高中英语 模块十第二单元 project课件 牛津版选修10

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ProjectProjectThe wandering RomaThe wandering RomaCarmenRoma(Gypsy)Fast reading2.What does wandering mean in this passage?To explain the history of the Roma and the reasons for their movement.1.What is this article aimed to do?The word wander means to move about or from place to place without any purpose.From the guidelines,we can know the title refers to the group of people,the Roma,who keep moving from place to place.ListeningListeningWhats the route of the Romas Whats the route of the Romas movement?movement?northern India(Pakistan)EgyptIranin a roundabout wayin a roundabout wayCareful readingReadingReading1.Where did the Roma originally live?2.Whats one thing that they have in common?(no more than 7 words)3.Why were peoples opinions about the Roma in the past?(no more than 8 words)4.List two reasons for Romas movement.(no more than 7 words)Where did the Roma originally live?Pakistan Whats one thing that they have in common?(no more than 7 words)A tendency to live in closed groups.What were peoples opinions about the Roma in the past?(no more than 7 words?The Roma were discriminated by people.List two reasons for the Romas movement.(no more than 7 words)Historical reasons and political reasons Causes Policies taken by some countriesSufferings caused to the Roma Their cultures and customs alarmed some countries.against the Roma continued as Europe entered the 20th century.Some countries adopted policies involving against the Roma.Between 1500 and 1800,most European countries had certain law to ban the Roma.At the beginning of the 19th century,many countries forced the Roma to get of their nomadic lifestyle.The most terrifying darkness upon the Roma in the 1930s,when the Nazis,the evil Party,planned in secret to them.They had great difficulty finding work.They were out without a fair hearing.Not to the restrictions,the young Roma got to illegal behavior.The Roma was massacred(屠杀)Modern nations have acknowledged the unique and appealing aspect of the Roma.Some countries are trying to up for the past prejudice by helping the Roma preserve their history,language and culture.summary The history of the RomaThe earliest time:The Roma originally lived in _.In AD 1200 they _in several waves.northern India left IndiaBetween1500 and1800:Para47 most European countries _ the Romapassed laws banningFrom 1930 to 1973 (para 911)In the 1930s:Nazis classified the Roma as _ and _to wipe them _.a dangerous groupplotted outDuring world War Two:They were killed_.in large numbersAfter World War Two:In Switzerland,Roman children _ were taken away from their parentsThe road to friedship_ was recognised by the United Nations in the 1970sInternational Romani UnionConsolidation:The Roma have been _ Europe and Asia since the 11th century,They were _ lived in northern India and they were _ even then.Because of this tradition,they couldnt find a permanent job.Although the Roma have developed differently in various places,they have something in _.They resisted making permanent homes,choosing to move.And they refuse to _ to any government,so they have no right to _.The Roma tried _ _ to find a country to live in.Throughout their travels,they experienced problems,Some Europeans treated them badly.Fortune telling,one of their traditions,earned them a _ as liars and witches.Many Europeans even did not want the Roma as their neighbours.wanderingoriginallynomadiccommonsubmitvote in vainreputationAt the beginning of the 19th century,many countries changed their laws _the Roma.They wanted to make the Roma _ their nomadic lifestyle.Unable to practise their traditions,many young Roma _ _ illegal behaviour,they were often considered as the main _ when anything went missing.But now,everything has changed a lot.Modern nations begin to recognize the Roma as a unique group,they want to _for past prejudice,they are trying to help the Roma _ their history,language and culture.The Roma and Europeans are on the way to becoming friends!concerningabandontook tosuspectscompensatepreserve


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