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精品资料浙江省 年选拔优秀高职高专毕业生进入本科学习统一考试英 语题号一二三四总分得分核分人请考生按规定用笔将所有试题旳答案涂、写在答题纸上。选择题部分注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己旳姓名、准考证号用黑色笔迹旳签字笔或钢 笔填写在答题纸规定旳位置上。2. 每题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上相应题目旳答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其她答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。Part I Reading Comprehension (60 marks, 60 minutes)SectionAFormat(共 20 小题,每题 2 分,共 40 分)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.Passage oneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Karen Christiansen Madison,Wisconsin,is licking stamps and addressing envelopes.Soon,she and her future husband will be sending out invitations for their June wedding.Meanwhile,on the other side of the world,Wei Yashung is at the hairdressers in Shanghai,China.She knows she will have a long wait-maybe four hours.Its May 18th,the most popular day to get married in China.The room is filled with brides preparing for their special day.Weddings are a special event in every culture.People begin new lives together and families are joined together. “Everyone feels very emotional at this time.There are a lot of rituals and superstitions at weddings,”says Maxine Rowe,an anthropologist.As Kerry plans her wedding,her aunt and sisters help her check off the things she needs,according to an old custom.They read the traditional poem, “Something old,something new,something borrowed,and something blue”Female friends and relatives gather around.preparing the bride for the ceremony.Many wedding traditions in western cultures were designed to protect the couple from bad luck. “The wedding veil is a Greek custom,to hide the bride from evil1spirits,”says Maxine. “The Romans developed the custom of bridesmaids(i.e. women dressed like the bride) to confuse the spirits.Also,some wedding flowers have a strong smell to scare away the evil spirits.”In China,thousands of couples that have chosen May 18th for their wedding day. “In the past,Chinese couples consulted a special book to find lucky and unlucky days for getting married ” explains Maxine. “But in modern times,a new tradition is being formed.” The eighteenth day of the fifth month,five-one-eight or “ wu yao ba ” as it is called in China,sounds very close to “ wo yao fa ” or “I will get rich.” This is considered a omen for any couples getting married on this day.Some people dont think it is a good idea for everyone to get married on the same day. “Its silly and superstitious,” a newspaper reporter wrote.Hairdressers,and owners of flower stores,restaurants and car services say its the best day of the year.They can raise their prices for this one day and their services will still be fully booked.Maybe they are the ones who should be saying, “I will get rich.”1.The overall structure of this passage can be called _A. comparison and contrastB. description of events in order of timeC. details leading to conclusionD. generalization followed by details2. An anthropologist in P2 studies _ ?A. hairstyleB. jewelsC. almanacsD. customs3. Why do Karens friends and relatives contribute a cousins wedding veil ?A. It is something old.C. It is something borrowed.B. It is something new. D. It is something blue.4. The word omen in P5 means_.A. a sign of starB. a sign of presentC. a sign of pastD. a sign of future5. What is the writers tone in the last sentence “Maybe they are the ones who should be saying, “I will get rich.”A. HumorousB. TolerantC. Matter-of-factD. FuriousPassage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:The easiest and least complicated way to motivate somebody is quite simply to pay them attention.What you say is not particularly important,nor necessarily is how long you spend saying it,as long as its something. “Nice weather” or “How are you ?” will do.People just love attention,adults and children.Children love attention so much that they will do anything to get some.In fact,if children are not getting enough attention,they would rather be naughty and get told off than be “good” and be ignored.An interesting time in most households with young children is2dinnertime-its the end of the day,everybody is tired,the house is in a mess and Johnny doesnt like carrots and is refusing to eat his food.Again,the easy trap to fall into is to start getting cross with Johnny and getting into a big argument about his food.Again,hes getting the attention he desires;even if its not the best sort of attention,its better than nothing.Its fascinating if you are able to stand back from the situation and instead focus attention and praise on Johnnys brother who is eating his food-after all,he is one that is doing what you want him to do.After five or ten minutes or so of being ignored and deprive of the attention,its amazing how quickly(usually) Johnny sees sense and obeys.Ive watched my own children in this situation go from screaming from behind the sofa,saying “Mummy,arent I doing good dinner eating ? ”-all without having one word a spoken to them by their parents,who are busily paying attention to their brothers.This fundamental need for attention,and doing whatever it takes to get it,doesnt disappear when we turn into adults.Sure,there are people who are “ real attention seekers ” in a loud and extravert ( 外向旳) way,and there are the shy,retiring types who dont want attention in such a “ sociable ” way.But everybody still wants to be recognized and seen worthwhile.6.What will children probably do to get parents attention ? A.They will get quiet for a long time.B.They will ignore their parents. C.They will behave naughtily. D. They will get crossly easily.7.What does the phrase “ the easy trap to fall into ” means ?A. A set-up situation parents are likely to go into.B. The household work that parents can not avoid.C. Some tempting food children easily love to eat.D. A bad habit children easily develop.8. An effective way to make children behave themselves may to be ?A. Scold them severelyB. Teach them what to doC. Give them total freedomD. Praise their sisters or brothers9. “ Real attention