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会计学1针刺方法中英文对照针刺方法中英文对照2 Manipulating Methods 针灸操作方法针灸操作方法Needlingmethods针刺方法针刺方法Moxibustionmethod艾灸方法艾灸方法2013-6-18第1页/共48页 1.1 Explanation To some first visit patients,acupuncture and moxibustion therapy,especially acupuncture,may engender nervous tension.They may be afraid of stabbing pain,or needling of some important regions,such as head.The acupuncturist should pay attention to the patients expression and explain to the patients in order to relax them and enable them to cooperate in the treatment.32013-6-18解释 一些初诊病人对针灸疗法尤其是针刺会产生紧张心理,或怕刺痛,或对重要部位如头部等的针刺存有顾虑,医者应认真观察病人神态,做适当的解释工作,使病人缓解紧张状态,消除顾虑,放松肌肉,配合施术。第2页/共48页42013-6-181.Preparations prior to treatment针灸施术前的准备针灸施术前的准备1.2 Needles The filiform needles are usually used in clinical treatment.Most of them are made of stainless steel.The common filiform needles vary in length and diameter.Clinically the needles ranging from gauges 28-32 in diameter and 1-3cun in length are frequently used in clinical treatment.针具 临床上常用的针具是毫针,多由不锈钢制成,其针身的长度和直径有不同规格。其中以2832号,13寸长的毫针较为常用。第3页/共48页cun寸0.毫米1525405075100125Length of Different Filiform Needles不同规格毫针长度对照表Diameter of Different Filiform Needles不同规格毫针直径对照表Gauge号码262830313234 Dia.直径(mm)0.450.380.320.300.280.2352013-6-18第4页/共48页62013-6-181.Preparations prior to treatment针灸施术前的准备针灸施术前的准备1.2 Needles The needles are selected according to the patients constitution,age,condition and regions to be punctured.The needles should be carefully examined before insertion.If the needle body gets rusty,crooked or the area combined with the handle has become loose,or the needle tip is too blunt or hook-like,It will affect insertion,cause pain or even break the needle.These kinds of needles should not be used.针具 临床上对具体针具的选择,要根据病人的体质、年龄、病情以及针刺部位的不同情况来确定。针刺前要检查针具,凡针身有锈痕、弯曲或与针柄相接处有松动,针尖过钝或有钩等,会影响进针,易致疼痛,甚或折针,不宜应用。第5页/共48页72013-6-181.3 Postures Appropriate posture of the patient is important for correct location of acupoints,prolonged retention of the needle and prevention of bending and breaking the needle as well as fainting during acupuncture.Before needling,the patient is advised to relax himself or herself,keep a comfortable and natural posture so as to maintain the position for a longer time.体位 针刺时须要求病人采取和保持一定的体位姿势,以便于取穴、持久留针、防止针身弯曲折断和晕针。针刺前嘱病人尽量把身体姿势放得舒服自然,能坚持较长时间而不移动。1.Preparations prior to treatment针灸施术前的准备针灸施术前的准备第6页/共48页82013-6-181.3.1 Lying posture Lying posture is most frequently used,especially for the aged,the patients with poor constitution or serious diseases or nervousness.Therefore lying position is significant in preventing fatigue or fainting.卧位一般多取卧位,尤其是年老、体弱、病重以及精神紧张者,以防病人疲劳难支或晕针。1.Preparations prior to treatment针灸施术前的准备针灸施术前的准备第7页/共48页Supination Supination 仰卧位仰卧位 Suitable for needling the acupoints on the head and face,chest and abdominal regions,and the limbs.92013-6-18 适用于取头面、胸腹部腧穴,以及四支部的多数腧穴。第8页/共48页Lateral recumbent posture 侧卧位侧卧位 Suitable for needling the acupoints on the posterior region of the head,neck,back,and the lateral side of the limbs.102013-6-18 适用于取头后项、背部腧穴,以及四肢的部分腧穴。第9页/共48页Pronation 俯卧位俯卧位 Suitable for needling the acupoints located on the posterior region of the head,neck,back,lumbar and buttock regions,and the posterior region of the lower limbs.112013-6-18 适用于取头后项、背、腰、臀部腧穴,以及下肢后侧的腧穴。第10页/共48页122013-6-181.Preparations prior to treatment针灸施术前的准备针灸施术前的准备1.3.1 Sitting position Sitting position is suitable for needling the acupoints located on the head,neck,upper extremities or the back of the patient whose illness is mild.