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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 住在富人区的她 北京理工大学21春“公共课”大学英语(2)补考试题库附带答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.He remembered _ to the zoo by his father when he was little.A.being takenB.takingC.have been takenD.to have taken参考答案:A2.Her suggestion that everybody _ was not appreciate.A.sing a songB.sang a songC.sung a songD.singing a song参考答案:A3._ from space, the earth looks like a “blue planet”.A.SeeingB.To seeC.SeenD.Having seen参考答案:C4.She did not even look up when I took my seat _ her.A.besideB.besidesC.exceptD.to参考答案:A5.They have decided to _ another telephone line in their house.A.fit upB.fit inC.fitD.install参考答案:D6.While they were having afternoon tea, he was invited to _ for dinner.A.stayB.remainC.sitD.keep参考答案:A7.He suggested _ a lecture given by Professor White on English language learning.A.me to attendB.my attendingC.my attentionD.me attending参考答案:B8.Peter wishes that he _ law instead of literature when he was in college.A.could studyB.studiedC.had studiedD.would study参考答案:C9.The news _ quickly and made a stir.A.spreadB.spreadsC.spreadedD.was spread参考答案:A10.“This is a terribly heavy box.” “_ help you to carry it.”A.I am toB.I willC.ID.I am going to参考答案:B11.The _ doctor has at last been caught, after having cheated so many people.A.fakeB.falseC.make-believeD.pretending参考答案:A12.It would be nice if someone went to _ some water; its time for us to prepare dinner.A.fetchB.takeC.holdD.bring参考答案:A13.He could not help _ that something bad would happen.A.to thinkB.thinkC.thinkingD.being thinkings参考答案:C14.Do what you think is right _ they say.A.howeverB.whateverC.whicheverD.if only参考答案:B15.A _ of stones fell on the police who were trying to hold people back.A.fitB.pileC.crowdD.rain参考答案:D16.He is going to visit the college _ he studied 10 years ago.A.whereB.thatC.in whereD.which参考答案:A17.Myra would not forget her mothers birthday, _ she was very busy.A.even ifB.on ifC.if onlyD.if参考答案:A18.The various measures the government has taken are meant to _ the world trade.A.produceB.proceedC.promoteD.remote参考答案:C19.Our society has changed and _ in it.A.so the people haveB.the people have soC.so have the peopleD.have the people so参考答案:C20.Jimmy insisted that the work _ by the middle of June.A.will be finishedB.is finishedC.be finishedD.may be finished参考答案:C21.Teachers should make decisions _ whether the students need more help.A.as forB.as toC.as far asD.in relation to参考答案:B22.We can do nothing unless we _ more information.A.are givenB.were to be givenC.will be givenD.were given参考答案:A23.With tears on her face, the old lady watched the little boy _ to a hospital.A.sendB.to do sentC.being sentD.sending参考答案:C24.I am too busy these days. I would rather all of you _ next month for a dinner.A.comeB.would comeC.cameD.have come参考答案:C25._ you eat the correct foods _ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.A.Only if; will youB.Only if; you willC.Unless; will youD.Unless; you will参考答案:A26.The girl _ house he visited was Sherry.A.of whichB.of whomC.whichD.whose参考答案:D27.You should have been more patient _ that customer; Im sure that selling him the watch was a possibility.A.ofB.withC.forD.at参考答案:B28.Mistakes, if they lead to greater self-knowledge, are _.A.no bad thingB.not bad thingsC.no any bad thingsD.in no way bad thing参考答案:A29.The actor went to the United States many years ago. He has been _ forgotten.A.above allB.after allC.all butD.all out参考答案:C30.We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield _ any military threat.A.upB.toC.inD.at参考答案:B31.The fisherman, _ poor, could not buy another boat.A.isB.wasC.beingD.been参考答案:C32.I suddenly _ an insect crawling up my leg.A.feltB.was feelingC.was feltD.was being felt参考答案:A33.Three people, _, were injured in the accident.A.including a childB.include a childC.included a childD.includes a child参考答案:A34.The football match _ in the afternoon.A.has been heldB.is being heldC.is going to be heldD.will hold参考答案:C35.The manager has his employees _ a business report every week.A.to writeB.writtenC.writingD.write参考答案:D36.Weve already sent out the invitation cards, but we dont know how many people _.A.comeB.are comingC.cameD.have come参考答案:B37.I know he hasnt finished his work, but _, he is a very busy man.A.above allB.after allC.for allD.in all参考答案:B38.It is requested that every student _ a paper on sustainable development.A.writesB.wroteC.writingD.write参考答案:D39.All the apparatus _ before the experiment began.A.have been testedB.had been testedC.were testedD.had tested参考答案:A40.Its a/an _ to waste your money on such a film.A.crimeB.offenceC.wrongD.illness参考答案:A41.The reason for his being late is _ he didnt catch the early bus.A.whyB.becauseC.thatD.where参考答案:C42.The teacher, as well as all his students, _ by the dancers performance.A.was impressedB.had impressedC.impressedD.be impressed参考答案:A43.Henry talks to his dog as if it _ him.A.understoodB.understandC.understandsD.would understand参考答案:A44.When he arrived, he found _ the aged and the sick at home.A.none butB.none other thanC.nothing butD.no other than参考答案:A45.There are many kinds of metals, _.A.each having its special propertiesB.having its special propertiesC.one has its special propertiesD.each has its special properties参考答案:A46.Something must have happened on their way here, or they _ by now.A.should have arrivedB.should arriveC.would have arrivedD.would arrive参考答案:C47.I hope you _ the instructions ready before I come tomorrow.A.to getB.shall getC.will getD.will have gotten参考答案:D48.The size of the audience, _ we had expected was well over one thousand.A.whomB.whoC.asD.that参考答案:C49.Ill take down your name and address in case you _ as a witness.A.will needB.will be neededC.needD.are needed参考答案:D50.Nothing can _ the friendship we have shared all these years.A.be equal toB.be as equal asC.equal toD.equal参考答案:D


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