科技英语翻译:Unit 3 Plants and Animals

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Unit 3 Plants and AnimalsPart One(1-9)Para1.What is essential to a plant to survive?Para2.What does a plant have to compete for?Para3.Why is light vital?Para4.Why must temperature be taken into account?Para5.how important is water to plants?Para6.Air.Para7.How does wind affect plants greatly?Para8.Soil is extremely important.Para9.A plant is influenced by other living things.Part Two:How does a plant get the maximum amount of air and light?Para10:trees like beech,elm,oak,apple,chestnut,Though the buds on a horizontal shoot of these trees may be arranged spirally,the leaves commonly arrange themselves alternately in common plane on either side of the shoot.尽管水平树枝上的嫩芽是螺旋状排列的,而树叶则经常是交替排列在一个平面上Para11:trees like horse chestnut In many trees(that have their leaves placed opposite to each other),each pair occupies the space btw the pair immediately below.similar very perfect arrangements will be noted in many climbers攀藤植物.The arrangement of the leaves in the horse chestnut,when looked at the end of a shoot and vertically,has been called a leaf mosaic,because of the varied pattern that the leaves of this tree show.在许多树叶相对排列的树上,每一对树叶都紧紧占据着下方对叶之间的空间。看看七叶树叶的排列。类似完美的排列在许多攀藤植物上也能找到。从底部垂直看七叶树枝叶,其形状可称为leaf mosaic.Fringelike dividing of the leaf.穗状 Para12:plants live in environments where light never penetrates.Fungi Organic matter Nooks and crannies agents Para13:in places with little light eg.pits and wells Principally green Luxuriantly brilliant Chlorophyll granules are developed in a special way落到植物细胞的上的光集中在叶绿素颗粒上,因此提供了足够的养分制造。Para 14:plants in the depths of sea or at the bottom of lakes or pools.水中悬浮的沉淀量对其也有影响,并且风暴前后,离河、溪口距离的远近都会影响光线。Para15:complete darkness,200 meters below 200 meters below Depth of 170 meters 60 meters depth 30meters of the surface Para 16.photosynthesis 光合作用 Absorption of colors Para 17.algae 红藻 Carotenoids 类胡萝卜素,phycoerythrins藻红蛋白Epiphytes 附生植物¶sitic plant 寄生植物 附生植物与寄生植物不同的是,附生植物的根不与被它依附的植物连成一体,它的水分养分获取由它独立解决,它的存在与生长不跟被它依附的植物发生直接的利害关系(也就是说,它不会直接危害被附生者)。寄生植物则相反,它的根扎入被寄生者,与之连成一体,水分养分从被寄生者身上直接获取,严重影响被寄生者的生长,导致其生长不良、不能开花结果,严重的终将枯死 A striking adaptation is found in red algae.These plants contain,in addition to chlorophyll,pigments known as carotenoids and phycoerythrins.These pigments are present in considerable quantities and give the red algae their characteristics color.They also absorb blue to green colors of light more than chlorophyll does.It is suspected that after they absorb light,they transmit the energy from this light to chlorophyll,for photosynthesis.红藻具有红藻具有强烈强烈/显著显著的适应性。这些植物除的适应性。这些植物除了含有叶绿素之外,还含有类胡萝卜素和了含有叶绿素之外,还含有类胡萝卜素和藻红蛋白之类的色素。这些色素大量存在,藻红蛋白之类的色素。这些色素大量存在,使得使得红藻红藻具有具有特殊特殊/特征颜色。它们特征颜色。它们比叶绿比叶绿素素吸收更多的蓝绿光线。所以,吸收更多的蓝绿光线。所以,有理由怀有理由怀疑:疑:吸收光线后,它们将这些光线的能量吸收光线后,它们将这些光线的能量转化为叶绿色,转化为叶绿色,进行进行光合作用。光合作用。在热带雨林,树木生长繁茂,阳光无法照射至地面。在这样的又热又湿的气候中,有许多生长在其他植物上的附生植物,譬如寄生藤、兰花、鹿角藤等。The epiphyte grow on upper limbs of trees and on poles.Their roots are suspended in air and they absorb moisture and gases from the humid atmosphere.The cells of epiphytes are not directly parasites,for they contain chlorophyll and they manufacture their own food.However,they may injure trees by their sheer weight.附生植物长在树木的上方枝梢、树杆上。它们的根悬在空中,靠从湿润的空气中吸收水分和气体。附生植物的细胞不是直接寄生性的,因为它们含有叶绿素,可以自主制造养分。然而,它们本身的重量也会对被附植物造成伤害。热能动力学的研究主要解决的是能量如何在自然过程中转化。具体来说就是能量流动的速率以及能量从一个形式/质态向另一种形式/质态的转变。第一热能动力学定律认为:能量是守恒的:即正常情形下既不会被创造也不会被消灭。它可以从一个地方/物体转移到另一个地方/物体上。能量的总量保持不变。同样地,能量也可以从一种形式转化为另一种形式(比如:化学键能转化为热能),但是总能量既不会增加也不会减少。热力学第二定律表明:在一个系统内连续的能量转移和转换,会造成有效的能量越来越少。这并不违背第一定律。能量没有消失毁灭,只是从高级的能量降级为低级能量。就能量的有效做功而言,这一过程可以被看作是“能量的支出、或损耗”。第二定律认为所有的自然系统都是从一个有序的状态(高质能量)向着一个逐渐无序的状态发展(低质能量:热能)。当这些系统从有序发展至无序,他们的熵,无序的量,会增加,由此反映能量的损失。简而言之,热力学第二定律就是说当你完成一个过程之后,所剩的有效能量会比过程开始之前有所减少。由于这种损耗,宇宙中的任何物体都有瓦解、减速、更无序化的趋势。


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