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会计学1阅读阅读UnitanimalsandtheirrightsTEM 4Basic Requirement for diplomaYESNOKeep up accumulating and consolidatingSTOPGraduate with a diploma?TEM 8?Widen the knowledge about the languageSharpen the occupational skills(BEC?)Preparation for TEM8Preparation for GRE第1页/共112页Animals and Their RightsUnit 1第2页/共112页第3页/共112页There is simply no“defect”that humans and animals dont share,in contrast to human infants and the mentally retarded,who have very limited intelligence.Since the retarded have the same rights as people who arent retarded,it is nothing but“speciesism”to deny animals their rights.If we should give animal rights and could no longer do as we wished with animals,we may have no pets,no circus,no meat,no milk,no cheese,no horses,no dogs,cats or fish around the house.What would happen if bacteria were given rights?Human infants and mentally disadvantaged people have the same limited intelligence as animals.If infants and the mentally retarded can enjoy the same rights as the average people,why should we refuse to give animals their rights?It is obviously“speciesism”if we dont.第4页/共112页The animal liberation movement is not saying that all lives have equal values or we should pay attention to all interests of humans and other animals equally whatever those interests might be.It emphasizes that since animals and humans alike share interests such as avoiding pain and enjoying pleasure,their interests are equally important in relationships between species.They cant automatically become less important because the interests come from a non-human beings.第5页/共112页We are happy to see第6页/共112页At the same time,we are deeply concerned aboutIn this unit,well learn how to treat animal,animal medical testing,and cruelty free.第7页/共112页Animals and Their RightsReading One Unit 1第8页/共112页What are Ladybird Books?Ladybirds Books is a London-based publishing company.The Ladybird imprint publishes mass-market childrens books.第9页/共112页Have you grown up with Three Blind Mice?Three blind mice,see how they run!They all ran after the farmers wifeWho cut off their tails with a carving knife.Did you ever see such a thing in your lifeAs three blind mice?第10页/共112页How is meat treated in English and Chinese cultures?In Chinese cultureIn English cultureFish are served with the heads on and chickens with their feet.Meat is never served with identifiable animal parts.The heads,feet and fins are chopped off.Meat from various meat is called“animal+meat”(鸡肉,牛肉鸡肉,牛肉 etc.)Meat is not called by the name of animals except for chicken and fish(cf.beef from cows,pork from pigs,lamb from sheep)People like animals sold alive in order to make sure that meat is fresh.People dont generally sell animals alive,and meat is sold already packaged.People often dont realize that the meat they eat every day is actually dead versions of the animals they love so much.第11页/共112页What is the Book Animal Liberation about?Animal Liberation is a book by Australian philosopher Peter Singer,published in 1975.The book is widely considered within the animal liberation movement to be the founding philosophical statement of its ideas.Singer himself rejected the use of the theoretical framework of rights when it comes to human and nonhuman animals:he argued that the interests of animals should be considered because of their ability to feel suffering and that the idea of rights was not necessary in order to consider them.第12页/共112页What are Peter Singers central ideas?(1)Singer rejected the use of the theoretical framework of rights when it comes to human and nonhuman animals:he argued that the interests of animals should be considered because of their ability to feel suffering.(2)He holds the interests of all beings capable of suffering to be worthy of equal.He argues that animals should have rights based on their ability to feel pain more than their intelligence.(3)Singer does not specifically contend that we ought not use animals for food as they are raised and killed in a way that actively avoids inflicting pain on them.He concludes that the most practical solution is to adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet.第13页/共112页Understanding Factory FarmingFactory farming(工厂化养殖工厂化养殖)is the modern practice of raising animals for food in extreme confinement,in order to maximize profits.In addition to intense confinement,abuses usually associated with factory farming include massive doses of hormones and antibiotics,battery cages(层架式鸡笼)(层架式鸡笼),debeaking(切嘴尖)(切嘴尖),and tail docking.The animals spend their entire lives in these miserable conditions until they are slaughtered.Their suffering is unimaginable.What is Factory Farming?Why Would Factory Farmers Be Cruel to the Animals?The factory farmers are not trying to be cruel.They are trying to maximize profits,with no regard for the suffering of the animals.