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毕业论文(设计)外文翻译题 目: 面对绿色贸易壁垒升级 系部名称: 经济管理系 专业班级: 国贸08 学生姓名: 潘 学 号: 200880514 指导教师: 教师职称: 副教授 2011年12月30日面对绿色贸壁垒升级萨金特摘要:今年五月,欧盟在签发符合RoHS,WEEE,EUP的法令,REACH法规和规章和绿色贸易措施,提出并实施了DMF的顺序 法令;DMF的命令禁止有“二甲酯”产品的流向和销售导欧盟市场,然而,3个月后执行的命令,让不少企业都受到影响,特别是 金融危机的背景下的中国出口产业 。一些专家指出,绿色贸易壁垒成为继汇率影响外贸的又一个关键因素。关键词: 欧盟、绿色贸易壁垒、中国一、不可避免的“绿色贸易壁垒” 近年来,由于欧洲和美洲国家绿色贸易壁垒不断升级;跨越关税壁垒后,另一种非关税的绿色贸易壁垒等待像中国这样的发展中国家。 从2009年2月至4月,欧盟非食品类产品快速预警系统(RAPEX)发布了30条关于对中国鞋和玩具产品的信息,德国、西班牙和法国召回,因为含有DMF。 2009年3月28日,山西检验检疫局工作组从企业收到一份报告,说是遏制拖拉机备用零件出口到意大利,由于使用木质包装已没有“自由DMF”的证明号码。 从2009年7月开始,广州芳村的包装材料制造商受到的退货和返工,因为在其产品中二甲基甲酰胺。 近年来,为什么绿色贸易壁垒在广泛领域的频率使用,它背后有一个深层次的原因。例如,全球环境恶化,如:臭氧损耗,全球变暖,生物多样性丧失和其他问题,直接影响到人们的消费观念和价值观念,特别是在欧洲和美国等发达国家,消费者的绿色价值观已经形成,并显示他们对绿色产品的需求和喜好,这也提供了绿色贸易壁垒的形成条件和机会。 此外,传统的非关税越来越多地被谴责,在这种情况下,出于自身利益的欧洲,美国和其他国家开始寻求新的贸易保护措施。此外,在国家环保标准的差异,以及当前的国际贸易规则和协议是不完整的provids绿色贸易壁垒的借口。 中国环境标志产品认证委员会秘书处主任,教授夏青表示,绿色贸易壁垒是不可避免的,任何国家在保护国家安全,动物和植物的安全,公众健康,环境,防止欺诈行为的期限,将提请了相关规定,发布有关规章制度,并采取技术防范措施。他们提出的测试标准中的规定,构成了一系列可能的绿色壁垒。不过,也有“绿色标准”本身也有差异,这导致欧盟的产品被出口,而中国的一些产品不能进入国际市场中。 二、树起“绿色壁垒”,加剧贸易摩擦 在全球经济一体化进程中,以达到保护国内市场的目的,欧盟和其他发达国家采取更多和更加隐蔽的措施,对进口产品的技术要求越来越严格,以及配套的法律法规相继出台。例如:2007年6月起,欧盟全面实施REACH法规,要求企业申请授权,通知15项高度关注物质(SVHC),2008年6月欧盟发出一个限制使用全氟辛烷磺酸化合物(PFOS)的法令,标志着欧盟正式禁止PFOS在商品的使用;中国的一些出口行业,包括纺织,皮革等出口企业的影响。作为另一个绿色贸易壁垒,将中国的皮革,家具和其他出口行业的DMF禁令的实施。欧盟成员国以环保的名义,提出单方面的贸易措施,限制从国外进口,从而导致越来越多的双边或多边贸易摩擦。欧盟和北美自由贸易区成员国的两个大区域组织基本上都是发达的国家,他们的环保水平和环保标准是相似的,而某些个别成员国之间的差距也往往要协调。因此,他们可以通过区域自由贸易的模式,以遏制由于没有按照他们的环保标准以外地区的产品。 虽然看似合法的绿色壁垒正在成为流行,但它可能对发展中国家构成严重挑战。据粗略统计,中国遭受的绿色壁垒,66.1来自欧盟之间,这一趋势可能对中国欧盟经贸关系的受到长期的影响。 三、对绿色贸易壁垒积极和客观的回应 中国和其他发展中国家在金融危机的背景下应该怎样做,作为绿色贸易壁垒是否应该加强据。有关业内人士表示,中国将准备在不久的中长期内做出回应。在短期内,他们对纺织品积极响应,有相关专业人士在市对外经济贸易局,中国贸促会,以及行业协会,以帮助联系律师,并进行协调,以使案件应诉的准备。在中期,他们必须加快外贸人才的储备,尤其是时下的贸易壁垒变更频繁,外贸人才的专业素质提出了更高的要求。从长远来看,出口企业应加紧努力,以调整产品结构,加快产业升级,提高产品科技含量,这样才能从根本上减少贸易摩擦。据悉,中国政府正在分担困难,帮助企业解决问题;由商务部主办,当地职能部门积极发挥四体联动机制的作用与商业协会和企业共同面对贸易摩擦;加强贸易摩擦对企业的培训和法律咨询宣传,也做了很多的努力,帮助企业用法律手段来积极应对和回应摩擦。其实,从保护环境和国家卫生保健的前景来看,所谓的新的壁垒,包括绿色壁垒和知识产权保护也有合理的一面,这可能会促进企业产业结构的优化和升级。另一个知情人士认为,拿海尔作为一个例子,从20世纪80年代末至90年代初,由于欧洲、美国和其他发达国家进行立法,以限制或禁止进口含有氟氯化碳的冰箱,这使得中国冰箱出口遭受重大损失,海尔集团也没有例外。然后,海尔冰箱及时推出一个“绿色革命”。海尔集团在1984年,引进德国技术和德国的高标准环保观念,并不断努力,以减少氟氯化碳的使用,直到制造无氟冰箱;同时无氟冰箱也具有显着的能源节约功能,超越欧洲节能标准20,美国的18。最终,海尔集团在20世纪90年代初已取得欧盟绿色标签证书,在1992年和1996年先后通过了ISO9001和ISO14000体系认证证书。由于采取了一系列环保措施,海尔集团的产品已达到进口国的环保要求,在1990年以前扭转小的出口市场和出口量,海尔集团在1996年出口21万台冰箱,价值25.71亿美元,从而为海尔成为国内第一出口企业的地位奠定了基础,在向德国出口的亚洲公司中海尔排名第一,这也有利于海尔集团在全国500强企业名单。 四、绿色贸易壁垒对中国对外贸易的影响由于绿色贸易壁垒,中国对外贸易额遭受了巨大的损失。2002年,因为日本严格的检查和要求价格的大幅度降低,台州蔬菜被阻止进入日本市场。还是在2002年,因为宁波市水产品不能达到欧盟所要求的卫生标准而被限制进入欧洲联盟(欧盟)。由于绿色贸易壁垒,60种中国农药被禁止进入欧盟市场,因为他们不能达到欧盟的绿色标准。根据联合国统计,由于“绿色贸易壁垒”,在2002年这一年中国遭受损失74亿美元。中国出口到欧盟,日本,韩国和其他国家的跌幅尤其明显。一般而言,由于严格的绿色壁垒,农产品和食品,纺织产品和机电产品的三个主要行业遭受损失最为严重。由于这三大类产品是中国出口最多的产品,我们可以很容易地得出一个结论:“绿色贸易壁垒”已成为限制中国产品出口的一个主要障碍。五、应对发达国家绿色贸易壁垒的主要对策 如上所述,这是一个事实即中国出口产品遭受发达国家绿色壁垒的严重限制,遭受了巨大损失。因此,中国出口商应该仔细考虑对策,以消除绿色贸易壁垒不利影响。首先,我们应该充分利用的优惠待遇来减少绿色贸易壁垒对发展中国家的限制。根据协议对绿色贸易壁垒的有关规定,发达国家应当充分考虑到发展中国家的特殊发展,确保发展中国家在财政和贸易需要等方面不受绿色贸易壁垒的限制,确保绿色条款,标准和合格评定程序不给发展中国家带来不必要的麻烦,从而保证发展中国家的正常出口。因此,作为世界贸易组织中的一个发展中国家,中国有权享受这种优惠待遇。其次,中国应利用世界贸易组织的争端解决机制来保护自己的利益。不同于关贸总协定,世贸组织已成立了一个更有力的争端解决机制来解决世贸组织的成员之间的纠纷。因此,如果我们的利益受到其他世贸组织成员不公平的绿色贸易壁垒的损害,我们可以诉诸争端解决机构来解决这一争端,并敦促其他成员改变其不公正的做法,以保护我们的利益。第三,中国应强调保护环境,并采取措施提高产品质量和水平,多出口达到绿色出口水平的产品,以满足更高的环保标准,这将从根本上解决我过所遭受绿色贸易壁垒这个问题。 