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回顾2009动词短语的考查动词是英语中的第一大词,是组成句子的“骨架”。动词及动词词组是每年高考的毕考内容之一。动词短语词义丰富,琢磨不定,情景性极强,是外语学习者最头疼问题之一。下面,本文将就其考察特点进行分析,并提出相应复习对策,备战2010。一2009年动词短语考题回顾:(有下划线的为正确答案)考题1 I tried phoning her office ,but I couldnt。(2009全国卷I)A get along Bget on Cget to Dget through 考题2Have you _?No I had the wrong number (2009四川)A got in B got away C got off D got through考题3 - I m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have _ -So am I They seemed very happy together when I last saw them (2009江苏)A broken up B finished up Cdivided up D closed up 考题4How about your journey to Mount Emei?Everything was wonderful except that our car _ twice on the way (2009四川)A slowed down B broke down C got down D put down考题5- Sorry, I have to _ now Its time for class- OK, Ill call back later (2009天津)A hang up B break up C give up D hold up考题6 The Somali robbers frequent attacks on the sea urged the United Nations to_ all nations to take immediate action(2009福建)A fight for B apply for C call on D wait on考题7Practisig Chinese kung fu can not only _ones strength, but also develop ones character(2009浙江)A bring up B take up C build up D pull up考题8 It is reported that the police will soon _ the case of two missing children(2009江西)A look upon B look after C look into D look out 考题9We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all (2009安徽)Agiven away Bkept away Ctaken up Dused up考题10 would you please _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?(2009湖北)A look around Blook into C look up D look through考题11A notice was _in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time (2009陕西)Asent up B given up C set up Dput up考题12 Amy joined a painting group but didnt seem to _, so she left(2009山东)A show off Bgo up C fit in D come over考题13During the war there was a serious lack of food It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to bread for days(2009湖北)Aeat up Bgive away C do without Ddeal with二动词短语考察特点1考察点具有稳定性和指向性。从今年考题可以看出,09年英语试卷和历年高考一样,动词短语的考察往往是课本中频频出现的重点词组系列,这几年高考以考察动词构成的短语为主,它们是:get, turn, make ,put ,go ,give, break, cut, come, look, keep, bring, show, pick, hold, fall, carry, pull, catch, take 等。看看历届考题:get 词组的考察:考例1 Its going to rain Xiao feng, will you please help me _ the clothes on the line(2008陕西)A get off B get back C get in D get on考例2 I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we _ fine(2008四川非延考区)Alook out Bstay up Ccarry on Dget along考例3 Ifwecan_ourpresentdifficulties, theneverythingshouldbeallright(2007湖北)Acomeacross Bgetover CcomeoverDgetoff考例4 Hardly could he_ this amount of work in such a short time(2007天津)Aget through B. get off C. get into Dget down考例5 The boss said we had only three days to finish the work(2006 四川)Dont worry We have already_ two thirds of itA got down Bgot through C given in D given away考例6I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we _ fine (四川卷)A look out Bstay up C. carry on D. get alonghold 词组的考察:考例7 _Is Peter there?(2008江苏)_,please Ill see if I can find him for you AHold up BHold on CHold out DHold off 考例8_ a moment and I will go to your rescue(2008福建)A. Go on B. Hold on C. Move on DCarry ongo词组的考察:考例9 -Didnt you have a good time at the party? -Of course, I didAs a matter of fact ,I had such fun that time seemed to _so quickly(2007安徽)Ago by Bgo away Cgo out Dgo over考例10 Do you think that housing price will keep _in the years to come?(2007江苏)Alifting up Bgoing up Cbringing up Dgrowing up 考例11Would you please _this form for me to see if Ive filled it in right (2007浙江)Atake off Blook after Cgive up Dgo overcome词组的考察:考例12_Have you _some new ideas ? (2007江苏)_YeahIll tell you laterAcome about Bcome into Ccome up with Dcome out with 考例13 Four dollars a pair? I think its a bit too much(2006安徽) If you buy three pairs, the price for each will to three fiftyAcome down Btake down Cturn over Dgo over考例14Its already 10 o clock I wonder how it _that she was two hours late on such a short trip (2006湖北)Acame over Bcame out Ccame about Dcame up 考例15 Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it _ shopping and eatingArefers to Bspeaks of Cfocuses on Dcomes totake词组的考察:考例16After studying in a medical college for five years, Jean _her job as a doctor in the countryside(2008全国I)Aset out Btook over Ctook up Dset up 考例17 Dont be _by products promising to make you lose weight quickly(2007辽宁)Ataken off Btaken out Ctaken away Dtaken in考题18 After he retired from office, Rogers _ painting for a while, but soon lost interest(06山东)Atook up Bsaved up Ckept up Ddrew up考例19 Were trying to ring you back, Bryan, but we think we _ your number incorrectly (浙江卷)Alooked up Btook down Cworked out Dbrought aboutlook词组的考察:考例20 I