第14页/共112页Understanding Factory FarmingFactory farms do not care about individual animals.Some animals will die as a result of debeaking,tail docking,disease and intensive confinement,but the operation is still profitable overall.Why Would They Let Animals Suffer?Why do Factory Farms Use Hormones and Antibiotics?Hormones cause the animals to grow faster,produce more milk and produce more eggs,which leads to higher profits.Large numbers of animals living in intense confinement mean that disease could spread like wildfire.Animals also fight and suffer from cuts and abrasions from their cages,so all the animals are treated with antibiotics to minimize losses from infections and the spread of diseases.Also,small,daily doses of certain antibiotics cause weight gain.This means that the animals are over-medicated,which causes bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics.Both the antibiotics and the resistant bacteria reach the consumer in the meat.第15页/共112页Understanding Factory FarmingWhen confined intensively,both human and non-human animals fight more than usual.Debeaking a chicken entails cutting the birds beak off,without anesthesia.The chickens beaks are inserted one by one into a machine that chops the front part of their beaks off.The procedure is so painful,some chickens stop eating and die of starvation.Pigs have their tails docked,or cut short,to prevent the pigs from biting each others tails off.The tail is an extension of the animals spine,but tail docking is done without anesthesia.Both practices are very painful and cruel.What are Debeaking and Tail Docking?What are Battery Cages?Egg laying hens are crowded into battery cages to maximize profits,and live their entire lives never being able to spread their wings.Battery cages typically measure 18 by 20 inches,with five to eleven birds crowded into a single cage.第16页/共112页Understanding Factory FarmingMale dairy calves are chained and confined in veal crates that do not allow them to move or turn around.They are taken from their mothers at birth because they are not useful for milk production.Instead of their mothers milk,they are fed a synthetic合成的;合成的;人造的人造的 formula designed to keep their flesh pale and anemic贫血的贫血的,as desired by many consumers.What are Veal calves小牛小牛?第17页/共112页Paragraph 1Two conflicting attitudes exist in the animal education.Paragraph 4Evasion is the solution to the conflicting attitudes,and the consequence of it is to keep children from seeing the reality.第18页/共112页What is the contradiction in animal education mentioned in the text?On the one hand,our society encourages children to be affectionate towards animals,on the other hand,children are“pushed”by their parents to eat meat the dead body of an animal.In the text,the author quotes a nursery rhythm.Whats the theme of the nursery rhythm?The nursery rhyme has the theme of cruelty towards animals mice,in this case.第19页/共112页How are the animals described in the book Farm Animals and The Farm?What kind of false impression does that kind of description leave on children who read them?What is the authors attitude towards eating meat?What expressions in the text indicate his attitude?Animals in these two books are depicted as“happy”,“carefree”,and“good-for-nothing”creatures.This description leaves children the false impression that animals live simple and happy until they die.He doesnt seem to think that eating meat is a wise choice.This can be seen from his disapproval of parents forcing their children to eat meat.第20页/共112页_ 1.Many children want to eat meat because they understand meat is good for health._ 2.When we start eating meat in our childhood,we understand that we are eating the dead body of an animal._ 3.According to the author,we eat meat both because its a habit and because other people in our community are doing the same._ 4.In our childhood,the choice between whether to eat meat or to love animals gives us trouble.FFTF第21页/共112页_ 5.The theme of the nursery rhythm quote in the text is“Killing bad animals.”_ 6.In the text,dogs and cats are described as animals that children do not eat._ 7.In the popular book Farm Animals,the animals seem to live a free and happy life._ 8.It is suggested that in childrens stories,we should depict animals as independent beings.FTTT第22页/共112页第23页/共112页第24页/共112页第25页/共112页第26页/共112页第27页/共112页第28页/共112页第29页/共112页第30页/共112页第31页/共112页第32页/共112页第33页/共112页monk.samel.conformm.declinen.shocked第34页/共112页Many children at first refuse to eat animal flesh,and only become accustomed to it after strenuous efforts by their parents.Many children at first refuse to eat animal flesh.They later become used to eating it just because their parents try hard to persuade them to eat it.第35页/共112页There is not one unified attitude to animals,but two conflicting attitudes that coexisted in one individual,carefully segregated so that the inherent contradiction between them rarely causes trouble.There are two different and conflicting attitudes towards animals;they are carefully separated so that the existing and essential contradiction between the two hardly causes trouble.