江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习 Module2 Unit1 语言点

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江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习 Module2 Unit1 语言点_第1页
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江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习 Module2 Unit1 语言点_第2页
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江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习 Module2 Unit1 语言点_第3页
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张甸中学高三英语能力训练作业1. With summer _ near, it is hotter and hotter.A. came B. comes C. coming D. come2. With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled3. My family _ TV when my classmates _ to see me.A. watched; was coming B. was watched; coming C. will watch; come D. were watching; came4. It is three years _ he left home.A. since B. before C. after D. when5. -Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday? -No, but we _ to get in touch with them ever since.A. have tried B. have been trying C. had tried D. had been trying6. I thought John would say something about his new job, but he _ it.A. hasnt mentioned B. hadnt mentioned C. didnt mention D. doesnt mention7. Im sorry, I _ you. When _ you come?A. havent noticed; have B. didnt notice; did C. havent noticed; did D. didnt notice; have8. -Youve agreed to go, so why arent you getting ready? -But I _ that you _ me to start at once.A. dont realize; want B. dont realize; wanted C. havent realized; want D. didnt realize; wanted9. The boss is going on business next month and the company will be left _ the white-skinned girl.A. in charge of B. in the charge of C. taking charge of D. taking the charge of10. The worried parents went into the forest_ the missing child.A. search for B. in search of C. in search for D. search for11. -What made you so excited today? -_ the game this afternoon made me really excited.A. Due to winning B. Because of winning C. Winning D. Win12. -John, our team will play against that of Class Eight on Saturday. Im sure we will win. -_!A. Congratulations B. Best wishes C. Good luck D. Cheers13. He apologized to me for patting _ shoulder.A. me on the B. me in the C. me on my D. my14. Who is the rich lady in _ standing there, talking and laughing loudly?A. fur B. furs C. the fur D. a fur15. As he grew up, he developed a lot of interest in _ treasure at the bottom of the ocean.A. sunk B. sunken C. sunking D. sank16. -I wonder if I could possibly use your bicycle for tomorrow? -_. Im not using it.A. Yes, indeed B. I dont know C. Sure, go ahead D. I dont care17. -What have you been up to _ ? -Preparing for the coming exam.A. those days B. lately C. after that D. from then18. -I hear that Amy is trying to lose weight by taking weight-loss pills. -In my opinion, looking good is important, but_, staying healthy is far more important.A. after all B. in all C. at all D. above all19. _ from _ space, the earth looks blue.A. Seen; / B. Seen; the C. Seeing; / D. Seeing; the20. My dictionary _. I have looked for it everywhere but still _ it.A. is missing; didnt find B. has lost; havent found C. has lost; dont find D. is missing; havent found21. I have no idea what _ while I was asleep.A. happened B. has happened C. was happened D. had happened22. _ by the fans, the football team won the match again.A. Being supported B. Supporting C. Supported D. To be supported23. Mary has just left, but I didnt know she _ until yesterday evening.A. will leave B. was leaving C. had left D. has left24. The family _ at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at _.A. were sitting; Mr. Brown B. were sitting; Mr. Browns C. was sitting; Mr. Brown D. was sitting; Mr. Brown25. He _ and was made to repeat it.A. didnt understand B. didnt be understood C. wasnt understand D. wasnt understood26. The rain had cleared the air, and the grass _ fresh and sweet.A. had smelt B. has smelt C. was smelling D. smelt27. He _from the tree and _ so badly _ that he was sent to the nearest hospital immediately.A. fell; was; injured B. fell; did; injure C. falls; has; injured D. was falling; was; injured28. He was said _ TV instead of studying when his mother went into his room.A. to watch B. to be watching C. watching D. to have watched29. Shall we _ our discussion and have some tea or coffee?A. break off B. break down C. break into D. break out30. Would you please put the book _ it belongs?A. to whom B. to which C. to that D. where31. -_ the poet _ a very poor life? -Yes, but