【创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习 Module 5 Unit 13 People课件 北师大版

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Module 5Unit 13People 重重 点点 单单 词词1 1gain vtvt.获得;增加;获得;增加;(钟、表钟、表)走快,走快,(经努力经努力)到达,达到到达,达到 搭配:搭配:gain sth.【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】vivi.(1)(1)获利,赚钱;得益获利,赚钱;得益(by/from)We all gained from the experience.我们都从这次经验中我们都从这次经验中 获益。获益。(2)(2)取得进展;得到改善;增进健康取得进展;得到改善;增进健康 The singer is gaining in popularity.这歌手越来越受这歌手越来越受 到人们的欢迎。到人们的欢迎。(3)(3)(钟、表等钟、表等)走快走快 【典型例句】【典型例句】We gained experience by working during the summer.我们从暑期的工作中获得了经验我们从暑期的工作中获得了经验 美国传统美国传统 Students gain knowledge by reading.学生们通过阅读学生们通过阅读 增加知识。增加知识。美国传统美国传统 We gained our destination before dark.我们天黑之前我们天黑之前 到达了目的地。到达了目的地。My watch gains five minutes a day.我的表一天快五分我的表一天快五分钟。钟。即学即用即学即用 完成句子完成句子 He quickly gainedgained experience.他很快就有经验了。他很快就有经验了。Only after ten years in the country did she gain her citizenship.她在这个国家住了十年后才取得了公民身份。她在这个国家住了十年后才取得了公民身份。He gained weight after his illness.病后他的体重病后他的体重 增加了。增加了。This clock gains five minutes a day.这只钟每天快这只钟每天快 5 5分钟。分钟。Does your watch gain or lose?你的表走得快,还是?你的表走得快,还是 走得慢?走得慢?In the end we In the end we gainedgained the top of the mountain.the top of the mountain.我们我们 终于到达了山顶。终于到达了山顶。2 2concentrate concentrate vi.&vtvi.&vt.集中集中(注意力、思想等注意力、思想等)集中于某集中于某 处;使集中于一点处;使集中于一点 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】concentrate on/upon concentrate ones attention on concentration n.【典型例句】【典型例句】We must concentrate our attention on efficiency.我们必须把注意力集中在效率上。我们必须把注意力集中在效率上。For centuries the population of Europe has been concentrated in large cities.几个世纪以来,欧洲的人口一直集中在大城市里。几个世纪以来,欧洲的人口一直集中在大城市里。美国传统美国传统 Its hard to concentrate on writing a letter with the TV on.开着电视机很难集中精力写信。开着电视机很难集中精力写信。美国传统美国传统 Concentration is essential if you want to do a good job.如果你想把事情做好,专心是必要的。如果你想把事情做好,专心是必要的。即学即用即学即用 完成句子完成句子 ConcentrateConcentrate onon your study.your study.集中精神学习。集中精神学习。A driver A driver shouldshould concentrateconcentrate onon the road when the road when driving.driving.开车时驾驶员的注意力要集中在路上。开车时驾驶员的注意力要集中在路上。Industrial development Industrial development isis being being concentratedconcentrated in the west of the country.in the west of the country.这个国家的西部正集中发展工业。这个国家的西部正集中发展工业。3.connect 3.connect vt.&vivt.&vi.连接;结合;连结,接通电话,连接;结合;连结,接通电话,(与与withwith 连用连用)有联系,有关有联系,有关 搭配:搭配:connect with/toconnect with/to;connection connection n n.be connected to/with/by be connected to/with/by 【典型例句】【典型例句】This railway connects London and Edinburgh.这条铁这条铁 路连接伦敦与爱丁堡。路连接伦敦与爱丁堡。The operator connected me with the order department.接线员为我接通订购部的电话。接线员为我接通订购部的电话。美国传统美国传统 This wire connects with that one.这根电线与那根连这根电线与那根连 接。接。There is a connection between good health and eating well.健康与合理膳食有关系。健康与合理膳食有关系。美国传统美国传统 【词语辨析】【词语辨析】(1)be connected to:把:把连上连上 Please connect the computer to the InternetPlease connect the computer to the Internet.(2)be connected with:把把与与连接起来连接起来 It serves as a bridge which connects the mainland with the rest of the world.