第36页/共112页When farm animals are mentioned in picture books and stories,however,evasion may before a deliberate attempt to mislead the child about the nature of modern farms,and so screen him from reality.Picture books and stories deliberately avoid presenting the real situation in our modern farms.Children,therefore,are kept from seeing the reality.第37页/共112页The difficulty will be that non-vegetarian parents are going to be reluctant to let their children learn the full story,for fear that the childs affection for animals may disrupt family meals.The difficulty will be that non-vegetarian parents do not want to let their children know about the gruesome side of the story,as they are afraid their children will refuse to eat meat at meals because of sympathy towards animals.第38页/共112页Unfortunately this instinctive rebellion is likely to meet strong resistant from non-vegetarian parents.Unfortunately,non-vegetarian parents will strongly disapprove of their childrens unwillingness to eat meat.第39页/共112页 高高的篱笆把正面全部挡住了,过路人什么也看不见。高高的篱笆把正面全部挡住了,过路人什么也看不见。A high hedge screened all of the front from passers-by.不应把残疾人与周围社会隔离开来。不应把残疾人与周围社会隔离开来。Handicapped people should not be segregated from the rest of society.一场事故使得进出该城市的铁路交通一场事故使得进出该城市的铁路交通陷入混乱陷入混乱。An accident has disrupted railway services into and out of the city.许多父母对流行音乐有偏见。许多父母对流行音乐有偏见。Many parents are biased against popular music.第40页/共112页1.They are accusing the teacher of political _ in his marking.2.The injured man,with blood all over his face,was a _ sight.3.The child _ with pain.4.He was _ enough to overcome the limited budget.5.Flooding _ rail services.biasgruesomesquealedingeniousdisrupted第41页/共112页Animals and Their RightsReading Two Unit 1第42页/共112页Animal Testing第43页/共112页What is Animal Testing?Animal experiments/tests are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products.Worldwide,it is estimated that 50 to 100 million vertebrate animals are used annually,along with a great many more invertebrates.The research is conducted inside universities,medical schools,pharmaceutical companies,farms,defense establishments,and commercial facilities that provide animal-testing services to industry.第44页/共112页Two positions on animal experimentsIn favour of animal experiments:Against animal experiments:Experimenting on animals is acceptable if(and only if):Experimenting on animals is always unacceptable because:*suffering is minimized in all experiments*human benefits are gained which could not be obtained by using other methods *it causes suffering to animals*the benefits to human beings are not proven*any benefits to human beings that animal testing does provide could be produced in other ways第45页/共112页The Three Rs are introduced for scientists to follow in order to reduce the impact of research on animals:Reducing the number of animals used in experiments by:Refining the experiment or the way the animals are cared for so as to reduce their suffering by:*Improving experimental techniques*Improving techniques of data analysis*Sharing information with other researchers*Using less invasive techniques*Better medical care*Better living conditions第46页/共112页The Three Rs are introduced for scientists to follow in order to reduce the impact of research on animals:Replacing experiments on animals with alternative techniques such as:*Experimenting on cell cultures instead of whole animals*Using computer models*Studying human volunteers第47页/共112页Paragraph 1The love for children and the desire to keep them healthy pushed the author forward to be a pediatrician.Paragraph 4The author shows how life is being cruel to both animals and human beings.Paragraph 7&8All of us who enjoy good health are resulted from the medications that we take and this medications have been researched and tested on animals first.第48页/共112页From the context,we understand the expression“tip the scales in favor of”means the author is in favor of _.animal experimentation Which is the following is NOT among the claims that are made accusing the authors research?The authors research is of no significance.The author says that“we in medical research have been unconscionably apathetic.”He means that _.scientists are indifferent to the protest of the animal-rights activists.第49页/共112页Which of the following choices is likely to be suggested by the animal-rights activists?Using computer models to simulate experimentation.One of the most current attempts in medicine using animal studies is _.to develop techniques to replace defective genes in humans.According to the author,restricting the use of animals is medical research _.will show its harmful effect some time after the decision is made.第50页/共112页In the first two sentences,the author seems to be establishing a negative self characterization.What does he say about himself?He calls himself“the enemy of animals wicked and inhumane scientist”who experiments on animals.In paragraph 4 and 5,the author lists the possible choices available on the issue of experimentation and medical advancement.What are they?Explain in your own words.The possible choices are as follows:test on animals for new medical treatments for human injuries/diseases;experiment on human beings;depend on accidental discoveries for medical advances;use computer models to substitute animal experiments.