人教版(PEP)三年级英语下册Unit 4(全)-课件.ppt

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Lets talkLets learn Lets do Lets spell Lets talkLets learn Lets do Start to read Lets checkLets sing Story time,B,A,C,Unit 4 Where is my car?,Unit 4 Where is my car?,Part A 第一课时,Lets talk,我们回家吧! 好的! 噢!我的铅笔盒在哪里? 看!在你的桌子里。 哦,是的! 还有你的铅笔!在你的书下面! 我真傻!谢谢!,课文翻译,重点句型,询问某个物体的位置以及回答: Where is+某物? Its+方位介词+地点. 例:Where is the pencil? Its on the desk. 【注意】on意思是“在上”。,对话操练,看图,问答图中三种文具的位置。 1.Where is the ruler? Its on the desk. 2.Where is the book? Its in the desk. 3.Where is the bag? Its under the desk.,Unit 4 Where is my car?,Part A 第二课时,Lets learn,on in under chair desk 在上在里 在下面 椅子 书桌,Where is the ruler? Its under the chair! 尺子在哪里? 在椅子下面!,句型操练,师生问答。教师随机问一名学生某文具的位置问题,学生根据实际情况回答。 例:Where is your pencil box? Its on the desk. 1.Where is your bag? Its in/on/under. 2.Where is your crayon? Its in/on/under.,Lets do,1.跟着录音读句子,边读边做动作。 2.游戏:你说我做。同桌一人说句子,另一人要 做出动作。轮流说句子,看谁做得又对又快。,Put your foot under your chair. Put your hand on your chair. Put your arm in your desk. Put your hand under your desk.,Unit 4 Where is my car?,Part A 第三课时,dog box orangebody,看图,说一说。,Lets spell,Listen,repeat and chant. dog,/d/-/-/g/,/dg / box,/b/-/-/ks/,/bks/ orange,/-/r/-/i/-/n/-/d/,/rind/ body,/b/-/-/d/-/i/,/ bdi /,Lets chant. The dog is on the box. The orange box. See the dog, See the box, See the dog on the orange box!,发音小贴士,本课时我们学习的是元音字母o在单词中发短元音/ /。发/ /时,口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩,双唇稍稍收圆。,发音舌位图,听录音,完成课本第40页的Read,listen and number. 听力录音原文: 1.boxdoll dog mom 2.bodyon orange box 答案:1. 13 2 4 2. 21 3 4,Unit 4 Where is my car?,Part B 第一课时,Lets talk,妈妈,我的帽子在哪里? 在你的包里吗? 不,不在。 在你的玩具盒里吗? 是的,在。谢谢,妈妈。 再见! 再见!玩开心点儿!,课文翻译,重点句型,确认某物的位置的句型及回答: Is+it+方位介词(in/on/under)+地点? Yes,it is./No,it isnt. 例:Where is the ruler? Is it on the desk? Yes,it is.,对话操练,1.仔细观察图中物体的位置,并尽量记下来。 2.两人一组进行猜测物体位置游戏,要猜测 的人需闭上双眼,另一个人根据图片回答。,Unit 4 Where is my car?,Part B 第二课时,Lets learn,cap ball car,boat map,Mum,where is my boat? Is it in your toy box? No,it isnt. 妈妈,我的小船在哪里? 在你的玩具盒里吗? 不,不在。,巧记单词,1.cat(猫)cap car 2.tall(高的) ball 3.cap(帽子) map,对比记忆,cap hat,boat ship,Lets do,Row a boat. Bounce a ball. Drive a car. Put on a cap. Read a map.,听录音,假装做出相应的动作。,Unit 4 Where is my car?,Part B 第三课时,on,in,under,chair,desk,cap,ball,car,boat,map,词 汇,句 型,1.Where is.? Its in/on/under. 2.Is it in/on/under.? Yes,it is./No,it isnt.,单元知识回顾,Start to read 1.完成课本第43页的题目。看图,找 出Zip在哪儿。 2.核对答案。 3.听录音,读句子。 4.根据课本图片,选取一两个物体询 问其位置。,Lets check (一) 1.完成课本第44页的Look and tick. 2.核对答案。,答案:box cap car boat map ball pen,(二) 1.打开课本第44页,仔细观察Listen and tick or cross.部分的四幅图片, 看看各物体的位置。 2.听录音,完成题目。 3.听录音,核对答案并跟读。 答案: ,听力录音原文,听力录音原文: 1.Mum,where is my boat? It is on the chair. 2.Oh no!Where is my cap? Look,its on your desk. 3.Whats that?Its under the car. Oh,its a ruler. 4.Where is your ball? Is it in the box? Ha,it is.,Lets sing 听录音,学唱歌曲。,C Story time 听录音,读故事。,


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