seekers ” in the last paragraph are probably those _ ?A. motivate others to learnB. associate with shy typesC. reply on negative attentionD. arouse others attention openly10.What point does the author make by relating to childrens behavior ? A.Childrens upbringing needs parents constant care.B.Children are usually extravert while adults are sociable. C.Both children and adults need to be seen as worthwhile. D.The motivation of children differs greatly from that of adults.3Passage ThreeQuestions11 to 15 are based on the following passage:Named for the dense shade of their thick pines,the Black Hills of south Dakota have for centuries been considered holy by Lakota Sioux,once the most powerful tribe in the west.Today,because of the passions of a few artists,the land itself has been holy in another way.It took the obsessed sculptor Gutzon Borglum,his son Lincoln,and four hundred workers 14 years to complete an artistic and engineering project so monumental that no one believe it possible: carving and blasting the six-story faces of Washington.Jefferson,Teddy Roosevelt,and Abraham Lincoln out of stony Mount Rushmore.A little trivia: Washington eyes are each 11 feet wide,and his nose is 26 feet long.Mr.Lincoln, sports a mole that measures 16 inches across.Just 17 miles away,the gigantic Crazy Horse Memorial is slowly taking shape.Also carved into granite,this memorial,when completed somewhere around 2050,after a centurys labor,this depict Native Americas greatest warriors chief on his horse,dwarfing Mount Rushmore at 563 feet tall.The horses nostril alone will be large enough to hold a five-room house.From Crazy Horse,head east on the beautiful 14-mile Needles Highway,past billion-year-old Granite hills,so Sylvan lake and then north to Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway,whose landscape youll easily recognize as the backdrops used in the film Dances with Wolves.Altematively,you can park your bags in the pleasant Game lodge that served as Calvin Coolidges Summer White House.Of the historic inns seven rooms,you can still book the room the thirtieth president and his wife occupied during the three months in 1972.The lodge is one of three found within Custer State Park,whose 18-mile Wildlife Loop Road runs through unfenced meadows where herds of buffalo roam.11. The word “ sports ” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _.A. is famous forB. is characterized byC. is decorated withD. is accompanied by12.Of the four things mentioned in the passage,which one is the largest ?A. Washingtons eyesB. Washingtons noseC. Lincolns moleD. Crazy Horses nose13.Which of the following projects is still in progress ?A. Lincolns face.B. Crazy Horse.C. Summer White House.D. Wildlife Loop Road.14.What is not a feature that Mount Rushmore and Crazy have in common ?A. They were very large.B. They were carved out of granite.C. They were located in Black Hills.4D. They were both depicted in India tribes.15.Who is the 30th president of the US ?A. Thomas Jefferson.B. Teddy Roosevelt.C. Abraham Lincoln.D. Calvin Coolidge.Passage FourQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:Women are more efficient and trustworthy, have a better understanding of their workforce and are more generous with their praise.In short they make the best managers, and if men are to keep up they will have to start learning form their female counterparts, a report claims today.The survey of 1,000 male and female middle and senior managers from across the UK is an indictment of the ability of men to function as leaders in the modern workplace.A majority of those questioned believed women had a more modern outlook on their profession and were more open minded and considerate.By way of contrast, a similar number believe male managers are egocentric and more likely to steal credit for work done by others.Management today magazine, which conducted the research, said that after years of having to adopt a masculine identity and hide their emotions and natural behaviour in the workplace, women have become role models for managers.The findings tally with a survey of female bosses carried out in the US. a five-year study of 2,500 managers from 450 firms found that many male bosses were rated by their staff of both sexes to be self-obsessed and autocratic.Women on the other hand leave men in the starting blocks when it comes to teamwork and communicating with staff.In Britain more than 61% of those surveyed said men did not make better bosses than women.Female managers use time more effectively, with many of those surveyed commenting that juggling commitments is a familiar practice for women with a home and a family.Female managers also appear to make good financial sense for penny-pinching companies: most people, of either sex, would rather ask for a rise from a man.16.What is the source of the data mentioned in the passage ?A.A magazineB.A newspaperC.A government white paperD.A university Journal17.According to the passage,male manager tend to _. A.be more selfless in teamworkB.ask more questions when surveyed C.be considerate leaders in company D.claim the contribution18.What can be found after comparing the findings in the UK and US ?5A.The findings are irrelevant B.The findings are contradictory C.The findings match each other D.The findings are not significant19.What does the phrase “penny-pinching companies ” means ? A.Companies that lack moneyB.Companies that are very generous C.Companies that earn a lot of money D.Companies that are unwilling to use money 20.Whats the main idea of the passage ? A.Men are better managers than women B.Women are better managers than men C.Male managers are more willing to learnD.Male leaders and females leaders have different advantagesFormat(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)Directions: In the following passage, some sentences have been removed. For questions 2125, choose the most suitable one from the list AG to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit into any of the gaps. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet.Facing the interview might make you apprehensive,but there is no reason to fear it.21._Take the time to prepare properly.The interview has been your goal thus far in the job search,so it is your stepping stone to future success.Always be positive.22_.Dont worry about where you have been,worry about where you are going.Make sure your accomplishments are related to your capabilities.Listen and stay focused.Throughout the interview,concentrate to be sure youre listening to what the interviewer has to say.It looks very bad when you ask a question the interviewer just answered.23._Dont get off on the matters that have nothing to do with the job or your qualifications.Ask questions.Be sure to ask intelligent,well-thought-out questions that indicate you are trying to find out what you can do for the company.Base any statement on proven experience not dreams and hopes.Dont get personal.Keep personal issues out of the interview.24._If you feel the urge to bare your soul,your feelings should tell you the interviewer is very skilled in creating a casual atmosphere.Plan some answers to obvious questions.Why did you leave your precious position?Why did you choose your major?What are your training and experience going to do for the company?6When the interview concludes,dont linger,but dont run out the door,either. 25._Remember to write a brief thank-you note to the people who interviewed you.A. Focus on the conversation at hand.B. If you cant look the interviewers in the eye,they wont believe your answer.C. It is your real opportunity to get face to face with your potential employer.D. If the interviewers havent indicated when a decision will be reached,ask them.E. Explain in detail how a team atmosphere can improve your personal efficiency.F. Losers dwell on past losses whereas winners dwell on future success.G.Never tell an interviewer everything no matter how relaxed and comfortable you feel.Section B (共10小题,每题1分,共10分)Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Please blacken the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet.“No one can teach you,but you may learn.”This _26_ means that though we may hear or read the greatest words of wisdom,they will remain mere words unless we _27_ them.We may be able to name the courses that we have taken over the years: algebra,history,geology,French,and so forth.But _28_ we have internalized the subject matter or have studied it very _29_ we will not recall what we have “learned”.Withgoodstudyskills,youwillnotonly learnmaterialmorethoroughly._30_, you will also be less dependent on your teachers.As long as you look to someone else for an “explanation”, you will not be a _31_ person intellectually.To become an independent learner,you must have the desire and _32_ to open a textbook,read it,and ponder it.Then you must be able to get up in class the next day,or write on paper a week or so later,saying. “As I _33_ the author,he says.”The purpose of the course is to guide you through _34_ steps efficiently.The teacher is there to explain and amplify you textbook.But only you can educate_35_.A) ButB) courageC) freeD) if7E) interpretF) internalizeG) meH) recentlyI) statementJ) studentK) unfortunatelyL) unlessM) variousN) visitO) yourselfPart Integrated Testing (30 marks, 30 minutes)Section A Cloze (共20小题,每题1分,共20分)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.Dave Tally could _36_ believe his eyes._37_ waiting to board a commuter train in Tempe,Ariz,last November,he spotted an _38_ backpack containing $3,300 in cash.After six years of being homeless,Tallys mind raced,thinking _39_ he could spend the money-An apartment?A bike? “Yet_40_ it”recalls Tally, “wasnt the right thing to do.”With _41_ from the staff at his homeless shelter,Tally _42_ down the owner.Bryan Belanger,22,a senior at Arizona State University,who had_43_ the pack behind in his _44_ to get to work. “Id given up_45_, ”says Belanger,who was _46_ to buy a used car with the money. “I was greatly _47_ when I found out it was a homeless guy.”Since then,Tallys kindness has been _48_tenfold.As news of his good deed spread,the recovering alcoholic and _49_ landscape gardener received nearly $10,000 in _50_ from strangers-_51_ a small reward from Belanger and a new set of teeth, _52_ a local oral surgeon.Says Tally,who now has his own apartment and a full time gardening _53_ : “I cant believe all these were made _54_ just by doing the _55_ thing.”36.A readilyB alwaysC hardlyD merely37.A BeforeB WhileC WithoutD For38.A unattendedB unavailableC unbalancedD unavoidable39.A whoB whichC whatD how40.A givingB losingC earningD taking41.A orderB helpC questionsD offers42.A trackedB turnedC putD cut43.A heldB pushedC leftD carried44.A carB effortC classD rush845.A suspicionB hopeC beliefD honor46.A planningB workingC searchingD asking47.A relievedB excitedC surprisedD annoyed48.A repaidB forgottenC practicedD explained49.A shamedB abusedC formerD doubtful50.A replyB additionC factD donation51.A in spite ofB as well asC as a result ofD in front of52.A except forB regardless ofC back fromD thanks to53.A jobB marketC expertD student54.A relevantB possibleC valuableD helpful55.A firstB realC rightD other非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色笔迹旳签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。Section B Short Answer Questions (共5小题,每题2分,共10分)Directions: In this part there is a short passage followed by five questions. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions with no more than 10 words. Please write your answers on Answer Sheet.Paper writing seems like a major obstacle to many students.A paper can hang over your head like a dark cloud that appears to get bigger the longer you postpone starting.But writing papers can be one of the most absorbing ways to learn about a subject in depth.Many students,once theyve mastered the techniques,find theyd rather write papers as a form of learning than take exams.The techniques of writing a good paper are easy to follow.You should remember two important aspects that lead to success.First,start work e


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