第51页/共112页According to the author,what will be the possible effect if we restrict the use of animals in medical research?There will be no medical advances:discoveries of drugs and surgical techniques will not be possible.Certain biological processes will remain a mystery to us.第52页/共112页In paragraph 6,the author uses the term“a vocal minority.”Who does he refer to?Why does he call them“vocal”and“minority”?Can you find other relevant expressions in the text that describe this“vocal minority”?He refers to the“animal activists”as“a vocal minority.”He believes that they make a lot of protests,therefore they are considered“vocal”.He also thinks that there is just a small number of animal activists,therefore,they are considered to be“a minority.”Other expressions which are used to describe the group of“animal activists”are“insulated from the reality,”“radical,”“misdirected.”第53页/共112页第54页/共112页第55页/共112页第56页/共112页第57页/共112页第58页/共112页第59页/共112页第60页/共112页第61页/共112页第62页/共112页第63页/共112页insulatedplacateexpedientsadisticmalevolentapatheticpotenttraumaticvilifytip the scalegive way to complacentinitiativein questionmake much ofshowing or feeling no interest,enthusiasm,or concernhaving great power,influence,or effect speak or write about in an abusively disparaging mannermake(someone)less angry or hostileemotionally disturbing or distressingprotected against the cold,sound,etc.convenient and practical although possibly improper/immoralthe tendency to derive pleasure from inflicting pain on othersshowing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneselfan act or strategy intended to resolve a difficultybeing considered or discussed,in doubthaving or showing a wish to do evil to othersplay a decisive role in/become the crucial deciding factoryield to someone or somethingunderstand,attach importance to 第64页/共112页My accusers claim that I inflict torture on animals for the sole purpose of career advancement.My accusers insist that the reason why I ill-treat animals is simply because I want to stand out among others.We have been complacent in our belief that a knowledgeable public would sense the importance of animal research to the public health.We have been self-contented,for we take it for granted that a well-informed public would know how important animal research is to public health.第65页/共112页Perhaps we have been mistaken in not responding to the emotional tone of the argument created by those sad posters of animals by waving of leukemia or cystic fibrosis.When my accusers created sad posters of animals to arouse peoples sympathys for animals,I didnt wave the same sad posters of children who died of serious illness to defend myself.My indifference to their accusation made people misunderstand me and my career.第66页/共112页To the extent that the animal rights movement has made us more aware of the needs of these animals,and made us search harder for suitable alternatives,they have made a significant contribution.To some extent we had to admit the contribution made by animal rights movement.Its the animal rights movement that made us realize the needs of these animals,and that made us try very hard to search for possibility of using other methods to replace animals.第67页/共112页1.The aborigines peered at our cameras with _ curiosity.2.There was a big mess in front of Gate 1,as passengers for several different flights were _ to the same gate.3.They appealed for foreign aid to _ their national food shortage.4.D o n t p a n i c!T h i s i s j u s t a /a n _ of fighting,not a real war scene.5.They country is preoccupied with inventing some sort of _ new weapons.malevolentmisdirectedalleviatesimulationpotent第68页/共112页6.I tried very hard to _ his interest in his school work,but I failed.7.At the moment,the politicians are thinking of possible means to _ the public.8.People who practice this religion will become very _;they wont even care about their family members.9.Heat _ is an effective way to alleviate muscle pain.10.I think its too cruel to leave him behind.Dont you have a/an _?arouseplacateapathetictherapyalternative第69页/共112页11.In the present situation,our priority is to find the most _ measures to solve the problem.12.He was _ for making such talks in public.expedientvilified第70页/共112页我们不能决定去哪度假,但父亲在泰国令人神往的经历使我们做我们不能决定去哪度假,但父亲在泰国令人神往的经历使我们做出了决定。出了决定。We couldnt decide where to go for our holiday but what father said about his fascinating experiences in Thailand tipped the scale.很抱歉这么晚来打扰你,但我的车撞到篱笆墙了,我得打电话给很抱歉这么晚来打扰你,但我的车撞到篱笆墙了,我得打电话给修理厂。修理厂。Im sorry to inflict myself on you so late,but my car ran into the fence and I must telephone the garage.所谈的这一工作空缺为时仅三个月。所谈的这一工作空缺为时仅三个月。The job in question is available for three months only.第71页/共112页暴风雨过后出现了灿烂的阳光。暴风雨过后出现了灿烂的阳光。The storm gave way to bright su


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