he _ us a lot of excellent poems.A. Did; lead; had left B. Did; lead; has left C. Does; lead; has left D. Was; leading; had left32. The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945, and their power _ increased enormously ever since.A. is B. was C. has been D. had been33. She has set a new record, that is, the sales of her latest book _ 50 million.A. have reached B. has reached C. are reaching D. had reached34. It was said that the first object that man _ for sports was the ball.A. found B. discovered C. made D. invented 35. _ of the truth of the report, he told his colleagues about it.A. Having convinced B. Convincing C. To convince D. Convinced36. -What did Mr. Zhang say? -So you _ to the teacher.A. wouldnt listen B. werent listening C. didnt listen D. hadnt listened37. She is said _ abroad, but I dont know which country she stayed in.A. studying B. study C. be studying D. have studied38. The students were _ over the _ problem, listening to the teacher with a _ expression on their faces.A. puzzled; puzzling; puzzling B. puzzled; puzzling; puzzled C. puzzling; puzzling; puzzled D. puzzling; puzzled; puzzling39. _ many problems _, the manager couldnt go to sleep all day and all night.A. With; to solve B. Because; solved C. Besides; solved D. With; solved40. Li Ping, who is now working in my fathers company, _in London for three months last year.A. was studying B. studied C. had studied D. has studied41. Many new ideas _ during the discussion at yesterdays assembly.A. were come up with B. came up with C. were come up D. came up42. Every time Leo entered the office talking and laughing loudly in order to get _ by others.A. notice B. noticing C. to be noticed D. noticed43. Lisa _ me to attend the meeting at two in the afternoon, but I completely forgot.A. does have told B. did have told C. did tell D. does tell44. Mr. Zhang gave all the textbooks to all the pupils, except _ who had already taken them.A. these B. one C. that D. the ones45. Every visitor will _ at the entrance to the queens palace.A. be searched B. be searched for C. search D. search for46. The factory _ my father works is now _ Director Li.A. that; in charge of B. there; in charge of C. in which; in charge of D. in which; in the charge of47. A fire _ in the shoe factory last night, but _ soon.A. broke out; put out B. was broke out; was put out C. broke out; was put out D. was broke out; put out48. “I _ awake all night thinking of you.” he _ to me.A. lied; lay B. lay; lay C. lied; lied D. lay; lied49. I wonder why Jenny _ us recently. We should have heard from her by now.A. hasnt written B. doesnt write C. wont write D. hadnt written50. His success is due to _.A. work hard B. hard work C. study hard D. bad work第15周B 1 M2U1 B11-5 C C D A B 6-10 C B D B B 11-15 C C A B B 16-20 C B A A D 21-25 A C B B D 26-30 D A B A D 31-35 B C A D D 36-40 B D B A B 41-45 D D C D A 46-50 D C D A B第15周B 2 参考答案:1-5 DDBAA 6-10 DDCCC 11-15 DADBC 16-20 BABBB 21-25 ADDBC 26-30 DDDDB 31-35 BBBBA36-40DCDDC 41-45 CABA C第15周B 1 M2U1 B11-5 C C D A B 6-10 C B D B B 11-15 C C A B B 16-20 C B A A D 21-25 A C B B D 26-30 D A B A D 31-35 B C A D D 36-40 B D B A B 41-45 D D C D A 46-50 D C D A B第15周B 2 参考答案:1-5 DDBAA 6-10 DDCCC 11-15 DADBC 16-20 BABBB 21-25 ADDBC 26-30 DDDDB 31-35 BBBBA36-40DCDDC 41-45 CABA C第15周B 1 M2U1 B11-5 C C D A B 6-10 C B D B B 11-15 C C A B B 16-20 C B A A D 21-25 A C B B D 26-30 D A B A D 31-35 B C A D D 36-40 B D B A B 41-45 D D C D A 46-50 D C D A B第15周B 2 参考答案:1-5 DDBAA 6-10 DDCCC 11-15 DADBC 16-20 BABBB 21-25 ADDBC 26-30 DDDDB 31-35 BBBBA36-40DCDDC 41-45 CABA C第15周B 1 M2U1 B11-5 C C D A B 6-10 C B D B B 11-15 C C A B B 16-20 C B A A D 21-25 A C B B D 26-30 D A B A D 31-35 B C A D D 36-40 B D B A B 41-45 D D C D A 46-50 D C D A B第15周B 2 1-5 DDBAA 6-10 DDCCC 11-15 DADBC 16-20 BABBB 21-25 ADDBC 26-30 DDDDB 31-35 BBBBA36-40DCDDC 41-45 CABA C第15周B 1 M2U1 B11-5 C C D A B 6-10 C B D B B 11-15 C C A B B 16-20 C B A A D 21-25 A C B B D 26-30 D A B A D 31-35 B C A D D 36-40 B D B A B 41-45 D D C D A 46-50 D C D A B第15周B 2 参考答案:1-5 DDBAA 6-10 DDCCC 11-15 DADBC 16-20 BABBB 21-25 ADDBC 26-30 DDDDB 31-35 BBBBA36-40DCDDC 41-45 CABA C第15周B 1 M2U1 B11-5 C C D A B 6-10 C B D B B 11-15 C C A B B 16-20 C B A A D 21-25 A C B B D 26-30 D A B A D 31-35 B C A D D 36-40 B D B A B 41-45 D D C D A 46-50 D C D A B第15周B 2参考答案:1-5 DDBAA 6-10 DDCCC 11-15 DADBC 16-20 BABBB 21-25 ADDBC 26-30 DDDDB 31-35 BBBBA36-40DCDDC 41-45 CABA C


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