel between the cities. Lets have a trip. Lets read the title were going to learn. (教师板书题目Big Cites,学生齐读)2.复习。(1)T:Can you tell me which city do you know? S: Rome/New York/London/Beijing(个别学生回答完后,教师拿出代表城市的图片和单词,全班复习城市名称。)(设计意图:问题比较简单,又是学生学过的知识。低难度的问题有利于调动学生回答的积极性。)(2)T:Look, here is a photo of Shanghai. Can you say something about it?(设计意图:这是一条开放性问题,学生可以说书本上的内容,也可以讲自己所知道的,初步让学生感知介绍一个城市可以介绍什么。不要求学生成篇介绍,学生不会胆怯,有利于保持学生的积极性。)3.阅读例文。(1)引出并初次感知例文T: Shanghai is very beautiful. Today Yoyo wants to tell you something about the city where she lives.T: Now listen and try to get which city she is talking about?(设计意图:教师播放来自练习册的例文的录音一次,学生带任务听。问题很简单,许多学生可以回答出来。也可以让学生初步感知文章的整体性。)(2)理解例文,并找出文中的重点词句。T: Read the text in group.Team1, Team2 try to find out what can we see in Guangzhou? Circle the key words.Team3, Team4 try to find out what can we do in Guangzhou? Underline the sentences.(教师贴板书What can we see in it?/What can we do in it?)(学生四人小组读文章,并带着问题画出重点词句。教师巡堂帮助。)(设计意图:小组活动有助于发挥学生合作学习的精神,可以让较好的学生帮助成绩后进的同学。)(3)汇报。汇报时,教师引导学生用 There be以及 You can/We can的句型来描述。教师根据学生的回答板书重点词句,板书如下:)(4)朗读例文,建立文章的整体印象。T: Now, you are Yoyo. Lets introduce Guangzhou.(学生先分小组读,然后全班朗读全文。) 4.介绍北京。(1)形象感知.T: Guangzhou is a modern city. Its a place for your holiday. Is Foshan a beautiful city? S: Yes.T: What are the sights in Foshan?S: Liangs Garden(一些景点名学生不会说的,老师可以教。)(教师边写景点名称,边简单教读。)四、作业。(1)通过百度搜索查阅更多北京各景点的资料,充实文章内容。(2)小组分享你的文章。Unit 4 Accidents习题 1一、单项选择。1. When I was eight, I _ an accident with my bike. A. have B. has C. had2. _ he _ his leg? A. Did, break B. Did, broke C. Do, break3. He fell _ the window. A. on B. at C. from二、翻译。1. 去年我和父母在伦敦度假。_2. My mum put a bandage round it. _3. 你怎么啦? _Unit 5 Animals in danger习题 2一、根据图片写出下列动物。1. _2. _3. _4. _二、完成句子。1. is, in, water, rivers, dirty, The, many_.2. China, The , lives, pandas, in _.Unit 3 Festivals习题 2一、根据图片写出单词或节日。1. _2. _3. _4. _二、完成句子。1. children, on, What, do, do, Halloween, the_?2. house, from, go, Children, house, to _.Unit 1 School is great fun教案一、Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操练中加以应用: By, fan, dialogue, geography, history, language, nice, play, pop, south.能够在口头和书面表达中,复习和区分现在进行时及一般现在时的用法;能够就“谈论校园生活、课程及时间表”的话题进行交流与对话操练,如:(1) what class are they having?They are having a music class.(2) how many lessons does he have every weekday?Five.(3) what time does the next class begin?At ten fifty-five.2.Skill aims能听懂有关学校课程安排的简单对话或叙述;能够运用所学句型谈论学校课程安排;能在口头表达中做到发音清晰、语音语调准确;能正确朗读对话,注意语音语调和节奏;能写出常见的课程名称名词;能正确书写与本话题表达有关的学校课程安排和对课程的评价的语句。3. Emotional aims能结合游戏、表演等灵活多样的课堂活动,激发学习英语的兴趣。二、The key points and difficult points1.在小组合作活动中,能掌握字母ear, eir/ere, eer, gh, ght的发音规则并尝试辨音;2.在情景对话中,能区分现在进行时和一般现在时的用法并将其运用谈论校园生活、校园所学学科、时间表等。三、Learning strategies1.能逐步养成拼读单词的习惯;2.能反思自己的学习习惯,并根据自己的情况进行改进。Teaching aids录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板四、Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (5 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. Individual work and the whole class work.1. Focus their attention on the teacher. Sing the song “What are you doing?” together.2. Play a game. One student comes to the front of the classroom. The teacher shows one flashcard to him/her. There are some words about verbs, places on the flashcards. Then the student in the front acts out the verb to the whole class. The whole class can ask, “Are you swimming?” And the student can only answer, “Yes” or “No”. e.g.Ss: Are you dancing?S1: No.Ss: Are you swimming?S1: Yes, I am.1. Get students ready for learning.2. Help the students to revise the verbs, the words of places and the “Present Continuous” in Topic 2. Organize the game to arouse the students interests. Presentation (10 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. The whole class work and individual work.3.Group work.4. The whole class work and individual work.5.Individual work and pair work.1. Look at the flashcards about the days of a week. Learn the new words about the days of a week. Then learn to sing the song “The days of a week”.The lyrics:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.2. Look at the flashcards. The whole class try to answer the teachers question:T: What day is it today?Ss: Its .After that, some students answer the questions individually.3. Look at the flashcards. Take turns to say the words of the days of a week in groups.