3GPP 5G射频指标解释

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5G频段分两部分:FR1和FR2以3.5G出为主以理3gV7MGH为主山*岫1P忡甲1,fj1 d J f 4 J f 珀L. y$,通段出扩期曜在3GPP!办设中,5G的总体频谱资源可以分为以下两个FR ( Frequency Range FR1 : SubGG频段,也就是我们说的低暧频段.是5G的主用频段;其中3G&以下的频率我们郦之为 subSG ,炭余顿段称为Gbd FR2:至米波,13孰星琳:说昭玛成频段,为沁的扩展频段,颇道资德丰房下面是FR1也就是sub 6G的频段表:NR operating bandUplink (UL) operat/ng band BS receive / UE transmit FuL_Iow FuL_hiBhDownlink (DL) operating band BS transmit / UE receive Fdl_Iow FDL_highDuplex Meden11920 MHz 198。MHz2110 MHz-2170 MHzFDDn21350 MHz 191。MHz1930 MHz-1S90 MHzFDDn31710MHZ-1735 MHZ13D5 MHZ-1880 MHZFDDn5824 MhZ - 849 MHz669 MHZ - 894 MHzFDDn72500 Mhz - 2570 MHz2620 MHz - 269Q MHzFDDn8880 Mhz-915MHz925 MHz - 960 MHzFDDn12699 MHz716 MHz729 MHz - 746 MHzFDDn1476S MhZ- 79& MHZ758 MHZ - 768 MHzFDDnW315 MhZ-830 MHZ86。MHZ - 375 MHzFDDn20832 Mhz- 362 MHz791 MHz-321 MHzFDD1350 MHz 1915 MHz1930 MHz-1995 MHzFDD诬703 Mhz- 748 MHz758 MHz - 803 MHzFDDn30d2305M1Z-2315 MHz2350 MHZ - 2360 MHzFDDn342010 Mhz-2025 MHz2010 MHz-2025 MHzTDDn382570 Mhz - 2620 MHz2570 MHz - 2620 MHzTDDn391380 Mhz-1920 MHz18&0 MHz-1920 MHzTDDF1402300 Mhz - 2400 MHz2300 MHz - 2400 MHzTDDn412496 Mhz - 2690 MHz2496 MHZ - 2690 MHzTDDn483550 Mhz - 3700 MHz3550 MHz - 3700 MHzTDDn501432 Mhz-1517 MHz1432 MHz-1517 MHzTDDn511427 Mhz - 1432 MHz1427 MHz-1432 MHzTDDn651920 Mhz-2010 MHZ2TI0 MHZ-2200 MHZFDD4n661710 Mhz-1780 MHz2TI0 MHz-2200 MHzFDDn701695 Mhz-1710 MHz1995 MHz-2020 MHzFDDn71663 Mhz- 698 MHz617 MHz-652 MHzFDDn741427 Mhz - 1470 MHz1475 MHz-1518 MHzFDDn7SN/A1432 MHZ-1517 MHZSDLr76N/A1427 MHz-1432 MHzSDLn773300 Mhz - 4200 MHz3300 MHz - 4200 MHzTDDn783300 Mhz - 3800 MHz3300 MHz - 3800 MHzTDDn794400 Mhz - 5000 MHZ4400 MHZ - 5000 MHzTDDnao1710 Mhz-1735 MHzN/ASULn81880 Mhz-915 MHzN/ASULn82832 Mhz- 362 MHzN/ASULn83703 Mhz- 748 MHzN/ASULn841920 Mhz-1980 MHZN/ASULn861710 Mhz-1780 MHzN/ASULn902496 Mhz - 2690 MHz2496 MHz - 2690 MHzTDD国内运营商移动部署的5G频段是n41和n79,联通和电信部署的频段都是n78,具体频率范 围如下:中国移动:n41:25152675MHz,n79:48004900MHz;中国电信:n78:34003500MHz;中国联通:n78:35003600MHz;3GPP中关于5G FR1(sub 6G)的射频指标要求都在38.101中,其中38.101-1和38.101-2分 别定义的是SA架构下FR1(sub 6G)和FR1(毫米波)下的射频指标要求,38.101-3是ENDC 和5G CA组合下的5G射频指标要求,ENDC就是我们现阶段国内运营商正在推行的NSA架 构。因为NSA架构属于过渡阶段,运营商重点部署的是SA架构,因此本文重点讲述SA架 构下5G的射频指标,也就是38.101-1。3GPP 相关文档下载地址:https:/www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/38_series/发射指标:6发射特性6.2 Transmitter power 发射功率;6. 