坐位 一般用于取穴局限在头项、上肢或背部腧穴,且病情较轻者。第11页/共48页 Applicable to the acupoints located on the posterior region of the head,neck,and back.适用于取头后、项、背部的腧穴。Sitting in pronation 俯伏坐位俯伏坐位132013-6-18第12页/共48页142013-6-18 Applicable to the acupoints located on the head and face as well as the upper chest region.Sitting in supination 俯伏坐位俯伏坐位 适用于取头面部和上胸部的腧穴。第13页/共48页152013-6-181.Preparations prior to treatment针灸施术前的准备针灸施术前的准备1.4 Sterilization1.4.1 Needle sterilization1.4.2 Disinfection of the region selected for needling1.4.3 Disinfection of the acupuncturists fingers 消毒针具消毒针刺部位消毒医者手指消毒 第14页/共48页162013-6-181.4.1 Needle sterilization Sterilized needles,which should be used only once,are recommended.The needles for repeated use should be sterilized with autoclave;Boiling sterilization;Medical sterilization:75%alcohol.针具消毒 提倡使用经过消毒的一次性针具。如果是反复使用的一般针具,最好用 高压消毒;煮沸消毒;药物消毒。1.4 Sterilization 消毒第15页/共48页172013-6-181.4.2 Disinfection of the region selected for needling The area selected for needling must be sterilized with a 75%alcohol cotton ball.The selected area is sterilized from the center to the sides.After sterilization,measures should be taken to avoid recontamination.针刺部位消毒 在选取的针刺部位用75%酒精棉球擦拭;擦拭时,应从消毒部位的中心向外周绕圈涂擦。消毒后要注意避免消毒部位的再次污染。1.4 Sterilization 消毒第16页/共48页182013-6-181.4.3 Disinfection of the acupuncturists fingersBefore needling,the acupuncturist should wash his or her hands with soapsuds or sterilize with 75%alcohol cotton balls.医者手指消毒针刺施术前,医者的手要用肥皂水洗净,或用75%酒精棉球擦拭。1.4 Sterilization 消毒第17页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法2.1 Traditional methods 传统方法2.2 Modern methods 现代方法2.1.1 Needling with filiform needles毫针刺法2.1.2Needling methods of the three-edged needles 三棱针刺法2.2.1 Electro-acupuncture 电针2.2.2 Acupoint injection 穴位注射2.2.3 Scalp acupuncture 头皮针2.2.4 Ear acupuncture 耳针2013-6-1819第18页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法2.1.1 Needling with filiform needles 毫针刺法2.1.1.1 insertion The needle usually should be held with the right hand known as the puncturing hand.The left hand known as the pressing hand,pushes firmly against the area close to the acupoint or presses the needle body from both sides to assist the right hand.The needle should be inserted coordinately with the help of both hands.进针方法 针刺施术时,一般是右手持针(称“刺手”),进行针刺的主要操作;左手配合(称“押手”),切按所刺部位或夹持针身,以帮助右手进针,双手协同操作将针刺入皮肤。2013-6-1820第19页/共48页Nailing insertion of the needle Press beside the acupoint with the nail of the thumb or the index finger of the left hand,hold the needle with the right hand and keep the needle tip closely against the nail,and then insert the needle into the acupoint.This method is suitable for puncturing with short needles.指切进针法 用左手拇指或是食指的指甲切按在穴位处,右手将针紧靠左手指甲缘刺入腧穴。此法适用于短针的进针。2013-6-1821第20页/共48页Holding insertion of the needle Hold the needle tip with sterilized dry cotton balls held by the thumb and the index finger of the left hand,keep the needle tip on the skin surface of the acupoint.Then insert the needle into the skin with both hands.This method is suitable for puncturing with long needles.夹持进针法 用左手的拇指和食指拿消毒干棉球夹住针身的下端,将针尖轻置于学位的皮肤表面,然后右手与左手同时用力,将针刺入皮肤,此法适用于长针的进针。2013-6-1822第21页/共48页Relaxed insertion of the needle Stretch the skin where the acupoint is located with the thumb and the index finger of the left hand,hold the needle with the right hand and then insert it into the area between the two fingers.This method is suitable for puncturing the acupoints located on the regions with loose skin.舒张进针法 以左手的拇指和食指将穴位处的皮肤向两侧撑开而使皮肤绷紧,右手将针从两指之间刺入,此法用于皮肤松弛部位的进针。