附注:摘自EUROPECHINA,2009年第10期Facing the Upgrade of Green Trade BarrierThomas J. SargentAbstract :The European Union proposed and implemented DMF order this May after issuing RoHS, WEEE, EUP orders, REACH rules and regulations and green trade measures (TBT); the DMF order bans the product containing dimethylfumarate (hereafter referred as DMF) to flow and sale in the European Union market, however, after 3 months implementation of the order, quite a few enterprises have been affected, especially for Chinas relevant exporting industries under the background of financial crisis. Some expert points out that green trade barrier become the second crucial factor influencing the foreign trade following the exchange rate. Key words:European Union、Green trade barrier、ChinaUnavoidable Green Trade Barrier In recent years, owning to the European and American countries green trade barrier is upgrading continuously; after crossing the tariff barrier, there is another non-tariff green trade barrier waiting for developing countries like China there. From February to April of 2009, the EU Rapid Alert System for Non-food Products (RAPEX) released 30 pieces of information on Chinese shoes and toy products are recalled by Germany, Spain and France because of containing DMF. Jincheng residential working group of Shanxi Inspection and Quarantine Bureau received a report from an enterprises on March 28, 2009, saying that the a number of tractor spare parts exporting to Italian, using wooden packaging due to have provide no free DMF proof is curbed. Guanzhou Fangchuns packaging materials manufacturer suffered from total return and reproduction on July 2009, because DMF is contained in its products. In recent years, why Green trade barrier is used with increasing frequency in wider fields, there is a deep-rooted reason behind it. For instance, the world environmental degradation, such as: ozone depletion, global warming, biodiversity loss and other problems which directly affect peoples consumption concept and values; particularly in Europe and the United States and other developed countries, consumers green values have been formed and show their demands and preferences towards green products, which also provided the conditions and opportunities for the formation of the green trade barriers. In addition, the traditional non-tariff is increasingly being condemned, in such a case, European, American and other countries for their own interests began to seek new trade protection measures. Moreover, differences in national environmental standards, as well as the current international trade rules and agreements are incomplete provids an excuse for the green trade barriers. Director of Secretariat of China Certification Committee for Environmental Labeling Products, Professor Xia Qing expresses that green trade barrier is unavoidable, any country in term of protecting national security, animal and plant safety, public health, environment, and preventing fraud, will draw up relevant provisions, release relevant rules and regulations, and adopt technical preventive measures. They propose testing standards in their provisions, which constitute a series of possible green barriers. However, there are differences in green standard itself, which cause the EU products is liable to be exported, while some Chinese product cant go to international market. Erected Green Barrier and Intensified Trade Friction In the process of global economic integration, in order to achieve the purpose of protecting the domestic market, the EU and other developed countries resort more and more hidden measures, the technical requirements for imported products become increasingly stringent, and the supporting laws and regulations are issued one after another. For example: since June 2007, the EU fully implemented REACH regulations requiring enterprises to apply for authorization, notify 15-item highly concerned materials (SVHC); in June 2008, the EU issued a PFOS order restricting the use of perfluorooctane sulfonate compounds (PFOS), marked the EU officially