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Whats the weather like,Its raining/rainy,Whats the weather like,Its windy,Unit3 Lets play doctors,A: Whats the matter with you ? B: Ive got an earache,a headache,an earache,a toothache,a stomach ache,a cold,a cough,a temperature,ear,tooth,stomach,ache,ache,ache,cold,cough,head,ache,temperature,h _ _ d_ _ _ _,_ a r_ _ _ _,_ t o m _ c h _ _ _ _,t _ _t h _ _ _ _,e,h,e,a,c,e,e,a,a,a,a,h,h,h,c,c,c,e,e,a,o,o,s,Part2. Look, read and match,2Look, read and match,1)earache (2)toothache (3)a headache(4)a cold (5)stomach ache(6)a cough (7)a temperature,GOOD TO KNOW,在英语中表示人体某部位“痛”时常用: A. have a+身体部位名词+ache, 如: have a headache头疼 have a earache 耳痛 have a toothache 牙疼 have a stomach ache胃疼 back+ache=backache(背痛) heart+ache=heartache(心脏病,1)Whats the matter with sth./sb.? 是用来询问“什么东西或者什么人出了什么事,怎么样了”。 例如:Whats the matter with you? (2) sb. have/has got an earache/a toothache/a stomach ache. 是用来表示“某人耳朵/牙齿/肚子痛”。例如: Shes got an earache. Youve got a toothache. Ive got a stomach ache. (3)Im running a temperature. 意思为“我正在发烧,Whats the matter with you,I have a toothache,Whats wrong with with you,I have a headache,Whats the problem,I have a cold,Is there anything wrong with you,I have a stomachache,A:Whats the matter with you ,B: Ive got a cough,A: Have you got a cold/,B: Yes, I have./No, I havent,medicine,doctor,bandage,dentist kiss zookeeper sweet,3Read and answer,动物园的一只小猴子从树上跌下来了,伤了自己的胳膊。动物园管理员 的孙女Mary把它抱起来,并用绷带把胳膊包扎了起来。接着她让小猴子坐 在她的膝盖上,拥抱并亲吻了他,只是为了让他感觉好一点。 动物园管理员给了他一支冰激凌和一本书,这样Mary就可以给小猴子读故事。 现在所有的动物都想要一个绷带,虽然他们并没有生病。你们知道为什么吗? Answer: All the animals think that Mary took good care of the animal because he had a bandage on the arm. So they all want to have the bandage so that Mary could take good care of them. 答案:因为所有的动物们以为Mary之所以好好地照顾小猴子是因为它绑了一根绷带。 所以他们都想要一根绷带,以为这样的话Mary就会好好地照顾他们,Part 4. Read, do and write,Use a ruler to see: Hand span in centimetres,5Look and colour,Some animals do not have ears like ours, but they still have ears and can still hear sounds. Who has the biggest/smallest ears in your family? 注:the smallest 和the biggest 是形容词(small和big)的最高级,表示最小的和最大的。 Tips:以“辅元辅”结尾的形容词最高级要双写末尾字母再加est(辅元辅就是“一个辅音字母一个元音字母一个辅音字母”)。例如:thin (thinnest), fat (fattest), hot (hottest,Part 6. Look, read and write,Vicky Crocodile never smiled . One day Jack saw the dentist, asked her why. “I dont want anyone to see my teeth .” she said, “They are all bad , you see.” “Thats Ok. I can do something about them.” Jack said and went to get a brush and some water . “Now, Im going to clean your teeth.” said Jack. So Vicky opened her mouth wide and soon Jack made the teeth very white . “Oh, thank you, Jack!” said Vicky, “Now I can smile all day long!” “Yes. Thats a good thing to do. But you shouldnt eat sugar or Ill never help you clean your teeth again!” Whats the best name for this story? Tick one box. AJack, the Tooth-cleaner BThe Crocodiles Teeth CThe Yellow Teeth,Part1. Listen, read and act,7Listen and Chant,8Read and tick. Which answer is it,答案:1)b2)b3)c4)c5)b6)c,9Look, say and put in order,I am going to buy,Because I,have a fever,拓展练习,I am going to buy,Because I,have a sore throat,I am going to buy,Because I,have a headache,I am going to buy,Because I,have a toothache,I am going to buy,Because I,hurt my leg,medicine,take some medicine,Answer the questions,1. How do you feel if you have the flu,I have a sore throat. My nose hurts. I have a headache. I have a fever,2. What do you do if you have the flu,See the doctor; Take some medicine; Drink hot water; Stay in bed for a few days,have a bad cold,have a high fever,严重的感冒,发高烧,be in a fever,在发烧,拓展提高


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