2013-6-1823第22页/共48页Lifting and pinching insertion of the needle pinch the skin up around the acupoint with the thumb and index finger of the left hand,insert the needle into the acupoint with the right hand.This method is suitable for puncturing the acupoints where the muscles are thin.提捏进针法 用左手拇指、食指将穴位处的皮肤捏起,右手将针从捏起处刺入,此法用于皮薄肉少部位的进针。2013-6-1824第23页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法2.1.1 Needling with filiform needles 毫针刺法2.1.1.2 Angle and depth of insertion Different angles and depth in needling the same acupoint may puncture tissues,produce varied needling sensation and therapeutic effects.To different acupoints,appropriate angle and depth are selected according to the location of the acupoints.Correct angle and depth are helpful in producing desired therapeutic effects and preventing needling accidents.针刺的角度、深度 对同一个腧穴,如果针刺的角度、深度不同,所刺及的组织、产生的针刺感应和治疗效果会有明显的差异;对不同的腧穴,由于所在部位的解剖特点各异,针刺的角度和深度就应有所区别。2013-6-1825第24页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法Angle of insertion 针刺角度 The angle formed by the needle and the skin surface is usually classified into three kinds.Perpendicular insertionOblique insertionHorizontal insertion指进针时针身与皮肤表面间的夹角。一般分为三种角度:直刺斜刺平刺2013-6-1826第25页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法Perpendicular insertion 直刺 Perpendicular insertion,in which the needle is inserted perpendicularly,means that there is an angle of 90 formed between the needle and the skin surface.This method is applicable to most acupoints on the body.指针身与皮肤表面呈90 左右垂直刺入。适用于大部分腧穴。2013-6-1827第26页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法Oblique insertion 斜刺 The needle is inserted obliquely to form an angle of approximatedly 45between the needle and the skin surface.This method is used for needling the acupoints close to the important viscera or tissues,or the acupoint which are not suitable for perpendicular and deep insertion.指针身与皮肤表面呈45角左右斜向刺入。适用于内有重要组织或脏腑,或不宜直刺、深刺的腧穴。2013-6-1828第27页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法Horizontal insertion 平刺 The needle is inserted transversely to form an angle of about 15between the needle and the skin surface,also known as transverse insertion.This method is applicable to the areas where the muscle is thin.指针身与皮肤表面呈15角左右沿皮刺入。又称“横刺”、“沿皮刺”。适用于皮薄肉少部位的腧穴。2013-6-1829第28页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法Depth of needle insertion 针刺深度 In clinical treatment,the depth of insertion mostly depends upon the location of the acupoints,the constitution of the patient and the pathological conditions.For example,shallow insertion is applicable to the needling of such areas as the head,face,chest and abdominal region as well as such patients as infants,people with delicate constitution,or the aged.Deep insertion is applicable to the needling of the acupoints located on the limbs.buttocks and abdominal region.指针身刺入肌肤的深浅程度。临床上主要依据腧穴部位、病人体质、疾病情况等因素决定针刺的深浅。比如头面胸腹部、小儿、瘦弱、年老者宜浅刺,四肢腹臀部、青壮年、体胖者可深刺。2013-6-1830第29页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法2.1.1 Needling with filiform needles 毫针刺法2.1.1.3 manipulations and arrival of qi Manipulations:Needle manipulation may induce needling effect,for which several methods can be used.The arrival of qi refers to the sensation of aching,numbness,heaviness of distension around the acupoint after the needle is inserted.At the same time the acupuncturist may feel heaviness and tension beneath the needle.行针与得气 行针,指进针后为产生一定的针刺效应而施用针刺手法。得气,是指针刺时产生的一定感觉,患者会有针刺部位产生酸、麻、重、胀等的感觉,医者会觉得指下的针有沉紧感。