英语基础写作:BW2-Methods of Describing

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Warm up American Slang Talking about Girls She is a babe.She is a knock-out.She is a cutie.She is well-developed.She turns me on.I have a crush on her.她是个美女。她是个美女。她让我眼睛为之一亮她让我眼睛为之一亮。她很可爱。她很可爱。她很丰满。她很丰满。她是个美女。她是个美女。我看上她了。我看上她了。Warm up American Slang Talking about Boys He is so cute.He is fine.He is one of the kind.He is an alpha male.他很可爱。他很可爱。他很棒。他很棒。他是独一无二的。他是独一无二的。他是男人中的男人。他是男人中的男人。Warm up American Slang Talking about Girls I cant live without her.She makes me feel so special.I hope she will become my girlfriend and my better half in the long run.我没有她就活不下去我没有她就活不下去,她让我觉得很特别。她让我觉得很特别。我希望她能成为我的女友我希望她能成为我的女友,最终成为我的老婆。最终成为我的老婆。Warm upAmerican Slang Talking about Boys I had a feeling that he is the Mr.Right I was looking for.Technically speaking,he is not my prince charming.我有一种感觉他就是我要找的那个男人。我有一种感觉他就是我要找的那个男人。理论上来说理论上来说,他还不是我的白马王子。他还不是我的白马王子。Delicious Tasty Yummy Good Finger-licking good 1.What is descriptive writing?2.Why do we use descriptive writing?3.How to write descriptions A sentence definition of description:Description is to paint in the mind of the reader an image or a series of images by means of language.The purpose of a purely descriptive essay is to 1.involve the reader enough so he or she can actually visualize the things being described.2.make narration or exposition more lively,colorful and exciting when combined with them.1.A descriptive essay is generally developed through sensory details.The impressions of ones sensessight,hearing,taste,smell,and touch.Example 1:describing a place Telling:The room was vacant.Showing:opened with a resounding echo that seemed to fill the house.once attached flowed freely in the air as the open door brought light to a well worn.gave notice to the peeling on the walls and to the silhouettes(轮廓)once covered by pictures.The new gave life to a stuffiness that entrapped the room.Faded and torn white covered once new now drowning in dust.opened with a that seemed to fill the house.Sensehearing once attached flowed freely in the air as the open door brought light to a well worn.Sensesight gave notice to the peeling on the walls and to the silhouettes(轮廓)once covered by pictures.Sensesight The new gave life to a stuffiness that entrapped the room.Sensesmell Faded and torn white covered once new now drowning in dust.Sensesight opened with a resounding echo that seemed to fill the house.once attached flowed freely in the air as the open door brought light to a well worn.gave notice to the peeling on the walls and to the silhouettes(轮廓)once covered by pictures.The new gave life to a stuffiness that entrapped the room.Faded and torn white covered once new now drowning in dust.Senses used:Hearing-sight-smell-sight.E.g.describing a snowfall-let your reader know if it is;Example 2 A boy with (tattered,torn)clothes rushed through the street,whose footsteps several blocks away.A fair-haired boy runs through the morning street all the way.()()Use details specific adjectives,adverbs,and vivid verbs,consistent with the dominant impression.Brief Introduction to the Novel Title:A Christmas Carol Author:Charles Dickson Plot:The story tells of Ebenezer Scrooges ideological,ethical,and emotional transformation after the supernatural visits of Jacob Marley and the Ghosts of Christmas Past,Present,and Yet to Come.Example 3:A description of Mr.Scrooge in A Christmas Carol The cold within him his old features,his nose,his cheek,his gait;his eyes,his thin lips;and spoke out in his voice.他的冷漠冻僵了他年迈的面孔他的冷漠冻僵了他年迈的面孔,冻伤了他的尖鼻冻伤了他的尖鼻梁梁,冻缩了他的胸腔冻缩了他的胸腔,冻僵了他的步态冻僵了他的步态,冻红了冻红了他的眼睛他的眼睛,把他薄薄的嘴唇也冻成青紫色了把他薄薄的嘴唇也冻成青紫色了,他他说话冷冰冰的说话冷冰冰的,尖刻刺耳。尖刻刺耳。Use figures of speech to make the description more powerful.Example 4:A description of Mr.Scrooge in A Christmas Carol secret,and self-contained,and.Use examples.Example 5:A description of Mr.Scrooge in A Christmas Carol Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say,with gladsome looks,My dear Scrooge,how are you?When will you come to see me?No beggars implored him to bestow a trifle,no children asked him what it was oclock,no man or woman ever once in all his life inquired the way to such and such a place,of Scrooge.Q:What impression have you formed on Mr.Scrooge?stingy,old,solitary,cold,hard Comment:If you know the plot of the novel,you will realize that Dickens has achieved his original purpose by portraying such a figure.The plot of the novel The tale begins on Christmas Eve seven years after the death of Scrooges business partner Jacob Marley.Scrooge is established within the first chapter as a greedy and stingy businessman who has no place in his life for kindness,compassion,charity,or benevolence.After being warned by Marleys ghost to change his ways,Scrooge is visited by three additional ghosts each in its turn who accompany him to various scenes with the hope of achieving his his his his his transformation.Take a look at the following picture and come up with three to four sentences to develop The pizza is delicious.Possible Versions 1.As you see it,the colorful decorated salad brighten your eyes.The smell invades your nose that you cant help eating it.After a bite,the flavor of different kinds of fruits is filled with your mouth.Its just to melt as your tongue touches it.2.The golden round pizza approves that it is done just now.Fresh vegetables is on it,attracting the customers attention,sending a message“taste me”.Touching my stomach,I think it requires the pizza in front of me.Sighed,I start to have the pizza to fit my stomach.The pizza was delicious.Steam rising up off the melted cheese made my mouth water.The first bite,my teeth sinking into the cheese through the tomato sauce and into the moist crust,made me chew and swallow rapidly.Even the cheese and tomato sauce,sticking to my fingertips,begged to be licked.Suggested Version E.g.from start to destination from its source to the point at which it joins the river.E.g.,ones dog an objective descriptionmention such facts as height,weight,coloring and so forth.A subjective descriptioninclude the above details,also stress the authors feeling toward the dog,as well as its personality and habits.To write a successful descriptive essay:1.concrete,sensory details of five senses to communicate its point 2.no unrelated details 3.show emotions:use more verbs,adverbs,and adjectives than nouns&use examples 4.have an attitude in the dominant impression unless objective


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