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Unit1基础训练题 Name _ Class_一、 汉译英 1 乘坐_ 2脚_ 3自行车_ 4公共汽车_ 5 火车_ 6 飞机_ 7 船_ 8 地铁_ 9怎样 _ 10 上学_ 11 交通_ 12 交通灯_13 交通规则_ 14停_ 15 等_ 16 到达_二、 英译汉 1 fifth_2 remember_ 3 find _ 4difference _5 same _ 6 every_ 7 country _ 8 mean _9 drive_ 10 right _ 11 side _ 12 England _13 Australia_ 14 however_ 15 left _ 16 if _17 must_ 18 always_ 19 know _三、背课文,完成对话1 A: _? B: My home is near . _. _. What about you ? A: I usually go to school by bus .2 A :_? B: _. A: Can I go on foot ? B :Sure ,if you like .Its not far.四 根据上下句写句子 1 A: _? B :I go to school by bus. 2 A: _? B: You can go by the No.1 bus . 3 A:_? B: My home is near the post office . 4 A:_? B: I go to Shanghai by ship. 5 A:_? B : Peter and John go to the park by bike . 6 A: How do you go to school ? (骑自行车) B:_. 7 A: How do they go to school ? (走路) B:_. 8 A: How can I get to the bookstore? (坐二路公车) B:_.五、完成短文。The _ _ are the same in every country. There are always three lights: _ 、_ and _. Red means “_”. Yellow means “_”, and green means “_”. In China , drivers drive on the _ _ of the road . In the US ,drivers drive on the _ _. In England and Australia , however , drivers drive on the _ _ of the road. If you go by car ,by bike or on foot , you must know the _ _.六、选择填空。1 ( )You must know the _. A. traffic rule B traffic rules B traffic lights 2 ( ) Red _ “Stop”. A meaning B mean C means 3 ( ) Go _ a green light . A. at B on C in 4 ( ) My home is on the _ floor. A fifth B five C fifty5 ( ) I go to school _. A. by bike B by the bike C. by a bike D. ride a bike 6 ( ) I go to school _. A. on foot B. by foot C. on the foot 7 ( ) In China, drivers drive _ the right side . A. on B .in C. to 七、完成对话A:Excuse me, _ the zoo , please ?B:Oh, its not _ . Its near here .A:_ can I _ there?B:Let me _. You can _ there _.A:_ bus can I take ?B:You can _ a No.11 bus.A:Thank you!B:_.六年级英语上册第一单元练习卷 Name _ Class_一、根据提示或下下文完成句子,每空一词。1. I go to Beijing_ _ (乘飞机)2. _ do you _ _ _ ? We go to school on foot.3. Hello. Im Sarah. I often go to school _ _. (骑自行车)4. Lets go to Xishan Park _ _. (乘公共汽车)5. I like to go to Hainan _ _. (乘轮船)I dont like to go by train.二、连词成句,写出汉语意思1. have, Im, busy, going, a, weekend, to ( . )_2. is, where, going, your, father, afternoon, this ( ? )_3. where, going, are, they, this, evening ( ? )_三、选择填空 ( ) 1. Mike is going to America _.A. next monthB. every dayC. by a plane ( ) 2. My mother is going to _this morning.A. washing clothes.B. visit her friends.C reading books.( ) 3. _ are you going ? Sunday moring.A. WhenB. WhatC. Who( ) 4. The park is far _ the cinema.A. withB. fromC. to( ) 5. Shes going to the museum _ her friends tomorrow.A. andB. toC. with四、阅读填空1. _ do you go to Hainan? I go by ship.2. I usually go to visit my grandma _ foot. _ (有时)I go _ bike.3. Im a student. _ _ you? Im a student, too.4. Lets go to the zoo _ afternoon.OK. See you _ 3 oclock._ _ then.五、选择填空。( ) 1. Go _ a green light.A. toB. atC. in( ) 2. The _ are the same in every country.A. traffic lightsB. traffic rulesC. traffic( ) 3. In the USA, drivers drive_ the right side.A. inB. onC. to( ) 4. Look at the lights. Yellow _ “Wait “.A. meansB. meanC. meaning( ) 5. Now I am standing on the left side _ the road.A. inB. onC. of( ) 6. _ can you get to the zoo? By bus.A. HowB. WhatC. Where六、根据汉语意思,完成英语句子1Sarah怎样去动物园?她乘公共汽车去。_ _ Sarah go to the _?She _ by _.2到医院那里向右拐,然后直走三分钟,图书馆就在左边。_ _ at the _, then go _ for three minutes, the _ is _ the _.3今晚你要去哪里?我要去书店买漫画书。