2013-6-1831第30页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法The arrival of qi 得气 The arrival of qi is directly related to the therapeutic effect.Generally speaking,obvious and quick arrival of qi suggests good therapeutic effects,while unclear and slow arrival of qi shows poor therapeutic effects.Many factors may influence the arrival of qi,such as the constitution of the patient,pathological conditions,the acupoints selected,and the needling method used.得气与针刺治疗的效果有直接关系,一般是得其明显、迅速时疗效较好,得气不明显或缓慢时疗效较差。影响得气的因素较多,主要与病人的体质、病情、选取的腧穴、施用的针刺手法等因素有关。2013-6-1832第31页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法The arrival of qi 得气 Clinically the patient with abundant yang-qi may experience quick needling sensation,while the patient with abundant yin-qi may feel slow arrival of qi.Accurate location of acupoints on thick muscles is easy to induce needling sensation while inaccurate location of acupoints on these areas is difficult to induce the arrival of qi.Proper and skillful manipulation promotes the arrival of qi.临床上,若病人属阳盛体质者则易于得气,阴盛体质者则不易得气;取穴准确、肌肉丰厚处易于得气,反之则不易得气;使用适当的针刺手法、且手法熟练者,可促使得气。2013-6-1833第32页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法Manipulations 行针手法 Correct manipulations are prerequisite to better therapeutic effects.Manipulations can be divided into:basic manipulation techniques supplementary manipulation techniques 掌握正确的行针方法是提高疗效的重要环节。行针手法可分为:基本手法 辅助手法 2013-6-1834第33页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法Basic manipulation techniques 基本手法 Twirling-rotating:After the needle is inserted to the desired depth,the needle is twirled and rotated backard and forward with the thumb,index and middle fingers of the right hand.捻转法:进针至一定深度后,(以右手的拇指和食、中二指持针柄)来回捻转针柄。2013-6-1835第34页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法Basic manipulation techniques 基本手法 Lifting-thrusting:After the needle is inserted to a certain depth,the needle is lifted and thrusted perpendicularly and continuously.提插法:进针至一定深度后,将针身在肌肉中进行上提、下插的反复操作。2013-6-1836第35页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法Basic manipulation techniques 基本手法 Twirling-rotating and lifting-thrusting are the two basic manipulations and can be used individually or in combination.The amplitude of twirling and the scope of lifting-thrusting as well as the frequency and duration of manipulation depend upon the patients constitution,pathological conditions and the acupoints to be needled 捻转法和提插法,是构成针刺手法的基本操作方法,两者既可单独使用,也可结合运用。捻转的角度、提插的幅度,以及操作的频率、持续时间等量度,要根据病人的体质、病情和所刺部位而定。2013-6-1837第36页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法Supplementary manipulation techniques 辅助手法 Under certain conditions,the supplementary manipulations are employed after insertion.The following are the commonly used techniques:Pressing Scraping Plucking Shaking 指进针后在某种情况下施行的辅助行针手法。常用的有以下几种:循法 刮法 弹法 摇法2013-6-1838第37页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法2.1.1.4 Retention and withdrawal of the needle 留针和出针Retention:means to hold the needle in the acupoint after the use of needling manipulations.For patients with a slow and weak needling sensation,retention of the needle may strengthen needling effect and induce needling sensation.For common diseases,the needles can be withdrawn or be retained for 1020min;but for some special diseases,the time for retaining the needle may be appropriately prolonged.留针:即在施用针刺手法后,将针留置于腧穴内。留针能加强针刺的作用,对得气较慢较弱者还可起到候气的作用。一般病证,施用一定针刺手法后即可出针,或留针1020分钟;某些特殊病证,可适当延长留针时间。