2.1 UE maximum output power 最大发射功率Table 6.2.1-1: UE Power ClassNR bandClass 1 (dBm)Tolerance (dB)CIjss 2Tolerance (dB)Cla&s 3 K 旧 in)ToleranceEB)n123+2n2232Jn3232n523n723ne23迓n12232n1431*Z/-3232n18237n20232Jn2523i2n2823+2Z-2.5nSO232n34232顽23岌n3;9232r40232n4126+2/-3a232Jn4&23q-3n5023i2n51232nS5232nS6232阿023岌n7123+2/-Z.5n7423n7726+事3232-3n7&25乜-323+-2Z-3n7926+心23+-2A3nflO232nS1232n&223岌n63232/-2.5n&423an85232NOTE 1: Pis the maximum UE power specified without takin-g intoleranesNOTE 2. Pow&rclass 3 is. default power class unless othersiie statedNOTE 3: Refers to the transmission band widths confined withh Fulj ai MHzor FjL_nign-4 MHz and FuL_wgu. the maximum output pawe is relaxed by reducing the lower toteranc-e linik by 1.5 dB:c account th&id FulJdw 卜 4 ir requirement以上测试取样周期至少为1个子帧,1ms,除非特别说明,对各自支持的所有带宽都有效6. 2.2 UE maximum output power reduction 最大发射功率回退5G NR允许终端在特定的调制方式、特定的RB分配机制下,适当回退最大发射功率,以适 应高阶调制带来的发射指标超标或者占用带宽超标的问题;Table 6.2.2-1 Maxnmum power reduction (MPR) for power class 3ModUtaUomMPR (dB)idge RB allocationsOuter RB allocationsInner RB lallocdtiofis FT-OFDMPii2 BPSKs 3.5il.21sO.21口宁bQPSK3 1D16 QAMw 1由QAM256 QAM4.5CP-OFDMQPSKS3S 1516 QAMS3混64 QAM3525&O AM*NOTE 1! Appllgb电 for UE opraling in TDD mcid白叫1rtH PIj2 PBSK modulation and UE Indicated support for UE espabllity 和诣9Pand if the IE poiverBaastPf2BP$f 2 set to 1 and 40 % ar less slate in radio frarne are uxd far UL transmission for bands- n40, nd 1, n?, n?8 and n?9 Th* Ewonc* po以w of 0 dB MPR is 26 dBm.NOTE 2: Applitabh for UEeperiling in FDD mod*, or iri DD mod* iin 品nds dlhef 出白n ft4D, n41, n77e n7S and n79 占rd if出君 IE pctgrBogtPiWBPBK is 玉就 io 0 end if mors! than 40 % of slols in rgdio frame-肃尊 usdl for UL transmission for bands n4D. n4L n77. n78 and n70.6. 2.3 UE additional maximum output power reduction 额外最大发射功率回退额外最大功率回退是网络端基于杂散的额外要求而设定的,额外最大功率回退值和最大功率 回退值不能重复叠加,取最大值做回退,=二*】.算.客特定频段特定RB信令连接的最大功率回退Table; A-MPR for NS_100 (UTRA protection)Modu lationWaveformOuter (dB)Pi/2 BPSK2QPSK216 QAM2.564 QAM256 QAM4.5CP-QFDMQPSK416 QAM号464 QAM4256 QAM Table 6.3.1-1UE Output Power for 256 QAMdBm Table 6.3.1-1 + 10 dBOperating conditionsNormal conditionsTable 6.3.1-1: Minimum output powerChannel bandwidth (MHz)Minimum output power (dBm)Measurement bandwidth (MHz)54.51510-409.37515-4014,23520-4019.09525-3923.95530-33.228.81540-3738.895503648,61560-35.258.3580-3478.1590-33.538.231003398.316.4.2.2 Carrier leakage 载波泄露Carrier leakage is an additive sinusoid waveform whose frequency is the same as the modulated waveform carrier frequency. The measurement interval is one slot in the time domain.In the case that uplink sharing, the carrier leakage may have 7.5 kHz shift with the carrier frequency. The relative carrier leakage power is a power ratio of the additive sinusoid waveform and the modulated waveform. The relative carrier leakage power shall not exceed the values specified in Table .4.2.2-1 载波泄露是一种由于串扰或者直流偏移造成的干扰,表现为未经调制的载波频率上的正弦波。