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会计学1课时讲练通高中英语课时讲练通高中英语Module精精.根据语境选词填空1.Shes a born _ so she is _ about everything.There is always a note of _ in her voice.(optimist/optimism/optimistic)2.“Theres been a _ improvement in your English since you arrived.”he said _.(definitely/definite)3.It might take him ages but hell do it _ because he is sure hell be the _ winner.(eventual/eventually)optimistoptimisticoptimismdefinitedefinitelyeventuallyeventual第1页/共60页4.Peru was _ by the Spanish in the sixteenth century and became Spanish _.(colony/colonized)5.The hurricane is _ to reach the coast tomorrow morning.This _ gives us a warning.(prediction/predicted)colonizedcolonypredictedprediction第2页/共60页.短语翻译1.on the _ out即将被淘汰2.for a _首先3.look _小心,当心4.be _ like被制成形状5.in _正在进行6.throw _扔掉waystartoutshapedprogressaway第3页/共60页.阅读Famous Last Words回答下面的问题1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?A.Airplanes.B.Keys.C.Foods.D.Clothes.2.What does the sentence“Not all predictions come true.”mean?A.All the predictions come true.B.None of the predictions come true.C.There is no prediction coming true.D.All the predictions do not come true.第4页/共60页3.Which is TRUE about the clothes mentioned in Changing Times Magazine?A.They are made from wool.B.They are made from cotton.C.They can last for a long time.D.They will be thrown away for they are made of paper.4.What does NOT the robot owned by the housewives have?A.One large eye on the top.B.Black hair.C.Long narrow pads.D.Several arms.第5页/共60页1.look out小心;当心【读一读品味语境】写出下面句中look out的含义。Look out!We are having an accident!()Dont look out of the window.()The room looks out on the sea.()小心向外看面向;面临第6页/共60页【记一记知识延伸】look after照顾,照料look back回顾look for寻找look into调查look up向上看;在字典里查阅look down on/upon sb.看不起某人look up to sb.尊敬某人look over查看;检查第7页/共60页【练一练活学活用】1.填上适当的介词或副词。Look _!There is some glass on the ground.The police are looking _ the matter.The doctor is looking _ the injured boy.outintoover第8页/共60页(2013安徽高考)Before you pay a visit to a place of interest,look in your local library _ a book about it.A.onB.atC.forD.to【解析】选C。考查动词短语。句意:在你去一个旅游胜地旅行之前,要在当地的图书馆寻找一本关于它的书。本题关键在于认识到动词look与选择项中的介词搭配构成固定短语,其中in your local library可以移至句子末尾。第9页/共60页2.on the way out即将被淘汰;即将过时【读一读品味语境】If something is on the way out its going to disappear.如果某些东西_,那么它会消失。This type of jeans is on the way out.这种款式的牛仔裤_。即将过时就要过时了第10页/共60页【记一记知识延伸】all the way一路上;自始至终make ones way前往;行进on ones way to在某人去的路上by the way顺便说一说in a way在某种程度上in the way妨碍in no way决不第11页/共60页【看一看巧学助记】趣图巧学助记“路”第12页/共60页【练一练活学活用】2.Dont buy this dress because it is _ _ _ _.(即将过时).Ill buy some bread _ _ _ _(在回家的路上).onthewayoutonthewayhome第13页/共60页(2015浙江高考)Janes grandmother had wanted to write _ childrens book for many years,but one thing or another always got in _ way.A.a;不填 B.the;theC.不填;the D.a;the【解析】选D。