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,Lemon Tree,Lemon Tree是一首由Fools Garden(愚人花园)于1996年首唱的乡村歌曲,由Fools Garden填词谱曲,收录在Fools Garden1995年发行专辑Dish of the Day中 ,使这支原本寂寂无名的德国5人乐队一下子红遍欧洲,在被苏慧伦翻唱后也开始为国人熟知。,Fools Garden愚人花园,这首Lemon Tree,描写一位大男孩于某个星期天的下午等待女朋友时的焦急、不安和胡思乱想的心情,旋律欢快清新,如果你有什么烦恼和不快,学着唱一曲Lemon tree,一定会很惬意的。,Im sitting here in a boring room. Its just another rainy Sunday afternoon. Im waisting my time, I got nothing to do. Im hanging around, Im waiting for you. But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.,boring意为“令人厌烦的,乏味的”,形容物;注意与bored的区别,bored意为“感到厌烦的,感到无聊的”,形容人。 Im bored at the boring film.,Its just another rainy Sunday afternoon 这只是又一个下雨的星期天下午 another意为“又一个,另一个” hang around是习语,意为“闲荡, 徘徊, 逗留”。 wonder是动词,意为“感到疑惑(好奇),想知道”。,Im driving around in my car Im driving too fast, Im driving too far Id like to change my point of view I feel so lonely, Im waiting for you But nothing ever happens and I wonder,point of view是固定词组,意为“观点, 看法, 见解”。 lonely是形容词,意为“孤独的,孤寂的”。,I wonder how, I wonder why. Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky. And all (that I can see) is just a yellow lemon tree. Im turning my head up and down. Im turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around. And all that I can see is just another yellow lemon tree,turn 扭转,转动 Im turning my head up and down我向上看 向下看。 turn around是习语,意为转身;扭头”。,Im sitting here, and I miss the power. Id like to go out taking a shower. But theres a heavy clound inside my mind. I feel so tired, and put myself into bed. While nothing ever happens, and I wonder.,miss这里指“未能利用(某事物),如miss the chance/opportunity of doing sth 失掉或错过做某事的时机/机会 take a shower 洗澡 theres a heavy cloud inside my head脑袋里阴云密布,指头脑发昏。 put指”使某物处于某位置“,所以put oneself into bed意为”把某人自己放在床上“,即某人上床睡觉。注意这里介词用into或者to,而不是on。,Isolation is not good for me Isolation I dont wand to sit on a lemon-tree Im stepping around in the dessrt of joy baby anyhow ill get another toy And everying will happen and you wonder,isolation是由动词isolate转化来的名词,意为”隔离, 孤立“。 step这里是动词,行走,踏上 step around 到处走动,走来走去 desert 沙漠 joy 欢乐 anyhow“不管怎样,无论如何”; toy“玩具”,,关于这首歌的深意各种猜测五花八门,尤其是关于“柠檬树”意象的所指。在这首歌中,有两个强有力又相反的隐喻:“蓝天”和“柠檬树”。“蓝天”显然易见,代表的是万里无云的晴天,所以它代表的是幸福和乐观。“柠檬树”就不是个典型性的隐喻了,但是通常人们将其看做辛酸、苦味的象征(柠檬很酸很苦,而柠檬树上长满了柠檬),所以这里,“柠檬树”代表了悲伤、悲观,和“蓝天”是截然相反的。,But everything makes sense(讲得通) if we know one fact about this song: The singer had a French girlfriend who died in a car accident. she crashed(碰撞) against a lemon tree. So yes, the lemon tree stands for(代表) bitterness, sadness, its the opposite of blue sky, but now we can easily understand why.,但是,如果我们了解了这首歌一件真相后,一切就都说得通了:歌手(Peter Freudenthaler,愚人花园的主唱)的法国女友在车祸中去世了她撞向了一棵柠檬树。所以是的,柠檬树在这里代表了苦涩和悲伤,和“蓝天”意味截然不同,而且我们很容易理解原因所在了。,


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