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1 Canned labeler This design has chiefly been introduced one kind of packing machinery ,and the work principle of mark machine reaches (back marks part)chiefly design process of parts,design the school and examine to his transmission system ,and to this have great to influence branch bottle supplies the stud sending has been in progress detail the calculation design .the major paper nature that is used to paste the cylinder body bottle of this design. This machine chiefly holds in the palm bottle platform and advances a bottle star wheel and from beginning to end label box is taken the mark device around among them including and send mark device and glue rolls and scrapes the parts such as offset plate etc .The characteristic of this machine is accomplish pasting voluntarily marking and comforts equal work ,and production efficiency is high . The major technology characteristic :Losing the bottle belt control with the full automatic working rate of progress of synchronical drive of this machine ,and that mucilage film thickness has can transfer the organization to control,and does not have bottle-nothing glue-nothing label electronics distance measuring equipment. 1.Dyadic vacuum of straight line barrate sticks bid machine According to what used the label form and stuck the bid marriage partner thing diversity,may be a various pattern mark. Dyadic column bottle jar packageuses dyadic vacuum of straight line barrate to include two kind of the label being used for dyadic label of blade and being used for roll style closely to bid machine closely to bid piece. Be not that dyadic column bottle jar package uses straight line to be that vacuum barrate grows a form liang closely to bid including being used for blade label and dyadic label of roll closely to bid machine piece. This model structure is simple , cost is low, but the stability difference , action coordination under the control of working are difficult, this the model equipment Zhan field area is big and , the efficacy rise is bound to restrict. 2.The rotary is labeled with the middle working closely to sticking being labeled withmachine in the rotary closely to bid machine , has board chain to transport machineand the rotary table carrying person alternately sticking a bid by the fact that corresponding sticking is labeled with the section working , accepting closely to bid marriage partner thing. Package has been labeled with piece in stick , has passed by a trajectory being composed of straight line and arc. Since straight line style sticks bid machine, the efficacy restricting , great majority manufacturers now all adopt rotary vacuum barrate to stick bid machine. Sticking sticking bid 2 machine in rotary vacuum barrate is labeled with job middle , is has board chain to transport machine and the rotary table carrying person alternately sticking a bid by the fact that corresponding sticking is labeled with the section working , accepting closely to bid marriage partner thing. Package is labeled with piece in stick, action a trajectory being composed of straight line and arc. This model efficacy is not bad rise. 3.Ltd. of Guangdong light industry machinery Corp. carries out technological innovation unceasingly during the period of 20000 late-model bottles/ on bottled production line of beer