它是连接祖国大陆与世界其他地方的桥梁。它是连接祖国大陆与世界其他地方的桥梁。(3)be connected by:被:被连接在一起连接在一起 The whole world is connected by computers and it is becoming smaller and smaller.整个世界被电脑连在了一起,世界变得越来越小了。整个世界被电脑连在了一起,世界变得越来越小了。完成句子完成句子Will you Will you connectconnectthis wire this wire toto the television the television?你?你 把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?This flight This flight connectsconnects withwith New York one.New York one.这班飞机这班飞机 在纽约可接上另一班机。在纽约可接上另一班机。ConnectConnect me me withwith Beijing University.Beijing University.给我接北京大学。给我接北京大学。That solitary old man was suspected to That solitary old man was suspected to bebe connectedconnected withwith the crime.the crime.那个孤独的老头被怀疑与犯罪事件有关。那个孤独的老头被怀疑与犯罪事件有关。单项填空单项填空He _ the Zhangs by marriage.He _ the Zhangs by marriage.Aconnects with connects with Bis connected to is connected to Cis connected with is connected with Dconnects toconnects to 解析解析:be connected withbe connected with和和有关系。有关系。答案答案:C C4 4deserve deserve vtvt.应得,值得应得,值得 【精讲拓展】精讲拓展】deserve to do sth.deserve sth.deserve to be donederserve doing.deserve ill/well of 有罪于有罪于/有功于有功于 【典型例句】【典型例句】They deserved to be praised.他们应该受到表扬。他们应该受到表扬。The rescuers deserved a reward for their courageous act.救援者应为他们的英勇行为得到奖赏。救援者应为他们的英勇行为得到奖赏。美国传统美国传统 I think youre playing with fire.You deserve it!你是老鼠戏猫,真是自作自受!你是老鼠戏猫,真是自作自受!That goodhearted girl married her prince finally.She deserved it.那个好心女孩终于嫁给了她的心上人。她是有好报。那个好心女孩终于嫁给了她的心上人。她是有好报。He has deserved well of his country.He has deserved well of his country.他有功于国家。他有功于国家。即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子They They deserveddeserved toto bebe punished.punished.They They deserveddeserved beingbeing punished/punishment.punished/punishment.他们应该他们应该 受罚。受罚。He He deservesdeserves this glory.this glory.他应该得到这一荣誉。他应该得到这一荣誉。5 5fail vfail v;failure nfailure n失败失败 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】fail sth.fail to do sth.fail in sth.sth.fail sb.【典型例句】【典型例句】Their first attempt at climbing the mountain failed.他们的初次登山尝试以失败告终。他们的初次登山尝试以失败告终。美国传统美国传统 We will never fail to live up to what our parents expect of us.我们决不辜负我们的父母对我们的期望。我们决不辜负我们的父母对我们的期望。She failed in the examination.她这次考试不及格。她这次考试不及格。He is so excited that words failed him.他如此激动他如此激动 以致说不上话来。以致说不上话来。Early airplane experiments ended in failure.早期的早期的 飞机实验以失败告终。飞机实验以失败告终。美国传统美国传统 即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子He He failedfailed inin everything he tried.everything he tried.他做一切事情都失他做一切事情都失 败了。败了。He did very wellHe did very well,but but failedfailed toto breakbreak the record.the record.他做得很出色,但未破记录。他做得很出色,但未破记录。George George failedfailed history last semester.history last semester.乔治上学期历乔治上学期历 史考试不及格。史考试不及格。His courage His courage failedfailed him.him.他失去了勇气。他失去了勇气。His friends His friends failedfailed him when he needed their help him when he needed their help most.most.当他最需要帮助的时候,他的朋友们却辜负了他。当他最需要帮助的时候,他的朋友们却辜负了他。