2013-6-1839第38页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法2.1.1.4 Retention and withdrawal of the needle 留针和出针Withdrawal:For the withdrawal of the needle,press the skin around the acupoint slightly with sterilized dry cotton balls held by the left hand,rotate the needle handle gently and lift it slowly to the subcutaneous level with the right hand,then withdraw it quickly and press the punctured acupoint with sterilized dry cotton balls to prevent bleeding.After the treatment,the acupuncturist should count the number of the needles to make sure that all the needles are withdrawn.出针:出针时,左手用消毒干棉球轻轻压住针孔周围的皮肤,右手微捻针柄,慢慢将针提至皮下,而后迅速拔出,随即用消毒干棉球按住针孔,以防出血。最后,医者应检查针数,以防遗漏。2013-6-1840第39页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法2.1.1.5 Cautions 注意事项 It is advisable to delay giving acupuncture treatment to the patient who are very nervous,or over-fatigued.It is inadvisable to give acupuncture treatment to women during pregnancy,or women with menstruation.Acupoints on the fontanel is not closed.Acupoints on the areas with infection,ulcer,scar or tumor should not be needled.Patients with disturbance of blood coagulation and hemorrhagic tendency should not be punctured.对精神过度紧张、过于疲劳者,不宜立即针刺。孕妇、妇女月经不宜针刺;小儿囟门未合时,头顶不宜针刺;皮肤有感染、溃疡、瘢痕及肿瘤部位,不宜针刺;凝血机能障碍,有出血倾向者,不宜针刺。2013-6-1841第40页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法2.1.1.5 Cautions 注意事项 Acupoints on the ocular area,neck,or close to the vital organs or large blood vessels should be carefully needled.The selection of needling methods should be made according to the tolerance of patients.For the patients who are very nervous or weak,mild manipulation can be used.眼区、颈项部、靠近重要脏器和大血管处的腧穴慎刺。针刺手法的轻重应以病人能够耐受为度,对体质虚弱、精神过度紧张者手法宜轻。2013-6-1842第41页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法 The three-edged needle is the needle shaped with a triangular head and a sharp tip,known as“Lance needle”in the ancient time.It is used to prick superficial vein for bloodletting.三棱针是一种针身呈三棱形、针尖锋利的针具,古代称“锋针”。用于刺络放血。2.1.2 Needling methods of the three-edged needles 三棱针刺法2013-6-1843第42页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法2.2.1 Electro-acupuncture Electro-acupuncture is a kind of therapy by which the needle is attached to a trace pulse current after it is inserted to the selected acupoint for the purpose of producing synthetic effect of electric and needling stimulation.电针 电针是在刺入人体的(毫)针上通以微量的脉冲电流,利用针、电两种刺激的综合作用治疗疾病的一种疗法。2.2 Modern methods 现代方法2013-6-1844第43页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法2.2.2 Acupoint injection Acupoint injection,also known as“water-needling”,is a therapy used to inject the medicated solution into an acupoint or a point with positive reaction to produce a synthetic effect of acupoint and medicaments.穴位注射 穴位注射也称“水针”,是将药物注入穴位或阳性反应点,通过针刺和药物的双重作用治疗疾病的一种疗法。2.2 Modern methods 现代方法2013-6-1845第44页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法2.2.3 Scalp acupuncture Scalp acupuncture,also known as“head acupuncture”,is a therapeutic method to puncture specific stimulating zone on the scalp,which is mainly used to treat encephalopathy.穴位注射 穴位注射也称“水针”,是将药物注入穴位或阳性反应点,通过针刺和药物的双重作用治疗疾病的一种疗法。2.2 Modern methods 现代方法2013-6-1846第45页/共48页2.Needling methods 针刺方法针刺方法2.2.4 Ear acupuncture Ear acupuncture is a therapy to treat and prewent diseases by stimulating certain points on the auricle with needles.The scope of indication is wide.It is a commonly used therapy in clinical acupuncture treatment.耳针 耳针是用针刺等方法刺激耳郭上的特定部位来防治疾病的一种方法。其治病范围广,为针灸临床常用的疗法。2.2 Modern methods 现代方法2013-6-1847第46页/共48页482013-6-18第47页/共48页


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