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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 住在富人区的她 北京语言大学21春“英语”综合英语()补考试题库附带答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.The writer _ his name in the book.A.subscribedB.prescribedC.inscribedD.described参考答案:C2.Im sorry. Youre right. Im _ the wrong.A.inB.atC.onD.under参考答案:A3.Youve _ my drink!A.knock upB.knock togetherC.knock overD.knock down参考答案:C4.The medicine the doctor gave him _ his headache.A.freedB.refreshedC.releasedD.relieved参考答案:D5.He _ his binoculars _ the distant figures.A.trained.inB.trained.forC.trained.asD.trained.on参考答案:D6.She has managed to obtain a temporary work _ in BritainA.permitB.permissivenessC.permissionD.permissible参考答案:A7.To clear a town of _ officials is easier said than done.A.effectiveB.rottenC.efficientD.profitable参考答案:B8.He _ the plans to enemy agents.A.trayB.treatyC.belovedD.betrayed参考答案:D9.The writer _ his name in the book.A.describedB.inscribedC.subscribedD.prescribed参考答案:B10.A small terrorist group has _ responsibility for the bombing in London.A.claimedB.acclaimedC.exclaimedD.reclaimed参考答案:A11.The old lady was really _ when the boys ball broke her window.A.terribleB.puzzledC.indignantD.cross参考答案:D12.Several unpopular decisions _ the governors popularity.A.decayedB.diminishedC.distortedD.dissolved参考答案:B13.Im sorry. Youre right. Im _ the wrong.A.underB.onC.inD.at参考答案:C14.She is _ to leave that job, but another company has offered her a high salary.A.willingB.reluctantC.hesitantD.determined参考答案:B15.We _ our way through the crowd.A.madeB.keptC.letD.walk参考答案:A16.I threatened to _ him to the police.A.uncoverB.revealC.exposeD.disclose参考答案:C17.Several unpopular decisions _ the governors popularity.A.distortedB.dissolvedC.diminishedD.decayed参考答案:C18.Everything on earth is subjected _ the laws of natureA.withB.toC.ofD.for参考答案:B19.He made such a _ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new building after him.A.genuineB.minimumC.modesD.generous参考答案:D20.They had _ themselves and their followers that it was a necessary act of disinfection.A.convincedB.bewilderedC.believedD.argued参考答案:B21.She told the children to _ while she was talking on the telephone.A.pipe downB.pipe awayC.pipe upD.pipe in参考答案:A22.If you dont hear anything _ the contrary Ill meet you at 7 oclock tonight.A.toB.onC.inD.about参考答案:A23.The soldiers are _.A.leaving awayB.left offC.on leaveD.leaving behind参考答案:C24.Be _ ,you cannot expect the child to do all the work on her own.A.logicalB.honesC.reasonableD.sincere参考答案:C25.The children _ the playground for a break from the classroom after the bell had rung.A.crowded intoB.packed intoC.streamed intoD.crawled into参考答案:C26.Laughing is not an _ response to the death of someone.A.uniqueB.unexpectedC.suitableD.exuberant参考答案:C27.Student council asks for _ service to help the poor students.A.voluntaryB.voltageC.volcanoD.valuable参考答案:A28.They had _ themselves and their followers that it was a necessary act of disinfection.A.believedB.bewilderedC.convincedD.argued参考答案:B29.When you study abroad, Lets keep _ with each other.A.to touch onB.on touch withC.on touchD.in touch参考答案:D30.He was _ of the crime.A.innocenceB.harmlessC.innocentD.guilty参考答案:C31.Mountain climbers challenge the limits of human _ in their attempts to scale the worlds highest peaks-the one who can last to the end wins.A.staminaB.abilityC.sufferingD.intelligence参考答案:A32._ for his poetry but also for his six-volume life of Abraham Lincoln.A.Not only Carl Sandburg is knownB.Carl Sandburg, who is known not onlyC.Carl Sandburg, knowing not onlyD.Carl Sandburg is known not only参考答案:D33.The table was in curious _ as both the top and legs were slightly curved.A.formB.patternC.shapeD.model参考答案:C34.We _ the tools before we left the workshop.A.put outB.put offC.put downD.put away参考答案:D35.While I was doing my research I _ on some fascinating new data.A.strolledB.strodeC.stumbledD.walked参考答案:C36.Dont _ his tricks.A.fall inB.fall intoC.fall forD.fall out参考答案:C37.Some quite artistic, yet inexpensive fabrics are now being _ from British mills.A.turned upB.turned overC.turned outD.turned off参考答案:C38.Although it is commonly believed that an ostrich hides its head when confronted by danger, it actually flees-runs away_.A.swiftlyB.forcefullyC.hystericallyD.comically参考答案:A39.The nocturnal habits and _ cries of owls have made them objects of superstition for some people.A.delightfulB.wonderfulC.pleasantD.mournful参考答案:D40.The computer can be paid for in the ten monthly _ of 100 dollars.A.paysB.paymentsC.paymentD.pay参考答案:C41.Solar cells have been developed primarily to _ electric power for spacecraft.A.storeB.secureC.provideD.ensure参考答案:C42.If you dont hear anything _ the contrary Ill meet you at 7 oclock tonight.A.toB.onC.inD.about参考答案:A43.“Death control” _ to the efforts of scientists and doctors to save peoples lives.A.meansB.refersC.indicatesD.suggests参考答案:B44.We _ the tools before we left the workshop.A.put downB.put outC.put awayD.put off参考答案:C45.He promised to act as a chairman so I am afraid he cant _ it now, there is no one else to do it.A.get along withB.get down uponC.get out ofD.get away with参考答案:C46.If you need any help, dont _ to ask.A.hesitateB.hateC.hastenD.habitat参考答案:A47.He _ his binoculars _ the distant figures.A.trained . onB.trained . inC.trained . forD.trained . as参考答案:A48.Most of the people were _ down by hunger and poverty.A.groundB.grindingC.pulledD.beaten参考答案:A49.A university is an educational institute which awards degrees and _ research.A.carries throughB.carries outC.carries offD.carries about参考答案:B50.“Death control“ _ to the efforts of scientists and doctors to save peoples lives.A.suggestsB.refersC.meansD.indicates参考答案:B


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