2121单项填空单项填空 Words _ me when I wanted to express my Words _ me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my son from the thanks to him for having saved my son from the burning house.burning house.A.failed .failed B.left.left C.discouraged .discouraged D.disappointed.disappointed 解析解析:表示使失望;有负于,想不起来表示使失望;有负于,想不起来。答案答案:A22226 6mistake mistake n n&v&v.;mistaken mistaken adjadj.【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】make a mistake by mistake mistake.for.【典型例句】【典型例句】Im not blaming youwe all make mistakes.我不我不 是在责备你是在责备你我们都会犯错。我们都会犯错。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 I took your pen by mistake.我错拿了你的钢笔。我错拿了你的钢笔。I mistook Anna for his sister.我误把安娜当作是他我误把安娜当作是他 妹妹。妹妹。【词语辨析】【词语辨析】mistake/error/fault/wrong mistake 指偶然做错了事,如拼写错误,错拿了东西等,指偶然做错了事,如拼写错误,错拿了东西等,强调日常生活中的错误。强调日常生活中的错误。It was a mistake buying that house.买那套房子是买那套房子是 个错误。个错误。error 指违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误指违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误。He cant forget the errors of his youth.他忘不了他忘不了 他年轻时犯的错误。他年轻时犯的错误。fault 常常指人在性格上或办事方式上的常常指人在性格上或办事方式上的“缺点缺点”“”“毛毛 病病”,强调过失的责任,不能与,强调过失的责任,不能与make连用连用 搭配搭配:挑毛病用挑毛病用 find ones fault。Its my fault that we are late.我们迟到是我的错。我们迟到是我的错。wrong 指指“坏事,冤枉坏事,冤枉”。即学即用即学即用“I dont think its my _ that the TV blewI dont think its my _ that the TV blew up.I just turned it on up.I just turned it on,thats allthats all,”said the boy.said the boy.AError Error Bmistake mistake Cfault fault Ddutyduty 解析解析:its my faultits my fault固定搭配,意为那是我的错。固定搭配,意为那是我的错。答案答案:C He is such a man who is always _ fault with He is such a man who is always _ fault with other people.other people.Aputting putting BSeekingSeeking CFinding Finding Dlooking forlooking for 解析解析:固定搭配固定搭配find fault with sb.find fault with sb.意思是挑某人的毛病。意思是挑某人的毛病。答案答案:C232324247 7accuse accuse vtvt.指控,控告指控,控告 搭配搭配:accuse sb.of.多用于正式的场合,用于描述多用于正式的场合,用于描述“指控指控”某种犯罪行为。某种犯罪行为。【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】charge sb.with.适用范围十分广泛,用于适用范围十分广泛,用于“指控指控”“”“谴谴 责责”“”“责备责备”都可以,而且常用于表达道德方面的错误。都可以,而且常用于表达道德方面的错误。【典型例句】【典型例句】The surgeon was accused of negligence.这名外科医生这名外科医生 被控玩忽职守。被控玩忽职守。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 The police accused him of murder.警方指控他谋杀。警方指控他谋杀。They accused him of taking bribes.他们控告他受贿。他们控告他受贿。即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子She She accusedaccused him him ofof stealing her watch.stealing her watch.她控告他偷她她控告他偷她的表。的表。He He accusedaccused his boss his boss ofof having broken his word.having broken his word.他指他指责老板不守信。责老板不守信。He He waswas accusedaccused ofof murder.murder.有人指控他谋杀。有人指控他谋杀。He He waswas chargedcharged with stealing.with stealing.他被控犯有偷窃行为。他被控犯有偷窃行为。2525262627272828单项填空单项填空They _that the police had beaten three students They _that the police had beaten three students to death.to death.Aaccuse accuse Bcharges charges CAccused Accused Dchargedcharged解析解析:句意:他们指控警察将三名学生打死:句意:他们指控警察将三名学生打死。答案答案:CHe _ them of having broken their words.He _ them of having broken their words.Aaccused accused Baccused of accused of Ccharge charge Dchargedcharged解析解析:句意:他责备他们食言的行为。其中,本题显然不能句意:他责备他们食言的行为。其中,本题显然不能用用accuseaccuse作作“指控指控”翻译。