bans usage of PFOS in the commodities; for which Chinas several exporting industries are effected including the textile, leather and other export enterprises. The implementation of DMF ban to serves as another green trade barrier for Chinas leather, furniture and other export industries. The EU member states take the name of environmental protection to launch unilateral trade measures to restrict imports from foreign countries, thus lead to an increasing bilateral or multilateral trade friction. The two large regional organizations of the EU and the North American Free Trade Area member states are basically developed countries, their environmental protection level and environmental standards are similar, while certain gaps between individual member states also tend to be coordinated. So they can adopt regional free trade mode to curb the outside region products due to not in accordance with their environmental standards. While the seemingly legitimate green barrier is becoming popular, it may pose serious challenges towards the developing countries. According to rough statistics, among Chinas suffering green barrier, 66.1% of that comes from the European Union, this trend may exert long-term influence on China-EU trade and economic relationship.Response Green Trade Barrier Positively and Objectively What China and other developing countries should do in the context of financial crisis, and as the green trade barriers is intensified? According to relevant insiders that Chinas foreign trade enterprises should be prepared in the near-medium-long term. In the near term, they have to actively respond to suits, there are relevant professionals in the municipal Foreign Economic Trade Bureau, CCPIT, as well as industry associations, who can help to contact lawyers, and coordinate to make preparation for responding to suits. In the medium-term, they have to speed up the reserves of foreign trade talents, especially nowadays the trade barriers change frequently, which proposes higher requirements of professional quality of the foreign trade talents. In the long term, exporting enterprises should intensify efforts to adjust product structure, speed up industrial upgrading, improving product technology content, so as to reduce trade friction fundamentally. It is reported that Chinese government are sharing difficulties and help the enterprises to solve the problems; organized by the Ministry of Commerce, local functional departments actively play the four-body interaction mechanism role to face trade frictions with business associations and enterprises; strengthening the advocacy of training and legal advice of trade frictions to enterprises, as well as having done lots of effort to help the enterprises to use legal means to actively respond to suits. Actually, from the prospect of environmental protection and national health care, the so-called new barriers including green barrier and intellectual property protection also had a reasonable side, which may urge enterprise to promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure. Another insider believes that take Haier as an example: from the late 1980s to early 1990s, due to European, American and other developed countries make legislation to restrict or to prohibit imports of refrigerators containing CFC, which makes Chinas refrigerator export suffer heavy loss, Haier Group is also no exception. Then Haier Refrigerator launches a green revolution in a timely manner. In 1984, Haier Group introduced both German technology and a high level of environmental awareness in Germany, and constantly strived to reduce CFC usage until the Freon-free refrigerators is created; meanwhile