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.为了帮助大家高效备考托福,熟悉托福写作技巧,为大家带来托福写作技巧:写变量型文章的方法一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。托福写作技巧:变量型为什么要写变量型文章“什么样的文章适合写成变量型“例:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement“ Life today is easier and more fortable than it was when your grandparents were children.StructureDue to the progress of technology, many things in daily life are much easier and more convenient than in the past.However, progress does not only make our life easier, and it also makes surviving harder in many ways.段落扩展例如However, progress does not only make our life easier, and it also makes surviving harder in many cases.E*planationE*amples and/or detailsE*planation: Advanced technology allows people to live longer, so that an increasing population consumes the limited natural resources on this planet.E*amples and details: This gives raise to many problems like starvation, unemployment, and even wars for resources like water and petroleum. The recent wars in our world had many things to do with such resources and wars take away peoples lives and destroy happiness and hope. (To be continued)E*amples and details: Unfortunately, since our technology is not advanced enough to create resources, such conflicts are unlikely to be finished and they may bee more serious in the future. Also, the increasing population makes our cities much more crowded than in the past, and graduates from colleges and universities have slimmer changes to get good jobs as well because there are too many of them but so limited positions. Such problems are all created by technological progress and people in the past did not need to face them at all.真题解析Do you agree or disagree with the following statement“ A job with a high salary but little vacation time is better than a job with a low salary but much vacation time.StructureMost young people and middle-aged people care much more about how much they earn than about the leisure time.For aged people, the main purpose to have jobs is no longer to make money, and they may need more vacation time instead of higher salaries.Paragraph DevelopingTopic sentence: Young people are willing to sacrifice some or even all of their leisure time for more money because that they all wish to live a vivid life.Sub point 1: desire for moneySub point 2: sacrifice vacation timeSub point 1: For most young people, money is needed everywhere. Boys are fascinated with the latest digital products and even automobiles, and girls are addicted to fashionable clothes and makeups. Plus, they hang out with friends and have dinners with people at work frequently. That requires much e*pense as well. Without money, young people are unlikely to feel happy and satisfied.Sub point 2: As for vacation time, young people really do not care about it very much, for they have many other choices to get rela*ed or to have fun. They can get over and feel energetic again by having a good sleep at night, and they can watch movies or go shopping or play video games with friends after work.Conclusion: That is why what they e*pect the most from their jobs is the ine but not vacations.素材库如下Overe*ploitationA species that faces overe*ploitation is one that may bee severely endangered or even e*tinct due to the rate in which the species is being used. Unrestricted whaling during the 20th century is an e*ample of overe*ploitation, and the whaling industry brought many species of whales to e*tremely low population sizes. When several whale species were nearly e*tinct, a number of nations (including the United States) agreed to abide by an international moratorium on whaling. Due to this moratorium, some whale species, such as the grey whale, have made remarkable ebacks, while others remain threatened or endangered.Due to the trade in animal parts, many species continue to suffer high rates of e*ploitation. Even today, there are demands for items such as rhino horns and tiger bones in several areas of Asia. It is here that there e*ists a strong market for traditional medicines made from these animal parts.More FactorsDisease, pollution, and limited distribution are more factors that threaten various plant and animal species. If a species does not have the natural genetic protection against particular pathogens, an introduced disease can have severe effects on that specie. For e*ample, rabies and canine distemper viruses are presently destroying carnivore populations in East Africa. Domestic animals often transmit the diseases that affect wild populations, demonstrating again how human activities lie at the root of most causes of endangerment. Pollution has seriously affected multiple terrestrial and aquatic species, and limited distributions are frequently a consequence of other threats; populations confined to few small areas due to of habitat loss, for e*ample, may be disastrously affected by random factors.