basis, melt unceasingly to enter 90s of international beer irrigating the advanced technology installing machinery equipment, bottled production line of beer and B & # developing by self when developing out having 24000 bottle of international standards/ 8226; Four bids stick TB18-8-6 being labeled with machine. Time 24000 bottles/, main bottled beer production line equipment loses box system , cap the system transporting machine , CIP and central authority feed chest etc. including having remove box machine , clear bottle machine , 72 bottlings closing machine, sterilize machine , four stick bid machine , encasement machine , clear bid boxes machine, lose bottle system. Can assort besides, provide remove box pile machine , code box pile machine , mould the box hoister and mould/ paper box lowerator. 4.The Italy product reforms (1) being labeled with machine to buying sticking that Italy moving forwardproduces closely to bid machine , the body is labeled with , the neck bid , the back are labeled with , the top cap bid sticks the bid function since should have adopt three labels to accomplish aheading coming closely to bid,that the slot cam has designed that whose big dials is that corner number of times increases by in receiving a bottle and outing bottle entire proceeding, slot cam effect easy to wear a bid away and stick is not ideal support bottle plate. Under sticking the invariant bid function premise, navigate machinery works from Nanhai Sea tie switching over to be two label platforms, the cam has selected material a slot adopt SG iron , the curve has designed that a cam has adopt parabola transition design , messenger its operation is more stable , improves noticeably closely to bid effect, slot cam face is abler to endure , life time prolongs. (2) sticks a plain being labeled with the machine bid palm axis , the glue Lu axis and the glue knife axis use and a piece of top cap connection together, make to stabilize more in whose travel process, have swear to stick the stability being labeled with effect. The bid palm axis pretends togrip a place having adopt style convenient and rapid at the same time , change other bottle diameter and bid paper going to the lavatory , rapid, apply to the request producing the various breeds greatly. 3 (3 )divides glue knife into two paragraphs for high and low , use two cylinders to control, the bid glue thickness adjusting high and low respectively, has been to have decreased by glue dosages , has improved sticking bid yield. 5. To imitate West Germany to reform introducing the West Germany technology to broad Machinery Plant of Light Industry giving birth to a child closely to bid machine 723-15-4-6 domestic types are in progress closely to bid machine reform, only have a label platform because of the person, can only be labeled with closely to neck preparing the body bid , the function on the function limited , reform as follows for sticking increasing skill switching over to stick bid machine has been labeled with the function , the Nanhai Sea tie navigating machinery works work. (1) Have added a back label platform , have added the heading device and have been labeled with the brush , big dial slot cams acting in responses to change. Have the being labeled with closely to heading , neck bid , the body , unlucky bid , be equivalent to the cap bid function, make pair of bids stick bid machine the function rises being a function there be no a bid sticking bid machine , is in line with the international conventions. (2) The host label platform labels 8 pieces with the palm axis increasing by from 4 pieces , quantity increases times, that the bid palm rotation rate acts in responses reduces , makes a stability stick a bid more nicely. 