the Freon-free refrigerators also has significant energy saving function, surpassing European standards A - 20% energy-saving, and the U.S. 18% energy-saving. As a result, Haier Group has made the EUs Green Label certificate in the early 1990s, and passed the ISO9001 and ISO14000 system certificates in 1992 and 1996 successively. Owning to adopting a series of green measures, Haier Group products has met the environmental requirements of importing countries, reversing small exporting market and exporting volume prior to 1990; in 1996 Haier Group exported 210,000 units refrigerators, amounting to 25.71 million dollars, thereby laying a foundation of first exporting position in Chinas domestic market, and ranking first in Asia to export to Germany, all of which is conducive for Haier Group to crowd in the national top 500 enterprises list.Influences of Green barriers on Chinas foreign trade China has suffered great loss due to the Green barriers. In 2002, vegetables from Taizhou were prevented from entering Japan because of Japanese strict inspection and the price was greatly cut down. Also in 2002, the aquatic products from Ningbo were restricted by European Union (EU) because they could not reach the sanitary standards of EU. Due to Green trade barriers, 60 kinds of Chinese agricultural chemists were banned by EU because they could not reach the Green standards of EU. In accordance with the statistics of United Nations, China has suffered a loss of $7.4 billion in 2002 due to Green barriers trade. Chinas export to EU, Japan, Korea and other countries decreases notably. Generally speaking, agricultural products and foodstuff, textile products and mechanical and electronic products are the three main industries which suffer great loss because of the strict Green barriers. Since these three products constitute the majority of Chinese exportation, we can easily draw a conclusion: Green barriers to trade has become one of the major obstacles in Chinese exportation.Countermeasures to the Green barriers of the developed countries As mentioned above, it is a fact that the Chinese export products are facing Green barriers of the developed countries and has suffered great loss. Therefore Chinese exporters should think carefully about the countermeasures to eliminate the unfavorable influences of such measures. First, we should make full use of the preferential treatment to the developing countries stipulated in the Agreement of Green trade barrier. According to the provisions of the Agreement of Green trade barrier, developed countries should take account of the special development, financial and trade needs of developing country members with a view to ensuring that such Green regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles to exports from developing countries. So, as a developing member of WTO, China is entitled to such preferential treatment. Secondly, China should make use of the Dispute Settlement System of WTO to protect her interests. Different from GATT, WTO has set up a powerful dispute settlement system to solve the disputes between the members of WTO. So, if our interests are harmed by the unfair Green barriers of other WTO members, we can resort to Dispute Settlement Body to settle this dispute and urge other members to change their unfair practices so as to protect our interests. Thirdly, China should stress the protection of environment and take measures to improve the quality and Green level of her export products to meet higher Green standards, which will fundamentally solve the problem of Green barriers. Source:EUROPECHINA 2009-10-25 教师评语教师签名:2012年01月02日


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