考查冠词用法。句意:简的祖母多年来一直想写一本儿童图书,但是总是有种种原因耽搁了。childrens book的中心词是book,是可数名词单数,前面要用不定冠词a;get in the way妨碍,挡道。第14页/共60页(2013福建高考)Mrs Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess,as her children are always _ whenever she tries to.A.in the wayB.on watchC.in sightD.on the line【解析】选A。考查介词短语辨析。句意:史密斯夫人发现很难把房间整理干净,因为无论何时她努力整理时,孩子们总是妨碍她。in the way挡道,妨碍;on watch值班,监视;in sight看得见;on the line处于风险状态。第15页/共60页e true(希望、预言等)实现;成为现实【读一读品味语境】Not all predictions come true.不是所有的预言都会成为现实。Finally his dream came true.最终他梦想成真了。His dream of going abroad was finally realized.他出国的梦想终于实现了。第16页/共60页【辨一辨明晰异同】come true“实现实现”,不及物动词短语不及物动词短语,不可跟宾语不可跟宾语,不能用不能用于被动语态于被动语态realize“实现实现;意识到意识到”,及物动词及物动词,可跟宾语可跟宾语,可用于被可用于被动语态动语态第17页/共60页【记一记知识延伸】与come有关的短语come about 发生;产生 come across 碰见;偶然发现come after跟随;继而来come along进展;出现come from来自come to谈到;达到;共计为come up(植物)长出地面;被提出第18页/共60页【练一练活学活用】3.用与come相关的短语填空。I hear that he failed the exam again.How did it _ _?I _ _ an old friend of mine yesterday.But what if someone did _ _ during the night?Do you know which country Tom _ _?The question is likely to _ _ at the meeting.When it _ _ German,I know eaboutcameacrosscomealongcomesfromcomeupcomesto第19页/共60页(2014湖北高考)Is this your necklace,Mary?I _ it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning.A.came acrossB.dealt withC.looked afterD.went for第20页/共60页【解析】选A。考查短语辨析。句意:玛丽,这是你的项链吗?今天早上我打扫浴室时偶然发现的。come across“偶遇,偶然发现”,符合句意。deal with“处理,应对”;look after“照顾,照看”;go for“对适用”。第21页/共60页4.predict vt.预言,预料【读一读品味语境】With the first moon colonies predicted for the 1970s,work is now in progress on the types of building required for men to stay in when theyre on the moon.因为预测在20世纪70年代在月球上会有殖民地,人们正在研究适合他们在月球上居住的房屋类型。Making predictions is not easy.做预测是不容易的。第22页/共60页【填一填自我归纳】prediction n._make predictions_预言,预测做预测第23页/共60页【练一练活学活用】4.He predicted that an earthquake was on the way.译:_他预言即将发生地震。第24页/共60页(2015晋中高一检测)It is _ that a hurricane will strike that city next week.A.expected B.plannedC.predicted D.promised【解析】选C。句意:根据预测,下周一场飓风将袭击那座城市。predict预测;expect期望;plan计划;promise许诺。第25页/共60页5.shape vt.造成形状;塑造【读一读品味语境】By the year 2020,we will probably have a robot shaped like a box with one large eye on the top.到2020年时,我们可能会拥有一个形状像箱子的机器人,顶部有一只大大的眼睛。The potter shaped the clay into a vase.陶工将黏土塑造成一个花瓶。It is the failure and frustration that shape what we are.是失败和挫折塑造了我们。第26页/共60页【填一填自我归纳】_被制成形状;形状像_把塑成形状be shaped likeshape.into.第27页/共60页【记一记知识延伸】in shape在形状上out of shape变形,走样in the shape of以形状呈现第28页/共60页【练一练活学活用】5.两个箱子在形状上不同。The two boxes are different _ _.玛丽的毛衣撑得完全走样了。Marys sweater has stretched completely _ _ _.我买了一个形状像船的钱包。I bought a wallet _ _ a boat.inshapeoutofshapeshapedlike第29页/共60页(2014江苏高考)Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay _.A.in place B.in order C.in shape D.in fashion【解析】选C。考查介词短语辨析。句意:汤姆总是早上慢跑并且经常做俯卧撑来保持体形。in shape表示“在外形上”,符合句意。