这 是一种幅度恒定且与信号幅度相对立的干扰。信号的IQ分量会对中心的子载波造成干扰,尤其 是输出的调制信号较小的时候影响更大,本测试项以载波泄露的形式测试UE发射机的调试质量。Table Requirements for Carrier LeakageParameterRelative Limit (dBc)Output power 10 dBm-280 dBm Output power 10 dBm-25-30 dBrri Output power 0 dBm-20-40 dBm Output power 10 dBmIn馅g白 frequencies (NOTES 2, 3)-25Image frequencies when output power 10 dBmCarrier leakagedBc-26output; io dBmCarrier leakage frequency (NOTES 4S 5)-250 dBm Output piwuer lOdQm-20-30 dBm Output power 0 dBn-10-40 dBm Dulpul power the measiired average power per allocated RB. where the averaging 15 done across 日II allocated RB5NOTE 3- The applicable frequencies for this limit are tiiose that are enclosed in the rellection of liie allocated barwidth. based onwith, respect to the earner leakaae frequency, but excluding allocatedRBs.note 4 Tihe measurement bandwidth is i RB and tne umH is expressed as a ratio of measured rower (n one nonallocated RB to ihe measured (otel power m all allocated RBs.NOTE 5 The applicable frequenci&s for this, limit depend on the parameter txDirQciCutYGntLacation in UptinkTxDfr&ctCunnt IE. and are those that are enclosed siltier in the RB coniaBning me earner leakage frequiicy, or in th巨 Iwo RBs irnm&diiatlyIn the earnerfrequency but 白黑Eluchrig anyHl locked RB.NOTE 6- Lcjs is the Trensnussian Bandwidllh (see section 5.3.NOTE 7: Mrs is th& Transniiission Bandwidth Configuratianstion 5.3).NOTE 8_ EVM is the limit sp&cifi-ed in Table &4 2.1-1 for the nfiodulation fomiial: used in the allocated RBs.NOTE 9- 也陌 is the starting frequency offset between the allocated RB and the imieesured non-allocated RB (e.g = 1 = -1 for the first adjacent RB outeide of the allocated bandwidth.NOTE 1 Di3s am avenag of the transmitted power over 10 sub-fram&s nornializd by the number of allocatedRBs, imeasiLjred in dBm. EVM equalizer spectrum flatness6. Requirements for Pi/2 BPSK modulation6.5 Output RF spectrum emissions 输出射频发射频谱6.5.1 Occupied bandwidth 占用带宽Occupied bandwidth is defined as the bandwidth containing 99 % of the total integrated mean power of the transmitted spectrum on the assigned channel. The occupied bandwidth for all transmission bandwidth configurations (Resources Blocks) shall be less than the channel bandwidth specified in Table 6.5.1- Out of band emission 带外杂散The Out of band emissions are unwanted emissions immediately outside the assigned channel bandwidth resulting from the modulation process and non-linearity in the transmitter but excluding spurious emissions. This out of band emission limit is specified in terms of a spectrum emission mask and an adjacent channel leakage power ratio.