(T44 travel with a panion or travel alone)Travel Solo or with a panionWhether you should travel alone or with a group primarily depends upon your personality. I will briefly describe each option, listing the pros and cons, to help you decide which travel style is the best for you.Traveling SoloPros:Meet and interact with more peopleGoing where you want to go, when you want to go, with whomever you want to go withAllows you to find your own travel techniques (as opposed to going with a tour group)Forces you to assert your independenceCons:Traveling alone can be intimidating(吓人的,令人生畏的)Must overe any shyness you may have in order to meet other peopleDeciding where you want to go and what to do once you are there requires more effort on your part than letting someone else make all or most of the decisionsForces you to assert your independence (this can be either a pro or a con depending on whether or not you think being independent is: (1) important and (2) possible for your level of emotional growth)FYI: I traveled solo during my three month trip to Europe and I had an e*cellent time. I wouldnt want to travel any other way. Keep in mind that this advice is ing from someone who is relatively shy and had never traveled anywhere alone before going to Europe.Traveling with a panion or panionsPros:You always have someone to talk to/consult withYou can share food, clothing, toiletries, acmodations, etc. (saving room in your pack and sometimes money)You will have someone to share your memories with (and take your picture in front of the Eiffel Tower)You may forge a life long friendship/friendships with your travel panion(s)Cons:Being with the same person/people 24/7 can be very annoying (you could lose your friendship over this)Depending on someone else can be risky-people can flake out on you (take all your money, abandon you, etc.)Memories of your trip may turn out to be nightmares (constant fighting over where to go and what to see, etc.)Traveling as group may make it more difficult to meet other people because groups tend to be prone to e*clusivity and can be intimidating to other travelers(T45 get up early in the morning and start the days work, or get up later in the day and work until late at night)It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom. (Aristotle)Early riser早起的人Why get up early“Id say the main reason is that youll have a lot more time to do things that are more interesting than sleeping.Again, Ive gained about 10-15 hours per week doing this. That e*tra time is very noticeable. By 6:30am, Ive already e*ercised, showered, had breakfast, and Im at my desk ready to go to work. I can put in a lot of hours each day of productive work, and Im usually done with work by 5:00 pm (and that includes personal “work like email, paying bills, picking up daughter from preschool, etc). This gives me 5-6 hours of discretionary time every evening for family, leisure activities, Toastmasters, reading, journaling, etc. And best of all, I still have energy during this time. Having time for everything thats important to me makes me feel very balanced, rela*ed, and optimistic.Think about what you could do with that e*tra time. Even an e*tra 30 minutes per day is enough to e*ercise daily, read a book or two each month, maintain a blog, meditate daily, cook healthy food, learn a musical instrument, etc. A small amount of e*tra time each day adds up to significant amounts over the course of a year. 30 minutes a day is 182.5 hours in a year. Thats more than a month of working full-time (40 hours per week). Double it if you save 60 minutes a day, and triple it if you save 90 minutes a day. For me the savings was about 90 minutes/day. Thats like getting a free bonus year every decade. Im using this time to do things that I previously didnt have the time and energy to do. Its wonderful.46开头可以些:The funny thing is that people overemphasize which qualities a parent should have and how to define a good parent; at the same time, however, we overlook the issue of children, including the good qualities that a son or a daughter should have. In this essay, I will discuss some of the virtues a child must have.47在大公司工作的好处: (1)working on a large job; (2)enjoying a good opportunity to learn constantly(Because the pany is so large, I have the opportunity to work on several different types of projects with different equipment requirements I am constantly learning on the job.) (3) fle*ible time scheduling, less gossips, free working environment; (4) diversity.