市场营销课件:第1章 概论

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Chapter 1 第一章The Induction and Marketing:Managing Profitable Customer Relationships概论Learning Objective 界定营销概念和了解市场营销的步骤。Be able to define marketing and outline the steps in the marketing process.掌握五种主要的营销理念Explain the importance of understanding customers and the marketplace,and identify the five core marketplace concepts.1 Marketing Defined市场营销定义Kotlers social definition:“Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating(生产),offering(提供),and freely exchanging(交易)products and services of value with others.”1 Marketing Defined市场营销定义The AMA managerial definition:“Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception,pricing,promotion(促销),and distribution(分销)of ideas,goods,and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.”1 Marketing Defined市场营销定义 Simple definition:营销就是对顾客关系的管理Marketing is managing profitable customer relationshipsGoals:目标 吸引新顾客吸引新顾客Attracting new customers 保留和增加现有顾客消费额保留和增加现有顾客消费额Retaining and growing current customers 营销不能等同于销售或或者广告“Marketing”is NOT synonymous 同义词with“sales”or“advertising”Why the marketing function is important to company and organization?2 Marketing Process营销过程2.1Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants了解市场和客户需求2.2Design a customer-driven marketing strategy设计顾客导向的营销策略2.3Construct a marketing program that delivers superior value构建合适的营销方案2.4Build profitable relationships and create customer delight与客户建立有件价值的关系2.5Capture value from customers to create profits and customer quality获取顾客价值2.1Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants了解市场和客户需求 Needs,wants,demands需要、欲望和需求 Product offering and brand营销供给(产品、服务和体验)Market 市场 Value and satisfaction价值和满意2.1.1 Needs,Wants&Demands Need:describe basic human requirements including physical,social,and individual needs.未满足的感受 Physical:身体需要 Food,clothing,shelter,safety Social:社会需要 Belonging,affection归属和爱 Individual:个人其他需要 Learning,knowledge,self-expressionThese needs are not created by marketing;they are intrinsic内生而非受刺激产生 2.1.1 Needs,Wants&Demands Needs become wants when they are directed to specific objects that might satisfy the need.(Fast food)当需要有了具体指向物的时候成为欲望 Form that a human need takes,as shaped by culture and individual personality受文化和个性影响 Wants+Buying Power=Demand.Discussion Scenario1.As a personal list,develop a list(try for ten of each)of your needs and wants as a college student.作为高校学生你有哪些需要和欲望How are they different from other market groups?和其他群体的不同点在于 Discuss with your partner next to you2.1.2 营销供给n包括产品、服务和体验n微信的新发展2.1.3.MarketThe set of actual and potential buyers of a product.某产品的潜在和现实购买者These people share a need or want that can be satisfied through exchange relationships2 Marketing Process营销过程2.1Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants了解市场和客户需求2.2Design a customer-driven marketing strategy设计顾客导向的营销策略2.3Construct a marketing program that delivers superior value构建合适的营销方案2.4Build profitable relationships and create customer delight与客户建立有件价值的关系2.5Capture value from customers to create profits and customer quality获取顾客价值2.2Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy设计客户导向的营销战略Selecting customers选择目标客户What customers will we serve?What is our target market?Value proposition价值主张/定位即公司通过其产品和服务所能向消费者提供的价值 The set of benefits or values a company promises to deliver to consumers to satisfy their needs2.3consutruct a marketing program构建营销方案Marketing management orientation 确定营销理念Companies must decide on their philosophy to guide their marketing strategy.Preparing marketing plan and program准备营销计划和方案2.3.1 Marketing Management OrientationsSocietal Marketing Concept社会营销理念社会营销理念The orientation of the firm typically guides marketing effortsMarketing Concept营销理念营销理念Product Concept产品理念产品理念Selling Concept促销理念促销理念Production Concept生产理念生产理念(1)Production Concept生产观点(the production concept)时间:20世纪初背景:生产力水平较低,市场状况基本上供不应求。大多数企业只能生产单一产品。特点:企业认为消费者会喜欢那些价格低的和随处可买得到的产品,因此企业应致力于提高生产的效率和扩大配销的范围上。企业生产经营的核心在生产环节,而非消费需求上 有时也可以起到一定的作用(2)Product Concept产品观点(the product concept)时间:20世纪20年代之前背景:单一产品市场基本均衡,生产处于饱和状态。经营者开始认为消费者喜欢高质量、多功能、具有多种特色的产品。Holds that consumers will favor products that offer the highest quality,performance and innovative features.Organisations focus on continuous product improvement 产品自恋症营销近视症酒香不怕巷子深(3)Selling Concept推销观点(the selling concept)时间:20世纪末到二次世界大战结束背景:产品供大于求。