带外杂散包含SEM和ACLR两部分,其中SEM单位是绝对值 dBm,而ACLR单位是相对值dBC。频谱模板ACLR杂散fOOB)startingfromtheCL. Ass i gned Channe I Bandwidth 频谱模板*Out Of Sand Emi ssios6.5.2.2 Spectrum emission mask 发射频谱模板ThespectrumemissionmaskoftheUEappliestofrequencies(edgeoftheOOB。assignedNRchannelbandwidth.ForfrequenciesoffsetgreaterthanF发射频谱模板指的是channel bandwidth至到AfOOB之间的频谱,见上面的图片SEM部分。Table Boundary between NR out of band and general spurious emission domainChannel bandwidthDOB boundary Afoos (MHz)BWchannel + 5Tablo 6-5-2.2-1: General NR spectrum emiasion maskpetirum ernl$ion HmU(dBm)/ Chnni bandw旧山&4MMH玮MHz10 MHz15IM Hz20MHz25 MHzJOMHz40MHz50 MHz60MHz80 MHz90 MHz1100 MHzMeasurement barmclwidth0-1-1313-13-13-1313-131 % channel bandlcith0-11-24-24-24为30 KHz+ 1-5-10-1010-1010-10-1D-10-1010-10-101 MHz 5-6-15-13-13-13-1313-13-13-1$-13-13-136-10-2510-15-25+ 15-20-25 20-25-25 25-20-25+ 3Q-35253JQ40-45-25t 45-50+ 50-55-25i 55-60+ 60-65-25 65-80 BO-85-25+瞄-如 90-95-25 95-100 100-105256.5.2.4 Adjacent channel leakage ratio 临道功率泄露AdjacentchannelleakagepowerRatio(ACLR)istheratioofthefilteredmeanpowercentredontheassignedchannelfrequencytothefilteredmeanpowercentredonanadjacentchannelfrequency.ACLR指的是指定的信道对相邻的信道滤波后的平均功率之比,这个参数的好坏反映的当前终端对同系统的其他用户的影响。 NR ACLR 5G NR 临道功率泄露Table*1: NR ACLR measurement bandwidthNR channel bandwidth i NR ACLR ineAureinenl bandwidthMHz1D MHz15 MHz20 MHz25 MHz3。MHz44) MHz50 MHzSO MHz80 MHr90 MHz100 MHzNR ACLR meauremerit bandwidth4.5159.37514.2351S.D9523 95528.8153839548 61558 357B.1503.2398.31Table*2; NR ACLR requirementPower caw 1Fowet cla 2Powe 口启零3NR ACLR31 dR30 dB6. UTRA ACLR UMTS制式临道功率泄露UTRA adjacent channel leakage power ratio (UTRAaclr) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the assigned NR channel frequency to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent(s) UTRA channel frequency.UTRAaclr is specified for the first adjacent UTRA channel (UTRAaclr1) which center frequency is 土2.5 MHz from NR channel edge and for the 2nd adjacent UTRA channel (UTRAaclr2)which center frequency is 土 7.5 MHz from NR channel edge.和LTE类似,5G NR也有相应的对UMTS (WCDMA和TD-SCDMA)的邻道干扰的指标,ACLR1 指的是5G信道边缘2.5 MHz,ACLR2指的是5G信道边缘土7.5 MHz。-Emp.-指标要求如下:Table UTRA ACLR requirementPower class 3UTRAaclri33 dBUTRAaclrs36 dB6.5.3 Spurious emissions 发射杂散这里的发射杂散是通用的发射杂散,和LTE的要求非常类似,是o ut of band emssions之外的频谱 要求。具体指标要求如下:Table 6,5.3,1-2: Requirement for general spurious emissions limitsFrequency RangeMaximumLevelMeasurementbandwidthNOTE9150kHz-36 dBm1 kHz150 kHzf 30 MHZ-36 dBm10 kHz30 MHzfl000 MHz-36 dBm100 kHz1 GHzf 12.75 GH?