(单词接龙游戏)4. Look at the pictures which the books covers and learn the new words of subjects. Match the subjects with the pictures related to the subjects individually.e.g.a picture of globegeographya picture of trianglemath.Try to write down your timetable in English individually. 5.Do 1a&1b. Look at the pictures in 1a. Predict the listening material in 1a. Then listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in 1b individually. After that, check the answers with your partner.1. Present new words of the days of a week with the help of the flashcards and English songs. 2. Help the students learn the words about the days of a week.3. Help the students go on learning the words about the days of a week. 4.Help the students learn the new words of subjects with the help of the pictures.5.Play the tape recorder and check the answers.Consolidation (10 minutes)1. The whole class work and pair work.1. Read 1a after the tape. Then practice the conversation in 1a in pairs. Some pairs read out the conversation to the whole class.1.To be a good listener. Practice(10 minutes)1. Pair work.2.Individual work and the whole class work.3.Group work.4.Group work.5.Individual work and pair work.1. Do 1c. After practicing the conversation in 1a, make up a new conversation with the information in 1c in pairs. Then practice your new conversation with your partner. After that, some pairs act out your conversation to the whole class.e.g.A: What is your favorite day?B: Monday.A: Why?B: Because we have a art lesson on Monday. I like art very much.A: What time does the class begin?B: At fifteen twenty.A: What time is the class over?B: At sixteen.2. Do 2. Look at Wen Weis timetable and answer the questions in 2 individually. Then the teacher asks and the students answer. 3. Do 3a. Divide the class into three groups. Every group reads one group of words with these letters: ear, eir/ere, eer, gh, ght. Discuss in groups and find the rules of these sounds by yourselves. Then one student in each group reads out the sound and teaches the sound to the whole class. Then the whole class listen to the tape recorder and check the sounds. Read the sounds and words aloud after the tape.4. Do brainstorming. Sit in groups. Try to say the words which include ear,eir,ere,eer,gh/ght. Then show your result to the whole class. The whole class read the words together.5. Listen to 3b and check the words you hear in each group individually. Then check your answers with your partner.1. Make the students practice the days of a week and names of subjects in conversations.2. Help the students learn to find the answers from the timetable while listening.3. Make the students learn to help each other and learn from each other.4.Correct their sounds while they are reading. 5.Play the tape recorder and check the answers.Production (10 minutes)1. Individual work and pair work. 1. Make your own timetable in English individually. You may imagine what kind of subjects you want to have on a certain day. Sit in pairs. Then share your timetable with your partner. Ask and answer questions according to your ideal timetable.e.g.A: How many lessons do you have every weekday?B: Six. I hope to have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. Then I can play sports after class in the afternoon.A: How many English lessons do you have every day?B: Two. English is my favorite subject.1. Make the students practice the words about the days of a week and subjects in oral work and written work.2. Assign the homework:Review the words and practice the conversations in Section A with your partner;Make up a new conversation similar to 1a with your partner. Then report it to the class the next day;Preview Section B.Teaching reflection: 在本课中,学生通过听力训练、师生问答等,结合教学闪卡等教具,学习并反复操练了关于学科和星期的名词,同时也在小组合作探究活动中,学习了字母组合ear/eir/ere/eer/gh/ght的发音规则,并尝试听辨单词。因为本课学习的是星期和学科的名词,贴近学生的学习实际,因此本课结合了实际,创设情景让学生在情景中自然感知并熟练操练有关星期和学科的名词。但也正因为如此,本课的生词量比较大,部分学生在课堂上没办法当堂掌握并熟练运用这些词汇,因此教师应当多关注学困生,在他们学习的过程中,多给他们一些帮助,帮助他们顺畅地完成课堂英语的学习,给他们创造机会,引导其他同学也来帮助他们,形成同学之间互相帮助、共同合作的好习惯。Unit 1 School is great fun!习题 1一、单项选择。1. In my class there _ 30 pupils. A. are B. is C. has2. How many subjects do you have _ school? A. in B. at C. on3. Which school _ Mary _ to? A. does; goes B. do; goes C. does; go二、翻译。1. Sam的班上有40名学生。_2. I often go to the Science Museum. _3. 语文是我最喜欢的学科。 _ Unit 1 School is great fun!习题 2一、根据图片写出单词或词组。1. _2. _3. _4. _二、完成句子。1. English, PE, got, this, We, have, year_.2. pupils, in, How, are, many, class, there, your _?


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