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会计学1浅析商务英语信函的礼貌原则毕业答辩浅析商务英语信函的礼貌原则毕业答辩CONTENTSIntroductionVocabulary strategy under politeness principleSentence pattern under politeness principleAspects noted under the politeness principleConclusion2第1页/共12页IntroductionPoliteness is the lubricant of interaction between people,and the bridge of interpersonal communication,also symbol of human civilization.An important point in politeness principle is You-oriented attitude,which is given priority to the other attitude,meaning to think from each others point of view,imagine each others problems and situation and to convey their opinions appropriately according to the requirements of the other party.It can also be understood that joining the emotional factors in consideration for others,as far as possible put the other persons interests in the main position when we are in the rational business transactions.3第2页/共12页1.1 Tact Maxim1.2 Generosity Maxim1.3 Approbation Maxim1.4 Modesty Maxim1.5 Agreement Maxim1.6 Sympathy MaximIn a nutshell,Tact Maxim is to make the other more benefit and less hurt.To learn the transposition thinking in communication,we should try to understand each others thoughts and feelings.Generosity Maxim refers to“the less let their own benefit,the more let their own disadvantage.”In business activities there will have inevitable misunderstandings and unpleasant occurrence,at this time communication should be carried out in a friendly and peaceful way.It requires praising the other party,the others strength and credibility as far as possible.The respect such as products or provide services can help give a sincere compliment,which bring positive effect in trade cooperation of both sides.It is in exactly line with Chinese culture:“Raise others principles,belittle ones own.”That means in business activities,there is not an exaggeration of the companys products and services,need to objectively evaluate.It refers to resolve their differences and increase both sides of the agreement as far as possible.If both trade sides want to cooperate successfully,we must understand each other and try to seek the maximum agreement,also fade out their differences.This principle refers to the session of two sides should establish a friendly relationship and mutual trust,reduce the dislike and distrust each other,so as to increase mutual sympathy.4第3页/共12页Vocabulary strategy under politeness principle5第4页/共12页Positive significance words Correct modal verbsLanguage is the carrier of information.A letter of attentively choose language can express not only the literal meaning,but also can pass an emotion,which reflects the politeness and consideration.A business letter should choose some words with positive emotional meanings such as pleased,satisfy,obliged,welcome,etc.It can make each other happy,which is beneficial to both sides of the cooperation,especially in letters about arrears,complaints,claims,even if the wrong we dont have,also want to do any positive efforts to the other part to get affirmation and praise,being polite.Because most business letters contacts are consultations or public consultation,often involves the desire,promise,approval,proposals,urge,question or complaint,rejection,arguments and query,condemned,etc.,so the modal verbs are used frequently in English business letters.Proper usage of modal verbs can often make the tone of the sentence more moderate,make each other easy to accept,to achieve ideal agreement.6第5页/共12页Sentence pattern characteristics under politeness principleSix politeness principles is the precondition of letters and vocabulary is a brick,but the final letter still need to use complete sentences to express.Roughly speaking,the tone is the attitude of the author,with his emotion and intention related through the choice of words,the arrangement of the order to achieve different emotions and tone the author wants to express(Zhu guiping,2012:G43).In Business English letter writing,friendly tone is helpful to give readers a kind of polite impression,thus making effective business English letter writing.7第6页/共12页3.1 Use the passive voiceAlthough using active voice can express more powerful in English business letters,the passive voice has a higher degree of courtesy.Because it does not emphasize the action of the initiator,the spoken word is not imposed on the other side,so that request sounds more modest and polite.3.2 Use question sentence patternsQuestion sentence is to express a request or a command by asking others ability or willingness,than use direct statements or positive words to express command more tactful,thus making the tone becomes indirect,unobtrusive.3.3 Use conditions sentence patternCompared using conditions sentence pattern with question sentence patterns,the only difference lies in getting rid of the composition of threatening face when using conditions sentence pattern,so that the tone become more friendly.In addition,the conditions of sentence patterns can make its advice tentative nature.3.4 Using the subjunctiveSubjunctive can tactfully and politely raised hopes or comments,make the sentence more tactfully,with more room for consultation,more conducive to reaching trade agreement.8第7页/共12页Aspects noted under the politeness principleDue to above all,we learn basic forming of business English letter,but there are some aspects need to pay attention to.9第8页/共12页4.1 Equal status for both parties In the process of trade negotiations,whether large companies or small companies,should be required to follow the equality,the principle of mutual benefit.In foreign trade correspondence,trade negotiations between the two sides should be established on the basis of equality and mutual benefit,to show politeness.4.2 Affinity for choosing words Peace and friendship of the environment is the main condition of negotiation.Of course there is a strong affinity that will bring some advantages,but the choice of words is also very important.Euphemism makes it easier for people to accept,on the other hand,the strong cold words will waste our effort.Each letter of correspondence is a communication between the sender and the receiver.4.3 Communication in different cultural backgroundPoliteness is affected by cultural factors,such as history,geography,lifestyle,religious belief and other constraints.The characteristics of different cultural groups have different cultural values.Their sensitivity is the politeness one,also certainly have different understanding to not polite methods.10第9页/共12页ConclusionThe politeness principle of business English letter is a common requirement of international economic.Its core is all for the sake of each other.Business letter is not only used for the medium of communication,but also to build up friendships and attract customers.Therefore,in the daily business activities,we should pay attention to the use of politeness principle in business English writing,so as to promote the business cooperation smoothly.Also,business English letter is a form of cross-cultural communication,when writing,you must pay attention to the cultural differences between different countries.If written correspondence already has noticed in the application of politeness principle,and considering the cultural differences between different countries and ethnic groups,then both sides of the trade are likely to be carried out very smoothly,trade chances of success will be greatly improved.11第10页/共12页12第11页/共12页


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