-30 dBm1 MHZ-25 dBm1 MHz312 75 GHzf 5* harmonic of the upper frequency edge of the UL operating band in GHz-30 dBm1 MHz112.75 GHz f 26 GHz-30 dBm1 MHz2NOTE 1: Applies for Band that the upper frequency edge of the UL Band more _ than 2.69 GHzNOTE 2; Applies for Band that the upper frequency edge of the UL Band more than 5.2 GHzNOTE 3: Applies for Band n41h CA configurations including Band n4l. and EN- C configurations that include n41 specified in subclause 5.2B of TS 38,101-3 3 when NS*4 imignall色d6.5.4 Transmit intermodulation 发射交调The transmit intermodulation performance is a measure of the capability of the transmitter to inhibit the generation of signals in its non linear elements caused by presence of the wanted signal and an interfering signal reaching the transmitter via the antenna.UE transmit intermodulation is defined by the ratio of the mean power of the wanted signal to the mean power of the intermodulation product when an interfering CW signal is added at a level below the wanted signal at each transmitter antenna port with the other antenna port(s) if any terminated. Both the wanted signal power and the intermodulation product power are measured through NR rectangular filter with measurement bandwidth shown in Table 6.5.4-1.The requirement of transmit intermodulation is specified in Table 6.5.4-1.发射交调反映的是天线口的非线性特性,分别在中心频点土信道带宽和2*信道带宽加注-40dBC 的CW信号,测试交调产物分别不超过-29dBc和-35dBC。Table 6.5.4-1: Tranamh llntnfmodulaltionWanted $ignalChannell bandwidthIncerfersnce $i$nai frsquency oftset from channel centerBWchajinrfinterference CW signal i$v$l-40 dBcIn lrmodlu lation product-29 dBc -35 dBcMnisursment bandwidthThe maximum transmission bandsuidtii ccnfiguration among the different SOSs for the channel BW ss defined in Table 6.5.2 4 J-1MaaiurementoffSEi channel centerWchartwi and TBWchannei2*BWchdinfiei mnU 4*BWthanne(7 Receiver characteristics 接收特性7.2 Diversity characteristics 分集特性7.3 Reference sensitivity 参考灵敏度接收灵敏度,应该是射频领域中最基本的概念之一,是表示接收机能够在不超过一定误码率的情 况下识别的最低信号强度。这里说误码率,和LTE一样,是沿用GSM和WCDMA CS(Circuit Switched,电路域交换)时代的定义作一个通称。在多数情况下,BER (Bit Error Rate,误比特率) 或PER (Packet Error Rate,误包率)用来考察灵敏度。而5G NR和LTE一样用Throughput(吞吐量) 来表征灵敏度,用吞吐量不低于95%的最小信号表征5GNR的灵敏度。先来看下灵敏度的计算公式:Sensitivity = 10log10(KT0) + 10log10(BW)+NF+CNRmin其中10log10(KT0)表示的是室温25C的底噪-174dBm,在绝对零度-273C时我们认为电子是不运 动的,这个时候的底噪是-174dBm,室温下电子有活动了,但底噪增加的非常有限,为了计算方 便,室温下的底噪还记做-174dBm。BW: Band Width,带宽;NF: Noise Figure,系统的噪声系数,一般指第一个低噪放的噪声系数;CNRmin: Minimum Carrier Noise Ratio Allowed,系统解调所允许的最小载波噪声比;以5G NR的2 0MHz业务为例,讲解下5G NR灵敏度的由来。Sensitivity(LTE) = 10log10(KT0) + 10log10(BW)+NF+CNRmin=-174dbm + 10log10(19.08*10A6)+ 6db + (-1)dB=-174dBm+72.8+6dB+ (-1) dB=-96.2dBmBW =20MHz业务实际占用带宽19MHzNF = 6


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