have _all my papers but I still cant find my notes(2007全国II)Alooked through Blooked for Clooked after Dlooked out考例21“Goodbye,then,”she said,without even from her book(2007全国I)Alooking down Blooking up Clooking awayDlooking on考例22 The building around the corner caught fire last night The police are now _ the matter (2006湖北)Aseeing throughBworking outClooking intoDwatching overset词组的考察:考例23 Einstein liked Boses paper so much that he _ his own work and translated it into German (2008山东)A gave off B turned down C took over D set aside考例24 For all these years, I have been working for othersIm hoping Ill _my own business someday (2006江西)A turn up B fix up Cset up Dmake up turn词组的考察:考例25_What are you reading, Tom?- Im not really reading, just _ the pages (2008全国II)Aturning off Bturning around Cturning over Dturning up考例26 shes having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesnt know whom to_(2007重庆)Aturnto Blookfor Cdealwith Dtalkabout考例27with no one to _in such a frightening situation,she felt very hopeless (2006陕西)Aturn to Bturn on Cturn off Dturnovergive词组的考察:考例28If a person has not had enough sleep, his cation will give him _ during the day (2008江西)Aaway Bup Cin Dback 考例29The news of the majors coming to our school for a visit was _ on the radio yesterday (2007福建)Aturned out Bfound out Cgivenout Dcarried out run, make, match, leave等词组的考察:考例30American Indian _ about five percent of the US population(2008浙江卷)Afill up Bbring up Cmake up Dset up考例31The teacher stressed again that the students should not _ any important details while retelling the story(2008湖北卷)Abring out Blet out Cleave out Dmake out考例32In modern times, people have to learn to _ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life(2008湖北卷)Akeep with Bstay with Cmeet with Dlive with考例33The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to _ its reality(2008湖北卷)Amake up Bfigure out Clook throughDput off考例34The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to _ their discussion(2008天津卷)Aput away Btake down Clook over Dcarry on考例35Her shoes _ her dress; they look very well together(2008天津卷)Asuit Bfit Ccompare Dmatch考例36Im still working on my projectOh, youll miss the deadline Time is _(2008江苏卷)Arunning out Bgoing out Cgiving out Dlosing out2淡化语法,突出词汇的传统考察。2005年高考考纲把“词汇知识”列出来,这意味着高考对词汇知识的考查加强,2008年湖北高考已不把语法作为重点,所有单选题都是词语辨析,这反映了新课标地区已经把词汇的考察提升到非常高的地位。2009年也体现了考题的传统型,考察项目有:(1)、同一动词+不同介词|副词构成词组进行辨析;如【考题1】(2009全国卷I)【考题3】(2009四川)(2)、不同动词+相同介词|副词构成词组进行辨析;如【考题3】(2009江苏)【考题4】(2009四川)【考题5】(2009天津)(3)、含“to”的动词短语与不定式的区别。这些组合及不同用法加宽高考覆盖面,信息量加大,增加了对学生综合能力的考察。3强化情景,注重基础性和实用性。2009年高考对动词短语辨析的考察都设置了一定的情景,与日常生活密切相关,通过情景体现不同动词短语的本意及引申意,较好地体现了2009年稳中求变,变中求新,强化语境的命题指导思想。4关注创新能力的考察。动词短语本身多形多意,2009年这方面的考察力度也不小,这对考生提出了更高的要求。如【考题4】(2009四川)“break down ”意为分解,损坏,瓦解,终止,(健康等的)垮掉、崩溃,根据题意应是车出毛病了,只有“break down”有此意。三2010备战策略1抓重点。在课本中频频出现的重点动词词组系列要总结。如:add to / up (up) agree on / with .break in / out / up / into / off / down / away from / throughbring on / out / about / up / in / downbe made of / from / in / intocall at / up / for / on / upon / off / in on ( at ) /in carry on / out / off / up /throughcome across / on / out / about / up / in / back /away / to care for / aboutcompare to / with cut off / out / in / down / throughdie of / from / down / away / for / outget on / away / back / off / along / through / up / down / in / round / down( to )give away / off / out /up / in / back go ahead / against / away / back / into /off / on / out /over / round / through /without hold back / off / on( to ) / out / to / up / withkeep back / off / out / on / up / awayjoin in / to / uplook after / ahead / away / back / out / for / forward to / around / into / through / over / up / down upon / back on make out / up / up for / from pay back / off / to / forput aside / away / back / down / forward / into / off / on / out / up withrun after / away / for / out / over / throughsend up / forset aside /about /out /off / down / up show to / around / offstand for / out / bytake after / back / down / off / up / over / in / care of turn away /about /back / down / into / in / out / off / over2看语境。对动词短语不同形式的意义和用法要紧记在心,体会语境,词达其意。3掌握“to”。含介词的动词短语与不定式的区别是高考常考及易错项目之一。如add to , admit to , add up to , come to , belong to , contribute to , object to , get to , refer to , stick to , lead to , attend to , see to , trust to , total to , turn to , pay attention to , devote to , prefer to, do harm /good /wrong to , be / get / become used to , be devoted to , be reduced to , be accustomed to , date back to , get down to , look forward to , keep close to , face up to , hold on to等。4压新题。把新考纲中出现的短语动词作为重点,搜罗近年来未考的重点动词短语及考过的动词短语其他搭配和意思。


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