而对题来说,硬要用翻译。而对题来说,硬要用chargedcharged这个这个选项也不能说就是错,但是选项也不能说就是错,但是accusedaccused要合适得多,这就跟使用要合适得多,这就跟使用习惯有关了,对于这种题只能积累经验吧。习惯有关了,对于这种题只能积累经验吧。答案答案:A292930308.require 8.require vt.&vivt.&vi.要求,需要,命令;要求,需要,命令;requirement requirement n n.【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】require doing.require sb.to do sth.require sth.of sb.require that sb.should do.It is required that sb.should do.【典型例句】【典型例句】The floor requires washing.地板该洗了。地板该洗了。Bringing up children often requires you to put their needs first.抚养孩子常得把他们的需要放在首位。抚养孩子常得把他们的需要放在首位。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 All passengers are required to show their tickets.所有乘客都必须出示车票。所有乘客都必须出示车票。The emergency requires that it should be done.情况情况紧急,非这样做不可。紧急,非这样做不可。The rules require that you bring only one guest to the dinner.按照规定,你只能带一位客人出席晚宴。按照规定,你只能带一位客人出席晚宴。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 The police required the address of the thief.警察要警察要求小偷提供地址。求小偷提供地址。【词语辨析】【词语辨析】request/require/command/orderrequest/require/command/order request request要求,请求,语气比其他词委婉;要求,请求,语气比其他词委婉;requestrequest可用作可用作makemake a request a request,所以,所以 request(sb.to do sth.)request(sb.to do sth.)是是“请求请求(某人做某人做某事某事)”)”,是下对上的要求;而,是下对上的要求;而requirerequire表示表示orderorder,demanddemand,是,是“命令,要求命令,要求”之意,指上对下的要求,比如法律条款对当事之意,指上对下的要求,比如法律条款对当事人的要求,业主对雇员的要求。这样记忆吧,人的要求,业主对雇员的要求。这样记忆吧,requestrequest是你看到是你看到同学说的,同学说的,requirerequire是老师对你说的。是老师对你说的。orderorder和和commandcommand在用法上很相似,在用法上很相似,commandcommand和和orderorder都有都有“命令命令”之意,都可以接名词、从句作宾语,接不定式作宾语补足语,之意,都可以接名词、从句作宾语,接不定式作宾语补足语,接从句时从句要用虚拟语气。接从句时从句要用虚拟语气。commandcommand指权威方面正式下令,主要用于军事场合。指权威方面正式下令,主要用于军事场合。The general commanded his men to attack the city.将军命令士将军命令士兵攻城。兵攻城。order order 执行任务或掌权者发布命令时使用,为常用词,可用于执行任务或掌权者发布命令时使用,为常用词,可用于正式或非正式场合。正式或非正式场合。The police officer ordered that I should get out of the car.警察命警察命令我从汽车里出来。令我从汽车里出来。即学即用即学即用单项填空单项填空The newly founded chess club formally _ us to The newly founded chess club formally _ us to attend the opening ceremony.attend the opening ceremony.Arequested requested Brequired required Cdemanded demanded DCommandedCommanded点拨点拨:区分动词词义,按照句意排除。区分动词词义,按照句意排除。解析解析:考查考查request sb.to do sth.Brequest sb.to do sth.B、C C、D D语气强硬,按照句语气强硬,按照句意意A A符合。符合。答案答案:A完成句子完成句子The roof The roof requiresrequires repairingrepairing 屋顶需要修理了。屋顶需要修理了。We We requiredrequired herher toto attendattend the openingthe opening313132323333 ceremony.ceremony.我们要求她参加开幕式。我们要求她参加开幕式。The director required that we The director required that we shouldshould workwork all all night.night.主任要求我们通宵工作。主任要求我们通宵工作。单项填空单项填空 _ in the regulations that you should not _ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email tell other people the password of your email account.account.AWhat is required What is required BWhat required What required C CIt is required It is required DIt requiresIt requires 解析解析:It is required thatIt is required that为固定句型,本句为规则要为固定句型,本句为规则要 求求 答案答案:C343435359.devote vt.9.devote vt.专心于,献身于专心于,献身于;devotion n.devotion n.