(T51 taking risks or chances VS careful planning)Risk: You may worry about the risks of investing, but the real risk is that you will outlive your money.Two kinds of financial risks are:The risk of losing your money if you actThe risk of losing money if you dont actTake advantage of three secrets of successful investors1. Start as soon as possible2. Invest steadily through market up and downs3. Diversify your investmentsAlmost any investment is okay to start with. Success isnt really determined by investment behaviour but by investor behaviour whether or not you get started and keep going.几个Topic都能借用下面这篇文章的观点。How to Win at WorkAre your talents being recognised“ Are you in a job that is allowing your career to develop“ If not, then now is the time to assess your employability, perhaps consider moving jobs and making that all important move up the career ladder. But knowing how to get the ball rolling for yourself, so that you can develop your own career plan, requires some serious thinking and careful planning and thats where leading recruitment organisation Kelly Services can help.Know yourselfIf you are to win at work then you need to understand yourself. Have a clear picture of your own strengths and weaknesses, identify what makes you successful and what doesnt and try and ensure that your job is one that plays to your strengths. We all have weaknesses and if you have something which you feel might hold you back then stop worrying about it and take some action. There are very few difficulties that cant be overe one way or another.Set your goalsEveryone needs to have goals in life both professional and personal. If you want to achieve them you need to set some measurements for yourself on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis. If you dont know what you want then youll never know when you have got it.Update your skillsMake sure you are getting the right training at work to enable you to do your job effectively. If you arent then make your Personnel Manager aware of why you need certain training and be enthusiastic about wanting it. If the training is not offered in-house then find out who runs the course you want, where you can do it, when and how much it will cost. Outside of your workplace you can enhance your inter-personal skills with activities such as petitive sport which is brilliant for team building or perhaps acting which is a big confidence booster for many people.mitmentEveryone talks about mitment these days but it is absolutely crucial that you believe in the organisation you work for and respect the senior management who are leading it. You have to be in tune with the pany philosophy, understand the pany strategy, its direction - know where it is that the pany is going and make sure that you are on the same train going in the same direction. Without this sense of mitment you lose something in terms of motivation and enthusiasm for the job.Make your voice heardThere is a real difference between making your voice heard, i.e. being assertive, and being aggressive. Dont be too pushy and alienate yourself from other people particularly your peer group because their support and respect for you is vital if you want to get on. Develop the art of timing, of presenting your ideas and views logically, of making sure that they will work and of being receptive to other peoples ideas.Take responsibilityBeing able to take responsibility and to take the consequences of that responsibility is absolutely crucial. As panies move towards a flat management structure it has two main consequences. First, more junior jobs are being more responsible and more interesting but this greater level of empowerment(授权) for individuals also means that you have to be able to cope with increased pressure both physical and mental. It may be that suddenly you find yourself reporting to a Board Director with no-one in between which can be difficult. It may require some changes in the way you operate but its not impossible.Fle*ibilityAs you bee more senior in your career it is likely that you will not be working a 9-5 routine, and that you may have to travel, stay away from home and plan your own schedule. panies need to see that you are prepared to be fle*ible to do the job that needs doing wherever it needs doing. A critical factor here is having a partner who is empathetic to the requirements of your job, who understands how important it is for you to be able to develop your career and who gives you support at home.NetworkingThe importance of networking both within your own organisation and outside cannot be under-estimated. Internally it is important that you are respected and seen as being helpful to your peer group and it also helps if you are liked. Try and be the sort of person that other people like to bounce ideas off or ask advice from - be prepared to put yourself out for others. Outside