_ are you going this _ ?Im going to the _ to _ a _ book.4午饭后我爷爷经常看报纸。My grandpa often _ _ after _.Unit 2基础训练题 Name _Class_一、 汉译英 1图书馆 _2 邮局_3 医院 _4 电影院 _5 科学博物馆_ 6 在哪里_ 7 请 _8 与相邻_ 9 北_ 10 南_ 11 东_12 西_ 13 转弯_ 14 右边_ 15 左边_16 成直线的_ 17 然后_ 18 书店_ 19 远离_20 在前面_21 在下面_22 直走_ 二、 英译汉 1far_ 2. supermarket_ 3. bank_4. after school_ 5. buy _ 6. shoe store_ 7.get off_ 8. twelfth _ 9.party_ 10. start_ 11. look for _ 12. want_13. a pair of _ 14. minute_ 15. tell_ 16. take _17. excuse me _ 18 .on the left _ 19. on the right_20. east of the cinema _ 21. south of the hospital _ 22. start from_ 23. take the No.17 bus _ 24. by the No.1 bus _三、背课文,完成对话。1 A: _, _ a cinema near here ? B: Yes , _. A :_? B: _. A: Is it far from here ? B: No , _. A: Thank you . B: _.2 A :Excuse me._? B: Its _. A: And then ? B: _, then _. _.四、根据上下句写句子 1 A: _? B: The post office is next to the hospital . 2 A: _? B: No , there isnt a cinema near here. 4 A: Where is the science museum ?(医院旁边) B:_. 5 A: How can I get to the park?(直走三分钟,然后向左转弯) B: _. 6 A:Is there a food shop near here ?(否定回答) B: _. 7 A: Where is the bookstore ?(银行后面) B: _. 8 A: _? B: No, its not far from here .五、填上适当的词1. We can write with our _ hand.2. We can send a letter to our friends in a _ _.3. My teacher buys a book in a _.4. We can see the photos of astronauts (宇航员)in the _ _.5. We go to see the film (电影)in a _.6. Please go _, dont turn left or right .7. How can I get _ the cinema ?8. Please dont turn left ,please turn _.9. Can you come to my party _ 7 p.m. today?10. You can wait _ your mother near the park .11. Thank you all_ coming.12. Happy birthday _ you !六、补全对话 A: Excuse me . _? B: Yes , there is a library near here. A: _? B: Its behind the blue building. A: Is it far from here ? B: _, its quite far . A: _? B: You can go there by bus .Then _ left .The library is _ the right . A: Thank you.B;_.七看图根据要求填空,在括号内写出方位词。Bus stop bankpark supermarkethomecinema Now Amy is in the supermarket ,she wants to the park .She asks someone the way. Amy: Excuse me , _? Boy: Yes ,there is a park near here . Amy: _? Boy: Its north of the cinema. Amy: _? Boy: No, its not far. Amy: _?Boy: _ , then _ for five minutes . The park is _. Amy: _. Boy: You are welcome. Unit3 基础训练题Name Class_ 一 、 汉译英.下周 今天上午 今天下午 今天晚上 今晚 明天 去旅行 阅读杂志 去看电影 漫画书 明信片 报纸 杂志 词典;字典 鞋店 购买 坐火车 二 、英译汉 them park the Great Wall _ busy together fruit stand pet shop need plant else shop 三、 完成句子 1(1)What are you going to do (今晚)? (看电影)。 (2)A: this afternoon? B: I am going to the bookstore. A: ? B: I am going to buy a (漫画书) A: ? B:I am going at 3 oclock.2 A:What are you going to do on the weekend?B:I am going to (拜访我的祖父母)。 A: ? B:Yes, so Im going by train. 3. A: What are you going to do (这个周末)? B: (我要去植树). A:Plant trees? A: Yes. I (需要) some plants. So Im going to the plant shop. B: Are you going to use any books? A: Yes. (我将要去书店).Im going to buy a (有关动物的杂志) B:Thats great! A: I want to be a (科学老师) one day!4. (1) A: ? B: I am cooking in the kitchen. (2) A: ? B: She is going to take a trip to Shanghai. (3) A: Does your sister go to school by bike ? B: ? (4) A: ? B: We often play football after school.(3) A: Is Tom going to plant trees?B: .四、 完成短文。 Liu Yun is going to have a (繁忙的周末)! On Saturday ,she is going to the (书店) by subway. She is going to buy a new CD and some (故事书). Then she is going to go home and the new books. On Sunday ,she is going to the Supermarket with my mother . They are after lunch. Then ,in the evening ,she is going to (拜访我的姑姑) 。 