【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】devote oneself/ones whole life to.be devoted to.【典型例句】【典型例句】He left government to devote more time to his family.He left government to devote more time to his family.为了能有更多时间陪伴家人,他离开了政府部门。为了能有更多时间陪伴家人,他离开了政府部门。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.他为全人类的利益献出了自己的一生。他为全人类的利益献出了自己的一生。This magazine is devoted to science.This magazine is devoted to science.这个杂志专门刊载这个杂志专门刊载 科技文章。科技文章。即学即用即学即用 完成句子完成句子 He He devoteddevoted himselfhimself toto the study of contemporary art.the study of contemporary art.他把他的一生都献给了当代艺术研究。他把他的一生都献给了当代艺术研究。He He hashas devoteddevoted hishis wholewhole lifelife entirely to music.entirely to music.他将一生奉献给了音乐。他将一生奉献给了音乐。She is a good wife and a She is a good wife and a devoteddevoted mother.mother.她是一位贤妻良母。她是一位贤妻良母。单项填空单项填空 _ to his research work_ to his research work,the professor caredthe professor cared little about any other things.little about any other things.ADevoting Devoting BDevotedDevoted CHaving devoted Having devoted DTo devoteTo devote3636383837373939 解析解析:be devoted tobe devoted to专心于,本句是形容词作状语。专心于,本句是形容词作状语。答案答案:B重重 点点 短短 语语e up with(e up with(针对问题等针对问题等)想出;提供想出;提供 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】come up 提出提出(不用被动语态不用被动语态)put up with 忍受忍受 catch up with 赶上赶上 keep up with 跟上,不落后跟上,不落后 【典型例句】【典型例句】Shes come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.她想出一个惊人的计划来使自己的收入翻倍。她想出一个惊人的计划来使自己的收入翻倍。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 He came up with good ideas for the product promotion.他想出一个推广产品的好方法。他想出一个推广产品的好方法。He could not come up with a proper answer.他想不出一他想不出一 个合适的回答。个合适的回答。即学即用即学即用 完成句子完成句子 I cant I cant keepkeep upup withwith all the changes in the all the changes in the computer puter technology.计算机技术的各种改进,有些我已经跟不上来了。计算机技术的各种改进,有些我已经跟不上来了。I dont know how she I dont know how she putput upup withwith his cruelty to his cruelty to her.her.我不明白她怎么能忍受他的虐待。我不明白她怎么能忍受他的虐待。At the moment our technology is more advanced,but other countries but other countries areare catchingcatching upup withwith us.us.在那在那 时我们的技术较先进,但其他国家正要赶上。时我们的技术较先进,但其他国家正要赶上。A number of questions A number of questions camecame upup at the meeting.at the meeting.会议会议 上提出了许多问题。上提出了许多问题。40404141424243432.end up 2.end up 结果为结果为;以;以 而结束而结束 搭配搭配:end up with.end up doing.end up as.end upprep.【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】put an end e to an end bring.to an end 【典型例句】【典型例句】If you do that,youll end up with egg on your face.你要是做那件事,必将以耻辱告终。你要是做那件事,必将以耻辱告终。You could end up running this company if you play your cards right.你要是处理得当,到头来这个公司能归你掌管。你要是处理得当,到头来这个公司能归你掌管。After working her way around the world,she ended up teaching English as a foreign language.靠打工游遍世界后,她最后做了教师,教外国人学英语。靠打工游遍世界后,她最后做了教师,教外国人学英语。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 If you continue to steal youll end up in prison.你要是继续行窃终归得进监狱。你要是继续行窃终归得进监狱。If he carries on driving like that,hell end up dead.他照这样开车,早晚得死于非命。他照这样开车,早晚得死于非命。3.be likely to do sth.3.be likely to do sth.极有可能做某事极有可能做某事 【典型例句】【典型例句】Do remind me because Im likely to forget.