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会计学1大学英语四级新题型听力分析解析大学英语四级新题型听力分析解析目录1大学英语四级听力新题型介绍22022-7-16方法与技巧第1页/共37页大学英语四级听力新题型介绍第2页/共37页考试委员会对四级考试规定的内容:n1.短篇新闻(3段),每段设置23个小题,共7题,每小题1分,新闻长度130190词。n2.长对话(2段)共8题,每小题1分。n3.短文理解(3段),分值为每小题2分。n4.考试时间为25分钟。2016大学英语四级新题型听力解读第3页/共37页第4页/共37页2022-7-16第5页/共37页目录1短对话2新闻听力3长对话2022-7-164篇章听力第6页/共37页2022-7-16短对话听力的特点和考查重点短对话一直以来都是英语考试中最有规律也最易提高的部分,这主要是因为对话本身必须兼顾文化背景常识与语言考查点两个部分,所以考试时既不会出两人见面问候“吃了没”这样不符合文化背景的题目,也鲜见直接对yes,no这样简单单词提问的没有任何考查难度的题目。正是出于这两点考虑,加之为了保证考试成绩的公正性与平衡性,四级考试的短对话部分产生了一些固有的套路和思维模式。预测选项;明确出题方式:同义替换(往往是正确答案),考查细节(要速记,要听清问题),转折(要听清转折后的内容)。第7页/共37页2022-7-16根据出题思路与喜好偏向,我们不难发现,就考点而言,短对话出题主要集中在以下五个方面:1.原因考查,如:W:Bob said that Seattle is a great place for conferences.M:He is certainly in the position to make that comment.He has been there so often.Q:What does the man say about?本题考查的划线部分实际为前一句的原因阐述,因此成为考查重点。短对话听力的特点和考查重点第8页/共37页短对话听力的特点和考查重点2.建议句型,如:W:Carol told us on the phone not to worry about her.Her left leg doesnt hurt as much as it did yesterday.M:Shed better have it examined by a doctor anyway.And Ill call her about it this evening.Q:What does the man think Carol should do?本题中男人用had better一词表达了建议的内容,从而使之成为考查重点。第9页/共37页短对话听力的特点和考查重点3.反问句式,如:W:I just read in the newspaper that Lord of the Rings is this years greatest hit.Why dont we go and see it at the Grand Cinema?M:Dont you think that cinema is a little out of the way(偏僻的)?Q:What does the man mean?本题中连续两个反问句式,前者表达了女人的建议,后者则表达了男人的言外之意,所以反问句式是个多功能的表达方式。第10页/共37页短对话听力的特点和考查重点4.转折变化,如:M:Hi,Melissa,hows your project going?Have you thought about going to graduate school(研究所,研究院)?Perhaps you can get into Harvard.W:Everything is coming along really well.Ive been thinking about graduate school.But Ill talk to my tutor Dr.Garcia first and see what she thinks.Q:What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?本题中句子相对比较长,但重点却非常突出地表现在转折之后。第11页/共37页is campus.All the big trees,the green lawns,and the old buildings with tall columns(圆柱).Its really beautiful.M:It sure is.The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style.It was popular in the 18th century here.Q:What are the speakers talking about?场景一直以来就是听力考试的重点所在,只是目前的考题中场景内容描述用词难度加大而已。短对话听力的特点和考查重点第12页/共37页短对话听力的特点和考查重点 其他考点虽然考查较少,但依然值得注意,其中主要包括:态度考查、细节把握、数字时间、人物关系、言外之意、比较表达、近音词汇、词组词汇等。就考试技巧而言,应该从考点着手,把握听力关键小词(转折、因果、时间、暗示等)、加强对关键句型的敏感度(反问、建议等)、忽略次要信息与混淆内容(量词、特殊疑问等)、积累场景相关词汇(家庭、学习、生活、工作、娱乐、用餐、天气、购物、医疗、交通等)。第13页/共37页短对话听力的一些原则1.but题:转折词语后面易现考点 W:Im sure the Smiths new house is somewhere on the street,but I dont know exactly where it is.M:But Im told its two blocks from their old home.Q:What do we learn from the conversation?D)The Smiths new house is not far from their old one.第14页/共37页短对话听力的一些原则2.well题:所接内容常为考点W:Professor,a few of us at the back didnt get your copy of reading as assignment.M:Well,there are only 38 names on my class list.And I didnt bring any spare copies.Q:What do we learn from the conversation?C)Some of the students are not on the professors list.第15页/共37页短对话听力的一些原则3.建议请求题注意事项:第二个人回答的态度往往比第一个人的提问重要得多,尤其要注意答语中的反问句 引导建议的小词:what about,how about,why not,why dont you,youd better,lets,shall we等1)W:If the weather is this hot tomorrow,we may as well give up the idea of playing tennis in the afternoon.M:Oh.I dont think itll last long.The weather forecast says it will cloud-over by mid-afternoon.Q:What does the man mean?A)They shouldnt change their plan.B)Theyd better change their mind.注意相反项的处理。第16页/共37页短对话听力的一些原则2)M:Washing dishes at the restaurant every day is really boring.W:Why dont you quiet and deliver flowers for me?Q:What does the woman advise the man to do?D)Leave his job to work for her.3)M:Alien is in the basement trying to repair the washing machine.W:He isnt going to work his term paper?Q:What does woman think Alien should do?D)Finish his assignment.