Theyre going to watch TV together. That will be ! What about you ? What are you going to do on the weekend?Unit 4基础训练题 Name _ Class_一、 汉译英 1. 爱好_2. 骑自行车_3. 跳水_4.拉小提琴_5.制作风筝_6.集邮_7.居住、住_ 8.教_ 9. 去_10. 看_11. 读、看_12 .do的单三 _13. dont的单三 _二、英译汉 1. show_ 2 .pen pal _ l3. dear_ 4.twin_5.something_6.must_7. TV reporter_ 8.different_9 .week_ 10. say _ 11. soon _ 12 .excited _三、背课文,完成短文1. A:_? B:_. What about you ? A:Me ,too. There is a _ Sunday .Lets go together. B: I have _. _ Can he _? A:Sure .2. A: My mother is a teacher . B: _? A: _ , _. She _ math. B: Does she teach you math? A: Yes, _.四、根据上下句写句子。1 .A :_? B: I like playing basketball.2. A:_? B: He likes diving.3. A: _? B: My father likes reading newspapers.4. A:_? B: Yes , she goes to work by bus.5 .A: _? B: Yes , he teaches us math.6 .Amy watches TV every day. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) _? _.7 .A: _? B: No , my father doesnt work in a school.五、写出下面单词的第三人称单数和-ing形式。1. ride _ _ 2. sit _ _3.make_ _ 4.go_ _ 5. collect_ _ 6 .drive_ _ 7. swim_ _ 8. play _ _9 .listen_ _ 10 .write_ _ 11. sing _ _ 12 .dance _ _六、完成对话A:Good morning.B: _.A: _?B: I am going to the library this Saturday.A: _?B: I like reading books.A: _?B: My father is a doctor.A: _?B: Yes , he works in a hospital.A: _?B: Yes , he doesnt like reading books. He likes listening to musicA: _?B: My mother likes shopping七、完成短文 Name JobPlaceTraffic wayHobbySarahstudentschoolon foot play sportsJoystudentschoolby bikedraw picturesMotherteacher middle schoolby subwaygo shopping Father doctorhospitalby carListen to musicSarah is my pen pal. She _ in Australia. Her father _ in a hospital. He is a_. He _ by car. He likes _.Her mother is a _. She works in a school. She goes to work _. Sarah _ a twin sister. Her name is Joy. They are very different . Sarah _on foot. But her sister goes to school by bike. Their hobbies are different. Sarah _ playing sports. But her sister_. Unit5基础训练题Name _Class_ 注:凡标* 为选做内容。一. 汉译英.歌唱家 作家 男演员 女演员 画家 电视台记者 工程师会计 (男)警察 销售员 清洁工 在那里;到哪里 工作 二. 英译汉。Show Hong Kong company factory design help money police *way *motor cycle *tourist *enjoy *well *tip *share *nobody *saleswoman *airconditioner *work hard *sell things 三 完成句子 (1)A: ? B: She is a TV reporter . A: ? B: He is teacher. A: What does he teach? B: . (2) A: ? B: Shes my aunt. A: What does she do ? B: (电视演员) A: ? B: Sometimes she in Beijing ,but sometimes she works in Hong Kong. A: ? B: She to work by plane A: Who is he? B: He is my uncle. A: ? B: He is a writer. He the TV for my aunt. B: How exciting!(4) A: ?B: She is an (会计) A: ?B:She works in a car company .A: How does she to work?B: ?(5) Complete the passage:1. Wang Lin is (一位工程师). She likes (画画).She in a car company. She cars. She by car.Tip : If you like , you can be an .2. Li Xiaobin is (会计).He works . He the bank use their well. He likes _ with numbers. He by bus, but he likes to .Tip : If you enjoy , you can be an .3. Yuan Yuan is a . She likes . She likes . She often find their way. She goes to work . Tip : If you enjoy people., you can for the police. Unit6 基础训练题Name _ Class _一 、 汉译英. 雨;下雨 云;云彩 蒸汽;水气 太阳 (小)河;(小)溪 来自;从来 再一次,又;再 种子 土壤 苗;芽;嫩芽 植物;种植 应该 然后 二 、英译汉。 shine become little drop wake up feel think meet high other fall down into come out garden easy put several day see pot lovely make sure get month old still come on hardly 三 、完成句子 1. A: ? B:It comes from the clo


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