30 8 6 types stick bid machine since being labeled with the palm axis , being gripping bid barrate , label box installation dimension and West Germany Kelangsi company the dimension has been consistent, and that has had interchangeability , expansion to owe spare and accessory parts sigmatism space. ( 3) Have been an aluminiums turn to label plastic cement surface bid palm with a palm piece , have been the plastic cement surface glue parts turn to be entire stainless steel glue Lu , have prolonged their life time , have reduced glue dosages. ( 4) The glue knife is two paragraphs mark go up and down , use two cylinders to control respectively, glue thickness adjusting high and low respectively, have improved sticking bid yield, may reduce glue dosages at the same time. ( 5) electric control aspect has adopt frequency conversion speed regulation , PLC has controlled by program, have raised equipment reliability and stability , handle display efficiency of box and accumulated output , and easy to control and handle. ( 6) Adopt complete machine stainless steel to put up colourless organic glass protecting cover , apply to safer. 4 罐头 贴标机 本设计主要设计 了一种包装机械,贴标机的工作原理及(后标部分)主要零部件的设计过程,对其传动系统进行设计比校核,且对本次设计有重大影响(凸轮)分瓶供送螺杆进行了详细的计算设计。本次设计主要用于贴圆柱身瓶的纸质标签。 本机主要有托瓶台、进瓶星轮、前后标签盒,其中包括前后取标装置、松标装置、胶滚、刮胶板等部件。 本机的特点是能够完成自动贴标、抚平等工作,生产效率高。主要技术特点:输瓶带与本机同步驱动全自动工作进度控制,胶水薄膜 厚度有可调机构控制,无瓶 无胶 无标签电子测距装置。 1.直线式真空转鼓贴标机 按所用标签形式和贴标对象物的不同,可分为多种型式。 圆柱式瓶罐包装件贴标用直线式真空转鼓贴标机 包括用于叶片式标签的和用于卷盘式标签的两种。 非圆柱式瓶罐包装件用直线是真空转鼓贴标机 包括用于叶片标签和卷盘式标签贴标的两种形 式。 这种机型结构简单,成本低,但工作稳定性差,动作协调性控制困难,而且这种机型的设备占地面积大,生产率的提高受一定限制。 2. 回转式贴标机 在回转式贴标机的贴标工作中,贴标对象物有板链输送机与回转工作台交替载运者通过相应的贴标工作区段,接受贴标。包装件在贴标,行经了一条由直线和圆弧组成的轨迹。 由于直线式贴标机生产率的限制,现在大多数厂家都采用回转式真空转鼓贴标机。在回转式真空转鼓贴标机的贴标工作中,贴标对象物有板链输送机与回转工作台交替载运者通过相应的贴标工作区段,接受贴标。包装件在贴标,行径了一条由直线与圆弧组成的轨迹。这种机型的生产率可以提高。 3.广东轻工业机械集团有限公司在新型 20000 瓶 /时啤酒瓶装生产线的基础上,不断进行技术创新, 不断融入九十年代国际啤酒灌装机械装备的先进技术,自行开发研制出具有国际水平的 24000 瓶 /时啤酒瓶装生产线和 BTB18-8-6 四标贴标机。 24000 瓶 /时啤酒瓶装生产线主要设备包括有卸箱机、洗瓶机、 72 头装瓶压盖机、杀菌机、四标贴标机、装箱机、洗箱机、输瓶系统、输箱系统、瓶盖输送机、 CIP 系统及中央馈电柜等。此外,还可以配套提供卸箱垛机、码箱垛机、塑箱提升机和塑 /纸箱降落机 。 4.意大利产贴标机 (1)对购进的意大利生产的贴标机,由于该贴标采用了三个标签台来完成头标、身 5 标、颈标、背标、顶帽标的贴标功能, 其大转盘槽凸轮设计上是托瓶盘在进瓶与出瓶全过程中,转角次数增加 ,槽凸轮易磨损且贴标效果不理想。在贴标功能不变的前提下,由南海平航机械厂改为两个标签台,槽凸轮选材上采用球墨铸铁,凸轮曲线设计上采用了抛物线过渡设计,使其运行更平稳,贴标效果明显改善,槽凸轮工作面更耐磨,使用寿命延长。 (2)将原贴标机的标掌轴、胶辘轴与胶刀轴用同一块顶盖连接在一起,使其运转过程中更稳定,保证了贴标效果的稳定性。同时标掌轴装夹位采用了便捷式,更换其它瓶子直径和标纸方便、快捷,适用大生产多种品种的要求。 (3)将胶刀分为上下 两段,用两个汽缸控制,可分别调节上下标的胶水厚度,即减少了胶水用量,又提高了贴标合格率。 5.国产仿西德贴标机改造 723-15-4-6 型贴标机进行改造,因其只有一个标签台,功能上只能贴颈标和身标,功能有限,为增技改贴标机的贴标功能,南海平航机械厂作了如下改造。 (1)增添一个背标标签台,增添了头标装置及标刷,大转盘槽凸轮相应改换。具有贴头标、颈标、 身标、背标、顶帽标的功能,使双标贴标机功能上升为无标贴标机功能,与国际接轨。 (2)主标签台标掌轴由 4 件增加为 8 件,数量增倍,标掌转速相 应降低,使贴标稳定性更好。 由于标掌轴、夹标转鼓、标签盒安装尺寸与西德克朗斯公司 30 8 6 型贴标机尺寸相一致,与之具有互换性,扩展了该零配件的使用空间 。 (3)该铝件标掌为塑胶表面标掌,该塑胶表面胶辑为全不锈钢胶辘,延长了他们的使用寿命, 降 低了胶水用量。 (4)胶刀分为上下两段,用两个汽缸分别控制,可分别调节上下胶水厚度,提高了贴标合格率, 同时可降低胶水用量。 (5)电气控制方面采用了变频调速, PLC 程序控制,提高了设备的可靠性与稳定性,且操作箱可 显示生产能力和累计产量,便于 控制与操作。 (6)采用整机不锈钢架无色有机玻璃护罩,适用更安全。


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