一定要一定要 提醒我,因为我可能会忘记。提醒我,因为我可能会忘记。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 It is likely that he will succeed.很可能他会成功。很可能他会成功。It is likely to rain today.今天可能会下雨。今天可能会下雨。The park is a likely place for the picnic.这公园这公园 倒是个适合野餐的地方。倒是个适合野餐的地方。【词语辨析】【词语辨析】likely/possible/probable possible作作“或许或许”解,有解,有“也许如此,也许不如此也许如此,也许不如此”之之 意。强调客观上有可能性,但常常带有意。强调客观上有可能性,但常常带有“实际可能性很实际可能性很 小小”的暗示。的暗示。probable用来指有根据,合情理,值得相信的事物,带有用来指有根据,合情理,值得相信的事物,带有“大概,很可能大概,很可能”的意味。语气比的意味。语气比possible要重,是要重,是most likely之意。之意。Its possible,though not probable that he will accept the terms.他有可能接受这些条件,但希望不大。他有可能接受这些条件,但希望不大。be possible,be probable常用形式主语常用形式主语itit,构成句型为:,构成句型为:It is possible/probable/likelythat.(从句从句)It is possiblefor sb.to do sth.sb.is likely to do sth.例如:他有可能做这件事。例如:他有可能做这件事。It is possible for him to do this.It is possible that he will do this.this.He is possible to do this.He is likely to do this.4.give up4.give up放弃放弃 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】give away 赠送,泄露赠送,泄露 give back 归还,使恢复归还,使恢复 give in 屈服,让步屈服,让步 give off 放出放出(光,热,气味等光,热,气味等)give out 分发,发布,放出分发,发布,放出(光,热等光,热等),用完,用完 【典型例句】【典型例句】They finally gave up and stopped looking for the ring.他们最终放弃了,不再寻找那枚戒指。他们最终放弃了,不再寻找那枚戒指。美国传统美国传统 Well try to persuade him to give up smoking.我我 们将努力说服他或戒烟。们将努力说服他或戒烟。The young man gave up his seat to an old man.年青年青 人把他的座位让给一个老年人。人把他的座位让给一个老年人。即学即用即学即用 Sorry,I have to _now.Its time for class.OK,Ill call back later.(2009天津,天津,6)Ahang up Bbreak up Cgive up Dhold up 解析解析:意为:我得挂电话了,意为:我得挂电话了,hang up hang up 符合题意。符合题意。答案:答案:A4444 During the war there was a serious lack of food.During the war there was a serious lack of food.It was not unusual that even the wealthy families It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to had to _ bread for days._ bread for days.(2009(2009湖北,湖北,22)22)A.eat up .eat up B.give away .give away C.do without .do without D.deal with.deal with 解析解析:意为:战争期间粮食严重匮乏,甚至富人家庭几天意为:战争期间粮食严重匮乏,甚至富人家庭几天 不吃面包是很正常的,不吃面包是很正常的,do without sb./sth.do without sb./sth.不用或没有不用或没有 某人,某物也行某人,某物也行。答案答案:C The news of the mayors coming to our school for The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was _ on the radi oyesterday.a visit was _ on the radi oyesterday.(2007(2007福建,福建,33)33)A.turned out.turned out B.found out found out C.given out.given out D.carried out.carried out 解析解析:句意:市长要来我校参观的消息已于昨日通过广播句意:市长要来我校参观的消息已于昨日通过广播 公布了。公布了。give out“give out“分发,散发分发,散发”“”“公布消息公布消息”,符合题意。,符合题意。答案答案:C454546465.fall behind5.fall behind落后,落在后面落后,落在后面 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】fall down 跌倒跌倒 fall off从从摔下摔下 fall asleep睡着,入睡睡着,入睡 fall back撤退撤退 fall ill患病患病 fall in love with sb.爱上某人爱上某人 【典型例句】【典型例句】We fell behind the group we were traveling with.We fell behind the group we were traveling with.我们落后于同行的团队了。我们落后于同行的团队了。美国传统美国传统 She soon fell behind the others.She soon fell behind the others.她很快就落到了别她很快就落到了别 人的后面。人的后面。Dont fall behind with your rent.Dont fall behind with your rent.不要拖欠房租。不要拖欠房租。