in place“在合适的位置”;in order“秩序井然”;in fashion“流行”。第30页/共60页6.Not all predictions come true.不是所有的预言都成为现实。【填一填句型剖析】该句用的是英语中的部分否定。当all,both,every等词与not,never等否定副词连用时,都表示部分否定。Not everyone likes this book.译:_All that glitters is not gold.译:_并非人人都喜欢这本书。闪光的不都是金子。第31页/共60页【记一记知识延伸】部分否定与全部否定的对比部分否定部分否定全部否定全部否定两者两者not.both/both.not并非并非两者都两者都neither两者都不两者都不两者两者以上以上all.not/not all.并非所有并非所有的的都都every.not/not every.并非并非每一个都每一个都not any./none(of+n./pron.)没有一个没有一个no one/nobody没有人没有人nothing没有任何事物没有任何事物第32页/共60页【练一练活学活用】6.I dont want both the books.译:_Not all your dreams will be realized.(句型转换)All your dreams _ be realized.我不想两本书都要。wont第33页/共60页 _ of you have passed the English examination.At least ten of you have failed.A.AllB.Not all C.Every one D.None【解析】选B。考查部分否定。句意:你们并不是都通过了英语考试。至少十个人没及格。all与not连用,表示部分否定,“并非都”。第34页/共60页(2013陕西高考)Although Rosemary had suffered from a serious illness for years,she lost _ of her enthusiasm for life.A.someB.neither C.noneD.all【解析】选C。考查代词。句意:露丝玛丽虽然多年患一种严重的病,但是她丝毫没有失去对生活的热情。some一些;neither两者都不;none没有,毫无;all所有,全部。根据句意选C。第35页/共60页【备选要点】1.optimistic adj.乐观的;乐观主义的【读一读品味语境】She has an optimistic view of events.她对事情持乐观态度。We should be optimistic about our future.我们对未来应持乐观态度。The experts are optimistic that we will succeed.这些专家对我们将会成功持有乐观态度。第36页/共60页【填一填自我归纳】_对持乐观态度_是乐观的be optimistic aboutbe optimistic that.第37页/共60页【记一记知识延伸】optimismn.乐观(主义)optimistn.乐观主义者pessimisticadj.悲观主义的pessimismn.悲观(主义)pessimistn.悲观主义者第38页/共60页【练一练活学活用】1.(2014安徽高考)My good performance in the job interview left me _ about my future and about what I can do here.A.puzzledB.sensitiveC.optimisticD.embarrassed第39页/共60页【解析】选C。考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我在工作面试中的出色表现使得我对未来和在这儿能做的事情很乐观。be optimistic about对乐观;be puzzled about对迷惑不解;sensitive敏感的,常与介词to连用;embarrassed困窘的,尴尬的。第40页/共60页The stockholders are _ about the companys future,so they want to buy more stocks.A.enthusiastic B.alternativeC.pleasant D.optimistic【解析】选D。句意:股民们对公司的未来持乐观态度,所以他们想买更多股票。be optimistic about对持乐观态度。第41页/共60页2.Im too busy enjoying my life now to worry about the future!我现在忙于享受生活,没时间为未来担忧!【填一填句型剖析】(1)本句使用的是too.to.结构,表示“_”,本身具有_意义。太以至于不能否定第42页/共60页(2)该结构大多可改写为so.that.或such.that.结构。(句型转换)He was too tired to walk on.He was _ tired _ he couldnt walk on.The problem is too difficult for us to work out.It is _ a difficult problem _ we cant work it out.sothatsuchthat第43页/共60页【悟一悟参透误区】too.to.结构是简单句,to后跟的是动词原形;so.that.和such.that.是复合句,that引导的是结果状语从句。第44页/共60页【练一练活学活用】2.Jack was too tired to go on working.(改为同义句)_语法填空。The drawer is too tight _(open).Jack was so tired that he couldnt go on working.to open第45页/共60页Henry had to call a taxi because his case was _ to carry all the way home.A.heavy enoughB.heavy too muchC.too much heavyD.much too heavy【解析】选D。考查短语辨析。句意:亨利不得不打出租车,因为箱子太重,他不能在回家的路上一路提着。考查too.to.结构。much too用法相当于too,too much相当于much。