第17页/共37页短对话听力的一些原则3.数字时间题:常需要通过计算得出答案M:So,when are the other guys going to get here?The train is leaving in 10 minutes.We cant wait here forever!W:Its 10:30 already?They are supposed to be here by now!I told everybody to meet here by 10:15.Q:When is the train leaving?C)At 10:40.第18页/共37页短对话听力的一些原则4.男女原则:一般男生比较衰,女生比较牛。男生提出的观点女生都是不同意或有不同看法的,反之女生提出的观点男生都是同意和赞赏的。男生的特征:脏、乱、差、浪费、穷、小气、不良习惯、迟钝、不顾家。女生的特征:爱干净、节约、富有、好学、能干、聪明、大度、耐心、恋家、成绩都很好。M:Can I borrow your math textbook?I lost mine on the bus.W:Youve asked the right person.I happened to have an extra copy.Q:What does the woman mean?B)She can help the man out.第19页/共37页短对话听力的一些原则11.父母一般只有一个作用教育子女好好学习。12.除了父母教育子女外,家里(包括朋友家,阿姨家等等)发生的事情一般是不考的,故遇到地点推测题类似 at home/at Marys home之类的选项一般都是不对的。第20页/共37页第21页/共37页第22页/共37页第23页/共37页长对话听力的特点和考查重点 长对话其实是结合了短对话的考查点与语段题的出题分布而形成的所谓新题。就其出题分布而言完全类似语段题的排布,一般会有一题整体把握,考查对话主题、人物关系或地点场景等。之后部分,若对话为多话题内容,则选择其中几个话题进行考查,这类似于语段题中说明文的考查特点;若对话内容为单一事件的描述,则关注事件的起因、经过、结果等方面,这又类似于记叙文的考查特点;如果是调研性内容,则考点往往集中在被调研人的观点、意见、建议等方面,这又完全是议论文的考查模式。第24页/共37页长对话听力的特点和考查重点可见,就考点位置而言,长对话完全类似于语段题,甚至可能比语段题简单一些,因为对话本身的特性决定了考查内容往往会出现在文中问答交替处,尤其是问题的回答部分,因此考生须对此部分引起注意。当然,就考点本身的特点而言,则完全可以模仿短对话中的反问、建议、原因等内容特色来出题,所谓“换汤不换药”,只是对话多几个回合罢了。第25页/共37页长对话听力的做题步骤1.“先纵后横”预测选项 1)纵向确定场景(工作、学习、生活及旅游)2)横向排除干扰选项,了解每道小题的内容2.解题三原则1)开头原则:第一道题一般在开头部分2)问答原则:回答的内容往往是答案所在3)转折原则:转折词后的内容为关键内容第26页/共37页例题解析Conversation OneW:Hello,Gary.Howre you?M:Fine!And yourself?W:Cant complain.Did you have time to look at my proposal(提议)?M:No,not really.Can we go over it now?W:Sure.Ive been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies.First of all,if we want to stay competitive,we need to modernize our factory.New equipment shouldve been installed long ago./(1)第27页/共37页例题解析M:How much will that cost?W:We have several options ranging from one hundred thousand dollars all the way up to half a million.M:OK.Well have to discuss these costs with finance./(2)W:We should also consider human resources.Ive been talking to personnel(人事部门)as well as our staff(职员)at the factory.M:And whats the picture?W:Well probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory./(3)第28页/共37页例题解析M:What about advertising?W:Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials.M:TV?Isnt that a bit too expensive for us?Whats wrong with advertising in the papers,as usual?W:Quite frankly,its just not enough anymore.We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors./(4)M:Will we be able to afford all this?W:Ill look into(调查)it,but I think higher costs will be justified.These investments will result in higher profits for our company.M:Well have to look at the figures more closely.Have finance draw up a budget(预算)for these investments.W:All right.Ill see to it./(5)第29页/共37页例题解析Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19.What are the two speakers talking about?20.What does the woman say about the equipment of their factory?21.What does the woman suggest about human resources?22.Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV?第30页/共37页题的五个方面:设备、价格、人力资源、广告以及投资,其中第一段还包括了对话主题。四题中第一题是整体把握题,考查对话主题,出现在第一段最后一个问答处。第二题也在第一段中,考查了五个方面中的第一个方面,正因为是first,自然也最重要,因此借用了语段题中典型论据的特点。第三题在第三段人力资源的问答处,主要考查言外之意和建议句型的特点,该问题Whats the picture?是“计划情况如何”的意思。第四题则是对第四段广告部分中建议句型的考查。例题解析第31页/共37页语段题的做题步骤 第32页/共37页第33页/共37页e of/instead/while/from to/although(yet)/not only but also/5.序数类标志词所有序数词(first,second)/another/the other/next/last/in addition/on the other hand/6.时间类标志词when/while/today/as/before/after/since/then/until/7.解释类标志词or/namely/in other words/that is/that is to say/第34页/共37页第35页/共37页Thank you第36页/共37页


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