即学即用即学即用 完成句子完成句子 The toddler tried to walk but kept The toddler tried to walk but kept fallingfalling downdown 那小孩学着走路但老是跌跤。那小孩学着走路但老是跌跤。He He fellfell offoff the bike and broke his right leg.the bike and broke his right leg.他从自行车上摔下来,摔断了右腿。他从自行车上摔下来,摔断了右腿。The major world powers are afraid of The major world powers are afraid of fallingfalling behindbehind in the arm race.in the arm race.世界各大强国均惟恐在军备竞赛中落后。世界各大强国均惟恐在军备竞赛中落后。The enemy The enemy fellfell backback as our troops advanced.as our troops advanced.我军我军 前进,敌军后退。前进,敌军后退。He worked so late that he He worked so late that he fellfell asleepasleep soon.soon.他工他工 作到很晚,马上就睡着了。作到很晚,马上就睡着了。474748484949505051516.cant help doing sth.6.cant help doing sth.禁不住要做某事禁不住要做某事 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】cant help but do 只能做只能做,没有别的选择,没有别的选择 cant help to do sth.不能帮助做某事不能帮助做某事 cant help it 没有办法,实在控制不住没有办法,实在控制不住 【典型例句】【典型例句】I cannot help it if the train is late.火车晚点的火车晚点的 话,我也没办法。话,我也没办法。美国传统美国传统 I cant help accepting his invitation.我禁不住接我禁不住接 受了他的邀请。受了他的邀请。I cannot help but admire their efforts to assist those in need.我不由得钦佩他们为那些需要帮助的人们所做的努力。我不由得钦佩他们为那些需要帮助的人们所做的努力。美国传统美国传统 即学即用即学即用 I cant help _ sorry that I cant help _ anything for you.Dont mention it.Afeel;do Bto feel;doing Cfeeling;do Dfeeling;doing 解析解析:意为不能帮助你我感到很不好意思,意为不能帮助你我感到很不好意思,cant helpcant help doing doing情不自禁做某事,情不自禁做某事,cant help docant help do不能帮助做某事。不能帮助做某事。答案答案:C5252重重 点点 句句 型型1.The first time I met Tom,he seemed to be allergic to everything.我第一次碰见汤姆的时候他似乎对一切都很敏感。我第一次碰见汤姆的时候他似乎对一切都很敏感。【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】(1)(1)句中短语句中短语the first timethe first time引导时间状语从句,意思是引导时间状语从句,意思是“当第一次当第一次”,类似的短语还有:,类似的短语还有:the last timethe last time,every time,each time等。等。Each/Every time I was in trouble,he would come to help me out.每当我遇到困难的时候,他总是来帮我解决。每当我遇到困难的时候,他总是来帮我解决。(2)2)句中短语句中短语seem to be seem to be 意思是意思是“似乎是,好像是似乎是,好像是”,后跟形容词、名词、介词短语,后跟形容词、名词、介词短语,to be to be 可以省略。可以省略。He seems(to be)quite happy today.He seems(to be)quite happy today.【归纳拓展】【归纳拓展】seem to be doing.似乎在干某事似乎在干某事 seem to have done sth.似乎干了某事似乎干了某事 It seems that.好像好像 It seems as if.好像好像 There seems to be.似乎有似乎有 【词语辨析】【词语辨析】look/seem/appear look作作“好像,看起来好像,看起来”讲,指从外表上看讲,指从外表上看。seem指从指从 内心里的内心里的“判断判断”。appear指给人以表面的印象指给人以表面的印象。seem和和appear后习惯接不定式后习惯接不定式to be;look后接后接to be常用常用 于美国英语中,其意义相当于于美国英语中,其意义相当于seem to be,都是都是“看起来看起来”的意思的意思。seem和和look均可接均可接as if引导的表语从句引导的表语从句。seem需要用需要用it作作 形式主语,而形式主语,而look的主语可以是形式主语的主语可以是形式主语it,也可以是其也可以是其 他的人称代词他的人称代词。appear则不能则不能。seem和和appear可用于可用于 “It seems/appears that.”.”的句型的句型 结构结构,而而look则不能则不能。seem和和appear可用于以可用于以there为引导词的句型中为引导词的句型中,look则则 不能不能。He looks like her father.He seems to be her father.She appears wise.It seems as if it were spring already.It looks as if we shall have to walk home.It seemed that he had made some serious mistakes in his work.It appeared that he was talking to himself.There seems(to be)no need to go.There appears to be only one room.即学即用即学即用 I _ it as a basic principle of the company


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