第46页/共60页如何写描写未来的作文描写未来的作文是想象类作文,其内容安排:首先提出想象的事情以及发生在未来的时间,然后再描写想象的具体内容,如外观、功能等,最后作简单总结。其语言特征:(1)以科学知识为基础,用科学的思维方式来表达自己的幻想或愿望;(2)抓住一两个方面展开想象,不要漫无目的地臆想。第47页/共60页某英文杂志的科技版征稿,内容是设想一下2022年你某一天的生活是什么样的。请你(Susan)给该杂志的编辑写一封信,表达自己的看法。要求:100个词左右。第48页/共60页Step 1审题谋篇项目项目结论结论体裁体裁_话题话题_时态时态_人称人称_框架布局框架布局首段首段:响应杂志征稿响应杂志征稿主体主体:想象未来某一天的生活想象未来某一天的生活结尾结尾:向编辑表达谢意向编辑表达谢意说明文预测未来的生活一般现在时,一般将来时第一人称第49页/共60页Step 2遣词造句1.因此我写这封信,告诉你我对于未来城市生活是什么样子的看法。看起来像_根据示例翻译此句:示例:What will the city of the future look/be like?翻译:So I am writing this letter to tell you my idea about _.look/be likewhat thecity of the future will be like第50页/共60页2.早晨我吃机器人给我做的早餐。用不同的方式翻译此句:I eat the breakfast that _in the morning.I eat the breakfast _ in the morning.I eat the breakfast that/which _ in the morning.my robot cooks for mecooked by my robotis cooked by my robot第51页/共60页3.我进入我的办公室,有一台高科技机器检查我的眼睛来识别我。高科技机器_识别_根据示例翻译此句:示例:Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away,with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic.翻译:I enter my office _.high-tech machineidentifywith a high-tech machine checking my eyesto identify me第52页/共60页4.为了呼吸新鲜空气,我可以去我们大厦45楼的空中花园。新鲜空气_空中花园_根据示例结构仿写此句:示例:To get rid of garbage problems,the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun.仿写:_,I can go to the sky park on the 45th floor of our building.fresh airthe sky parkTo get some fresh air第53页/共60页Step 3润色组篇(注意使用so,then等关联词)Dear editor,I hear that your magazine is collecting articles about a day in 2022.So I am writing this letter to tell you my idea about what the city of the future will be like.One day in 2022 will be like this:第54页/共60页I eat the breakfast that my robot cooks for me in the morning.I enter my office with a high-tech machine checking my eyes to identify me.Then I have an online meeting with a company in the U.S.In the afternoon,I can go to the sky park on the 45th floor of our building to get some fresh air.I finish my work at five oclock and go home.My robot has cleaned my house and cooked dinner for me.After dinner I watch Internet TV for a while and then go to bed.Thank you for reading my idea.Best wishes!Yours truly,Susan第55页/共60页【策略点拨】.写这类作文的注意事项1.文章体裁上属于介绍未来生活的说明文。2.写此类文章要有丰富的想象力,用通顺的英语表达出来,能做到想象丰富而不荒诞。3.首段提出写信的原因,引出话题;第二段写出对未来生活的畅想和预测;第三段总结。第56页/共60页.常用句式1.Sometimes I dream about life in the future.有时候我梦想未来的生活。2.It is fascinating to imagine life in the future.想象未来的生活是很吸引人的。3.I am curious about future life.我对未来的生活充满好奇。第57页/共60页4.Maybe in the future we can live in the oceans.也许未来我们可以生活在海洋中。5.There is a possibility that.有可能6.I believe the dream will come true someday.我相信这个梦想某一天一定会实现。第58页/共60页7.In my opinion,the dream will be turned into reality.在我看来,这个梦想一定会变成现实。8.Its just a prediction,so Im not really sure about that.因为仅仅是预测,所以我也没有太大的把握。第59页/共60页


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