1929-1933年的经济大危机,产品过剩成为企业经营中的问题特点:认为消费者对于购买存在某种惰性和抗衡心理,需要有效的推销技术进行刺激。经营重点放在推销上,目前主要用于非盈利或者非渴求产品的经营中。(3)Selling ConceptFactoryExistingProductsSellingandPromotingProfitsthroughVolumeThe Selling ConceptStartingPointFocusMeansEndsMarketCustomerNeedsIntegratedMarketingProfitsthroughSatisfactionThe Marketing Concept(4)Marketing Concept营销观点(marketing concept)时间:20世纪50年代背景:生产力迅速提高,产品丰富,消费需求不断更新,购买选择性增强。市场主导权转移到卖方。企业的经营目标必须在满足顾客需求的基础上实现。日本三井家族的百货公司代客订购和无条件退货。特点:消费者导向,从买方需要出发设计生产产品。组合产品和耐克的销售模式。(5)Societal Marketing Concept社会营销观点 societal marketing concept时间:20世纪80年代以来背景:单纯重视市场的观点导致外部不经济,环境污染、道德问题等出现。特点:关注社会和消费者的长期利益。食品添加剂的是与非?大排量车的问题?Societal Marketing ConceptSocietal Marketing Concept社会营销理念Company(Profits企业利润)Consumers(Want Satisfaction客户满意)Society(Human Welfare社会整体福利)Production ConceptProduct ConceptSelling ConceptMarketing ConceptSocietal Marketing ConceptConsumers favor products that are available and highly affordable.Improve production and distribution.Consumers favor products that offer the most quality,performance,and innovative features.Consumers will buy products only if the company promotes/sells these products.Focuses on needs/wants of target markets&delivering satisfaction better than competitors.Focuses on needs/wants of target markets&delivering superior value.2.3.1 Marketing Management OrientationsExerciseWhat philosophy is it1最重要的是把产品制造出来,因为消费者总会购买All that mattered was to make what you can because people will buy it anyway.2你可以购买任何一款颜色的T型车,只要它是黑色的Henry Ford:you could buy any color Model T you wanted,as long as it is blackWhat philosophy is it3 我们是专业面粉磨坊We are professional flour millers.Blessed with a supply of the finest North American wheat,plenty of water power,and excellent milling machinery,we produce flour of the highest quality.Our basic function is to mill quality flour4 我们必须雇佣销售人员销售,就像我们需要财务人员管理账簿We must hire salespersons to sell it just as we need accountants to keep our book.What philosophy is it5 We are in the business of satisfying needs and wants of consumers6 We make it happen for you(Marriott)7 To fly,to serve(British Airways)8 Were not satisfied until you are(GE);9 Let us exceed your expectations(Celebrity Cruise Lines).课后作业分析某企业或者某产品的营销理念,并给出证明,可以是企业的价值理念、广告主宣语、企业宣言、管理人员讲话等2 Marketing Process营销过程2.1Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants了解市场和客户需求2.2Design a customer-driven marketing strategy设计顾客导向的营销策略2.3Construct a marketing program that delivers superior value构建合适的营销方案2.4Build profitable relationships and create customer delight与客户建立有件价值的关系2.5Capture value from customers to create profits and customer quality获取顾客价值2.3.2 Marketing ProgramThe Four P Components of the Marketing Mix2.4 Building Customer Relationships客户关系管理The process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction.通过提供卓越的顾客价值和满意度进行建设和维护有益顾客关系的过程Customer Perceived Value顾客感知价值与竞争对手相比,消费者对付出的时间精力成本与获得利益之差Customers evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a marketing offer relative to those of competing offers.Customer Satisfaction顾客满意顾客满意取决于消费者的期望和感知质量Dependent on the products perceived performance relative to a buyers expectations.2.4.1顾客关系层次和工具Financial Benefits经济利益Social Benefits社会利益Structural Ties结构联系Focus on profitable customers选择价值高的顾客2.4.2企业内部和外部顾客 Partners inside the firm All employees customer focused Teams coordinate efforts toward customers Partners outside the firm Supply chain management Strategic alliances2 Marketing Process营销过程2.1Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants了解市场和客户需求2.2Design a customer-driven marketing strategy设计顾客导向的营销策略2.3Construct a marketing program that delivers superior value构建合适的营销方案2.4Build profitable relationships and create customer delight与客户建立有件价值的关系2.5Capture value from customers to create profits and customer quality获取顾客价值2.5Capturing Value from Customers获取顾客价值 Creating customer loyalty and retention建立顾客忠诚度和形成回头客 Growing share of customer提高消费者份额 Building customer equity建立客户资产 Building the right relationship with the right customers建设正确的关系Customer Loyalty&Retention种程度和回头率nCustomer Lifetime Value顾客终生价值nThe entire stream of purchases that the customer would make over a lifetime of patronage.nShare of Customer消费者份额nThe share a company gets of the customers purchasing in their product categories.Customer Equity客户资产nCustomer equity is the total combined customer lifetime values of all the companys customers.


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