the office you should be developing contacts with other like minded people so that you can provide mutual help for one another. If you want to get on in your career then getting to know the right people can help you to get ahead.MentoringThe value of having a mentor at work provides an ideal environment for positive career development. Ideally at a more senior level your mentor should be someone you respect, who doesnt have any direct line responsibility for you and who represents good working practices. It is with your mentor that you can discuss difficulties about your job, the people you work with etc. without any fear of repercussion. Your mentor will also be able to give you an objective view of situations and provide helpful advice. Whilst you may be looking for a mentor it is also worth remembering that you could perhaps fulfill that role for someone else.Taking risksTaking risks is never easy but at some point in your career you will have to do so. It may be taking on a new job in a different area, it may be putting yourself forward for a more senior position or it may even be giving up your job and studying for qualifications which you believe will open new doors. Whatever it is, weigh up seriously all the pros and cons(正方反方) before you make your decision so that when you do take risks they are calculated ones and you are aware of the consequences.But at the end of the day, particularly where work is concerned, there is often an element of nothing ventured - nothing gained.Office politicsThere are office politics in all organisations, but it is probably true that the larger the pany the more chance there is that office politics assume a greater importance. There are two factors here which are really important. First you need to have someone at the head of the pany that does not take part in office politics and basically who disregards them. Secondly, you need to develop a fairly thick skin so that you dont take every rumour and bit of gossip personally. Try and avoid office politics, it is a dangerous game which takes peoples focus away from the job they are doing and often creates a whole host of problems for them.Work SmarterDont fall into the trap of trying to be the person who works the longest hours. Concentrate on delivering results and making sure those results are the best you can achieve. Be confident of your own success and other people will have confidence in you.Being a winnerSo what does being a winner take“ Certainly mitment, enthusiasm, determination to make things happen, ambition and a real drive for responsibility. It takes all of that plus the right attitude and being in the right place at the right time. Even if you are not looking to move now, you need to be monitoring what is happening in your marketplace. You need to be managing your own career getting yourself ready for your ne*t move rather than waiting to see what might or might not happen.*DF TWE十二种万能理由:a.方便:是否可以给人们带来方便b.情感:是否有利于增加人群之间的情感交流c.经历:是否有利于经历的提高,或选择有经历d.成就:是否有利于人们创造出成就e.效率: f.经济:g.安康:通常作为攻击和反驳的论据h.性格:用笔在纸上写字有利于培养沉稳的性格i.乐趣: j.耐久:k.环保:l.交流:注意与情感的区别TOEFL备考资料托福写作举例子的方法摘要:托福独立写作局部对考生的根本要提出总观点,分论点,并对分论点进展解释和说明,这个过程中少不了要使用例子。下面就介绍托福写作举例子的方法,希望能够有所帮助。托福写作在论述观点的时候通常需要举例子,很多考生还不清楚举例子的分类及方法,其实我们可以将举例子分为泛例、具体例子等几种,我们看看具体介绍。成绩上学期期末的数学成绩志愿效劳在当地社区的养老院陪老人聊天散步上面的举例是最简单的,即对单个词语或短语举例。我们在独立写作中和遇到的如果是对单个对象的举例,通常来说都不难。不够经常是遇到需要对一个句子,或者说多个对象相互联系构成的观点来举例,这时我们就需要注意所举的例子的有效性了。例子是否有效表达在: a. 细节性原则:例子要比被举例的对象更加具体; b. 一致性原则:能够表达观点,证明观点,观点中最核心的信息与自己说明的道理一样。例子的种类:泛例、具体例子、调查数据。 1. 泛例泛例说的是一类人或事物,一个公认的事实,不证自明的信息等。这类例子很好举,只要把观点的话题进展具体化就可以。观点:High school students should do household work after school because it can give them a sense of responsibility. 泛例: Many parents in China require their children to do dishes after dinner because they think it is a convenient way to teach them to shoulder on their own responsibility as a family member. 泛例与观点就好比线与面的关系,很好想,但是要注意不能过于空洞,应该搭配一些因果分析、比拟来使用,可以使得论证更有说服力。 2. 具体例子具体例子就是落到一个具体的人身上发生的具体的事,呈现一样的形式就像讲故事一样,涉及到时间、地点、人物、事件,同时需要表达事件的起因、经过、结果。这样的例子更加鲜活,也更容易写长。但是难度较大,需要平时有意识地积累和练习,这样在考场上写例子时才能得心应手。观点:High school students should do household work after school because it can give them a sense of responsibility. 具体例子: Catherine used to be a rather lazy and untidy girl. Her parents decides to give her a lesson and they went abroad to travel for a week.Catherine then had to take care of herself and do all the household work on her own. At the mean time, however, she learned the importance of being responsible. Now, she is very active and capable in dealing with both housework and her studies. 上述就是小编为大家分享的托福写作举例子的方法全部容,如果您觉得有用可以点击下面的下载按钮获取电子版,同时我们还为大家准备了更多关于托福写作的材料,考生们可以进入我们的首页查看。相关推荐: 托福写作下载 11种托福作文开头例 2015年托福写作思路分析【全年】相关字搜索:托福写作举例子.


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